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We propose a closed-loop system with a pre-loop code phase estimator (PLE) for acquisition of the pseudonoise (PN) signal in direct-sequence spread-spectrum systems. It consists of two major parts: a PLE and a closed-loop acquisition subsystem. The system uses an auxiliary signal, as opposed to the PN signal itself, to correlate with the incoming signal. The PLE uses the correlation result to obtain an estimate of the incoming code phase. Then, starting with this initial estimate, the closed-loop subsystem will acquire the code phase of the incoming PN signal. With coherent carrier demodulation, mean and variance of the acquisition time of the proposed scheme are obtained and compared to those of the conventional serial-search acquisition receiver and the closed-loop system without the pre-loop estimator. Results show that, with proper choices of parameters, the proposed system acquires the PN phase significantly faster than the other two systems  相似文献   

Direct sequence spread spectrum systems require a local replica of the pseudonoise (PN) sequence to be synchronized with the received signal's spreading code. A method is proposed to improve the PN sequence acquisition time and decrease the acquisition time variability. The proposed method is based on a binary search algorithm. At each stage of the algorithm, an auxiliary signal is used to formulate a new search region within the PN sequence, and at each stage the search region is reduced by half. The region containing the incoming PN phase is therefore obtained within O(log2 (N+1)) steps. A closed loop coherent PN acquisition algorithm presented by Salih and Tantaratana (1996) motivated the use of the auxiliary signal, and the algorithm of Salih et al. is also used for comparison. Results indicate the algorithm presented in this paper can achieve a factor of two to three times improvement in the mean acquisition time with a significant decrease in the acquisition time variability  相似文献   

New differentially coherent detectors for acquisition of direct sequence spread-spectrum signals are introduced. These detectors are alternatives to the noncoherent detectors that have been considered almost exclusively in the past. The proposed detectors are suitable for commercial code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems which operate with a relatively large noise floor and provide a surprisingly large signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) improvement over the noncoherent detectors of approximately 5 dB. Under the random code sequence assumption, an exact analysis of the differentially coherent detection performance for both full period correlation (FPC) and partial period correlation (PPC) is carried out. The detector performance in terms of detection and false alarm probabilities for both partial and full period correlations is investigated, and the results are compared with those of classical noncoherent detection. The mean acquisition time for both single-dwell and multiple-dwell acquisition schemes are compared with their noncoherent counterparts  相似文献   

Since the received signal levels in mobile communications are unknown and the location is varying, acquisition schemes for pseudonoise (PN) sequences with fixed thresholds cannot provide satisfactory performance. This fixed-threshold scheme may cause too many false alarms or result in a low detection probability for a selected threshold value. We present an adaptive acquisition scheme for PN sequences which estimate the background power level, multiply it with a threshold coefficient to keep the false alarms constant, and use it as a threshold  相似文献   

An improved sequential estimation (ISE) pseudonoise (PN) acquisition scheme based on an extended characteristic polynomial is proposed in which the PN despreader can work or both the m sequence and the inverted m sequence. The scheme can be easily implemented by a front-end bit detector followed by full digital circuitry. The mean acquisition time of ISE is derived  相似文献   

邓强 《电讯技术》2012,52(5):704-708
为了提高伪码捕获性能,在分析常用相干-非相干码捕获平方损耗及捕获性能的基 础上,提出了一种改进的两级相干累加伪码捕获算法。通过在第二级累加之前对多普勒频偏 进行有效补偿,实现了相干累加,提高了捕获性能;采用FFT实现,解决了工程实现的难 度。与传统的相干-非相干累加码捕获算法相比,该方法具有捕获门限低、多普勒频偏可估 计等优点。计算机仿真表明,该方法仅比理论值恶化1 dB,具有高效的捕获性能。 同时,分析表明该方法实现简单、快捷,具有很好的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

Pseudo-noise codes are widely used in spread-spectrum systems. A technique is described which significantly improves the acquisition speed of such codes. This consists of generating a broad discriminator characteristic whose phase may be controlled automatically by the loop filter output. Experimental and computed acquisition trajectories of the new loop are compared with standard loops.  相似文献   

Adaptive hybrid acquisition of PN sequences for DS/SScommunications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An adaptive hybrid scheme for pseudonoise code acquisition is presented for DS/SS communications. The basic idea of the scheme is to utilise the correlator outputs for estimating the background power level and apply the constant false alarm rate (CFAR) technique to our scheme. Some examples of CFAR design are given and their detection performances are compared  相似文献   

依据设备指标基于FFT循环相关算法提出了一种扩频伪码捕获方案。采用相干累加和恒虚警门限设置对方案进行了改进并完成了检测模型的特性分析及周期累加次数的确定,同时基于FP-GA设计了循环相关模块和峰值检波模块的实现框架。仿真分析表明,此方案满足现实需求,具有很强的实用价值。  相似文献   

An acquisition method of long pseudo-noise (PN) sequences in direct-sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) systems is presented. The concurrent cross correlation of locally generated auxiliary signals with the incoming PN sequence produces binary search estimates leading to an initial approximation of the input signal's PN offset. The PN receiver then uses a closed-loop subsystem to determine the true offset of the incoming PN signal. New phase estimates are generated from successive corrections of likely errors in the binary search. The acquisition scheme's average acquisition time and its variance are analytically determined. Simulation results show that the proposed acquisition scheme is faster than the conventional serial receiver. A hybrid serial/parallel PN acquisition receiver is used for comparing the acquisition performance given similar hardware complexity. The hybrid receiver used the same number of parallel correlators as used in the proposed receiver's input phase estimator. Simulation results show that the proposed system provides an improved performance under normal operating conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, a fast acquisition scheme of pseudonoise (PN) sequences for direct-sequence spread-spectrum systems is proposed. The scheme exploits a new decision logic not only to estimate chip values, but also to check the reliability of the chip estimates. As a result, the internal state of a PN sequence generator is estimated more accurately. We derive the probability of finding a correct state estimate and show that the proposed scheme can reduce the average number of chips for acquisition when compared with the conventional scheme. It is also shown that the performance improvement is more noticeable in the moderate signal-to-noise-ratio range.  相似文献   

Parallel acquisition of PN sequences in DS/SS systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors investigate methods for the parallel acquisition of a PN sequence in a baseband direct sequence spread spectrum system. Four different schemes are considered: the optimal estimation scheme, the maximum-likelihood estimation scheme, a hypothesis-testing scheme that searches over all shifts, and a locally optimum detection scheme. Approximate expressions for the probability of error are derived for the first and last of these schemes and compared with the actual error probabilities obtained via Monte Carlo simulation. Monte Carlo simulation is also used to obtain the error probabilities of the other two schemes and the results for all the schemes are compared. Since the obvious methods of implementing a parallel acquisition scheme require large amounts of hardware or excessive computation, they outline a technique that can be used to reduce the amount of computation  相似文献   

针对直扩系统中长PN码同步捕获速度慢的问题,利用推导的串接短PN码与长PN码具有相似相关性的结论,对直扩系统中PN码同步捕获的并行匹配滤波捕获方法进行改进,得到了简单可行的串并结合捕获方法。然后,结合一个周期内PN码相关值,采用迭代的方式,选取简单、实用的自适应门限,实现了突发通信中PN码的快速同步捕获。采用该自适应门限的捕获方法无需估计噪声,计算量小。仿真实验表明所提方法捕获概率高,抗噪性能强。  相似文献   

The recent explosion in multimedia and networking application places a great demand on efficient transmission of images at low bit rate with high security. Mixing several existing standard encryption techniques with image encoding tends to change the compression ratio greatly. In this paper, a novel image encryption algorithm is embedded as a part of JPEG image encoding scheme to meet three major necessities: (1) to provide temporal security against casual observer, (2) to preserve the compression ratio, (3) remain compliant with the JPEG file format. In the proposed algorithm, the modified DCT blocks are confused by a fuzzy PN sequence. In addition to that, the DCT coefficients of each modified DCT block are converted to unique uncorrelated symbols, which are confused by another fuzzy PN sequence. Finally, the variable length encoded bits are encrypted by chaotic stream cipher. An amalgamation of all the three techniques with random combination of seeds will provide the required security against the casual listener/observer where the security needed is only in-terms of few hours.  相似文献   

邓强 《电讯技术》2013,53(8):1044-1048
针对现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)实现的伪码捕获算法中存在逻辑资源消耗大、频率估计精度差、判决门限计算复杂等问题,首先提出利用直接II型匹配滤波器结构实现第一级相关运算,做到逻辑资源与计算时间之间的平衡;然后提出利用线性调频Z变换(CZT)代替离散傅里叶变换(DFT)实现第二级相干累加,提高了频率估计精度并减小了频谱泄露;最后通过对判决量进行统计分析,给出了判决门限的自适应设置方法,并验证了其有效性。  相似文献   

Differentially coherent detection techniques for PN code acquisition in direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DS/SS) receivers are designed and analyzed in this letter. The full-period cross correlation (FPC) can be modeled as deterministic for certain types of PN sequences whose autocorrelation functions have ideal shapes the same as those of maximum length shift registration (MLSR) sequences. This model is exploited here to simplify the design and performance evaluation of the proposed detection techniques. Such techniques can be confidently employed as alternatives to noncoherent detectors because of their attractive improvements in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and, thus, are very suitable for commercial code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems, which often operate in severely noisy environments. The results of statistical analyses show that the proposed techniques can provide rapid acquisition and improved performance in SNR  相似文献   

The performance of sequential acquisition of m sequences, based on the sequential probability ratio test (SPRT), is studied. The authors consider a sliding correlator-type structure for the acquisition scheme, which the mean acquisition time is proportional to the average number of samples used for a synchronization test. Sequential acquisition requires the knowledge of the partial correlation of the pseudonoise (PN) sequence, however, as the partial correlation of an m sequence is difficult to model the authors propose an approximate upper bound. This is then piecewise linearized and used for designing the SPRT which is then compared to the fixed-dwell time technique, a scheme using the fixed sample size test. Numerical results show that the saving of acquisition time by the SPRT increases as the desired probabilities of errors and/or the input SNR decrease. Analytic results are verified by computer simulation  相似文献   

The beneficial hemodynamic effects of IABP are critically dependent on balloon timing relative to the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle. A microprocessor-based controller has been developed to implement real-time automation of IABP using P-R intervals to regulate balloon deflation and systolic time intervals to trigger balloon inflation in a semi-automatic fashion. Experiments were performed on anesthetized open-chest dogs. Simultaneous measurement of aortic pressure and flow, coronary flow, and left ventricular pressure were recorded. Muscle segment lengths in normal and ischemic border zones were also measured from implanted pairs of endocardial ultrasonic dimension gages. P-waves were obtained from atrial cardiograms, and heart sounds were detected using a special filtering circuit. Both signals were input together with ECG to automate IABP timing. Systolic time intervals were calculated in real-time. IABP efficacy was assessed from changes in aortic flow, coronary flow, tension time index, end diastolic pressure, and the endocardial viability ratio. Comparisons were made between automated and manual timing set by a certified technician. Results indicate that automated timing yielded equivalent hemodynamic enhancement with greater ease of adjustment. A closed-loop control scheme is proposed which allows complete automatic device operation and the capability to rapidly achieve the optimum of any directly measurable hemodynamic variable.  相似文献   

Noncoherent sequential pseudonoise (PN) code acquisition using sliding correlation is proposed in this paper. Noncoherent detection and chip asynchronization should be taken care of to handle a severely noisy environment, while frequency offset and data modulation effects can be simultaneously dealt with in the proposed technique. To realize sequential detection, the cross-correlation sequences at the output end of the integrate/dump (LID) filter under out-of-lock conditions have to be modeled as either a Gaussian random sequence for chip-asynchronous applications or as their upper bound for chip-synchronous applications in order to avoid significantly high probabilities of false alarm caused by the conventional zero-sequence model. Meanwhile, the in-lock sequence also has to be modified by taking the frequency offset and chip-asynchronization effects into account in order to avoid the occurrence of high probabilities of miss. Extensive computer simulation results indicate that the proposed technique can achieve low probabilities of false alarm and miss and can outperform its fixed-sample-size (FSS) counterparts by roughly 2~4 dB. This superiority, furthermore, increases with decreasing SNRs and/or decreasing desired error probabilities  相似文献   

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