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作为微型燃气轮机的核心部件之一,燃烧室性能的优劣将直接影响微型燃气轮机的整体性能。随着环保意识的增强和环保法规的日益严格,控制燃烧室污染物的排放业已成为一个重要课题。以一微型燃气轮机燃烧室为对象进行了热态条件下NOx排放性能的实验研究。实验结果表明:随着过量空气系数的增加,NOx的排放浓度呈下降趋势;燃烧区温度的升高以及在高温区停留时间变长,NOx生成量大大上升;在较高负荷工况下,NOx的排放量较小。  相似文献   

通过建立轴向分级燃烧室的化学反应器网络模型,在燃气轮机典型工况下研究第一级与第二级燃烧段之间的燃料分配、流量分配和停留时间分配等因素对NO_x排放的影响。结果表明:在燃烧室出口温度恒定的条件下,减少第一级的燃料分配比例使第二级出口烟气温度高于第一级,调节第二级喷嘴位置来缩短第二级燃烧段的停留时间,可以显著降低NO_x排放;但是当第一级燃烧产物与第二级燃料/空气混合物混合不均匀时,会严重影响分级燃烧的NO_x减排效果。  相似文献   

完成了用于110MW级重型燃气轮机的干低排放燃烧室的设计和第一阶段试验验证。燃烧室采用轴向分级的贫油预混燃烧技术降低NOx排放,将火焰筒头部分为环形区、预混区和扩散区三个燃烧区。单管燃烧室全尺寸中压试验结果表明:在第一种工作模式下,燃烧室的总压损失、起动点火、燃烧效率、出口温度分布、压力脉动和火焰简壁温均满足设计要求,但NOx排放超过设计要求。受周期和试验条件限制,第二种工作模式下的NOx排放试验尚未完成。  相似文献   

重型燃气轮机先进低NOx燃烧技术分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对重型燃气轮机领域中的低NOx燃烧技术进行介绍与说明,首先简要论述了重型燃气轮机燃烧室中氮氧化物的产生机理及抑制方法,其次,介绍了贫预混多喷嘴分级燃烧技术、富油/烽熄/贫油燃烧技术和贫预混低旋流燃烧技术等7种可用于重型燃气轮机燃烧室的先进低NOx燃烧技术,并详细论述了这7种低NOx燃烧技术的作用原理及应用进展,可为国内重型燃气轮机低污染燃烧室的设计与研制提供技术参考.  相似文献   

杨强  曹承洁  赵乌恩  林枫 《热能动力工程》2020,35(1):前插1,1-10
针对双燃料低排放燃烧室,总结了各主要燃气轮机厂商双燃料低排放燃烧室技术现状与特点,并对各双燃料燃烧室按燃烧方式进行了对比归类。分析指出:双燃料低排放燃烧室的可切换工况范围、燃料切换时间、燃料适用范围和双燃料启动功能是设计/使用较为关心的性能要求,双燃料喷嘴设计、在线切换系统、混合燃烧技术、低排放集成技术和吹扫冷却技术是目前双燃料燃烧室的研发重点/难点;具备燃料适应性宽广、大工况比短时燃料切换、可长时混烧性能的双燃料低排放燃烧室是双燃料燃烧室发展的主要趋势。  相似文献   

本文结合实践分析了燃气轮机燃烧室注水后对排放物、性能和检修等的影响.  相似文献   

柴油机NOx排放控制技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文论述了柴油机NOx放排放物的危害及其控制的必要性,探讨了NOx的生成机理,介绍了各种柴油机NOx排放的控制技术,并分析了各种净化技术的特点和存在的问题。  相似文献   

这项工作是在一个直径161mm,高度6.2m的燃煤循环流化床燃烧室试验装置上研究从两个不同位置加入石灰石(一个在床底部,另一个在二次喷口之上)对NO、NOx,N2O排放的影响。在任一位置加入石灰石,除吸收(脱)硫以外,总是导致N2O排放的降低和NO/NOx排放的增加,相对于在底部加入,在二次风喷口以上加入石灰石导致N2O排放较大的减少,也引起NO/NOx排放更大的增加,这个结果可以解释为石灰石对四点的影响;(Ⅰ)煤挥发分氮转化为Nx;(Ⅱ)N2O的分解;(Ⅲ)由于脱硫所造成的H、OH、和(或)O基原子团的聚集;(Ⅳ)焦炭氮转化为NO/NOx。众所周知,石灰石对煤挥发分氮转化为NO/NOx起催化作用。然而,在流化床燃烧条件下,石面料石对焦炭氮转化影响的研究做得非常少,因此,在一个试验规模的鼓泡流化床反应器上进行了一系列的配料式焦炭燃烧试验。石英砂或石英砂与石灰石的混合物作为床料,这些试验揭示了与挥发分氮情况相类似,石灰石对焦炭氮转化为NO/NOx也起促进作用。  相似文献   

黄阳  王文欢  迟志伟  潘卫国 《动力工程学报》2021,41(12):1054-1060,1102
以采用燃料和空气预混燃烧方式的微型燃气轮机燃烧室为研究对象,根据设计参数对燃烧室进行建模和模拟计算,模拟不同工况下预混燃料在燃烧室内经过湍流流动并发生燃烧化学反应的过程,进而得到燃烧室内的热态流场、温度分布以及出口烟气中污染物的排放量.结果 表明:在总过量空气系数为3.01的情况下,随着旋流器进口当量比的增大以及助燃风质量流量比例的升高,预混火焰的锋面温度有所升高,出口NOx质量浓度与出口温度分布因子呈正相关.  相似文献   

由煤燃烧产生的NOx引起的污染受到世界各国的重视.因此研究降低污染物排放成为燃烧研究的重要课题.对某电站锅炉的实际情况,进行了空气分级燃烧降低NOx的数值模拟研究,并和改造后的运行结果进行了比较.结果表明,分级燃烧可有效降低NOx排放,为电站锅炉清洁燃烧提供了依据.  相似文献   

The DLE (dry low emission) technology has already been used on industrial gas turbine combustor and the NO X emission can be limited to 25 ppmv (@15% O 2 ), but one of the destructive effects is combustion instability. In this paper, the dynamic and emission characteristics of a DLE gas turbine combustor have been researched in the authors’ laboratory, and the results show that the key source of combustion instability is the non-uniformity of fuel in the flame zone. Two main fuel supply methods have been used to form different fuel distribution types; it is shown that in the perfectly premixed case the emission level is low and combustion process is stable. The PPF also has an obvious effect on the combustor’s emission and dynamic characteristics.  相似文献   

This study presents the use of a new chemical reactor network (CRN) model and non-uniform injectors to predict the NOx emission pollutant in gas turbine combustor. The CRN uses information from Computational Fluid Dy- namics (CFD) combustion analysis with two injectors of CH4-air mixture. The injectors of CH4-air mixture have different lean equivalence ratio, and they control fuel flow to stabilize combustion and adjust combustor's equiva- lence ratio, Non-uniform injector is applied to improve the burning process of the turbine combustor. The results of the new CRN for NOx prediction in the gas turbine combustor show very good agreement with the experimen- tal data from Korea Electric Power Research Institute.  相似文献   

Combustion characteristics of gaseous hydrogen fuel in a can type gas turbine combustor are presented. These are the results of a research program sponsored by CDND/DSS/NRCC*. Combustion performance of hydrogen is compared with that of other (liquid) fuels using the same combustion hardware. Hydrogen combustion is characterized by high combustion efficiency, ease of ignition, and good flame stability; however it can also result in relatively high metal temperatures which can impact on liner durability, and high NOx, emissions. Effects of two different hydrogen fuel injector designs on performance of the combustor are discussed. Impact of individual operating parameters on combustor performance with hydrogen is identified.  相似文献   

The paper presents a survey of the interactive optimization cycle at Aachen University of Applied Sciences, used for the development of a new low emission Micromix combustor module for application in hydrogen fueled industrial gas turbines. During the development process, experimental and numerical methods are applied to optimize a given baseline combustor with 0.3 mm nozzles with respect to combustion efficiency, combustion stability, higher thermal power output per nozzle and reduced manufacturing complexity.Within the described research cycle combustion and flow simulations are used in the context of parametric studies for generating optimized burner geometries and the phenomenological interpretation of the experimental results. Experimental tests, carried out on an atmospheric combustion chamber test stand provide the basis for validation of simulation results and proof of the predicted combustion characteristics under scaled down gas turbine conditions.In the presented studies, an integration-optimized Micromix combustor with a nozzle diameter of 0.84 mm is tested at atmospheric pressure over a range of gas turbine operating conditions with hydrogen fuel. The combustor module offers an increase in the thermal power output per nozzle by approx. 390% at a significant reduced number of injectors when compared to the baseline design. This greatly benefits manufacturing complexity and the robustness of the combustion process against fuel contamination by particles.During atmospheric testing, the optimized combustor module shows satisfactory operating behavior, combustion efficiency and pollutant emission level. Within the evaluated operating range, which correlates to gas turbine part-, full- and overload conditions, the investigated combustor module exceeds 99% combustion efficiency. The Micromix combustor achieves NOx emissions less than 2.5 ppm corrected to 15 Vol% O2 at the design point.Based on numerical analyses and experimental low pressure testing, a full-scale gas turbine combustion chamber is derived. High pressure testing in the auxiliary power unit Honeywell/Garrett GTCP 36–300 shows stable operation during acceleration of the engine, during IDLE and during load variations between IDLE and Main Engine Start (MES) mode. Throughout the investigated operating range, the combustion chamber generates low NOx emissions under full-scale gas turbine conditions.  相似文献   

为了响应政府业及民用天然气锅炉达到超低氮排放,要求绝大多数天然气锅炉采用低氮燃烧器+烟气再循环系统的技术路线,实施后普遍出现NOx、CO含量偏高、炉膛振动较大等问题。借助116 MW天然气锅炉进行试验研究,研究了燃烧器燃料配比、燃烧火焰长度、助燃空气氧含量三个因素对NOx及CO的影响,并对投入烟气再循环前后炉膛振动情况进行了检测。试验表明:燃烧器燃料内外配比对NOx、CO生成影响较大,两者呈现相反趋势变化;燃烧火焰长度对NOx生成影响较大,对CO含量影响较小;助燃空气氧含量对NOx、CO生成以及锅炉振动影响较大。三种影响因素相比,助燃空气氧含量影响更为突出。  相似文献   

目前燃气轮机由于体积小,清洁无污染而在清洁发电技术领域有较多应用。燃烧室作为燃气轮机主要部件之一,是燃料燃烧产生热能从而通过在后续涡轮中做功输出电能的重要枢纽。为有效提高机组的安全性及可靠性,需要针对燃气轮机系统尤其是燃烧室进行建模分析。由于燃烧室的实际运行情况具有复杂性,因此对其进行简化处理,针对其工作的特性对其进行模拟研究。采用模块化建模,基于能量平衡与质量平衡分析燃烧室的稳定运行工况,并且采用欧拉显式微分方程对其进行了动态数学建模。并利用编程语言对燃烧室模型进行了编译,转化为了二次建模进而基于智能仿真平台对其运行过程中进行分析,即环境温度、环境压力以及燃料品质(燃料热值)变化对燃烧室性能的影响。  相似文献   

方胜 《工业锅炉》2001,(2):24-25
分析了NOx对生态平衡及人体的危害性,并介绍了号称“欧洲之肺”的波兰在有效防止NOx排放方面的探索和经验。  相似文献   

Measurements of radiation, smoke and temperature in a developed experimental combustor at various air pressures, inlet temperatures and air-fuel ratios have shown the effects of such fuel properties as volatility, boiling range and H percentage mass content on ignition, lean blow-out, liner temperature and exhaust smoke. This study has been extended to cover some of these performance characteristics for shale oil.  相似文献   

通过对华能玉环电厂1000MW超超临界燃煤机组低NOx燃烧系统的分析,结合燃烧调整和性能考核试验报告,为今后燃煤发电机组的燃烧系统高效率、低污染设计提供了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

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