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烧结终点位置(BTP)是烧结过程至关重要的参数,直接决定着最终烧结矿的质量.由于BTP难以直接在线检测,因此,通过智能学习建模来实现BTP的在线预测并在此基础上进行操作参数调节对提高烧结矿质量具有重要意义.针对这一实际工程问题,首先提出一种基于遗传优化的Wrapper特征选择方法,可选取使后续预测建模性能最优的特征组合;在此基础上,为了解决单一学习器容易过拟合的问题,提出了基于随机权神经网络(RVFLNs)的稀疏表示剪枝(SRP)集成建模算法,即SRP-ERVFLNs算法.所提算法采用建模速度快、泛化性能好的RVFLNs作为个体基学习器,采用对基学习器基函数与隐层节点数等参数进行扰动的方式来增加集成学习子模型间的差异性;同时,为了进一步提高集成模型的泛化性能与计算效率,引入稀疏表示剪枝算法,实现对集成模型的高效剪枝;最后,将所提算法用于烧结过程BTP的预测建模.工业数据实验表明,所提方法相比于其他方法具有更好的预测精度、泛化性能和计算效率.  相似文献   

冯新喜  迟珞珈  王泉  蒲磊 《控制与决策》2019,34(10):2143-2149
针对广义标签多伯努利滤波器(GLMB)预测步和更新步分别需要进行剪枝而导致计算量大、运行效率低且只考虑到单个运动模型的问题,提出一种多模型一步更新广义标签多伯努利机动扩展目标跟踪算法.首先通过公式推导将预测步与更新步合并,给出一种新的一步递归表达式;然后将多模型思想引入到一步递归表达式中,得到最终的多模型一步更新方程,同时基于吉布斯采样提出一种快速剪枝方法对其进行剪枝.由于改进后的滤波算法只涉及到一次剪枝且剪枝方法高效,算法的运行时间大大缩短;同时,由于采用了多模型思想,对机动目标的跟踪精度有了一定的提高.仿真实验表明,所提出的改进算法可以有效估计机动目标状态,且相比于多模型标签多伯努利滤波器(MMGLMB)计算效率明显提高.  相似文献   

基于条件误分类的决策树剪枝算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
徐晶  刘旭敏  关永  董睿 《计算机工程》2010,36(23):50-52
在建立决策树分类模型时,剪枝的方法直接影响分类器的分类效果。通过研究基于误差率的剪枝算法,引入条件误差的概念,改进剪枝标准的评估方法,针对决策树的模型进行优化,提出条件误差剪枝方法,并将其应用于C4.5算法中。实验结果表明,条件误差剪枝方法有效地解决剪枝不充分和过剪枝的情况,在一定程度上提高了准确率。  相似文献   

决策树算法在蛋白质二级结构预测问题中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文将决策树算法应用于蛋白质二级结构预测中,在蛋白质二级结构预测应用研究中,我们指出了在蛋白质二级结构预测问题中决策树分类属性的选择方法和决策树分类方法和决策树剪枝方法,并且比较了改进后的决策树算法和c45决策树算法在蛋白质二级结构预测问题中的应用效果。  相似文献   

由于稀疏表示方法在人脸分类算法中的成功使用,基于此研究人员提出了一种新的分类方法即基于稀疏表示的分类方法(SRC)。因此寻求最优的稀疏表示方法就成为了人脸识别研究的重点。由于粒子群算法具有原理简单、参数较少和效率较高等优点,因此将基于剪枝策略的骨干粒子群算法(NPSO)应用于稀疏解的寻优过程。选择弹性网络估计(Elastic Network)作为NPSO算法的适应度函数,提出了一种稀疏解优化方法即EnNPSO。该方法具有很高的全局收敛性和稳定性,还具有很强的处理高维小样本和强相关性变量数据的能力。仿真实验表明该算法提高了人脸识别率,具有更高的适应性。  相似文献   

时间序列预测(TSP)在机器学习中是一个重要问题.论文提出了一种基于核密度估计(KDE)的集成增量学习方法,用于时间序列的预测问题.算法首先根据集成学习的原理产生基学习器池.然后用基学习器池对预测样本的输出值得到核密度估计,并用得到的核密度估计来剪枝基学习器池.得到最终的剪枝集成系统后,用该剪枝集成系统来预测样本的输出.最后,算法根据样本在动态选择集上筛选出的最近邻集合进行增量学习.在数据集IAP,ICS,MCD上的试验结果表明,提出的时间序列预测算法和当前流行的算法相比效果有一定程度的提高.  相似文献   

相比于集成学习,集成剪枝方法是在多个分类器中搜索最优子集从而改善分类器的泛化性能,简化集成过程。帕累托集成剪枝方法同时考虑了分类器的精准度及集成规模两个方面,并将二者均作为优化的目标。然而帕累托集成剪枝算法只考虑了基分类器的精准度与集成规模,忽视了分类器之间的差异性,从而导致了分类器之间的相似度比较大。本文提出了融入差异性的帕累托集成剪枝算法,该算法将分类器的差异性与精准度综合为第1个优化目标,将集成规模作为第2个优化目标,从而实现多目标优化。实验表明,当该改进的集成剪枝算法与帕累托集成剪枝算法在集成规模相当的前提下,由于差异性的融入该改进算法能够获得较好的性能。  相似文献   

基于选择性集成策略的嵌入式网络流特征选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机器学习在网络流量分类中存在特征选择度量指标单一、类别不平衡和概念漂移等问题,使得模型复杂度提高、泛化能力下降.该文提出基于选择性集成策略的嵌入式特征选择方法,根据选择性集成策略选取部分特征选择器集成,再改进序列前向搜索和封装器组合方法二次搜索最优特征子集.实验结果表明该算法在保证分类效果的同时有效降低了特征子集复杂度,从而达到了分类效果、效率和稳定性的最优平衡.  相似文献   

预测问题通常涉及相同的输入变量同时预测多个目标变量。当目标变量为二进制时,预测任务被称为多标签分类;当目标变量为实值时,预测任务称为多目标预测。本文提出2种新的多目标回归方法:多目标堆叠(Multi-Target Stacking, MTS)和集成回归链(Ensemble of Regressor Chains, ERC)。灵感来自2种流行的多标签分类方法。MTS和ERC在第一阶段的训练,都将采用基于回归树AdaBoost算法(ART)建立的单目标预测(Single-Target Prediction)模型作为基准方法;在第二阶段的训练,MTS和ERC都通过额外加入第一阶段的目标预测值作为输入变量来扩展第二阶段的输入变量空间,以此建立多目标预测模型。这2种方法都利用目标变量之间的关系,不同的是,ERC除了考虑目标的依赖性关系外还考虑了目标的顺序问题。此外,总结了MTS和ERC这2种方法的缺点,并且对算法进行修改,提出了相应的改进版本MTS Corrected(MTSC)和ERC Corrected(ERCC)。实验结果表明,修改后的回归链ART-ERCC算法在多目标预测问题中表现最好。  相似文献   

针对模型辨识中模型阶次难以辨识的问题,提出了一种RBF神经网络剪枝算法。基于该算法,对RBF神经网络隐节点和输入节点进行剪枝,不仅可以精简网络的结构,而且可以减少网络的输入节点,从而确定模型的阶次。同时,为了避免误删输入节点,在对输入节点剪枝时,将过程的输入和输出分开剪枝。将该算法应用于热工过程辨识中,仿真结果表明,提出的基于RBF神经网络剪枝算法是有效的。  相似文献   

针对LASSO方法构建脑功能超网络模型缺乏组效应解释能力和网络有偏性问题,提出了两种基于组变量选择的近似无偏稀疏脑功能超网络模型来改善超网络的构建,分别为组最小最大凹惩罚方法和组平滑剪裁的绝对值偏差方法,并将其分别应用于抑郁症的分类研究中。分类结果显示,两种方法的分类表现均优于传统超网络模型,且组最小最大凹惩罚方法的分类准确率最高,达到86.36%。结果表明若想构建有效的脑功能超网络模型,不仅需要考虑脑区间组效应的解释能力,还需考虑模型变量选择的有偏性问题。而且在考虑到超网络有偏性的基础上,选取较为宽松的惩罚方式来选取目标变量,则可更精确地表征人脑的复杂高阶多元交互信息。  相似文献   

Since most cancer treatments come with a certain degree of toxicity it is very essential to identify a cancer type correctly and then administer the relevant therapy. With the arrival of powerful tools such as gene expression microarrays the cancer classification basis is slowly changing from morphological properties to molecular signatures. Several recent studies have demonstrated a marked improvement in prediction accuracy of tumor types based on gene expression microarray measurements over clinical markers. The main challenge in working with gene expression microarrays is that there is a huge number of genes to work with. Out of them only a small fraction are actually relevant for differentiating between different types of cancer. A Bayesian nearest neighbor model equipped with an integrated variable selection technique is proposed to overcome this challenge. This classification and gene selection model is able to classify different cancer types accurately and simultaneously identify the relevant or important genes. The proposed model is completely automatic in the sense that it adaptively picks up the neighborhood size and the important covariates. The method is successfully applied to three simulated data sets and four well known real data sets. To demonstrate the competitiveness of the method a comparative study is also done with several other “off the shelf” popular classification methods. For all the simulated data sets and real life data sets, the proposed method produced highly competitive if not better results. While the standard approach is two step model building for gene selection and then tumor prediction, this novel adaptive gene selection technique automatically selects the relevant genes along with tumor class prediction in one go. The biological relevance of the selected genes are also discussed to validate the claim.  相似文献   

常规储层预测方法对地震属性之间的隐含关系挖掘不充分、地震属性种类繁多难以选择.针对以上问题,为提高储层岩性的分类预测精度,提出一种结合特征选择与神经网络的储层预测方法.以DenseNet与SENet为基础,使用正则惩罚项进行网络输入层稀疏化,得到每个输入节点权重,进一步使用ReLU激活函数构建特征选择层,实现地震属性的...  相似文献   

袁铭 《计算机应用》2015,35(3):802-806
针对使用网络购物搜索量数据建立预测模型时的变量选择问题,提出一种基于连续小波变换(CWT)及其逆变换的聚类方法。算法充分考虑了搜索量的数据特征,将原始序列分解成为不同时间尺度下的周期成分,并重构为输入向量。在此基础上通过加权模糊C均值(FCM)方法进行聚类。变量选择是根据聚类后每个分类中的关键词隶属度函数值确定的,选择效果通过我国居民消费价格指数(CPI)的预测模型进行验证。结果表明,搜索量序列具有不同长度的周期成分,聚类后同组关键词具有明显的商品类型一致性。与其他变量选择方法相比,基于小波重构序列聚类的预测模型具有更高的预测精度,单步和三步预测相对误差仅为0.3891%和0.5437%,预测变量也具有清晰的经济含义,因此特别适用于解决大数据背景下高维预测模型的变量选择问题。  相似文献   

A reliable and precise classification of tumors is essential for successful treatment of cancer. Gene selection is an important step for improved diagnostics. The modified SFFS (sequential forward floating selection) algorithm based on weighted Mahalanobis distance, called MSWM, is proposed to identify optimal informative gene subsets taking into account joint discriminatory power for accurate discrimination in this study. Firstly, we make use of the one-dimensional weighted Mahalanobis distance to perform a preliminary selection of genes and then make use of the modified SFFS method and multidimensional weighted Mahalanobis distance to obtain the optimal informative gene subset for tumor classification. Finally, we used the k nearest neighbor and naive Bayes methods to classify tumors based on the optimal gene subset selected using the MSWM method. To validate the efficiency, the proposed MSWM method is applied to classify two different DNA microarray datasets. Our empirical study shows that the MSWM method for tumor classification can obtain better effectiveness of classification than the BWR (the ratio of between-groups to within-groups sum of squares) and IVGA_I (independent variable group analysis I) methods. It suggests that the MSWM gene selection method is ability to obtain correct informative gene subsets taking into account genes’ joint discriminatory power for tumor classification.  相似文献   

Accurate diagnosis of Lung Cancer Disease (LCD) is an essential process to provide timely treatment to the lung cancer patients. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is a recently proposed Machine Learning (ML) algorithm which is used on both large-scale and small-size datasets. In this paper, an ensemble of Weight Optimized Neural Network with Maximum Likelihood Boosting (WONN-MLB) for LCD in big data is analyzed. The proposed method is split into two stages, feature selection and ensemble classification. In the first stage, the essential attributes are selected with an integrated Newton–Raphsons Maximum Likelihood and Minimum Redundancy (MLMR) preprocessing model for minimizing the classification time. In the second stage, Boosted Weighted Optimized Neural Network Ensemble Classification algorithm is applied to classify the patient with selected attributes which improves the cancer disease diagnosis accuracy and also minimize the false positive rate. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves better false positive rate, accuracy of prediction, and reduced delay in comparison to the conventional techniques.  相似文献   

Many studies have tried to optimize parameters of case-based reasoning (CBR) systems. Among them, selection of appropriate features to measure similarity between the input and stored cases more precisely, and selection of appropriate instances to eliminate noises which distort prediction have been popular. However, these approaches have been applied independently although their simultaneous optimization may improve the prediction performance synergetically. This study proposes a case-based reasoning system with the two-dimensional reduction technique. In this study, vertical and horizontal dimensions of the research data are reduced through our research model, the hybrid feature and instance selection process using genetic algorithms. We apply the proposed model to a case involving real-world customer classification which predicts customers’ buying behavior for a specific product using their demographic characteristics. Experimental results show that the proposed technique may improve the classification accuracy and outperform various optimized models of the typical CBR system.  相似文献   

针对目前移动无线传感器网络中现有位置预测方法的预测精度较低以及需要依靠大量的历史运动路径数据的不足,提出了一种基于不确定性支持向量机的“角度-分类”(A-USVC)位置预测方法。该方法利用节点收集的节点隶属度向量来构建归类预测模型,根据所构建的预测模型和计算的移动节点偏转方向来确定未知节点所在的区域,从而完成对移动未知节点的位置预测。仿真实验表明: 在精度方面,该方法相比于传统的马尔科夫模型预测方法提高了35%,相比于神经网络预测方法提高了19%。A-USVC位置预测方法有效地提高了位置预测的精度,且计算量小,在小样本的情况下依然能保持良好的预测能力。  相似文献   

Background and aim: Many sophisticated data mining and machine learning algorithms have been used for software defect prediction (SDP) to enhance the quality of software. However, real‐world SDP data sets suffer from class imbalance, which leads to a biased classifier and reduces the performance of existing classification algorithms resulting in an inaccurate classification and prediction. This work aims to improve the class imbalance nature of data sets to increase the accuracy of defect prediction and decrease the processing time . Methodology: The proposed model focuses on balancing the class of data sets to increase the accuracy of prediction and decrease processing time. It consists of a modified undersampling method and a correlation feature selection (CFS) method. Results: The results from ten open source project data sets showed that the proposed model improves the accuracy in terms of F1‐score to 0.52 ~ 0.96, and hence it is proximity reached best F1‐score value in 0.96 near to 1 then it is given a perfect performance in the prediction process. Conclusion: The proposed model focuses on balancing the class of data sets to increase the accuracy of prediction and decrease processing time using the proposed model.  相似文献   

宋辰  黄海燕 《计算机应用研究》2012,29(11):4162-4164
提出了一种新的文化算法,基于免疫克隆选择原理改进了文化算法的种群空间,同时设计了一种新的历史知识及其影响函数。为了去除工业中故障诊断过程中的冗余变量,实现数据降维,提高故障诊断性能,将该免疫文化算法应用到故障特征选择当中,提出了一种封装式的特征选择方法。该方法利用抗体种群进行全局搜索,通过文化算法的信念空间保留历代最优个体,并对UCI数据集的高维数据进行特征子集选择。将该方法应用到TE过程故障诊断中,结果表明,相比于直接使用高维数据进行故障诊断,该算法有效降低了特征空间的维数,提高了分类精度。  相似文献   

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