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In the present work, the influence of pH on stability of oil-in-water (O/W; 75 wt%/25 wt%) emulsions stabilized by crayfish flour (CF) has been studied. CF (containing ca. 65 wt%) showed poor functionality in a wade range of pH, which inhibits formation of stable emulsions. An indirect procedure has been developed in order to obtain emulsion at a broad pH range, including isoelectric point (pI) value. The emulsions have been characterized by means of linear dynamic viscoelasticity and droplet size distribution (DSD) analysis. These emulsions present a behaviour characteristic of highly concentrated emulsions with a well-developed plateau region. The most unfavourable DSD and linear viscoelastic results correspond to the pI. A significant improvement takes place as the pH value departs from the pI. An exception for linear viscoelasticity results have been found at pH 10, which is close to the pI for rod segments of myofibrillar proteins. Stability of these emulsions has been studied by following the evolution of DSD and linear viscoelastic parameters along time. The poorer results in emulsion stability correspond to pH values close to the pI, at which the increase in droplet size or uniformity parameter as well as the decrease in the plateau modulus become more pronounced. Conversely, the stability significantly improves as the pH departs from pI.  相似文献   

The influence of pH and two post-emulsification treatments (pH modification and thermal cycles) over linear dynamic viscoelasticity and droplet size distribution, DSD, of O/W emulsions (75% oil) stabilized either by soy protein isolate, SPI, or wheat gluten, WG were studied in the present work. Rheological properties and droplet size of fresh emulsions showed an important dependence on pH as a consequence of the role of electrostatic interactions, not being possible to obtain a stable emulsion for pH values close to the protein isoelectric point, pI, (4–5 for SPI and 6 for WG). In order to overcome this inconvenient, an alternative emulsification procedure, basically consisting in a modification of pH after emulsification (indirect emulsification), was successfully developed. Emulsions obtained after this post-emulsification treatment, showed higher elastic (G′) and loss (G″) moduli and also larger oil droplets than fresh emulsions prepared at the same pH. Moreover, the application of upward/downward temperature cycles from 20 to 70 °C to emulsions directly prepared at a pH yielded to significantly higher values of the rheological functions when compared to those found for fresh emulsions. Accordingly, both post-emulsification treatments lead to apparent enhancements in emulsion rheology and microstructure, which is indicative of a good potential to improve long-term emulsion stability.  相似文献   

Droplet size distribution strongly affects macroscopic properties of emulsions. In this work rheological and NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) analyses were performed to evaluate material properties as well as droplet size distribution and possible flow-induced alteration. The investigated materials were commercial dairy emulsions, based on milk, vegetable fats, a mixture of sugars, emulsifiers (hydrophilic or lipophilic) and natural stabilizers (carrageenan and guar gum). Rheological properties of three different dairy emulsions were related to the droplet size distribution obtained by NMR and dynamic light scattering (DLS) techniques. NMR seems to be a particularly useful technique because no previous sample treatment is necessary, whereas DLS requires a significant emulsion dilution that could change the droplet size distribution. Obtained results evidence the effect of two relevant ingredients (surfactants and fats) on rheological properties and droplet size distribution of tested emulsions. For sample containing sunflower oil and a hydrophilic emulsifier, rheo-NMR evidenced mechanical instabilities also confirmed by rheological tests. Comparison of results about the droplet size distribution evaluated by NMR and DLS evidenced that in this case sample dilution could affect size distribution. Finally, rheo-NMR was confirmed to be a powerful instrument capable of determining the material structure and alterations induced by the flow.  相似文献   

The consumer's perception that food is one of the main determining factors for health increases the demand for foods in line with this trend. The food industry is researching new ingredients, formulations, and technologies aiming to respond to this demand. Namely, product formulations are increasingly less complex, with fewer additives, and manufactured with commonly known ingredients, leading to the concept of clean label products. The present work aimed to develop a vegan and clean label mayonnaise by replacing egg yolk with vegetable protein, obtaining a product aligned with current food trends. Emulsions with 1.5% (w/w) powdered aquafaba, green pea, lupin, and faba bean proteins were prepared and compared to the commercial standard Mendes Gonçalves' mayonnaise. Texture (TPA) and rheology (SAOS) measurements showed that emulsions with lupin and faba bean protein had significant differences (P < 0.05) from the standard. Thus, these two proteins were assessed in a mixed system using different proportions – total protein content of 1.5% (w/w). Additionally, lupin protein showed a significant impact on mayonnaise structure and consistency. Backscattering and droplet size distribution measurements indicated that, except for faba bean, all the emulsions studied are stable and have a high potential for scale-up.  相似文献   

A new ultra-high-pressure homogenizer was used to make very fine oil in water emulsions. The effect of pressures up to 350 MPa on sunflower oil (20%) in water emulsions was studied. The emulsifier used was whey protein concentrate (1.5%). The properties of the emulsions were characterized by laser light scattering (droplet size distribution) and coaxial cylinders rheometry (rheological behaviour). The protein adsorption fraction was obtained by a spectrophotometric method using bicinchoninic acid reagent.
Significant modifications in the structure and the texture of the emulsions were observed as the pressure increased. No change was revealed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the whey protein within the pressure range studied. Microdifferential scanning calorimetry scans indicated that the changes of the structural and textural properties may be because of changes in the protein conformation.  相似文献   

A reliable high-pressure laboratory homogenizer is described for the small-scale production of emulsions with highly reproducible droplet-size distribution. A key feature of the design of this 'jet homogenizer' is the inclusion of separate chambers for oil and aqueous phases, thereby eliminating the necessity for premixing prior to homogenization, with its associated problems of air incorporation. To illustrate the performance characteristics of the jet homogenizer, data are presented for the effect of homogenization pressure and equipment dimensions on the droplet size of n-tetradecane-in-water emulsions stabilized by sodium caseinate.  相似文献   

This work investigates the fundamental properties of emulsifiers that may contribute to the fat-associated sensory attributes of emulsions. Model oil-in-water emulsions were prepared with 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48% oil and emulsified with seven different emulsifiers; two proteins; sodium caseinate and whey protein, and five different sucrose esters. Emulsions were rated for perceived ‘fat content’, ‘creaminess’ and ‘thickness’ on nine-point category scales. Instrumental measurements of particle size, viscosity, thin film drainage, surface dilational modulus and interfacial tension were made. The sensory results indicate significant main and interactive effects of fat level and emulsifier type. At higher fat levels, emulsions prepared with sodium caseinate and whey protein emulsifiers had higher viscosities and higher sensory scores than those prepared with the sucrose esters. Results indicate that emulsifier type has a significant effect on the sensory properties of oil-in-water emulsions, and relationships between instrumental and sensory measures suggest that this may be due to the interfacial properties of emulsifiers at the oil–water interface. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

王春玲  孟祥晨 《食品工业科技》2012,33(7):329-332,400
采用单因素实验设计,通过机械搅拌方法制备O/W乳状液。通过乳状液的离心稳定性、粘度和乳状液的显微结构,研究不同HLB值的复合乳化剂及含量、脱脂乳粉溶液的浓度以及油和水比例对乳状液性质的影响,最终确定较佳的乳状液成分。实验结果表明:当以Span-80和Tween-80为复合乳化剂,其HLB值为9.6、复合乳化剂含量为16%(w/w)、脱脂乳粉溶液浓度为25%(w/v)、油与水比为1∶1(w/w)时,可以获得状态较好的乳状液,此时乳状液的离心稳定性最高,可以达到97.5%。  相似文献   

主要探讨花生油乳化体系中乳化剂类型、用量、pH值、EDTA、温度等对花生油氧化稳定性的影响,结果显示:乳化剂种类和pH对于乳状液体系的氧化稳定性有显著影响,阴离子乳化剂SDS稳定的乳化液,pH4.0的氧化速率最快;非离子乳化剂Tween20稳定的乳化液,pH的影响不是很显著;阳离子乳化剂CTAB稳定的乳化液,随着pH的升高,氧化速率变快。乳化液体系中微量金属离子对于体系也有相当大的影响,随着金属离子螯合剂EDTA浓度的增加,其乳化体系中花生油的氧化速率显著降低。乳化剂用量也会影响体系的氧化稳定性,随着乳化剂用量的增加,乳化乳化体系中花生油的氧化稳定性降低。  相似文献   

Highly concentrated oil-in-water (O/W; 25:75 wt%) emulsions stabilized by crayfish flour (CF) have been subjected to thermal treatments in order to study potential enhancements on gel strength of the network structures formed among oil droplets, involving adsorbed and non-adsorbed protein segments. Application of in situ thermal treatments, monitored by Small Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (SAOS), may lead to remarkable changes in the gel strength of CF-based emulsions, depending on processing conditions. If the heating temperature is above a critical value, the exposition time being long enough, thermal energy eventually leads to coalescence of oil droplets and subsequent emulsion destabilization. This behaviour has been confirmed by Droplet Size Distribution (DSD) measurements. The pH exerts a strong influence on the evolution of viscoelastic moduli. Little changes are produced at alkaline conditions, whereas a noticeable enhancement is apparent at neutral and acid pH. Application of consecutive double thermal cycle confirms the reversibility of the reinforcement induced by the cooling stage. The results may be explained in terms of the balance between electrostatic forces (predominant at alkaline pH) and hydrophobic interactions that favour protein aggregation and crosslinking (over heating stages), as well as hydrogen bonding (at the cooling stage).In addition, the influence of gel strength enhancement on the subsequent improvement of emulsion stability has been investigated by applying thermal treatments in a thermostatic bath. A clear enhancement in emulsion stability is achieved by these thermal treatments, although its contribution is not enough to produce long-term stability and a combination with other stabilizing strategies should be developed.  相似文献   

王文萱 《中国油脂》2021,46(9):40-43
以菜籽油、棕榈液油、橄榄油、稻米油和椰子油5种植物油为油相,以乳清分离蛋白为乳化剂,制备水包油(O/W)型乳液。分析了5种植物油中的生育酚和谷维素含量,测定了5种植物油乳液Zeta-电位和贮藏稳定性,并采用铁离子还原法对5种植物油乳液的抗氧化能力进行了评价。结果表明:5种植物油均不含β-生育酚和δ-生育酚,总生育酚含量菜籽油最高,椰子油最低,且仅稻米油中含谷维素,含量为1 542.78 mg/kg;椰子油乳液的Zeta-电位绝对值最高,达到57 mV,28 d后乳液未出现分层现象,乳液粒径变化最小且分布范围窄,贮藏稳定性最好;棕榈液油乳液抗氧化能力最强,其次是菜籽油乳液、橄榄油乳液和稻米油乳液,三者的抗氧化能力无显著性差异,椰子油乳液抗氧化能力最弱。  相似文献   

本文阐述了高固含量黑液的流变学特性,包括黏度、剪切稀化特性、触变性和黏弹性;介绍了影响高固含量黑液流变学特性的因素,包括有机物占比及有机物长链结构、固含量、温度、pH值及硅干扰等;总结了高固含量黑液流变学特性表征技术及其流变学特性拟合模型。高固含量黑液流变特性影响炉前压力槽泵送、管道输送及喷嘴雾化,全面掌握高固含量黑液流变特性的影响因素和变化规律,对黑液碱回收系统的优化和改进具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

为了了解在水包核桃油乳状液中乳化剂类型、浓度及水相p H对其物理稳定性的影响,考察四种乳化剂即乳清分离蛋白(WPI)、十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)、十二烷基三甲基溴化铵(DTAB)以及失水山梨醇聚氧乙烯酯(Tween20)在p H3.0和p H7.0条件下形成稳定的水包核桃油乳状液所需要的最低浓度。结果表明,p H对阳离子表面活性剂DTAB、非离子表面活性剂Tween20乳化效果影响较大,在p H3.0和7.0条件下形成稳定乳状液所需DTAB最低浓度分别为0.8%、2.0%,而Tween20最低浓度分别为0.6%、0.3%;p H(等电点除外)对两性大分子表面活性剂WPI和阴离子表面活性剂SDS的乳化效果影响较小。研究结果表明不同类型乳化剂在不同p H条件下对水包核桃油乳状液的物理稳定性影响差异较大。   相似文献   

Model O/W pre-emulsions at an initial temperature of 24 °C and pH 6.3, and containing (w/w) 4.3% whey proteins plus 15, 30 or 45% peanut oil were processed using a ∼15 L/h homogeniser with a high pressure (HP) valve immediately followed by cooling heat exchangers. The effect of ultra-high pressure homogenisation (UHPH) between 100 and 300 MPa (P1) or of recycling (1–3 homogenisation passes) at 200 MPa was investigated on the droplet size distribution, size indices and viscosity. Fluid temperatures were measured at the inlet (T1) and outlet (T2) of the HP-valve, and after immediate cooling downstream of the HP-valve (T3) as they varied throughout UHPH. Short-life heating phenomena and mechanical energy involved in droplet processing were clearly influenced by emulsion composition. Oil droplet diameters decreased when (P1) increased from 100 to 300 MPa leading to submicron droplets at ≥200 MPa. Monomodal distributions with droplets well below 0.3 μm were obtained after recycling at 200 MPa for the three oil contents, with a peak at 138 nm (distribution in volume) or 60–70 nm (in number frequency). The emulsion behaviour varied from fluid (and quite Newtonian) to thick (and shear thinning) depending on the droplet size reduction and the oil volume fraction. Emulsions displayed an excellent stability vs. creaming and coalescence after 9 d storage at 5 °C. Freezing followed by 13 d storage at −24 °C then thawing, induced an increase in particle sizes depending both on the oil volume fraction and (P1). After UHPH at 200–225 MPa (±recycling), the freezing/thawing process maintained most of oil droplet size below 1 μm at 15% (w/w) oil, and induced mainly oil droplet aggregation through SDS-labile interactions at higher oil contents.  相似文献   

Droplet characteristics, flow properties and stability of egg yolk-stabilized oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions as affected by the presence of xanthan gum (XG), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), guar gum (GG), locust bean gum (LBG) and gum Arabic (AG) were studied. The dispersed phase (40%) of the emulsions was based on soybean oil/palm kernel olein blend (70:30) that partially crystallized during extended storage at 5 °C. In freshly prepared emulsions, the presence of XG, CMC, GG and LBG had significantly decreased the droplet mean diameters. XG, LBG, GG and CMC emulsions exhibited a shear-thinning behavior but AG emulsion exhibited a Bingham plastic behavior and control (without gum) emulsion almost exhibited a Newtonian behavior. Both control and AG emulsions exhibited a severe phase separation after storage (30 days, 5 °C). The microstructure of stored XG emulsion showed the presence of partially coalesced droplets, explaining a large increase in its droplet mean diameters. Increases in droplet mean diameters and decreases in flow properties found for stored GG and LBG emulsions were attributed to droplet coalescence. Nevertheless, the occurrence of droplet coalescence in these emulsions was considered to be small as no free oil could be separated under centrifugation force. Increases in flow properties and excellent stability towards phase separation found for stored CMC emulsion suggested that CMC could retard partial coalescence. Thus, the results support the ability of CMC, GG and LBG in reducing partial coalescence either by providing a sufficiently thick continuous phase or by acting as a protective coating for oil droplets.  相似文献   

Film-forming dispersions (FFD) and films, prepared by incorporating different concentrations of bergamot (BO), lemon (LO) and tea tree (TTO) essential oils into hydroxyproplymethylcellulose (HPMC) and chitosan (CH) were obtained and their physico-chemical properties were characterised. Results showed that the increment of essential oil (EO) content promoted significant changes in the size and surface charge of the FFD particles. As regards the film properties, the higher the EO content, the lower the water vapour permeability and the moisture sorption capacity. In general, the addition of EO into the HPMC or CH matrix leads to a significant decrease in gloss, transparency, tensile strength and elastic modulus of the composite films. Discriminant analyses of obtained data revealed that the polymer type was the main factor which defined the FFD and composite film behaviour. For a given polymer, although both the nature and concentration of the EO influenced FFD behaviour, the concentration played a more important role. In film properties, the discriminant analyses did not reveal different groups associated to the different nature or concentration of the essential oils, although composite films with BO appeared to differ slightly from the rest.  相似文献   

Electrospraying of water-in-oil emulsions was investigated to produce thin edible barriers. A reproducible model surface was used, namely cellulose membranes of which permeability is well-established. PGPR-based emulsions were stable during electrospraying and produced a fine stable jet spray; emulsions prepared with lecithin and span80 produced unstable jets and only sporadic sprays. The droplet size decreased to 50 ± 10 μm by the addition of water droplets till 3% but remained constant at higher water volume fractions. On the other hand, the addition of protein and salt influenced the droplet size and radius values up to 200 μm were found. The addition of whey protein isolate (10% w/w) resulted in films with water vapour barrier properties that were at least 70% better than lipid only, therewith showing that addition of protein enhances the integrity of the films.  相似文献   

Silicone oils have wide range of applications in personal care products due to their unique properties of high lubricity, non‐toxicity, excessive spreading and film formation. They are usually employed in the form of emulsions due to their inert nature. Until now, different conventional emulsification techniques have been developed and applied to prepare silicone oil emulsions. The size and uniformity of emulsions showed important influence on stability of droplets, which further affect the application performance. Therefore, various strategies were developed to improve the stability as well as application performance of silicone oil emulsions. In this review, we highlight different factors influencing the stability of silicone oil emulsions and explain various strategies to overcome the stability problems. In addition, the silicone deposition on the surface of hair substrates and different approaches to increase their deposition are also discussed in detail.  相似文献   

魏慧贤  钟芳  麻建国 《食品与机械》2007,23(6):35-38,47
目的:研究用两步乳化法制备W/O/W型复合乳状液时,第一相体积比(内水相与油相的体积比)、第二相体积比(初乳与外水相的体积比)对W/O/W型复合乳状液性质的影响;方法:采用两步乳化法制备W/O/W型复合乳状液,固定制备工艺条件,改变第一相体积比和第二相体积比的数值制备初乳和复乳,用离心分层稳定性评价复乳的稳定性,初乳的离心稳定性、黏度和复乳的粒度分布被测定;结果:随着第一相体积分数增大,初乳黏度增大,初乳和复乳的离心稳定性都提高,但是内水相的体积分数达到65%时,初乳表现出凝胶的外观,所制备的复乳的稳定性反而降低,当内水相的体积分数增加到70%的时候,初乳转相形成O/W型乳状液,不能进一步制备复乳;随着第二相体积分数的增大,复乳黏度线性增大,复乳滴的体积平均粒径减小,复乳的离心稳定性提高。初乳中内水相与油相的适宜的体积比及复乳中初乳和外水相的适宜体积比皆为1:1左右。  相似文献   

The effect of heat treatment on the properties of soy protein‐stabilised emulsions was investigated. Emulsions were prepared with unheated and heat‐treated soy protein (NSP and HSP) dispersions. Heating on soy protein dispersions at 95 °C for 30 min resulted in smaller average oil droplet size, lower tendency for oil droplet flocculation, higher protein adsorption and lower viscosity. The properties of emulsions were significantly influenced by the protein concentration. The sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE) profiles showed that the heat treatment on soy protein dispersions increased the protein adsorption at O/W interface. The viscosity of all samples at low shear rate was inversely proportional to the d32, suggesting a positive relation to the total interfacial area per unit volume. Emulsions showed shear‐thinning behaviour. The relaxation time was found to increase with aqueous phase viscosity determined by the Cross viscosity model.  相似文献   

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