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铅氧气底吹熔炼新工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氧气底吹熔炼——鼓风炉还原炼铅工艺是国际先进水平的新型工艺。它的成功应用,是我国炼铅史上的一次质的飞跃,对我国传统炼铅工艺的改造和升级换代具有广阔的应用前景。[编者按]  相似文献   

氧气底吹熔炼——鼓风炉还原炼铅工艺是国际先进水平的新型工艺。它的成功应用,是我国炼铅史上的一次质的飞跃,对我国传统炼铅工艺的改造和升级换代具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

氧枪布置方式对底吹熔池熔炼过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用FLUENT软件,分别选择kε系列湍流模型和雷诺应力模型(RSM)对底吹熔池熔炼炉内的高温熔体气液两相流进行数值模拟,并且依据相似原理,通过水模型实验对数值模拟结果进行验证,综合评价发现Realizable kε模型的计算精度最高。选用Realizable kε模型,对氧枪布置方式及直径对底吹熔池熔炼过程的影响进行数值模拟研究,结果表明:在一定范围内,适当增大氧枪倾角有利于底吹熔池熔炼过程的进行,当单排氧枪倾角在17°~22°之间时,熔池各指标均处于较好的水平;相对于现场工况,双排氧枪倾角分别为12°和22°时,熔池的搅拌效果显著增强;当氧枪倾角为20°时,其有效搅拌区直径为1.475 m,对应的合理氧枪间距为0.98~1.23m;适当减小氧枪直径可以有效提高熔池气含率。  相似文献   

本文根据对氧气底吹炉铜熔炼渣结构与成分的分析研究,采用渣选工艺回收炉渣中的铜等有价金属。在生产实践中,通过合理控制破碎粒度、磨矿粒度以及加药量,有效地提高了渣精矿铜品位以及铜的回收率。今后应发挥产学研合作的优势,研发具有世界领先水平的精磨技术,进一步提高铜的回收率,渣尾矿的铜品位由现在的0.3%有望降至0.1%以下。  相似文献   

一,前言国务院总理温家宝3月5日在政府工作报告中说,今年要加快转变经济发展模式,调整优化经济结构,要努力建设以低碳排放为特征的产业体系和消费模式,积极参与应对气候变化国际合作,推动全球应对气候变化取得新进展。国家要求调整产业结构,改变经济增长方式,发展低碳经济,减少二氧化碳排放,这是当前的重要任务之一。  相似文献   

传统的铅冶炼技术对冶炼过程中产生的二氧化硫和粉尘污染没有有效的解决办法,这是全世界有色冶炼行业面临的普遍难题。中国恩菲工程技术有限公司从1985年开始,就着手解决这个问题,通过科技部立项投资拨款,探索用氧气底吹熔炼技术替代传统的烧结工艺。  相似文献   

近日,在国家知识产权局组织的第十一届中国专利奖评选中,中国有色工程有限公司(原中国有色工程设计研究总院)和水口山有色金属有限责任公司共同申报的专利“采用氧气底吹熔炼一鼓风炉还原的炼铅法及实现它的系统”(ZL200310113789.3)荣获中国专利优秀奖。  相似文献   

2010年9月16日,中国恩菲工程技术有限公司氧气底吹熔炼技术开发和推广项目组获得“中央企业红旗班组标杆”奖。氧气底吹熔炼技术在世界炼铜工艺上第一次实现了真正意义的无碳熔炼,这种技术将终结我国单向引进重化工技术的历史。  相似文献   

一.项目实施背景2005年,山东方圆有色金属集团公司阴极铜年生产能力已达到18万吨,产品质量始终处于行业领先地位,并建有第一工业园和第二工业园。面对激烈的市场竞争,公司确定向上游发展,打造完整产业链条。当时国内著名的粗铜冶炼工艺就有:闪速、艾萨、奥斯麦特、诺兰达、  相似文献   

The SKS furnace is a horizontal cylindrical reactor similar to a Noranda furnace, however, the oxygen enriched air is blown into the furnace from the bottom. Mechanism model of the SKS process was developed by analyzing the smelting characteristics deeply. In our model, the furnace section from top to bottom is divided into seven functional layers, i.e., gas layer, mineral decomposition transitioning layer, slag layer, slag formation transitioning layer, matte formation transitioning layer, weak oxidizing layer and strong oxidizing layer. The furnace along the length direction is divided into three functional regions, that is, reaction region, separation transitioning region and liquid phase separation and settling region. These layers or regions play different roles in the model in describing the mechanism of the smelting process. The SKS smelting is at a multiphase non-steady equilibrium state, and the oxygen and sulfur potentials change gradually in the length and cross directions. The smelting capacity of the SKS process could be raised through reasonably controlling the potential values in different layers and regions.  相似文献   

A study was conducted for metal extraction from copper smelting dust using the oxidation leaching and control of potential technology. The effects of H2O2 dosage, H2O2 feeding speed, initial HCl concentration, leaching temperature, liquid-to-solid ratio and leaching time on metals leaching efficiencies were investigated. The following optimized leaching conditions were obtained: H2O2 dosage of 0.8 mL/g (redox potential of 429 mV), H2O2 feeding speed of 1.0 mL/min, initial H2SO4 concentration of 1.0 mol/L, initial HCl concentration of 1.0 mol/L, leaching temperature of 80 °C, initial liquid-to-solid ratio of 5:1 mL/g and leaching time of 1.5 h. Under the optimized conditions, copper and arsenic can be effectively leached from copper smelting dust, leaving residue as a suitable lead resource. The average leaching efficiencies of copper, arsenic and iron are 95.27%, 96.82% and 46.65%, respectively.  相似文献   

The bubble growth and detachment behavior in the bottom blowing process were investigated. Four multi-hole nozzle configurations with different opening ratios were assessed experimentally using high-speed photography and digital image processing. For these configurations, the experiments reveal that the bubble growth consists of a petal-like stage, an expansion stage and a detachment stage. The petal-like shape is qualitatively described through the captured images, while the non-spherical bubbles are analyzed by the aspect ratio. The bubble size at the detachment is quantified by the maximum caliper distance and the bubble equivalent diameter. Considering the dependence on the opening ratio, different prediction models for the ratio of maximum caliper distance to hydraulic diameter of the nozzle outlet and the dimensionless bubble diameter are established. The comparative analysis results show that the proposed prediction model can accurately predict the bubble detachment size under the condition of multi-hole nozzles.  相似文献   

研究铜冶炼过程Sb的反应机理,分析Sb在4种典型铜冶炼工艺中多相分配差异。建立富氧底吹铜冶炼工艺的多相平衡模型,研究原料中Cu、S和Sb含量对Sb多相分配比的影响。同时,应用该模型研究铜锍品位、富氧浓度、熔炼温度和氧矿比(标准状态下氧气流量与精矿加料速率之比)等工艺参数对Sb分配行为的影响。结果 表明,计算数据与实际生产结果和文献数据吻合良好。提高精矿中Cu含量、降低S和Sb含量,提高铜锍品位、富氧浓度和氧矿比,同时适当降低冶炼温度,有利于Sb向炉渣中定向富集。模拟结果可为复杂资源清洁高效处理及伴生元素综合回收提供理论指导。  相似文献   

吴伟勤  董建锋  魏光升 《连铸》2022,41(1):45-48
为评估国内某钢厂150 t钢包底吹氩工艺中供气流量、比例和底吹元件类型对精炼工艺的影响,建立了1:4物理模拟模型,研究了总供气量、供气方式和底吹元件类型对混匀时间的影响。结果表明,随总供气量的增加,使用两种类型底吹元件的钢包混匀时间下降,在小气量下使用弥散型底吹元件混匀时间小于狭缝型,较大气量下两者相反,且使用狭缝型底吹元件混匀时间受供气方式影响更大。试验条件下离钢包中心较远的底吹位置使用较大的底吹流量有利于混匀。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的铜闪速熔炼过程控制优化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基于已建立的铜闪速熔炼神经网络模型,以能耗费用最低为目标,在工艺指标控制范围内,采用遗传算法对铜闪速熔炼过程的工艺参数进行了仿真优化计算。结果表明,当空气、分配风、工艺氧和中央氧的市场价格折合比值分别为0.05、0.1、0.4和0.45,精矿量为128 t,其成分(质量分数)为Cu 20.61%、S 27.59%、Fe 24.72%、SiO2 11.64%和MgO 1.39%时,铜闪速熔炼工艺参数的遗传优化值为空气15 011 m3、分配风1 302 m3、工艺氧17 359 m3、中央氧1 000 m3、熔剂13.6 t;与实践平均值相比,若采用优化工艺参数控制,熔炼能耗费用可降低4.6%。  相似文献   

高投料量下炼铜闪速炉内熔炼过程的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以FLUENT 6.3为计算平台,建立了铜闪速炉熔炼过程数值模型,并针对高投料量下反应塔气粒两相变物理场信息分布变化特点展开仿真研究。结果表明:工艺风入炉后迅速膨胀,并在反应塔中心形成轮廓明显的主体气流柱;主体气流柱内外的温度和氧浓分布梯度变化较大;局部低温出现在精矿喷嘴下方,而高温反应核心区域则下移至反应塔中下部。综合多场耦合仿真结果可知:高投料量条件下精矿粒子与反应配风之间混合力度欠佳是造成高投料量反应塔内熔炼过程反应效率降低的主要原因。  相似文献   

张春 《重型机械》2012,(2):14-19
鞍钢研制开发了国内首套具有完全自主知识产权的260吨转炉吹氧装置.采用优化后的氧枪技术,解决了氧枪对中、防漏等关键问题.采用独创的转炉氧枪快换装置技术,提高了更换氧枪的安全性,使转炉氧枪的更换时间缩短.同国外某些钢厂的大型转炉吹氧装置相比,鞍钢260吨转炉吹氧装置具有投资少、氧气耗量低、可快速换枪、检修维护方便等优点.  相似文献   

The software that simulates the flow, temperature, concentration and the heat generation field in the Outkumpu flash smelting furnace, was developed by a numerical method of the particle-gas flow together with some chemical reaction models. Many typical operating conditions were chosen for simulation in order to obtain the effect of the distribution air, process air, central oxygen and the oil-burner position etc. The concepts about optimum op-eration, 3C(concentration of high temperature, high oxygen and laden concentrate particles), are concluded from these simulated results, which have been checked primarily by operational experiments.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation analysis of Guixi copper flash smelting furnace   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A numerical simulation analysis for reactions of chalcopyrite and pyrite particles coupled with momentum,heat and mass transfer between the particle and gas in a flash smelting furnace is presented.In the simulation.the equations governing the gas flow are solved numerically by Eular method.The particle phase is introduced into the gas flow by the particle-source-in-cell technique(PSIC),Predictions including the fluid flow field,temperature field,concentration field of gas phase and the tracks of particles have been obtained by the numerical simulation.The visualized results show that the reaction of sulfide particles is almost completed in the upper zone of the shaft within 1.5m far from the central jet distributor (CJD)type concentrate burner,The simulation results are in good agreement with data obtained from a series of experiments and tests in the plant and the error is less than 2%.  相似文献   

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