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In the industrial production of aluminium by the electrolysis of alumina, electrolyte froth, which is a mixture of carbon and cryolite is obtained at a rate of 50 kg of froth per ton of aluminium produced. Cryolite can be recovered from this mixture by flotation. In this study, the effects of the following parameters on flotation were experimentally investigated: particle size, type, combination, dosage and ratio of reagents, and conditioning time. It is found that it is possible to decrease the carbon content of cryolite below 1% by suitably choosing the operating parameters. Electrolyte froth must be ground to —100 mesh size for the liberation of carbon particles captured in the cryolite matrix. Any combination of two of the reagents, kerosene, fuel oil, creosote and terebenthene yield good results if used together with pine oil. Pine oil is found to be a more effective frother compared to Pril, a commercial detergent. Satisfactory separations are obtained when a kerosene-fuel oil mixture (50:50, v/v) is used as the collector with a dosage of 3.7 kg per ton of feed together with pine oil, the frother, with a dosage of 0.095 kg per ton of feed.  相似文献   

Reduction of sulfur by bacterial leaching from a high sulfur‐bearing coal sample from Assam was attempted. Flotation of the sample with light diesel oil could not depress the pyrite and also the Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was found to be ineffective in leaching the sulfur from the flotation concentrate. Conditioning of the same coal sample with Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was found to assist in selectively depressing the pyrite, thereby reducing nearly 60% of the pyritic sulfur present in the sample. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A continuous multistage froth flotation column was employed to remove motor oil from water at a low concentration (500 mg/L) using an extended surfactant – branched alcohol propoxylate sulphate sodium salt (C14-15–8PO–SO4–Na) – as a frother. The highest separation efficiency (97% motor oil removal with the enrichment ratio of 16 for motor oil) was obtained at a foam height of 60 cm, an air flow rate of 40 L/min, a feed flow rate of 60 mL/min, a surfactant concentration of 0.3% (w/v), and an NaCl concentration of 1.5% (w/v). The process performance increased with increasing tray number but beyond 4 trays, the system could only offer lower concentrations of motor oil and surfactant in the effluent.  相似文献   

In this study, a new concurrent flotation column that simulates the plug flow reactor was designed with the use of a static mixer, a froth separator column and an optional additional bubble generator for fly ash beneficiation. The objective was to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of unburned carbon removal from fly ash by minimizing energy costs. Cleaning tests were performed with and without the additional bubble genarator. Without the additional bubble generator unburned carbon in the ash product could be reduced to only 2.53%. Incidental loss of carbon particles and insufficient bubble generation were the main causes of poor carbon separation performance. By turning on the additional bubble generator it was aimed to assist bubble generation, to compensate bubble rupture and to recapture the detached or free carbon particles leaving the froth phase. With the additional bubble generator and under optimized conditions a froth product with 95% carbon recovery and a cleaned ash product with less than 1% unburned carbon was obtained. The separation process through the static mixer (feeder) and the separator column and the energy consumption of the unit were analyzed. It was seen that around 80% energy could be saved with the concurrent flotation column compared to conventional flotation.  相似文献   

Froth properties and their relation to the concentrate grade play an important role in monitoring flotation running conditions and predicting flotation concentrate quality. In this paper, the correlation between the froth properties and clean coal ash content was investigated under complicated conditions where the frother dosage, gas velocity, and froth height were changed together. For the froth properties under study, their degree of correlation with clean coal ash content decreased in the order of homogeneity, water recovery, gray value, and froth velocity. The coefficient of determination (R2) of the fitting relationship between homogeneity and clean coal ash content was as high as 0.9028, because homogeneity has a close correlation with the foam structure and foam destabilization behaviors.  相似文献   

After the flotation of hospital solid waste incinerator (HSWI) fly ash, two types of solid products, froths and tailings, are produced. This paper reports the effect of flotation on the dioxins distribution patterns in different particle size fractions (?25, ?38, +25, ?75, +38, ?106, +75 and +106 µm) of fly ash. The results showed that the froths had a higher small-size particle distribution than that of the raw fly ash. The dioxin content with particle size in the flotation products depended on the partition behavior of powder-activated carbon (PAC). The dioxin content in the fine particles of the froths was higher than that in the coarse particles, and the highest content was in the finest particles (?25 µm). The dominant dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) congeners in the froths and tailings were similar to those in the raw fly ash. A positive correlation between carbon removal and PCDD/F removal with different size fractions was observed. The carbon removal efficiencies of the fractions of ?25 and ?38, +25 µm were evidently higher than those of the other particle size fractions. Similarly, the PCDD/F removal efficiencies in fractions of ?25 and ?38, +25 µm could reach 156.9% and 115.0%, respectively.  相似文献   

Flotation was proved to be effective for decarburization and removal of dioxins from hospital solid waste (HSW) incinerator fly ash, but weathering makes it difficult. The effects of three types of surfactants including nonionic (Tween 80), anionic (SDS), and cationic (CTAB) at different pulp pH values on the flotation performance of weathered HSW incinerator fly ash were investigated. Results showed that the corresponding optimal pH values of Tween 80, CTAB, and SDS were 7, 5, and 9 in terms of decarburization performance, respectively, which were validated by the measurement of Zeta potential. The total dioxins and carbon removal efficiencies showed good correlation at various pulp pH values with surfactant of Tween 80. The optimum surfactant type and pH value should be selected as Tween 80 and pH = 7 from the standpoints of the dioxin removal. Under the optimum condition, the lowest content of dioxins (2.7 ng I-TEQ/g) in the tailings was obtained. The content of heavy metals in the froths exhibited higher with addition of SDS compared with that with Tween 80 and CTAB.  相似文献   

Ya-Min Hsieh  Min-Shing Tsai 《Carbon》2003,41(12):2317-2324
In the hydrometallurgy process of extracting vanadium and nickel products from oil-fired fly ash, a large amount of unburned carbon remains as a by-product. Because of insufficient knowledge of the physical and chemical properties and related applications of the unburned carbon, the residue has been disposed to landfill or incinerated. In order to explore the utilization of unburned carbon, this preliminary study analyzed its morphology, particle size distribution, specific surface area, pore size distribution, density and chemical composition. The results indicate that the chemical composition is 73-91% carbon, 5-19% ash, 2.5-11.5% volatile substances, and 0.7-1.9% water, it consists of porous spherical particles and some crumbled particles with particle sizes mainly in the range 1-100 μm, the specific surface area is 16-33 m2/g, the pore size ranges between 0.02 and 10 μm, the real density is about 2.05-2.16 g/cm3, the apparent density about 0.15 g/cm3 and it can be characterized as a puffy, readily wind-blown powder.  相似文献   

为提高煤泥浮选效果,利用充气法和TRACKE界面张力仪研究了仲辛醇和GF油的起泡能力及泡沫稳定性,分析柴油对起泡剂起泡能力和泡沫稳定性的影响,并采用2种捕收剂对山西煤样进行煤泥浮选试验研究。结果表明:起泡剂质量分数相同时,GF油的起泡能力要高于仲辛醇,GF油的界面张力比仲辛醇低,但界面张力曲线的斜率比仲辛醇大,因此,GF油的泡沫稳定性大于仲辛醇。起泡剂质量分数相同时,GF油产生泡沫的半衰期要高于仲辛醇,说明其泡沫稳定性要好于仲辛醇。在仲辛醇和GF油中加入柴油后,溶液界面张力下降明显,泡沫半衰期增加,提高了起泡剂的起泡能力和泡沫稳定性。煤泥浮选试验表明,起泡剂用量相近时,GF油作起泡剂的煤泥浮选精煤产率和精煤灰分均高于仲辛醇。  相似文献   

为了将"以废治废"的理念融入实际工业应用中,开展对燃煤电厂固体废弃物粉煤灰改性后在不同条件下进行脱硫废水的吸附实验研究.结果表明,改性粉煤灰的最佳投加量为25 g/L,此时对废水中Cl-的去除率最大,为56%;在45°C和pH为5的条件下,粉煤灰对Cl-的吸附量最大,在反应约280 min时达到吸附平衡.该吸附过程为吸...  相似文献   

F. Goodarzi 《Fuel》2009,88(2):382-386
Fine particles (PM2.5) emitted from the stacks of the coal-fired power plants are of environmental concern since they can easily enter the human respiratory track. The detailed study of the fly ash particles using scanning electron microscope/electron dispersive spectrometry (SEM/EDX) show that fine solid spherical particles (microspheres) are contained by the large cenosphere particles (>50 μm) during the combustion process. The resulting macro particles are known as “plerosphere”, which are typically impregnated by the fine microspheres. The coal-fired power plants’ particle control devices such as the electrostatic precipitators (ESP) and baghouse filters tend to capture the large plerospheres, more efficiently. Therefore, the result of this study suggests that the containment of the microspheres by plerospheres during the coal combustion process can effectively reduce the amount of fine particles and associated elements released into atmosphere.  相似文献   

M. Uçurum 《Powder Technology》2009,191(3):240-246
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of Jameson flotation operation variables on the recovery and kinetics of unburned carbon (UC). The waste sample of petroleum coke, filter powder or fly ash, used in the experiments was collected from lime calcination plant tailings. The effect of Jameson flotation parameters on the recovery and kinetics efficiencies of UC was systematically studied. The feasibility of separating unburned carbon and refuse was determined from the combustible recovery (CR) and ash reduction (AR) (%) curves. Within the range studied, the optimum diesel oil dosage was 3500 g/tonne, pine oil dosage was 2500 g/tonne, pulp density was 15%, wash water rate was 0.17 cm/s and downcomer immersion depth was 50 cm. The results indicate that the Jameson flotation technique is effective in removing the UC from waste filter powder. Furthermore, the classical first-order kinetic flotation model (R = R [1 − exp (− k ? t)]) was applied to data from the tests. The model was evaluated by statistical technique, after non-linear regression on the model parameters. It is found that the classical first order flotation kinetic model, most extensively used among flotation models, fits the tests data very well.  相似文献   

火力发电厂燃煤飞灰润湿性能   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
化学团聚是控制燃煤电厂细微颗粒排放最有效的方法之一。颗粒物被团聚剂润湿是化学团聚的首要步骤。以小龙潭电厂燃煤飞灰为对象,采用激光粒度仪研究了燃煤飞灰在十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)、十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)和Triton X 100(TX100)三种润湿剂溶液中的润湿性能,考察了润湿剂浓度、温度对燃煤飞灰润湿性能的影响。结果表明:水仅能将飞灰颗粒中的PM10+部分全部润湿,0.25%的SDS溶液中PM2.5+可全部润湿,1%的SDS及0.4%的SDBS溶液中PM1+可全部润湿;TX100溶液在低浓度条件下具有较强的润湿飞灰颗粒的能力,且0.1%的TX100溶液对细微颗粒的润湿性能较好;温度从20℃上升到60℃,润湿剂溶液表面张力降低,飞灰的润湿性能增强。鉴于飞灰在三种润湿剂中良好的润湿性能,三种润湿剂均可作为团聚剂组分以促进燃煤飞灰中的细微颗粒润湿进而被团聚成为容易脱除的大颗粒。  相似文献   


In present study, illite flotation behavior with Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Chloride (CTAC) as the collector has been studied to investigate the effects of its residual concentration on froth stability and flotation. Results showed that, with increasing conditioning time, the residual concentration (frother concentration) and froth height decreased simultaneously, while the adsorbed amount (particle hydrophobicity) increased. Increasing CTAC conditioning time decreased the residual concentration in solutions, resulting in poor froth stability and flotation recovery at high pH; the adsorption rate of CTAC on illite surface was relatively high at higher pH due to strong electrostatic mechanism, making CTAC residual concentration decrease.  相似文献   

U. Demir  B. Oteyaka  A. Ucar  O. Sahbaz 《Fuel》2008,87(6):666-672
Bottom ashes from the Tuncbilek power plant have been characterized by size fraction, X-ray diffraction and X-ray Fluorescence. These samples are potentially of class F type and have significant amounts of unburned coal. The unburned coal specimens studied using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy indicated a significant loss of the aliphatic hydrocarbon groups (C-H) and the carbon bond CC during their stay in the combustion environment. In contrast, they indicated insignificant levels of carbonyl group, CO, possibly due to the loss of CO2 to air as well as carboxylic ions to disposal water. The effects of various operating variables on the combustible recovery and ash content determined using column flotation were limited due to severely oxidized state of unburned coal. Best set of results was obtained with the bottom ash sample from unit 3, which brought the ash content from 77.6% down to 42.6% at a combustible recovery of 53.8%, and the calorific value was increased from 1270 kcal/kg to 3840 kcal/kg.  相似文献   

Uncaptured fly ash and/or suspended solids from wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) scrubbing solutions are one of several factors that will influence the performance and robustness of carbon dioxide capture systems in coal-fired power plants which will be installed prior to the exhaust stack. In this study, a 100 mm ID packed column scrubber was tested with different concentrations of ash in various chemical solutions to evaluate the influence of solids on the fluid dynamics of the packing material. Data reported here are collected from three solutions including water, 30 wt% MEA (monoethanolamine), and 20 wt% potassium carbonate. The packing selected for this study was a 16 mm polypropylene pall rings. Compressed air was used to simulate flue gas at near ambient temperature and pressure.  相似文献   

Three coal sources, two high-ash coals from South Africa and one bituminous coal from Australia, were evaluated at a pulverized coal combustion test furnace. These combustion trials were carried out on different blending ratios with the two South African coal sources. The NOx emission characteristics of these high-ash coals are similar with those of bituminous coals. The combustion efficiencies on the high-ash coals are lower than those of bituminous coals. The high-ash coals do not affect bituminous coal combustion on the blending combustion.  相似文献   

The “foam index” test is commonly used for quick evaluation of the suitability, with respect to air entrainment, of pozzolanic additives for concrete. Many foam index test procedures are in common use, and it is difficult to compare results between laboratories. The present paper explores the possibility of standardizing the test for use with coal fly ash pozzolans. It does so by establishing that a series of commercial air-entraining admixtures (AEAs) and pure anionic surfactants all behave in a well-correlated manner, when tested using the same protocol, on a suite of 29 fly ash samples (both class F and class C) obtained from utilities throughout the United States. A pure, reagent-grade surfactant can be chosen as the basis for a standardized test; it appears as though dodecyl benzene sulfonate (DBS) is a good candidate material for such testing. The present results also confirm that it is the carbon in coal fly ash that is the main sink for AEA adsorption in concrete mixtures containing significant amounts of ash. The solution chemistry in the testing mixture is important, and use of cement in the test mix is strongly recommended. Careful attention also needs to be paid to the relative amounts of different components in the mixture to be tested.  相似文献   

矿物颗粒尺寸是影响矿物浮选的重要因素。通过对球磨后的海口胶磷矿进行粒度分析及分粒级浮选实验,了解粒径对胶磷矿浮选结果的影响。结果表明,MgO含量高的矿物易被磨细,在磨矿过程中有向细粒级富集的趋势;而含P_2O_5较多的矿物则相对难磨,在磨矿过程中在粗粒级得到相对富集;通过对比不分粒级比分粒级更有利于胶磷矿浮选。  相似文献   

The formation of a stable froth on the top of separation vessels plays an important role in bitumen flotation during bitumen recovery from oil sands. The effect of temperature on the stability of froth using recycle process water employed in bitumen extraction was investigated using a water column. The froth became less stable with increasing solution temperature. Once the solution temperature increased above 50°C, irreversible precipitation of the surfactants present in the recycle process water was observed, resulting in a less stable froth.  相似文献   

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