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杨丹  申德荣  陈默 《计算机科学》2015,42(7):240-244
基于Web查询的地理位置、时间查询意图和用户偏好的个性化Web搜索可以改善Web搜索结果,更好地满足不同用户的信息需求。提出了GT-WSearch个性化Web搜索框架,它通过挖掘搜索结果、用户点击数据和对查询进行分析得到的用户概貌和查询概貌,来捕捉用户的地理-时间的意图和偏好,提高搜索质量。用户概貌表明了查询自身的地理-时间的特性。 GT-WSearch框架在排序函数中利用文档的地理位置、时间的相关度来进行个性化搜索。 最后将使用线性的相关度排序函数进行重新排序的搜索结果返回给用户。大量实验结果表明,所提出的个性化方法在提高Web搜索结果的质量中取得了明显的效果。  相似文献   

陈海燕  徐峥  张辉 《计算机科学》2016,43(2):277-282
搜索引擎的一个标准是不同的用户用相同的查询条件检索时,返回的结果相同。为解决准确性问题,个性化搜索引擎被提出,它可以根据用户的不同个性化特征提供不同的搜索结果。然而,现有的方法更注重用户的长时记忆和独立的用户日志文件,从而降低了个性化搜索的有效性。获取用户短时记忆模型来提供准确有效的用户偏好的个性化搜索方法被广泛采用。首先,根据基于查询关键词的相关概念生成短期记忆模型;接着,基于用户的时序有效点击数据生成用户个性化模型;最后,在用户会话中引入了遗忘因子来优化用户个性化模型。实验结果表明,所提出的方法可以较好地表达用户信息需求,较为准确地构建用户的个性化模型。  相似文献   

针对商品检索排序问题,提出结合用户查询条件与用户浏览兴趣偏好的排序方法,目的是在不增加用户输入查询条件的前提下,提高用户对商品检索结果的满意度。根据用户提交的查询条件,对数据库中的商品进行筛选和初步排序。在此基础上,以用户的浏览行为分析用户对商品的兴趣浓度,并从用户的历史浏览记录中提取出用户的兴趣偏好模型,计算商品属性信息与用户偏好模型之间的相似度大小,对返回的排序结果进行调整优化。实验表明,基于用户兴趣偏好的排序结果更加符合用户的检索意图。  相似文献   

摘要为了解决XML查询的信息过载问题,提出了基于条件偏好的XML多查询结果排序方法。该方法把用户指定的内容查询谓词作为上下文条件,然后在原始XML数据和查询历史上利用概率信息检索模型推测当前用户偏好,评估结果元素中被查询指定的属性单元值与未指定的属性单元值之间的关联关系以及未指定的属性单元值与用户偏好之间的相关程度,进而构建查询结果元素打分函数;在此基础上,利用打分函数计算结果元素的排序分值,并以此对查询结果进行排序。实验结果表明,提出的排序方法具有较高的排序准确性,能够较好地满足用户需求和偏好。  相似文献   

为使知识库的信息搜索突破传统基于关键字查询的局限,提出一种基于本体的知识库语义扩展搜索方法。将本体和语义扩展引入知识库,对用户查询条件进行扩展搜索,通过相关度分析对搜索结果进行排序,使搜索效果得到优化。实验结果表明,该方法能提高搜索查全率和查准率。  相似文献   

基于用户兴趣的个性化搜索系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前常用搜索引擎在查询时返回结果数量巨大且杂乱无章的现象,在Web客户端为实现对用户的个性化信息服务设计了一种基于用户兴趣的搜索系统。利用用户的兴趣对于用户提出的搜索条件进行处理,再通过常用的搜索引擎进行查询,并将得到的结果进行二次排序,同时通过反馈信息不断更新用户的兴趣,以满足用户不断变化的需求。实验证明这样在保证了查全率的基础上,提高了查准率,从而提高了搜索效率。  相似文献   

王忠民  霍艺伟  邓万宇 《计算机科学》2013,40(9):182-184,189
与传统搜索相比,移动搜索对位置、温度、速度等环境信息更为敏感.为了有效利用环境信息推断用户查询意图,提出了一种基于环境信息的查询扩展方法并应用在移动搜索系统Clever Search Engine(CSE)中.该方法利用专家系统对分词后的查询词和收集到的用户环境信息进行推理和融合,扩展查询词,实现个性化搜索.实验证明,基于环境信息的移动搜索个性化查询扩展方法能有效改善移动用户的搜索体验,比现有的公共搜索引擎(如Google)具有更高的查准率.  相似文献   

个性化搜索引擎   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
张亮  冯志勇 《计算机工程》2006,32(18):202-205
随着网络上的知识不断暴涨,用户要求快速、有效地获取网络资源,该文提出了一种通过产生用户动态偏好来达到个性化搜索的方法,通过对搜索结果作一种基于内容的按名分类算法来为用户创建一个以RDF的形式表达的动态偏好。通过对RDF偏好文件的聚类来发现用户社区,产生相应的用户社区偏好。在搜索过程中,通过对该用户及其所属社区的偏好来分析。对搜索结果按重要性排序,达到了用户个性化搜索的目的。  相似文献   

本文对采用个性化推荐的方式来辅助用户开展文件检索进行研究,根据用户历史搜索记录以及用户网站行为日志进行分析来推荐用户想要的搜索结果,变被动搜索为主动推荐。文章从推荐系统的建设思路、总体架构设计、数据采集来源分析、数据处理策略、推荐引擎的模型设计、机器学习计算框架选择几个部分来开展研究。重点阐述了基于文件的协同过滤算法叠加基于图的推荐模型的算法核心。通过计算文件之间的相似度,并根据文件的相似度以及用户的历史行为生成推荐列表,再根据岗位、知识点等实体关联所建立的关系图来对推荐结果进行过滤、排序。通过开展基于机器学习的文档个性化推荐研究,为基于大数据及人工智能技术的文档及信息资源开发利用做了有益的探索。  相似文献   

个性化的社会标签查询扩展技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着互联网上的信息日益增长,个性化的搜索需求越来越迫切,由于用户兴趣的不同和行为的差异,如何为不同的用户提供不同的检索结果成为一个具有挑战性的问题。首先对现有搜索引擎的个性化信息检索和查询扩展技术进行了分类总结,分析了它们各自的优缺点。然后提出了基于社会化标签的个性化查询词扩展方法。这些方法通过从用户所收藏的社会化标签或标签所对应的网页中提取出和用户查询词相关的词,来对用户的初始查询进行扩展。最后利用Delicious网站上的用户数据,对比研究了这几种个性化查询扩展算法。通过与Google进行对比分析实验,结果表明所提出的社会化标签的个性化查询词扩展方法能够较好地满足用户的个性化需求,检索结果比Google的检索结果更接近用户需求。  相似文献   

Personalized Web search for improving retrieval effectiveness   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Current Web search engines are built to serve all users, independent of the special needs of any individual user. Personalization of Web search is to carry out retrieval for each user incorporating his/her interests. We propose a novel technique to learn user profiles from users' search histories. The user profiles are then used to improve retrieval effectiveness in Web search. A user profile and a general profile are learned from the user's search history and a category hierarchy, respectively. These two profiles are combined to map a user query into a set of categories which represent the user's search intention and serve as a context to disambiguate the words in the user's query. Web search is conducted based on both the user query and the set of categories. Several profile learning and category mapping algorithms and a fusion algorithm are provided and evaluated. Experimental results indicate that our technique to personalize Web search is both effective and efficient.  相似文献   

Machine-learning techniques play the important roles for information filtering. The main objective of machine-learning is to obtain users' profiles. To decrease the burden of on-line learning, it is important to seek suitable structures to represent user information needs. This paper proposes a model for information filtering on the Web. The user information need is described into two levels in this model: profiles on category level, and Boolean queries on document level. To efficiently estimate the relevance between the user information need and documents, the user information need is treated as a rough set on the space of documents. The rough set decision theory is used to classify the new documents according to the user information need. In return for this, the new documents are divided into three parts: positive region, boundary region, and negative region. An experimental system JobAgent is also presented to verify this model, and it shows that the rough set based model can provide an efficient approach to solve the information overload problem.  相似文献   

We present WebACE, an agent for exploring and categorizing documents onthe World Wide Web based on a user profile. The heart of the agent is anunsupervised categorization of a set of documents, combined with a processfor generating new queries that is used to search for new relateddocuments and for filtering the resulting documents to extract the onesmost closely related to the starting set. The document categories are notgiven a priori. We present the overall architecture and describe twonovel algorithms which provide significant improvement over HierarchicalAgglomeration Clustering and AutoClass algorithms and form the basis forthe query generation and search component of the agent. We report on theresults of our experiments comparing these new algorithms with moretraditional clustering algorithms and we show that our algorithms are fastand sacalable.  相似文献   

Query expansion by mining user logs   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Queries to search engines on the Web are usually short. They do not provide sufficient information for an effective selection of relevant documents. Previous research has proposed the utilization of query expansion to deal with this problem. However, expansion terms are usually determined on term co-occurrences within documents. In this study, we propose a new method for query expansion based on user interactions recorded in user logs. The central idea is to extract correlations between query terms and document terms by analyzing user logs. These correlations are then used to select high-quality expansion terms for new queries. Compared to previous query expansion methods, ours takes advantage of the user judgments implied in user logs. The experimental results show that the log-based query expansion method can produce much better results than both the classical search method and the other query expansion methods.  相似文献   

传统搜索引擎是基于关键字的检索,然而文档的关键字未必和文档有关,而相关的文档也未必显式地包含此关键字。基于语义Web的搜索引擎利用本体技术,可以很好地对关键字进行语义描述。当收到用户提交的搜索请求时,先在已经建立好的本体库的基础上对该请求进行概念推理,然后将推理结果提交给传统的搜索引擎,最终将搜索结果返回给用户。相对于传统的搜索引擎,基于语义Web的搜索引擎有效地提高了搜索的查全率和查准率。  相似文献   

集成搜索引擎的文本数据库选择   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用户需要检索的信息往往分散存储在多个搜索多个搜索引擎各自的数据库里,对普通用户而言,访问多个搜索引擎并从返回的结果中分辨出确实有网页是一件费时费力的工作,集成搜索引擎则可以提供给用户一个同时记问多个搜索引擎人集成环境,集成搜索引擎能将其接收到的用户查询提交给底层的多个搜索引擎进行搜索,作为一种搜索工具,集成搜索引擎具有如WEB查询覆盖面比传统引擎更大,引警有更好的可扩展性等优点,讨论了解决集成搜索引擎的数据库选择问题的多种技术,针对用户提交的查询要求,通过数据库选择可以选定最有可能返回有用信息的底层搜索引擎。  相似文献   

Engineers create engineering documents with their own terminologies, and want to search existing engineering documents quickly and accurately during a product development process. Keyword-based search methods have been widely used due to their ease of use, but their search accuracy has been often problematic because of the semantic ambiguity of terminologies in engineering documents and queries. The semantic ambiguity can be alleviated by using a domain ontology. Also, if queries are expanded to incorporate the engineer’s personalized information needs, the accuracy of the search result would be improved. Therefore, we propose a framework to search engineering documents with less semantic ambiguity and more focus on each engineer’s personalized information needs. The framework includes four processes: (1) developing a domain ontology, (2) indexing engineering documents, (3) learning user profiles, and (4) performing personalized query expansion and retrieval. A domain ontology is developed based on product structure information and engineering documents. Using the domain ontology, terminologies in documents are disambiguated and indexed. Also, a user profile is generated from the domain ontology. By user profile learning, user’s interests are captured from the relevant documents. During a personalized query expansion process, the learned user profile is used to reflect user’s interests. Simultaneously, user’s searching intent, which is implicitly inferred from the user’s task context, is also considered. To retrieve relevant documents, an expanded query in which both user’s interests and intents are reflected is then matched against the document collection. The experimental results show that the proposed approach can substantially outperform both the keyword-based approach and the existing query expansion method in retrieving engineering documents. Reflecting a user’s information needs precisely has been identified to be the most important factor underlying this notable improvement.  相似文献   

A Knowledge-Based Approach to Effective Document Retrieval   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a knowledge-based approach to effective document retrieval. This approach is based on a dual document model that consists of a document type hierarchy and a folder organization. A predicate-based document query language is proposed to enable users to precisely and accurately specify the search criteria and their knowledge about the documents to be retrieved. A guided search tool is developed as an intelligent natural language oriented user interface to assist users formulating queries. Supported by an intelligent question generator, an inference engine, a question base, and a predicate-based query composer, the guided search collects the most important information known to the user to retrieve the documents that satisfy users' particular interests. A knowledge-based query processing and search engine is devised as the core component in this approach. Algorithms are developed for the search engine to effectively and efficiently retrieve the documents that match the query.  相似文献   

The Web is a source of valuable information, but the process of collecting, organizing, and effectively utilizing the resources it contains is difficult. We describe CorpusBuilder, an approach for automatically generating Web search queries for collecting documents matching a minority concept. The concept used for this paper is that of text documents belonging to a minority natural language on the Web. Individual documents are automatically labeled as relevant or nonrelevant using a language filter, and the feedback is used to learn what query lengths and inclusion/exclusion term-selection methods are helpful for finding previously unseen documents in the target language. Our system learns to select good query terms using a variety of term scoring methods. Using odds ratio scores calculated over the documents acquired was one of the most consistently accurate query-generation methods. To reduce the number of estimated parameters, we parameterize the query length using a Gamma distribution and present empirical results with learning methods that vary the time horizon used when learning from the results of past queries. We find that our system performs well whether we initialize it with a whole document or with a handful of words elicited from a user. Experiments applying the same approach to multiple languages are also presented showing that our approach generalizes well across several languages regardless of the initial conditions.  相似文献   

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