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4 g% aqueous solutions of heparin were irradiated with the gamma radiation doses of 4.6 x 10(5) or 9.2 x 10(5) rads. The irradiated and also the non-irradiated heparin samples were fractionated using a Sephadex G-200 column. With radiation, the peak of the molecular weight distribution curves shifted toward the lower molecular weight. Also, the number average molecular weight decreased by 8.2 and 11.5% with the doses of 4.6 x 10(5) and 9.2 x 10(5) rads, respectively. The anticoagulant activity depended on the molecular weight of the heparin fractions. For the heparin fractions with molecular weights below 7,900, the anticoagulant activity decreased with radiation. Thus, for a heparin fraction with a molecular weight of 6,200, the anticoagulant activity decreased from 211 to 198 IU/mg after 4 h of irradiation.  相似文献   

The relation of extra-embryonic fluid weight to litter number and foetal and placental weight was studied in mice on the 18th day of pregnancy, in litters both of experimentally reduced and of normal number. Partial regression analysis showed that litter number and foetal weight both exerted a negative effect on fluid weight; placental weight had no significant effect. Increased foetal weight reduced weight locally; on the other hand the effect of litter number was exerted systemically, throughout both horns of the uterus.  相似文献   

Senile dementia of Alzheimer's type is frequently an underlying cause of accidental death of elderly persons. Neuropathological diagnosis of dementia is therefore crucial to assess the contribution of dementia to the cause of accident. The authors applied two conventional neuropathological criteria described by Khachaturian and Mirra, et al. to three forensic autopsy cases of dementia-related accidental death. In all cases, the number of neocortical senile plaque, a hallmark of dementia, could not fulfill both criteria. This result indicates that foregoing neuropathological criteria derived from fully developed dementia are hardly applicable to elderly persons who died in an early stage of dementia in forensic settings. Further investigation will be required to establish a diagnostic criterion of early stage of dementia.  相似文献   

An anatomical analysis of the innervation of murine femora revealed intimate association of haemopoietic and stromal cells with nerve fibres. The mechanical denervation of these femora resulted in significant mobilization of cells into the peripheral blood within 24h. There was a decrease in femoral cellularity and analysis of the type of cells mobilized also revealed that there was an increase in progenitor cells in the peripheral blood. In non-splenectomized mice these progenitor cells were quickly cleared from the circulation. Chemical sympathectomy of mice with 6-hydroxydopamine resulted in decreased bone marrow cellularity without a change in bone marrow or peripheral blood progenitor cell numbers, nor the sustained rise in peripheral leucocytes observed with whole nerve denervation. These observations argue for selective control of mobilization by the nervous system and also indicate possible control of proliferation within the bone marrow. We conclude that the innervation has an important role in the maintenance of the blood-marrow interface, control of peripheral blood cell numbers, and mobilization of colony forming cells into the periphery.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) stimulates cell proliferation, differentiation and migration by binding to its receptor, MET R. Whether the HGF/MET R axis plays an important regulatory role in human haemopoietic cell growth is an unresolved issue. To investigate this situation, we employed several complementary strategies including RT-PCR, FACS analysis, and mRNA perturbation with oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN). We found that very primitive, FACS sorted, CD34+ Kit+ marrow mononuclear cells (MNC) failed to express RT-PCR detectable MET R mRNA. In contrast, MET R expression was easily detectable by RT-PCR in marrow stroma fibroblasts, in cells isolated from BFU-E and CFU-GM colonies, and in unselected normal MNC. Subsequent FACS analysis revealed that MET R protein was detectable on approximately 5% of the latter cells. HGF, at concentrations of 1-50 ng/ml, had no demonstrable effect on survival or cloning efficiency of normal CD34+ MNC in serum-free cultures. Antisense ODN mediated perturbation of MET R mRNA expression in normal CD34+ MNC, with FACS documented decline in protein expression, had no effect on the ability of these cells to give rise to haemopoietic colonies of any lineage. We also examined the biology of HGF/MET R expression in malignant haemopoietic cells. Using the strategies described above, we found that MET R mRNA was expressed in many human haemopoietic cell lines, and that the protein was expressed at high levels on HTLV transformed T lymphocytes. Wild-type CML and AML blast cells also expressed MET mRNA, and HGF was able to co-stimulate CFU-GM colony formation in approximately 20% of cases studied. Therefore, although the HGF/MET R axis appears to be dispensable for normal haemopoietic cell growth, it may play a role in the growth of malignant haemopoietic progenitor cells.  相似文献   

An investigation of the effect of gamma radiation on the motility of mussel gill ciliated epithelia was conducted using dose rates of 0.9 and 2 mGy/h. There was a definite decrease in the beat frequency and a distortion of the metachronal wave by 20-30 min after irradiation with 0.9 Gy/h. With a total dose of 0.9 mGy, the beat frequency was decreased 2- to 2.5-fold. In the period after irradiation a restoration of the metachronal wave was observed, but the beat frequency was about 50% of the control level. Gamma irradiation completely stopped the beating of the cilia when given at a dose rate of 2 mGy/h.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Controversy exists concerning whether the costs and potential risks outweigh the potential benefits of "crossover" use in the general blood supply of unutilized blood that was donated for autologous transfusion. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Published articles and reports were identified through systematic search of MEDLINE and review of references cited in previously identified articles, textbooks, and reports. Consultation was made with experts in blood donation and transfusion. Additional peer review was received from the American Medical Association (AMA) Council on Scientific Affairs RESULTS: Concern over infectious disease transmission has led to increased interest in and support for autologous transfusion for individuals having planned surgeries. Different requirements exist for collection, labeling, and screening of blood to be used for autologous versus allogeneic transfusions; therefore, procedures for diverting autologous blood donations to the general blood supply involve considerable expense. Several cost-effectiveness studies of autologous blood donation and transfusion conclude that currently this "crossover" appears to be an expensive procedure yielding little increased benefit from a societal perspective. CONCLUSIONS: The recommendations in this report were adopted as AMA Policy at the AMA Annual Meeting in June 1997. The AMA does not encourage blood collection programs to "cross over" units donated for autologous use to the allogeneic blood supply. Practice guidelines are needed, and should be utilized to ensure parsimony in the use of autologous blood donations and transfusions.  相似文献   

MR imaging experiments were conducted to investigate the feasibility of estimating vascular pulse pressure waveforms from measurements of blood flow rates and vessel cross-sectional area. Blood flow waveforms were measured in the aorta's of three 25-30-kg pigs at multiple imaging sections using phase-contrast velocity imaging. Estimates of pulse pressure were derived from these data by evaluating a model characterizing the relationship between pressure, flow, and the cross-sectional area of a vessel segment. Comparisons between the MR-derived estimates of pressure and those obtained from a micromanometer pressure catheter indicate that accurate measurements (mean error +/- SD = 8.2 +/- 3.4, n = 6) can be obtained using conventional velocity imaging techniques. Optimization of the method will require the application of rapid imaging techniques and the development of strategies for obtaining a more localized measurement. With these improvements, our results suggest that MR-based measurement of pulse pressure and related elastic parameters is feasible.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the application of ultrasound (US) guidance in the percutaneous placement of gastric feeding tubes in patients in whom endoscopic placement of a nutrition tube is not possible. METHODS: Thirty-eight patients with upper gastrointestinal obstruction were entered in a prospective study with US-guided nutrition tube application. Feasibility of placement, side effects, and nutritional states were monitored for a mean follow-up of 4 months. RESULTS: Ultrasound allowed rapid puncture after filling of the stomach with water through a nasal tube in 34/38 cases. In four cases a total upper gastrointestinal obstruction required an initial stomach insufflation through a direct puncture. Puncture-related major complications were not observed. Minor complications during the observation time were one late dislocation, five cases with broken material after about 6 months (four could be changed by using the Seldinger technique), and two minor local infections. The nutrition through feeding tubes stabilized body weight and body composition parameters. CONCLUSION: The percutaneous sonographic gastrostomy (PSG) is a safe and minimally invasive procedure for enteral nutrition in all cases with upper gastrointestinal obstruction when endoscopic placement of a feeding tube is not possible. Percutaneous sonographic gastrostomy may help to stabilize the nutritional parameters and general condition in patients with malignant diseases.  相似文献   

The effects of 100 rad of X-irradiation of incisor development in CD1 mice were studied. 24 pregnant mice were irradiated on the 12th day post coitum and sacrificed from the 14th through the 20th gestational days. The 191 irradiated fetuses were smaller than those not irradiated, their crania and necks were malformed and their lower extremities were poorly developed. The developing incisors of the irradiated animals were retarded, the pulpal vessels were enlarged and the vessels walls did not maintain their structural integrity. The cells of the future pulp were necrotic, and the basement membranes appeared hyalinized. Ameloblasts and odontoblasts were abnormal in morphology and the formation of dental hard tissue was inhibited in places. Complete absence of incisor tooth germ was noted in three of the fetuses.  相似文献   

24-h fluctuations in the response of CNS (occurrence of the complex of neurological disorders) were studied in white rat males which were exposed to gamma radiation (Co-50, 62.5 Gy, craniocaudally) or injected alcohol (2.25 g/kg, 15% solution, i.p.). After alcohol administration, the above fluctuations were at first almost similar to those in response to the radiation. Later, the curve of the CNS sensitivity to alcohol was leveling, rhythm phases shifted without the rhythm inversion. Neurological symptoms induced by alcohol and radiation were very much alike suggesting the existence of common mechanisms of nonspecific regulation evident early after exposure to these two factors.  相似文献   

The ingestion of I-131 by pregnant women can have consequences for the developing foetus, in particular brain function. As the foetal thyroid accumulates iodine from the twelfth week of gestation onwards, the determination of foetal brain dose resulting from such I-131 accumulation is essential. Normal dosimetric methods fail to treat the case of foetus. Using an approximation method based on the MIRD approach, a foetal dose estimation scheme is developed to allow the determination of foetal brain dose from foetal thyroid irradiation. Dose values are obtained for the foetus based on the maternal intake of I-131. It was found that the choice of biokinetic model for the mother/foetus has a large impact on the determined dose estimate.  相似文献   

1 The actions of angiotensin II (AT II) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) on the vessels of the human isolated, perfused, cotyledon were examined in vitro. 1 The cotyledonary vessels were shown to respond to both AT II and 5-HT over the range 10(-8) to (10(-4) M. 3 The preparation was found to be more responsive to AT II than 5-HT. 4 The findings confirm that the responsiveness of the cotyledonary vessels differs from the vessels of the umbilical cord, and that this behaviour does not depend upon the integrity of the endothelium associated with these vessels.  相似文献   

The effect of high dose of gamma radiation (200 Gy) on energy of rat liver mitochondria was studied. 1 hour after irradiation state 3 (V3) increased by 32 +/- 7%, state 4 (V4)- by 25 +/- 8%, the rate of ATP synthesis by 52 +/- 11%. 48 hours after irradiation these parameters decreased to control levels inspite of accumulation of lipid peroxidation products.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relevance of hypometabolism in the hippocampal head to the pathophysiology of memory impairment. BACKGROUND: Neurofunctional imaging studies with an image reslicing technique provided by using software suggest that dysfunction of the amygdalohippocampal system causes memory impairment. However, metabolic and morphologic profiles of the whole hippocampal formation have not been evaluated in detail. METHODS: By tilting the gantry of a high-resolution PET scanner in a plane parallel to the hippocampal longitudinal axis determined beforehand by MRI, we performed quantitative measurement of glucose metabolism in the subdivisions of the hippocampal formation (head, body, tail) in 10 patients of normal intelligence with pure amnesia, in eight patients with AD, and in eight normal subjects. RESULTS: Although the volumes of the amygdala and hippocampal formation in pure amnesics were not different significantly from those of normal subjects, glucose metabolism in the head of the hippocampus was significantly lower in pure amnesics. In patients with AD, marked hypometabolism was found extending to the amygdala, the hippocampal head, and the parietotemporal cortex, along with amygdalohippocampal atrophy. CONCLUSION: Hippocampal head dysfunction plays an important role in memory impairment in amnesic patients. Further metabolic impairment over the amygdalohippocampal system and the surrounding association cortex reflects the pathophysiology of AD.  相似文献   

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