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Relatives have an increasingly important role in providing care in the community to people with mental health problems, yet numerous studies have highlighted a lack of support from health care professionals. GERARD LEAVEY and colleagues describe a study to investigate the information provided to relatives of patients in one trust, and suggest solutions to the ethical and professional dilemmas raised.  相似文献   

Examined a cohort of admissions (N?=?280) to a 150-bed public psychiatric hospital to investigate homogeneity in patient problems and patient subtypes. The interrelationships of presenting problems, treatment provided, length of stay, resolution of presenting problems, and several other variables were also studied. Results indicated that many problems experienced by patients were not psychiatric symptoms. Most presenting problems were addressed but few resolved. The primary form of treatment was psychotropic medication. Many patients were discharged before treatment effectiveness was determined. Little association was found between diagnosis, patients' problems or patient subgroup, and psychotropic drugs prescribed. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined social factors as measured by a community adjustment scale and other known variables associated with recidivism for their ability to predict rehospitalization of 108 former psychiatric inpatients. One-third of this sample were readmitted to a psychiatric hospital during the 6-mo period. Multiple linear regression analyses indicated that 2 of the subscales of the Self-Assessment Guide, the number of previous hospital admissions, and whether the individual had been in the hospital during the year prior to admission accounted for a sizable portion of variance. Results suggest that social factors are important determinants of recidivism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: In vitro studies have suggested that human atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) modulates the electrophysiologic properties of myocardial cells. This study assessed whether ANP could influence defibrillation efficacy. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 35 anesthetized dogs, the transcardiac defibrillation threshold (DFT) as well as hemodynamic and electrophysiologic variables were determined before and during treatment with ANP (n = 11), hydralazine (n = 11), or saline (n = 13). ANP (1.5 microg/kg + 0.2 microg/kg per min) increased the plasma concentration of cyclic GMP (a second messenger for ANP) and significantly decreased aortic blood pressure (mean 100+/-11 mmHg to 83+/-15 mmHg). ANP also prolonged ventricular repolarization (effective refractory period 157+/-7 msec to 165+/-11 msec) and markedly reduced DFT (5.4+/-1.2 J to 3.8+/-0.7 J [P < 0.01]) without changing pulmonary artery pressure or sinus cycle length. Neither saline nor hydralazine (1.5 mg/kg) had a significant effect on DFT (saline 4.7+/-2.1 J to 4.6+/-2.4 J; hydralazine 4.3+/-2.0 J to 4.2+/-1.9 J), although hydralazine caused pronounced hypotension (mean aortic pressure 103+/-9 mmHg to 74+/-13 mmHg). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that ANP increases defibrillation efficacy, and that this effect is not necessarily shared by other vasodilating agents.  相似文献   

The records were reviewed of 97 episodes of unsuspected pneumococcemia in children not initially admitted to the hospital. Antimicrobial agents were prescribed at the first visit for 46 children; at the second visit 37 of them were improved and nine were not. No antimicrobial agents were prescribed at the first visit for 51; at the second visit 16 of these patients were improved and 35 were not. Pneumococcemia persisted in two treated children and in 13 untreated children. Meningitis was identified later in four children (two treated and two untreated). Although pneumococcemia in children may be a transient event, it may also persist or result in meningitis or other localized infections.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A high percentage of current hospital visits are made by the elderly. The aim of this work is to quantify the risk of contracting a nosocomial infection among elderly patients admitted to a university hospital. METHODS: From the patients admitted from the emergency unit, outpatients and the waiting list, 6 patients of different age groups were chosen each day by a simple random sampling. The criteria of nosocomial infection were those of the CDC. The analysis of the information was made with the programme EPIINFO version 5. The chi 2 tests and Fisher's exact test were used to compare proportions. RESULTS: The rate of nosocomial infection in the group aged over 64 was 14.8%, showing statistically significant differences with respect to other age groups (p = 0.001). In this group the predominant infection was urinary, with an odds-ratio of 3.69, in comparison with the 25 to 44 age group. A prolonged hospital stay (> 15 days) has proved to be closely related to the risk of nosocomial infection in all age groups (p < 0.0001) in patients over 64. CONCLUSIONS: The greater risk of contracting nosocomial infections in the elderly makes it advisable to develop specific prevention programmes for this group, and the fitness of accommodations the length of stay to the care needs suitable to the hospital level.  相似文献   

We studied the efficacy and feasibility of using computer-based instruction to provide medication information to hospitalized patients with acute psychotic conditions. Patients were randomly assigned to receive computer-based (n = 21) or personal instruction (n = 21); for the final analyses the computer group was expanded to include 13 patients from a pilot study. Outcome measures were knowledge retention (indicated by changes in test scores) and compliance with medication regimens after discharge (indicated by telephone follow-up at one week, one month, and three months). The subjects reacted positively to the computer program. Knowledge retention and compliance were similar in the computer and control groups. We conclude that psychiatric inpatients admitted for acute care can participate in, and learn from, computerized medication instruction.  相似文献   

The presentation of accurate information about impending stressful events has been found to have beneficial effects in a variety of health care settings. In this study, a 30-min videotape was used to orient newly admitted psychiatric patients. The videotape provided information about hospital procedures, mental illness, and psychiatric treatment within 48 hr of admission. An experimental versus control group procedure was used to evaluate the effects of the orientation videotape. Self-report measures revealed that patients viewing the videotape, in comparison with no-videotape controls, experienced fewer hospital fears and more positive psychiatric attitudes, demonstrated more accurate psychiatric information, and tended to be perceived as adjusting better to their hospitalization. A limited follow-up of patients several months later provided some information about the persistence of positive attitudes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine, using the published literature and local service experience, the contributions that carers can make to the development and evaluation of specialist mental health services for the elderly. METHODS: MEDLINE search for relevant papers about carers and the elderly, especially with mental disorders; review of recent experience of service planning, implementation and evaluation in the Cambridge area. RESULTS: Increased emphasis on the role of carers in recent literature, extending into acknowledgement of the carer perspective in official publications; few papers on the role of carers specifically in evaluating services, with only one study looking solely at an old age psychiatry service. CONCLUSIONS: There is considerable scope for involving carers in the development and evaluation of services, though there are also some potential concerns, not least that carers and users may have different perspectives. These issues are discussed, along with possible future developments, such as the need for a standardized assessment of carer satisfaction.  相似文献   

In a previous study, Jones, Kahn, and Langsley (1965) investigated the hypothesis that the MMPI would prove clinically useful in the prediction of admission to a psychiatric hospital. They found that the MMPI had negligible predictive validity for such an application. However, several methodological flaws left the conclusion of that study in doubt. This paper retested the hypothesis that the MMPI can be predictive of the admission decision when a sophisticated multivariate classification technique and adequate sample size are used. Given our results, the hypothesis again must be rejected. Possible problems associated with testing an hypothesis such as this are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the psychiatric and social factors associated with multiple admissions, especially for psychotic patients. Demographic and diagnostic information (based on the DSM-III-R) was collected on a computerized database for all patients admitted to the only psychiatric hospital in Geneva, Switzerland. Patients who had had at least three admissions over a period of 1 year were compared with a control group drawn from the total clinic population. In 1994, a total of 1575 patients were hospitalized, and 18% of these patients were readmitted for the third or more time. The principal diagnoses were psychotic disorders (25%), affective disorders (35%) and substance-related disorders (24%). The predictors of multiple admissions for psychotic patients were a comorbidity of substance-related disorder, longer duration of illness, female sex, younger age and poorer psychosocial adjustment during the past year. These results highlight the usefulness of a computerized psychiatric database. Indeed, early identification of the types of psychiatric patient who are likely to be readmitted is necessary to enable the planning and implementation of specific programmes of ambulatory care to prevent rehospitalization.  相似文献   

Since funds for the construction of new treatment facilities are scarce, outmoded wards must be redesigned to meet the current needs of users. The authors feel the redesign must integrate modern therapeutic concepts, humanistic patient requirements, and pragmatic budgetary limitations. They review current theory about the effects of the physical environment on behavior, and they discuss such questions as to what extent the need for security should govern ward design and how pleasant the environment should be. They also describe a specific redesign for a 32-bed psychiatric ward of a large federal hospital constructed in the early 1950s.  相似文献   

This study examines whether persons who attended a breast cancer education summit or received written materials (i) exhibited improved knowledge about breast cancer; and (ii) used the information themselves, share it with others, or implemented community education/screening programs. Participants (92 lay persons, 67 health professionals who attended; 44 who did not attend but received written materials) were primarily female, with a mean age of 47. They completed a 10-item knowledge questionnaire on four occasions (pre-conference, immediately post-conference, 9 weeks, 6 months). On the third and fourth occasion, participants also were asked how they had used the information. Paired samples t tests revealed that lay individuals (p < 0.001) and health professionals (p < 0.001) exhibited improved knowledge of breast cancer after attending the conference, used the information in their personal health care, and shared it with others, and some implemented education and screening programs. Of nonattendees, only the health professional group retained knowledge gain over time. A conference can produce increased knowledge about breast cancer and stimulate attendees to use information for themselves and share it with others. For lay persons, conference attendance is superior (p < 0.01) to written materials alone, in achieving long-term gain in knowledge.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the appropriate management of patients with diverticulitis complicated by fistula formation. A retrospective chart review was conducted on patients with symptoms of a fistula who presented between 1975 to 1995. There were 42 patients (32 women, 76%; 10 men, 24%) who ranged in age from 46 to 89 years (mean 69.8 +/- 9.8). Six patients had multiple fistulas. The types of fistulas included colovesical (48%), colovaginal (44%), colocutaneous (4%), colotubal (2%), and coloenteric (2%). Operative procedures consisted of resection and primary anastomosis in 38 patients and a Hartmann's operation in one. Three patients were managed conservatively with antibiotics (two due to poor performance status, the third due to resolution of symptoms). There were no operative deaths. The postoperative course was uncomplicated in 69%, while 12 patients (31%) experienced 19 complications (40%). These consisted of urinary tract infection (9.5%), atelectasis (7.1%), prolonged ileus (4.8%), arrhythmias (4.8%) and renal failure, myocardial infarction, pseudomembranous colitis, peroneal nerve palsy, unexplained fever, pulmonary edema (2.4% each). There were no anastomotic leaks and no deaths. Hospital stay ranged from 6 to 31 days (mean 12.3 +/- 7.6). Fistulas due to diverticulitis were safely managed by resection and primary anastomosis without mortality and with acceptable morbidity in this series. Patients deemed to be poor operative risks can be managed with a course of nonoperative treatment.  相似文献   

This study was initiated to identify the incidence, risk factors and outcome predictors of patients admitted to hospital in the Netherlands because of accidental hypothermia. Information about these patients was available for study through the National Health Care Data Bank. Between 1987 and 1990, 612 accidental hypothermic patients were admitted: 185 hypothermic patients also suffered from submersion (HYPSUBS), but this was not the case in the remaining 427 patients (HYPNOTSUBS). Patients in the HYPNOTSUBS group were older (average age 55.2 years versus 38.9 years; p < 0.001), remained longer in hospital (average 20.8 days versus 9.2 days; p < 0.001) and had a higher death rate than those in the HYPSUBS group (16.9% versus 5.9%; p < 0.001). In HYPNOTSUBS, increasing age correlated with increases in the length of hospital stay and death rate. This relationship was not found in HYPSUBS. Trauma was the major associated problem in both groups; these patients had the highest death rate (22.8% versus 16.7%; not significant). Death occurred within 2 days in 54% of HYPNOTSUBS non-survivors and 73% of HYPSUB non-survivors. HYPNOTSUBS admitted to university hospitals showed a lower death rate (5.9%) compared with HYPNOTSUBS admitted to non-university hospitals with less than 400 beds (13.4%) or more than 400 beds (21.7%). In contrast, the death rate in HYPSUB was higher in university hospitals (14.3%) than in non-university hospitals with less than 400 beds (5.2%) or more than 400 beds (3.6%). We observed that the incidence of accidental hypothermia is low at 1.1 per 100,000 inhabitants per year. We concluded that HYPNOTSUBS and HYPSUB are different groups of patients with respect to demographic data, risk factors and prognostic factors. Old age is an important unfavourable prognostic factor in HYPNOTSUB but not in HYPSUB. Hypothermia with trauma is an unfavourable combination in both groups. Almost half of the HYPNOTSUBS non-survivors died after more than 2 days. Because body temperature will have returned to normal by then, this must be the result of late complications. Most HYPSUB non-survivors died during the first 2 days, probably as a direct result of the submersion injury.  相似文献   

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