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The retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (Rb) plays a key role in regulating the cell cycle in association with cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). Alteration of the Rb gene as well as CDK inhibitors (CDKIs) leads to deregulated cellular growth which promotes cancer formation. We examined the genomic configuration of the entire Rb gene in 40 primary adult T cell leukemias/lymphomas (ATL) and two ATL cell lines by Southern blotting and also by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analyses. Homozygous loss of exon 1 was identified in one of 21 acute ATL, one of 15 chronic ATL, and none of four lymphomatous ATL samples. No point mutations were identified. Previously, we found that 10 of these same ATL samples had alterations of either p16(INK4A) (homozygous deletion) or p27(kip1) (homozygous deletion or point mutation). Although the numbers are very low, none of the samples with an aberrant Rb gene had an altered CDKI and vice versa, suggesting that both genes probably operate in a common pathway and alteration of either can provide these cells with a growth advantage.  相似文献   

In the diffusion-in-gel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DIG-ELISA) the quantitation of antibodies is based on their ability to form a diffusion gradient over an antigen-coated polystyrene surface. The antigen-antibody reaction is then visualized by an enzyme-conjugated anti-immunoglobulin. The enzyme-substrate reaction is finally performed by pouring a substrate-containing gel over the polystyrene surface. In this study with bovine serum albumin as antigen and a corresponding rabbit antiserum, the diffusion time of antiserum was shown to be the most critical variable of the method, while the antigen concentration used for coating, the conjugate binding time and the enzyme-substrate reaction time had a minor influence on the quantitation of antibodies. High antibody levels were measured with greater accuracy than low levels, but the standard deviation was below 10%. It was also shown that different sera containing antibodies to Salmonella typhi O LPS, Klebsiella pneumoniae K1 and O4 LPS, Escherichia coli O2 LPS, Yersinia enterocolitica Y3 LPS, cardiolipin and pneumococcus could be quantitated with the same accuracy.  相似文献   

Direct specimen testing was performed on 186 peripheral blood specimens to identify the presence of antigen to cytomegalovirus (viz., the cytomegalovirus antigenemia (CMV-Ag) assay). Confirmatory testing was performed using the shell vial indirect immunofluorescence assay (SVA-IFA), the indirect immunoperoxidase assay (TC-IPA), and conventional tube culture isolation (TC-CPE). The primary reagent for the CMV-Ag assay consisted of anti-CMV monoclonal antibody directed against the internal matrix structural phosphoprotein (1C3; Clonatec-Biosoft, France). The 72-kDa early nuclear antigen (Dupont) was utilized in the SVA-IFA and the TC-IPA. All test systems received an equal number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the inoculum. CMV was detected and isolated from 30% (55/186) of the specimens evaluated by either one or a combination of the tests. Detection and (or) isolation of CMV from blood by the CMV-Ag assay, SV-IFA, TC-IPA, and TC-CPE occurred at a rate of 17 (31/186), 12 (22/186), 16 (29/186), and 26% (49/186). Three of 55 positive specimens were identified only by the CMV-Ag assay; each patient in question, however, had at least one previous CMV isolate. No significant differences in sensitivity occurred between the CMV-Ag assay, the SVA-IFA, or the TC-IPA. However, TC-CPE including the blind passage of all negative tube cultures yielded a significantly larger number of positive blood specimens than either of the rapid detection methodologies. The CMV-Ag assay encompasses the benefits of a nonculture system, is simple to perform and easy to read, permits a same-day diagnosis, and requires less reagents than the routinely used SVA-IFA or TC-IPA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the differential diagnosis of small round cell tumors (SRCTs), terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) is often used as a marker for lymphoblastic lymphomas and leukemias. However, the specificity of TdT using the avidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase (ABC) method is not well documented. To address this issue, we stained paraffin-embedded biopsy specimens of 64 cases of childhood SRCTs using the ABC method with anti-TdT. For any TdT-positive tumors, an additional antibody panel for lymphoid markers was applied. Two patterns of TdT positivity were observed: (1) tumor specific, consisting of strong to moderate nuclear staining, and (2) scattered positive lymphoid cells, usually in a perivascular location and expressing T-cell markers. Analysis showed that 7 of 10 medulloblastomas stained with TdT in a tumor-specific pattern (4 cases moderately to strongly positive in 75-100% of tumor cells, 3 cases weakly to moderately positive in 25-50% of cells). Also, 1 of 19 rhabdomyosarcomas and 1 of 8 Ewing's sarcomas showed moderate to strong tumor-specific TdT staining in 100 and 10% of cells, respectively. Scattered TdT-positive lymphoid cells were observed in 27% of these 64 SRCTs. These findings emphasize that TdT positivity should not be relied upon exclusively for making a diagnosis of lymphoblastic leukemia or lymphoma or ruling out other SRCTs.  相似文献   

The abnormal lymphocytes in adult T cell leukemia (ATL) reveal a peculiar morphology that is characterized by indented or lobulated nuclei. While human T lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) is thought to be integrated in ATL cells, the correlation between the nuclear irregularities and HTLV-I infection is obscure. We have devised a novel single cell polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique to examine the integration of HTLV-I provirus genome in cells from two patients with ATL. To isolate single cells, peripheral blood smears were prepared on thin polyester slides and stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa. Morphologically defined single cells were cut out after light microscopy. The HTLV-I DNA sequences were detected not only in ATL cells but also in normal-looking lymphocytes. This novel PCR method may provide a valuable tool for understanding the molecular events associated with HTLV-I infection at the single cell level.  相似文献   

Sixteen chemicals currently being tested in National Toxicology Program (NTP) carcinogenicity studies were evaluated in the Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell in vitro micronucleus assay. Results from these studies were compared to the results from the SHE cell transformation assay for the same chemicals The overall concordance between induction of micronuclei and transformation of SHE cells was 56%, which is far lower that the 93% concordance between these two tests reported previously by Fritzenschaf et al. (1993; Mutation Res. 319, 47-53). The difference between our results appears to be due to differences in the types of chemicals in the two studies. Overall, there is good agreement between the SHE cell micronucleus and transformation assays for mutagenic chemicals, but, as our study highlights, the SHE cell transformation assay has the added utility of detecting nonmutagenic carcinogens. The utility of a multi-endpoint assessment in SHE cells for carcinogen screening is discussed.  相似文献   

A new immunochromatography assay (Dainascreen Ausab Dainabot) has been recently introduced for the detection of the presence of antibody to HBsAg. To evaluate the feasibility of using the Dainascreen Ausab, we carried out comparison tests with this method and PHA. In the test of 439 sera from HB vaccinees, inhabitants in Iki Island, Nagasaki Pref., patients with autoimmune diseases and with acute hepatitis B, 154 (31.2%) were positive by Dainascreen Ausab, 145 (29.4%) were positive by PHA and 145 (29.4%) were positive by both Dainascreen Ausab and PHA. Nine (1.8%) were positive by only Dainascreen and there were none positive by only PHA. A good correlation was observed between the titer of the antibody by this method and IMx. The anti-HBs assay by this method was able to be completed within 15 minutes and the procedure was very simple. The results indicate that the sensitivity of Dainascreen is superior to PHA and that it is easy to use.  相似文献   

An improved ranavirus antibody ELISA (R Ab ELISA) for the specific detection of anti-ranavirus antibodies in toad sera was developed. Sheep anti-epizootic haematopoietic necrosis virus (EHNV) was used as the antigen-capture antibody. EHNV was used as the antigen and sera from field and challenged toads were used to detect the virus. Rabbit anti-toad IgG and IgM were used to detect bound toad antibody. Pre-absorption of toad sera with a monoclonal antibody, raised against the 50 kDa EHNV protein, improved the specificity of the technique. A blocking ELISA, immunofluorescence and immuno-electron microscopy were used to confirm the validity of the ELISA. The assay has potential use in screening sera from Bufo marinus for the presence of antibodies against ranaviruses and to facilitate understanding of the humoral immunological response in toads during virus infection.  相似文献   

Two distinct stages in regulation of protein kinases are detectable upon cellular transformation of CEF induced by pp60v-src. Upon cellular transformation induced by ts v-src mutants, the kinase activities of Mek and p42Erk are rapidly induced at the early stage and significantly decreased at the late stage of cellular transformation. In contrast, a novel p63SAMK is partially activated at the early stage and is fully activated at the late stage of cellular transformation. However, p90RSK is activated through the entire course of cellular transformation. In this study, I detect a transient down-regulation of p90RSK activity that is inducible in cultures at the late stage of the src-induced cellular transformation by an increase of extracellular pH value from 7 to 8 and unidentified components in DMEM, but not in cultures which are at the early stage. Concomitant with down-regulation of p90RSK activity, the kinase activities of Mek, p42Erk, and p63SAMK are also down-regulated. Blockage of down-regulation of p90RSK activity by pretreatment of cells with different phosphatase inhibitors correlates with blockage of the down-regulation of either p42Erk or p63SAMK activity. Multiple pathways appear to involve in regulation of p90RSK activity. The discrepancy in regulation of protein kinase activity between the early and late stages of cellular transformation induced by pp60src may indicate a change in signaling cascades during the progress of cellular transformation. The induction of the down-regulation event in this study may provide a new approach to investigate the regulation not only of protein kinases but also phosphatases in transformed cells.  相似文献   

Mutations in the X-linked hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase gene (HPRT) result in deficiencies of HPRT enzyme activity, which may cause either a severe form of gout or Lesch-Nyhan syndrome depending on the residual enzyme activity. Mutations leading to these diseases are heterogeneous and include DNA base substitutions, DNA deletions, DNA base insertions and errors in RNA splicing. Identification of mutations has been performed at the RNA and DNA level. Sequencing genomic DNA of the HPRT gene offers the possibility of direct diagnostic analysis independent on the expression of the mature HPRT mRNA. We describe a Dutch and a Spanish family, in which the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome and a severe partial HPRT-deficient phenotype, respectively, were diagnosed. Direct sequencing of the exons coding for the HPRT gene was performed in both families. Two new exon 3 mutations have been identified. At position 16676, the normally present G was substituted by an A in the Dutch kindred (HPRTUtrecht), and led to an arginine for glycine change at residue 70. At position 16680, the G was substituted by a T in the Spanish family (HPRTMadrid); this substitutes a valine for glycine at residue 71. These new mutations are located within one of the clusters of hotspots in exon 3 of the HPRT gene in which HPRTYale and HPRTNew Haven have previously been identified.  相似文献   

Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) is a mitogenic, chemotactic, and cell matrix-inducing factor for fibroblasts. We generated murine monoclonal antibodies against CTGF and established a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of CTGF. By using the ELISA, we confirmed that CTGF was specifically induced in human fibroblasts by TGF-beta but not by PDGF, FGF, IGF-I, or EGF. We also found that the serum levels of CTGF were significantly correlated with the progression of hepatic fibrosis in biliary atresia. These results indicated that CTGF is potentially a useful parameter for monitoring certain types of fibrotic disorders.  相似文献   

Adult T cell leukemia (ATL) cells show a mature helper-inducer T cell phenotype and are thought to secrete many kinds of cytokines in vivo, complicating the clinical features in these patients. In an attempt to specify the cytokines produced by ATL cells, we measured the cytokine concentration in the culture supernatants of three ATL cell lines, all of which were confirmed to be true peripheral blood ATL cell in origin. All these cell lines showed the same cytokine production profile, secreting IL1-alpha, IL1-beta, LD78(MIP-l alpha), TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, and GM-CSF, but not secreting IL-1 alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1 Ra), IL-4, IFN-alpha, and G-CSF irrespective of the stimulatory agents used. Such limited cytokine production may indicate the specific origin of ATL cells within the helper-inducer T cell subtypes. Moreover, these results explain some of the unusual clinical features of ATL patients.  相似文献   

The developmental relationships between the different mammary epithelial cell lineages in the human mammary gland are not well defined. To characterize human breast epithelial cells (HBEC) with progenitor activity, we used flow cytometry and single cell sorting to analyze the distribution of cellular phenotypes in primary cultures of reduction mammoplasties and their associated ability to generate colonies in 2-dimensional (D) and 3-D (collagen gel) culture systems. This approach allowed two distinct types of HBEC progenitor populations to be distinguished on the basis of their differential expression of the MUC-1 glycoprotein, CALLA/CD10 and epithelial-specific antigen (ESA). The first type of progenitor, which is enriched in the MUC-1+/CAL-LA-/ESA+ subpopulation, generated colonies of tightly arranged cells in 2-D cultures and small alveolar-like colonies with a central lumen when cultured in a collagen matrix. The cells produced in the colonies and derived from these MUC-1+/CALLA-/ESA+ progenitors were found to express typical luminal epitopes (keratin 8/18, keratin 19, MUC-1, ESA) and showed low levels of expression of myoepithelial epitopes (keratin 14 and CD44v6). The second type of progenitor, which is present in the MUC-1-to +/-/CALLA +/- to +/ESA+ subpopulation, generated mixed colonies of both luminal and myoepithelial cells when seeded in 2-D and 3-D cultures. In 2-D cultures, the centrally located cells exhibited a luminal morphology and expressed ESA, but were heterogeneous in their expression of MUC-1. Radiating from the periphery of these ESA+ HBEC were highly refractile ESA- teardrop-shaped myoepithelial-like cells. When cultured in a collagen matrix, these bipotent progenitors generated large branched colonies composed of a heterogeneous population of cells, with some of the progeny cells expressing luminal epitopes (keratin 8/18, keratin 19 and MUC-1) and others expressing myoepithelial epitopes (keratin 14 and CD44v6). A third type of progenitor, which became apparent is passaged HBEC cultures and was enriched in the MUC-1-/CALLA+/ESA- subpopulation, was found to generate colonies of cells with an exclusively myoepithelial phenotype. These results provide definitive evidence for the existence of multilineage HBEC progenitors in normal adult human mammary tissue. The phenotypic profile of these cells suggest that these multilineage progenitors are a relatively undifferentiated cell since they express low levels of MUC-1 and that they have a luminal location within the mammary epithelium since they are ESA+. Furthermore, we suggest that the MUC-1+/CALLA-/ESA+ and the MUC-1- to +/-/CALLA +/- to +/ESA+ progenitors we have identified and characterized are candidate in vivo alveolar and ductal progenitors, respectively.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine the subcellular localization of histidyl-tRNA synthetase (Jo-1) in human laryngeal epithelial carcinoma cell line (HEp-2 cells). Indirect immunofluorescence using commercial HEp-2 cells with human serum and human-affinity-purified anti-Jo-1 antibodies was performed using confocal microscopy. Anti-histidyl-tRNA-synthetase-positive sera showed distinct nuclear and cytoplasmic granular staining in HEp-2 cells. Affinity purified anti-Jo-1 produced an identical pattern to the whole serum, whereas the serum fraction that did not bind to the affinity column was negative by immunofluorescence on HEp-2 cells. Two commercial human anti-Jo-1-positive control sera and seven anti-Jo-1-positive sera from patients with myositis reproduced the nuclear and cytoplasmic granular pattern. We conclude that Jo-1 is present in cytoplasm and in intact nuclei from HEp-2 cells. The presence of tRNA synthetases in intact nuclei suggests that they have an unsuspected function in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Although two recent studies have failed to reveal lipoprotein(a) (LP(a)) serum concentrations > 300 mg/l to be an independent risk factor for early onset of atherosclerosis, Lp(a) serum concentrations are frequently measured to evaluate the additional risk of coronary heart disease. We describe a time-resolved immunofluorometric assay (TRIFMA) for quantifying Lp(a) levels in humans serum using commercially available reagents, which is rapid, robust and simple to perform. The two-site immunometric assay was based on microtitre plates as solid phase coated with a polycloncal anti Lp(a) antibody. The liquid-phase antibody was labelled with biotin and detected by europium labelled streptavidin in the DELFIA 1232 fluorometer. The measuring range was 2-1600 mg/l. The intra-assay imprecision was < 7% (CV), the inter-assay imprecision < 12% (CV). No interference was detected with plasminogen concentration up to 2.2 g/l. There was an acceptable correlation with a commercially available enzyme immunoassay (r = 0.95) and with electroimmunodiffusion (r = 0.85) on 100 routine serum samples measured. The assay appeared to detect different Lp(a) isoforms as dilution curves were parallel for B/F, S2 and S4 isoforms.  相似文献   

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