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The creep rupture properties of a single crystal superalloy were tested at 975℃/255 MPa as a function of the deviation degrees from [001].The misorientation of the specimens away from [001] distributed approximately along a line between [001]-[011] and [001]-[111] boundaries in the triangle of the stereographic projection.Creep rupture lifetimes of the specimens were not sensitive to the misorientation until the deviation degree exceeded ~30 deg.Two steps of lattice rotation were found in all specimens during creep,first towards the [001]-[111] boundary,and then to [001] or [111] along the boundary.Single slip and strong asymmetric deformation were observed during the first stage of lattice rotation in specimens with large misorientation.The rotation mechanism was associated with the activated slip systems according to the calculated Schmid factors.The impact of lattice rotation on the rupture properties was also discussed.  相似文献   

The tensile and fracture behavior of DZ68 directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy was studied in the temperature range of room temperature (RT) to 1000°C. The fracture mode was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results show the tensile strength and yield strength of DZ68 alloy increase slightly with increasing temperature, so that at 760°C its reach maxima value: 1214 and 1019 MPa, respectively. When the experimental temperature is higher than...  相似文献   

一种低成本镍基铸造高温合金的高温力学行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁超  郭建亭  冀光 《材料工程》2004,(5):12-15,39
研究了一种无钴镍基铸造高温合金K46的高温拉伸、蠕变和持久性能,并与K412合金进行了比较.结果表明,K46合金的高温拉伸和高温持久强度均高于K412合金,但前者成本低于后者.K46合金在950℃高温下仍具有强度和塑性,足以保证K46合金的安全使用.K46合金的高温拉伸蠕变曲线表现出非常长的稳态蠕变阶段,而较高的蠕变塑性来自于加速蠕变阶段.K46合金的蠕变机制受位错通过γ′沉淀相的攀移过程所控制.K46合金的拉伸、蠕变和持久断裂都表现出沿晶(枝晶间)特征.  相似文献   

通过对不同工艺处理FGH95合金进行组织形貌观察及持久性能测试,研究了组织结构对合金持久性能的影响规律。结果表明:经1150℃固溶和时效处理后,合金中有粗大γ′相在较宽的边界区域不连续分布,其周围存在γ′相贫化区;经1160℃固溶及时效处理后,合金中粗大γ′相完全溶解,在晶内弥散分布高体积分数的γ′相,并有粒状(Cr,Nb)23(C,B)6硼碳化合物在晶内及沿晶界不连续析出;经1165℃固溶和时效后,合金的晶粒尺寸明显长大,并有硬而脆的碳化物膜沿晶界连续析出。在650℃、1034MPa条件下,经1160℃固溶和时效合金具有较高蠕变抗力和较长持久寿命,蠕变期间的变形机制是位错以Orowan机制饶过γ′相、或位错剪切γ′相,其中晶界处不连续析出的粒状碳化物可有效阻碍位错滑移,是使合金具有较好蠕变性能的主要原因。蠕变后期,合金的变形特征是晶内发生单取向滑移,随蠕变进行位错在晶界处塞积,并引起应力集中,致使裂纹在晶界处萌生及扩展是合金的蠕变断裂机制。  相似文献   

Effect of phosphorus on the microstructure and high temperature properties of a cast Ni-base superalloy M963 has been investigated.SEM observation and EDS analysis showed that P was mostly enriched in the interdendritic region,and the P-rich phase was formed in the front position of finally solidified eutectics in high P doped alloys.It was found that the P-rich phase,as preferred initiation and propagation site of cracks,could aggravate the fracture process at high temperature in high P doped alloys.Consequently,high P addition would reduce remarkably the ductility and creep life of M963 superalloy at high temperature.  相似文献   

分析了镍基粉末高温合金的成型、热处理等冶金工艺及央杂缺陷的性质等与合金组织和性能的关系,描述了粉末高温合金的热处理工艺,提出了今后我们粉末高温合金组织性能研究工作的重点。  相似文献   

The deformation and fracture behaviourof nickel-base superalloy GH698 with differentgrain size have been studied at 700℃ underfatigue-creep interaction conditions. Comparedwith coarse-grained specimens, the grain refiningprocess shows obvious effect on the mechanicalbehaviour of the alloy, i. e. in F and C zones,the fraction of pure fatigue and creep fractureon fracture surfaces is greatly reduced, whichdecreases and increases the fracture life inzones F and C respectively, in FC and C zones,creep deformation is greatly restrained by thealternating stress component, which increasesthe fracture life remarkably. It is also provedthat in spite of the difference in microstru-tures such as grain size, for a constant tem-perature, a unique life equation t_r=A~n canbe used to predict rupture life within the stressregion controlled by the same fracture mode.  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜原位拉伸和原位疲劳的方法,跟踪观察了人工植入Al2O3夹杂物的镍基粉末高温合金P/M Rene95中夹杂物导致裂纹萌生、扩展乃至断裂的过程,结果表明,无论是在单轴拉伸还是低周疲劳实验中,裂纹均首先萌生于脆性非金属夹杂物Al2O3处,大于一定尺寸的夹杂物,还会使该裂纹扩展成为导致合金断裂的主裂纹,从而大大降低合金的屈服强度、断裂强度及低周疲劳寿命.  相似文献   

A single crystal Ni-base superalloy was processed with withdrawal rates between 2 and 7 mm/min.The ascast microstructures,heat treatment response and creep property have been characterized as a function of the withdrawal rate.As expected,the primary and secondary dendrite arm spacing decreased with increasing withdrawal rate;microsegregation degree and porosity distribution were also varied with different withdrawal rates.The withdrawal rate of 2 mm/min resulted in a noticeable residual microsegregation eve...  相似文献   

A cast Ni-base superalloy K5 wasdirectionally solidified and various solidification in-terfaces including plane front,cellular,cellular-dendritic and dendritic were obtained in awider range of G/R ratio by using improved highwithdrawal device and liquid metal cooling experi-mental sets.The precipitation pattern of some prin-cipal phases of the alloy and correlation of the vari-ous interfaces with microstructure were studied sys-tematically.It was indicated that the morphology ofsolidification interface of superalloy K5 varied withG/R ratio and that the solidification interfacemorphologies have a considerable effect on the fea-tures of phases both precipitated duringsolidification and post-solidification.Plane frontand cellular directional solidification of superalloyK5 lead to a substantial decrease of MC carbideand elimination of γ-γ'eutectic,but makeneedle-shape M_6C carbide precipitate easily duringageing treatment.The finer dendritic structuressolidified under the condition of higher cooling ratehave less dendritic segregation and idealmicrostructure.  相似文献   

通过蠕变曲线的测定及微观组织观察,研究了[110]取向镍基单晶合金的组织结构与蠕变行为。结果表明,经完全热处理后,合金中立方γ′相沿〈100〉取向规则排列;蠕变期间合金中形成筏状γ′相的取向与应力轴方向成45°角,蠕变后期在近断口区域筏状γ′相发生扭折。在1040℃、137MPa条件下,合金在稳态蠕变期间具有较高的应变速率和较短的蠕变寿命,而蠕变期间的变形特征是位错在γ基体通道中滑移和剪切筏状γ′相;其中,γ′相形成筏状结构后,沿与应力轴成45°角的基体通道承受最大剪切应力,使蠕变位错易于在基体通道中滑移,是使合金具有较大应变速率的主要原因。  相似文献   

镍基钎料钎焊GH586高温合金   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用非晶箔状BNi82CrSiB和BNi81CrB钎料以不同的保温时间进行钎焊实验,对钎焊接头进行了力学性能测试。利用扫描电镜和能谱分析对钎焊接头微观组织和断口进行观察和分析。结果表明,在钎焊温度下延长钎焊时间(60min)能够促进钎缝与扩散层的元素均匀分布,提高钎焊接头的室温和高温(930℃)拉伸性能。通过调整钎料合金成分,提高了钎焊接头的拉伸性能,高温拉伸性能提高22.5%。接头断裂发生在近缝区基体一侧,断裂形式主要为沿晶断裂。同时讨论了Si,B等元素对钎焊接头的组织和性能的影响。  相似文献   

高W型Ni基高温合金M963中碳化物研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了一种高W,Mo的Ni基高温合金M963中碳化物的种类、形态、分布及产生的相关工艺条件和形成机理.实验研究发现,根据碳化物产生的热力学条件不同,可以把M963合金中出现的碳化物分为:遗传型碳化物、自发形核型碳化物和析出型碳化物三类.未熔体处理的合金组织中以粗大的块状遗传型MC碳化物为主,遗传型碳化物多分布于晶界和枝晶间.经过熔体处理后,合金中开始出现自发形核的共晶型汉字碳化物,在更高的熔体处理温度1850℃以上,出现了自发形核的非共晶型颗粒碳化物,自发形核碳化物多分布于枝晶间.随熔体处理温度的升高,碳化物形态的变化顺序为:块状→汉字形→颗粒状,碳化物的尺寸变小,分布更加均匀.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionSince the biginning of 1960s,the effectof Mg upon superalloy has been studiedand some satisfactory developments havebeen achieved.The role of Mg on the alloycan be summarized as follows:(1)Themechanical plasticity of Ni-base superalloycan be improved by adding Mg asdesulphurizer,because of forming insolubleMgS instead of other low melting eutectic  相似文献   

镍基单晶合金蠕变第一阶段性能晶体取向相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据镍基单晶合金材料细观结构的定向特点,提出了分析蠕变第一阶段性能晶体取向相关性的细观单元模型。对由晶格错配度和热不协调性所产生的内应力进行了模型分析,用镍基单晶合金DD3单晶平板850和950℃实验测量了内应力的宏观响应,并在推导一解析解的基础上,确定模型参数,给合(001)、(011)、(111)取向圆棒拉伸试样试验和晶体滑移有限元蠕变分析表明,蠕变第一阶段的晶体取向相关性可以归于以下三个因素  相似文献   

设计并制备了4%W/无Ru、6%W/无Ru以及6%W/2%Ru三种镍基单晶高温合金,通过蠕变性能测试、组织形貌观察、元素分布测定以及XRD谱线测定,研究Ru对一种高W镍基单晶合金蠕变性能的影响。结果表明,提高W含量会促进拓扑密堆相(TCP)析出,从而影响蠕变寿命,6%W/无Ru合金在1070℃/137 MPa条件下的蠕变寿命仅为58 h。元素Ru可改善元素W在γ/γ两相的浓度分布,高温蠕变期间元素Ru可抑制元素W由γ相向γ相扩散。6%W/2%Ru合金经高温蠕变无TCP相析出,其在1070℃/137 MPa条件下的蠕变寿命高达383 h。三种合金在高温蠕变期间,γ相均可形成垂直于应力轴方向的筏状结构,TCP相可破坏筏状结构的连续性,导致γ/γ两相扭折程度加剧,是6%W/无Ru合金蠕变寿命较低的主要原因。  相似文献   

The results of experimental creep crack growth tests, using compact tension specimens, made from a Ni-base superalloy (Waspaloy) at 700^C are presented. The experimental results indicate that the creep crack growth rate data for the Ni-base superalloy Waspaloy, at 700^C, can be correlated using the C* parameter, calculated from load-line displacement rates. The mode-I stress intensity factor, KI, does not appear to be capable of correlating the data except at high creep crack propagation rates. Analytical solutions indicate that creep crack growth was occurring under transient creep conditions in the experiments. Finite element (FE) simulations were performed in which the experimentally determined crack growth versus time results were imposed. The good agreement between the resulting FE solutions for load-line displacements and corresponding C* values with the experimental results show that the FE simulation was successful. The FE simulation revealed that the creep zone increases as the crack growth and a transient state of creep occurs in the vicinity of the advancing crack tip. An apparent correlation between the crack growth rates and the C* parameter has been shown. This information is helpful in assessing the likely usefulness of the C* and KI parameters for predicting creep crack growth in more general situations. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

高Cr铸造镍基高温合金K4648的母合金净度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑亮  肖程波  张国庆  袁华  韩波  唐定中 《材料工程》2012,3(3):1-3,5,7,11
对两炉冲击韧性存在明显差异的高Cr铸造镍基高温合金K4648进行了对比研究,通过分析两炉母合金的主量元素和气体含量,采用电子束纽扣锭(EB锭)实验观察合金内夹杂物和对母合金用原材料金属Cr的显微组织分析等方法研究了K4648母合金净度.结果表明:1 #与2#炉批母合金主量元素无明显差别.1 #母合金由于气体元素O含量高达(20.5±7.5)×10-6,远高于2#合金的6×10-6,造成其室温冲击韧性(aku)不及2#合金的一半,低于技术条件要求的19.6J/cm2.电子束纽扣锭(EB锭)实验可有效地将K4648中的夹杂物汇聚,经分析主要是富Y,Ce的氧化物和富Al氧化物.证明高Cr铸造镍基高温  相似文献   

Studies on microstructurally small fatigue cracks have illustrated that heterogeneous microstructural features such as inclusions, pores, grain size distribution as well as precipitate size distribution and volume fraction create stochasticity in their behavior under cyclic loads. Therefore, to enhance safe-life and damage-tolerance approaches, accurate modeling of the influence of these heterogeneous microstructural features on microstructurally small crack formation and growth from stress raisers is necessary. In this work, computational micromechanics was used to predict the high cycle fatigue of microstructurally small crack formation and growth in notched polycrystalline nickel-base superalloys and to quantify the variability in the driving force for formation and growth of microstructurally small crack from notch root in the matrix with non-metallic inclusions. The framework involves computational modeling to obtain three-dimensional perspectives of microstructural features influencing fatigue crack growth in notched nickel-base superalloys, which accounts for the effects of nonlocal notch root plasticity, loading, microstructural variability, and extrinsic defects on local cyclic plasticity at the microstructure-scale level. This approach can be used to explore sensitivity of minimum fatigue lifetime to microstructures. The simulation results obtained from this framework were calibrated to existing experimental results for polycrystalline nickel-base superalloys.  相似文献   

The isothermal low cycle fatigue (LCF)and thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) behaviourof a Ni-base superalloy was investigated. Theresults show that temperature plays an importantrole in both LCF and TMF. The alloy shows thelowest LCF fatigue resistance in the intermediatetemperature range (~760℃). For strain-controlledTMF, in-phase (IP) cycling is more damagingthan out-phase (OP) cycling. The high tempera-ture exposure in the TMF cycling influencesthe deformation behaviour at the low temperature.LCF lives at different temperatures, and IPand OP TMF lives are successfully correlatedby using the hysteresis parameter Δσ·Δε_p.  相似文献   

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