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确定性有限自动机(Det­erministic Finite Automata, DFA)匹配速度远快于非确定性有限状态自动机(Non-deterministic Finite state Autom­ata, NFA),但大量正则表达式转换为DFA时会引起状态爆炸而占用巨大的存储空间。首先定义膨胀系数(Expansion Coefficient, EC)来描述正则表达式的膨胀特性,然后在膨胀系数这一概念基础上,提出一种高效的分组算法--IGA(Improved Grouping Algorithm)算法对正则表达式进行有效分组,将容易引起状态爆炸的正则表达式相互隔离,从而节省存储空间。实验结果表明,与原有算法相比,在相同分组数目时IGA算法平均能够减少25%的状态数。  相似文献   

正则表达式是数据验证技术中功能最为强大的输入控制技术。传统的基于NFA的正则表达式引擎的匹配速度低。通过正则表达式与自动机等价的原理,研究了通过最小化的确定的有限自动机(DFA)来等价实现.NET中正则表达式的数据验证的机制,以期提高正则表达式的匹配速度。  相似文献   

卓艳男  刘强  姜磊  戴琼 《计算机应用》2016,36(4):927-930
针对正则表达式匹配过程中吞吐率低及逻辑资源占用数多的问题,提出一种完全基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)逻辑电路的改进确定有限自动机(DFA)匹配算法。首先,该算法统计了DFA中每个状态的大多数转移边都会集中指向相同状态特征的结果,随后根据正则表达式的转移矩阵为DFA的每个状态设置一条默认的转移边,最后进行逻辑电路简化处理,并采用L7-filter规则集进行实测。实验结果表明,改进后的DFA方案与非确定有限自动机(NFA)方案相比,有10%~60%的规则获得了更高的吞吐率,62%~87%的规则占用了更少的逻辑资源。  相似文献   

正则表达式匹配在网络安全应用中发挥着重要的作用.确定有限自动机(deterministic finite automaton,DFA)具有高速稳健的性能,因而更适合于在骨干网络环境下执行正则表达式匹配.然而,DFA存在状态膨胀的问题.很多研究工作基于状态关系来解决DFA的状态膨胀问题.然而目前对如何获得状态间的关系仍然缺少一种时空高效的解决办法.提出了一个通过有限自动机(finite automaton,FA)的活跃状态集来准确计算状态关系的算法,并给出了一个高效的获取所有活跃状态集的方法.实验结果证明,该方法不仅能准确地得到状态关系,而且其空间占用和时间消耗仅是已有方法的1?256和15%左右.  相似文献   

针对确定有限自动机(DFA)的正则表达式匹配技术存在状态膨胀和一次状态转移只能处理单个字符的问题,提出了一种基于布鲁姆过滤器的正则表达式匹配算法。该算法将正则表达式中的每个确定字符串组成DFA的一个状态,添加比特向量完成匹配过程,并且在一次状态转移中根据确定字符串的匹配结果达到处理多个字符的目的。实验分析表明该算法有效降低了DFA状态的膨胀,提高了匹配速率。  相似文献   

深度包检测中一种高效的正则表达式压缩算法   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
徐乾  鄂跃鹏  葛敬国  钱华林 《软件学报》2009,20(8):2214-2226
提出一种基于确定的有穷状态自动机(deterministic finite automaton,简称DFA)的正则表达式压缩算法.首先,定义了膨胀率DR(distending rate)来描述正则表达式的膨胀特性.然后基于DR提出一种分片的算法RECCADR (regular expressions cut and combine algorithm based on DR),有效地选择出导致DFA状态膨胀的片段并隔离,降低了单个正则表达式存储需求.同时,基于正则表达式的组合关系提出一种选择性分群算法REGADR(regular expressions group algorithm based on DR),在可以接受的存储需求总量下,通过选择性分群大幅度减少了状态机的个数,有效地降低了匹配算法的复杂性.  相似文献   

针对目前硬件正则表达式匹配算法在存储空间以及吞吐量等方面面临的挑战,结合扩展有限自动机(XFA)正则表达式匹配算法,提出了一种预定义类的压缩自动机匹配算法(Pre-Class CFA)。通过预定义类,算法既可以实现正则表达式中类字符匹配,又能够通过优先级的设定匹配特殊字符集,并在XFA消除确定性有限状态机(DFA)状态爆炸问题的基础上进一步压缩了迁移边数目;同时算法根据现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)和迁移边的特征,设计了一种基于并联只读存储器(ROM)结构的迁移边存取方法,可以实现同一状态多条迁移边的并行读取和匹配。在中低性能FPGA平台ALTERA DE2-70上对算法进行测试,实验中系统吞吐量为1.3 Gb/s,可实现千兆网络下的入侵检测和垃圾过滤。  相似文献   

基于正则表达式的动态应用层协议识别方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
传统依赖于端口号的应用层协议识别方法对大量具有随机端口的应用不再适用,设计一种基于正则表达式的动态应用层协议识别方案。在深入分析DFA状态数对算法性能影响的基础上,提出了构造最优DFA状态数的算法,该算法保证在任意有限的系统资源下具有最小的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,并且将报文匹配方式和One-Pass扫描算法相结合进行测试。实验表明此方案具有较低的资源消耗率,较高识别效率和识别精度。  相似文献   

确定性有限自动机(DFA)是实现正则表达式匹配的一种有效手段,但DFA的状态跳转是串行的,导致匹配速度慢、难以满足高速骨干网环境深度包检测(DPI)的性能需求.提出了一种称为LBDFA(Loopback DFA)的细粒度并行化状态跳转方法,通过将在Loopback状态上的连续跳转并行化,提高了匹配速度.此外,利用Bloom filter消除该并行跳转中的临时偏离现象,进一步提高了并行潜力.在L7-filter以及Snort规则集上的测试结果表明,LBDFA能够满足10Gbps以上的正则表达式匹配需求.  相似文献   

基于确定性有限自动机(DFA)的传统正则表达式匹配方法存在单周期处理单字符的速度瓶颈。为提升处理速率,提出一种单周期处理多字符的匹配算法MC-DFA,该算法基于DFA实现,支持匹配位置的精确定位。MC-DFA将传统DFA中的单字符跳转合并为多字符跳转,实现了单周期处理多个输入字符。通过状态转移矩阵二阶压缩算法,MC-DFA分别对矩阵行内以及行间冗余进行消除,减少了内存使用。300条规则下,单周期处理8字符时,MC-DFA吞吐率能够达到7.88Gb/s,内存占用小于6MB,预处理时间为19.24s。实验结果表明,MC-DFA能够有效提升系统吞吐率,并且保证内存占用在可接受范围之内,性能优于现有正则表达式匹配算法。  相似文献   

We present two new techniques for regular expression searching and use them to derive faster practical algorithms. Based on the specific properties of Glushkov’s nondeterministic finite automaton construction algorithm, we show how to encode a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) using O(m2m) bits, where m is the number of characters, excluding operator symbols, in the regular expression. This compares favorably against the worst case of O(m2m|Σ|) bits needed by a classical DFA representation (where Σ is the alphabet) and O(m22m) bits needed by the Wu and Manber approach implemented in Agrep. We also present a new way to search for regular expressions, which is able to skip text characters. The idea is to determine the minimum length ℓ of a string matching the regular expression, manipulate the original automaton so that it recognizes all the reverse prefixes of length up to ℓ of the strings originally accepted, and use it to skip text characters as done for exact string matching in previous work. We combine these techniques into two algorithms, one able and one unable to skip text characters. The algorithms are simple to implement, and our experiments show that they permit fast searching for regular expressions, normally faster than any existing algorithm.  相似文献   

深度包检测采用简单的字符串匹配技术将报文内容与一组固定字符串进行匹配,基于正则表达式匹配算法能提供更强的表达能力和灵活性,而复杂的正则表达式结构可能引起DFA的状态数膨胀,导致存储代价巨大;DFA拆分算法将DFA转换表拆分为三个表:间接索引表,转换输出表,直接转换表,实验结果表明DFA所占空间大大减小,实现了DFA的压缩存储。  相似文献   

当前深度包检测算法通常需要将正则表达式转换为NFA或者DFA.但是随着网络带宽的不断增加.NFA和DFA状态占用的存储空间越来越大,极大地考验着系统的存储能力。为了应对这个问题.提出一种基于正则表达式相性的分组算法来对表达式进行分组,实验证明该算法能减少NFA和DFA状态的数量,提高匹配的效率。  相似文献   

基于正则表达式进行深度报文检测在IDS/IPS、应用层协议识别等网络应用中具有重要作用。然而,采用DFA实现正则表达式需要大量的存储空间,限制了它的实际应用。将DFA状态转换表拆分成3个表,使用run-length编码进行压缩,并对压缩方法进行了优化。采用l7-filter中几个常用应用程序的正则表达式进行测试,结果表明该方法压缩效果一般在90%以上。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of learning the commutative subclass of regular languages in the on-line model of predicting {0,1∼-valued functions from examples and reinforcements due to Littlestone [7,4]. We show that the entire class of commutative deterministic finite state automata (CDFAs) of an arbitrary alphabet sizek is predictable inO(s k) time with the worst case number of mistakes bounded above byO(s kk logs), wheres is the number of states in the target DFA. As a corollary, this result implies that the class of CDFAs is also PAC-learnable from random labeled examples in timeO(s k) with sample complexity, using a different class of representations. The mistake bound of our algorithm is within a polynomial, for a fixed alphabet size, of the lower boundO(s+k) we obtain by calculating the VC-dimension of the class. Our result also implies the predictability of the class of finite sets of commutative DFAs representing the finite unions of the languages accepted by the respective DFAs. Part of this work was supported by the Office of Naval Research under contract number N00014-87-K-0401 while the author was at the Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, and N0014-86-K-0454 while at the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, U.C. Santa Cruz. The author’s email address is abe@IBL.CL.nec.co.jp  相似文献   

New Techniques for Regular Expression Searching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present two new techniques for regular expression searching and use them to derive faster practical algorithms. Based on the specific properties of Glushkovs nondeterministic finite automaton construction algorithm, we show how to encode a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) using O(m2m) bits, where m is the number of characters, excluding operator symbols, in the regular expression. This compares favorably against the worst case of O(m2m||) bits needed by a classical DFA representation (where is the alphabet) and O(m22m) bits needed by the Wu and Manber approach implemented in Agrep. We also present a new way to search for regular expressions, which is able to skip text characters. The idea is to determine the minimum length of a string matching the regular expression, manipulate the original automaton so that it recognizes all the reverse prefixes of length up to of the strings originally accepted, and use it to skip text characters as done for exact string matching in previous work. We combine these techniques into two algorithms, one able and one unable to skip text characters. The algorithms are simple to implement, and our experiments show that they permit fast searching for regular expressions, normally faster than any existing algorithm.  相似文献   

魏强  李云照  褚衍杰 《计算机工程》2012,38(18):137-139
针对多条正则表达式转换为确定型有限自动机带来的状态空间膨胀问题,借鉴图划分的思想,提出一种改进的分组算法。与原分组算法相比,该算法在分组数相同时状态数平均减少30%,在某些情况下能获得更少的分组数。实验结果证明,该算法能有效降低匹配算法的复杂度。  相似文献   

Side channel analysis(SCA) focuses on attacking cryptographic algorithm implementations by collecting leaked information and analyzing the correlation between the leaked and key information in the cryptographic system.Currently,SCA is the main threat to cryptographic implementations,with DPA(differential power analysis) and DFA(differential fault analysis) being two of the most threatening types of SCA.However,the existing countermeasures against DPA and DFA have shortcomings and can hardly protect cipher designs perfectly.Based on a comprehensive analysis of DPA and DFA,this paper proposes a new idea of using an evolutionary cipher(EVOC) against DPAs based on the model proposed by Kocher,and several different new types of DFAs.In fact,an EVOC is a kind of dynamic cipher designing method.Moreover,combined with intelligent searching algorithms and cryptography design policies,EVOCs utilize the dynamic and unpredictable properties of TRNG(a truly random number generator) to ensure cipher design at a high level of security.Therefore,with an EVOC we could design cryptography algorithms with high security to resist mathematical analysis as well as DPAs and DFAs.This paper analyzes and proves the security,efficiency,cost,and original features of EVOCs against DPA and DFA both theoretically and experimentally.Compared with existing countermeasures against SCAs,EVOCs use dynamic non-linear operations to destroy the bases of DPA and DFA.At the algorithm level,EVOCs are more efficient than other resistance methods.Based on the theory and experiments,this paper proposes certain modifications to the EVOC in the AES(advanced encryption standard) algorithm,which can be referenced by other dynamic designs of cryptographic algorithms.  相似文献   

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