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Leptospires were demonstrated in five aborted fetuses and in a premature calf. Evidence is presented to indicate that a member of the Hebdomadis serogroup was the causative agent.  相似文献   

Recent extension of the use of recombinant growth hormone (rhGH) to non-growth hormone-deficient patients necessitates close attention to possible complications in these patients, including effects on bone. Recent studies on the use of rhGH in children with chronic renal failure (CRF) provide some early data. No significant differences in radiographic osteodystrophy scores, serum calcium, phosphorus, or parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels were found between treated and untreated groups. Alkaline phosphatase increased transiently. The effect of renal osteodystrophy on growth response has not yet been reported. Animal models demonstrate that GH stimulates chondrocyte proliferation. Experimental data further suggest that GH can weaken the epiphyseal plate. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis has been reported in GH-deficient patients, before, during, and after GH therapy. In CRF patients treated with GH, slipped capital femoral epiphysis has also been reported. As renal osteodystrophy and hypocalcemia are risk factors for this condition, the relationship to GH therapy is unclear in these patients. Avascular necrosis, known to be associated with slipped capital femoral epiphysis and CRF, has also been reported in patients receiving GH, although the relationship to the therapy is unknown. Children with CRF treated with rhGH should be serially monitored for renal osteodystrophy, slipped capital femoral epiphysis, and avascular necrosis with serial radiographs and serum calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, and PTH levels.  相似文献   

Bowen's disease has a particular predilection for the lower leg, especially in women. A review of the literature for treating Bowen's disease is presented and the problems associated with treating the lower leg emphasized. Evidence for the various treatment modalities used to treat Bowen's disease largely comes from studies that lack good methodology in terms of standardized techniques, patient controls and adequate follow-up. In particular the widely accepted recommendation for excision is not supported by evidence that this treatment is superior to other modalities. The choice of treatment for Bowen's disease should take into account the patient's general condition, the site and size of the lesion.  相似文献   

To investigate possible causes of abortion (and intrauterine foetal death) we reviewed clinical and morphological data of foetuses and placentas morphologically from 830 spontaneous abortions seen during a 12 years period (1978-1989) at the Institute of Pathology, University of Leipzig, and the Pathological Institute of Hoyerswerda. Our review showed that definite and possible causes of foetal death and abortion could be classified as placental, foetal maternal, and clinical. Placental changes, which included infection of the foetal membranes, disturbances of the uteroplacental circulation (abruptio placentae with bleeding) and placental dysmaturity, were the most important causes and accounted for 73.8% of the cases. Foetal causes mainly comprised multiple twin pregnancies and foetal malformations. In 20 cases (2.4%) we found malformations as a cause of foetal death and consecutive abortion. Overall, malformations were found in 7.5% of the cases examined. Maternal and obstetric complications of pregnancy were less frequent. In 16.5% of our cases, the cause of the abortion or intrauterine death remained obscure. However, since 1989, genetic analysis and prenatal diagnostic procedures have improved, bringing a greater knowledge on the spectrum and aetiology of possible developmental disorders in the foetus. This should reduce the number of unexplained abortions.  相似文献   

Developmental differences in behavior and self-perception were examined in a group of 44 preschool and school-age children referred for evaluation of sexual abuse and 41 comparison children with no history of sexual abuse, matched on age and gender, and from a similar socioeconomic background. Children suspected of having been sexually abused were rated by their parents as having more internalizing and externalizing problems than comparison children. When children rated their self-competence and social acceptance, there were no group differences between children based on their abuse status; however, there was significant within-group variation among the children suspected of having been sexually abused. Preschool children had elevated scores of perceived competence and social acceptance, and school-age children had depressed scores. There were no age differences among the children in the comparison group. The results suggest that among children suspected of abuse, not only does their self-perception vary by their developmental level, but preschool children may respond with elevated perceptions of themselves. Focusing on individual differences in children's response to suspicions of sexual abuse enables us to identify risk and protective factors that contribute to the psychological outcomes of child sexual abuse.  相似文献   

Administered a battery of 4 tests adapted from the structure of intellect model of differential abilities to 72 adults with right and left cerebral lesions and normals. Findings show that both brain-damaged groups exhibited slower response times than normals and that there was a relation between locus of the lesion and performance. However, results do not sufficiently demonstrate the advantage of factor-defined ability tests over tests of global intelligence and question the validity of these factor-defined tests in that they do not distinguish behaviors that are factorially distinct in normal populations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous serolgoical studies strongly suggested Akabane virus to be the etiologic agent of epizootic abortion and congenital arthrogryposis-hydranencephaly in cattle, and this view was further corroborated in this study by the isolation of the virus from an aborted fetus in an epizootic of the disease and from a fetus extracted froma cow which was suggested by serologic tests to have a recent infection with the virus. The latter fetus had histological changes of encephalomyelitis and polymyositis, and specific antigens of Akabane virus was shown by the immunofluorescent technique in brain tissues as well as skeletal muscular tissues. The virus was recovered from various fetal tissues and fluids, and in relatively large amounts from brain, spinal cord, cerebral fluid, skeletal muscles and fetal placenta. The intracranial inoculation of suckling mice, 1-2 days of age, was the most sensitive system for Akabane virus isolation and HmLu-1, a continuous cell line from hamster lung, seemed almost as sensitive as suckling mice.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the single intradermal comparative tuberculin test, as applied in the Republic of Ireland, was estimated in 353 cattle with tuberculous lesions. These cattle had been removed from 47 herds which were depopulated owing to chronic or extensive infection with Mycobacterium bovis. The test had a sensitivity of 90.9 per cent, because 321 (90.9 per cent) of the 353 cattle with tuberculous lesions gave a positive or inconclusive result, and 32 gave a negative result. These 32 negative cattle came from 17 (36 per cent) of the 47 depopulated herds.  相似文献   

Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus antigen was demonstrated by the immunoperoxidase method in tissues of two aborted bovine fetuses, which had been stored for 25 years after fixing in formalin and embedding in paraffin. Necrotic foci were detected in the liver, kidney, adrenal gland, and thymus of the fetuses. Coincidenting with the distribution of the necrotic foci, IBR virus antigen was demonstrated by immunostaining. The present study proved the immunoperoxidase method in one of useful techniques to demonstrate IBR virus antigen in tissue sections from preserved paraffin blocks.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that patients with frontal lesions have problems inhibiting automatic response tendencies. Whereas inhibition deficits of overlearned responses have been extensively investigated using interference tasks like the Stroop task (J. R. Stroop, 1935), it is controversial whether patients with frontal brain lesions also have problems inhibiting imitative responses. Using an interference paradigm, the present study investigated imitative response tendencies in patients with frontal lesions. In addition, it tested whether patients deficient in the inhibition of imitative responses correspondingly have problems inhibiting overlearned responses. It was found that the group with frontal lesions displayed significantly stronger imitative response tendencies than the group with nonfrontal lesions. Furthermore, it was shown that the inhibition of imitative responses is functionally unrelated to Stroop interference. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Genetic increases in twinning of cattle could result in increased frequency of triplet or higher-order births. There are no estimates of the incidence of triplets in populations with genetic levels of twinning over 40% because these populations either have not existed or have not been documented. A model of the distribution of litter size in cattle is proposed. Empirical estimates of ovulation rate distribution in sheep were combined with biological hypotheses about the fate of embryos in cattle. Two phases of embryo loss were hypothesized. The first phase is considered to be preimplantation. Losses in this phase occur independently (i.e., the loss of one embryo does not affect the loss of the remaining embryos). The second phase occurs after implantation. The loss of one embryo in this stage results in the loss of all embryos. Fewer than 5% triplet births are predicted when 50% of births are twins and triplets. Above 60% multiple births, increased triplets accounted for most of the increase in litter size. Predictions were compared with data from 5,142 calvings by 14 groups of heifers and cows with average litter sizes ranging from 1.14 to 1.36 calves. The predicted number of triplets was not significantly different (chi2 = 16.85, df = 14) from the observed number. The model also predicted differences in conception rates. A cow ovulating two ova was predicted to have the highest conception rate in a single breeding cycle. As mean ovulation rate increased, predicted conception to one breeding cycle increased. Conception to two or three breeding cycles decreased as mean ovulation increased because late-pregnancy failures increased. An alternative model of the fate of ova in cattle based on embryo and uterine competency predicts very similar proportions of singles, twins, and triplets but different conception rates. The proposed model of litter size distribution in cattle accurately predicts the proportion of triplets found in cattle with genetically high twinning rates. This model can be used in projecting efficiency changes resulting from genetically increasing the twinning rate in cattle.  相似文献   

Most information about the structures within the brain stem that modulate respiration and sleep are gathered from animal experiments. Therefore we examined 10 patients several weeks after an infarction of the brain stem by means of polysomnography and tested the chemosensitive drives of respiration. None of these patients complained about symptoms of sleep disordered breathing. In each case polysomnographic measurements and ventilatory response curves revealed pathologic findings. The respiratory response to CO2 was diminished or completely abolished in each patient. In some cases hypoventilation or disturbances of the respiratory rhythmicity could be seen. In several cases missing REM sleep, sleep fragmentation or the reduction of slow wave sleep were observed. The study indicates that on the base of results from animal research the comparison of morphological and pathophysiological data is helpful to gain a better understanding on the coupling of the respiratory system with sleep at the brain stem level as well as on the pathomechanism of sleep related breathing disorder.  相似文献   

该文从思想观念、品种质量、工艺技术、装备、组织机制、人才问题等方面指出了包钢技术创新工作存在的不足 ,提出了如何切实提高包钢的技术创新能力方法  相似文献   

Bilateral electrolytic lesions of the lateral hypothalamus or intraventricular 6-hydroxydopamine injections produced substantial depletions of striatal dopamine in 14 male albino rats. All Ss with brain damage showed marked sensorimotor impairments compared to 21 controls; however, they began to move and respond appropriately to environmental stimuli when placed in a sink of water, in a shallow ice bath, or among a colony of cats or rats. A reversal of the sensorimotor dysfunctions was still apparent shortly after Ss were removed from each activating situation; however, the therapeutic effects dissipated rapidly, and by 4 hrs after an exposure Ss responded as poorly as they had prior to activation. Findings are strikingly similar to the "paradoxical kinesia" seen in parkinsonism, a clinical disorder attributed to degeneration of central dopamine-containing neurons. Collectively, they suggest the importance of activation in maintaining responsiveness to sensory stimuli in rats following dopamine-depleting brain lesions. (36 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Hypothesized that persons with left vs. right unilateral brain lesions differ in complicated ideational processes in 50 Ss with well localized lesions. On a multiple-discriminant analysis, 7 selected Rorschach variables differentiated the left, right, and midline-bilateral groups at the .0001 level. Interpretation of Discriminant I, ideation, yields a modus operandi of left-hemisphere Ss which is limited and constricted; of right-hemisphere Ss which is expansive and uncritically innovative. Discriminant II, uniqueness of pathology, indicates that left and right groups differ significantly and are significantly divergent, with the midline group undistinguished on this dimension. (18 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Our purpose was to compare prospectively the sensitivity of contrast-enhanced magnetisation transfer (MT) MRI and gradient-echo (GE) T1-weighted images in metastatic disease of the brain. We studied 52 patients with brain metastases, using conventional T1-weighted GE and MT spin-echo (SE) images after the same standard dose of gadolinium. Axial 5-mm reconstructions of GE data were compared with 5-mm MT images in the same plane. Metastases were counted independently by two neuroradiologists. In 12 patients (23%) MT imaging showed more metastases than GE images (P = 0.03). We detected 68 more metastases with the former technique.  相似文献   

Enzyme immunoassay and DNA hybridization technique were used to diagnose herpetic infection. Blood and liquor antiherpetic antibodies were detected, with anticytomegalovirus antibodies used as reference ones. Intrauterine herpetic infection was detected in 61.5% of 91 risk group newborns. We should like to emphasize that two laboratory tests should be used to diagnose an intrauterine herpetic infection in newborns. Detection of antiviral antibodies in the CSF is a valuable method for the diagnosis and differentiation of brain involvement in intrauterine herpetic infection.  相似文献   

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