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BACKGROUND: Determination of the cellular distribution of the androgen receptor (AR) in testicular cells is necessary for understanding the mode of AR action in the testis. We here investigated immunohistochemically the localization of AR by use of anti-human AR polyclonal antibody NH27, with special reference to the AR in germ cells in the developing mouse testis. METHODS: ICR mouse testes taken from day 14 post coitum (p.c.) to day 56 post partum (p.p) were used for AR immunohistochemistry by the routine immunoperoxidase method at the light microscopic level and the pre-embedding method at the electron microscopic level. RESULTS: On day 14 p.c., AR immunoreactivity was present in nuclei of prospermatogonia but not in those of Sertoli cells or interstitial cells. On day 14 p.p., the AR was detected in the nuclei of spermatogonia, Sertoli cells, and myoid cells. AR immunoreactivity in nuclei of Leydig cells appeared on day 21 p.p. In the mature mouse testis, the AR was present in the nuclei of spermatogonia, Sertoli cells, myoid cells, and Leydig cells. CONCLUSIONS: AR was present both in germ cells and in somatic cells during fetal and postnatal development of the mouse testis. In the fetal testis, AR was localized exclusively in prospermatogonia and spermatogonia, suggesting that androgen may act directly on germ cells during prespermatogenesis and the early stage of spermatogenesis. Based on the fact that AR is expressed in Sertoli cells, myoid cells, and Leydig cells around the onset of spermatogenesis, the regulation of AR expression in the germ cells seems to be different from that in the somatic cells. Furthermore, our present data suggest the ultrastructural localization in nuclei of mouse testicular cells is similar to that of some other steroid receptors, both in germ cells and somatic cells.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is responsible for primordial germ cell (PGC) attrition in the developing fetal ovary. In monolayer cultures of murine PGC, stem cell factor (SCF) and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) independently promote survival in vitro; however, the relevance of these data to fetal ovarian oogonium and oocyte survival, as well as the intracellular events involved in transducing the antiapoptotic actions of these cytokines in germ cells, remain to be elucidated. In this report, we investigated the effects of SCF and LIF, alone and in combination, on the survival of oogonia and oocytes, and elaborated on components of the signal transduction pathway used by these molecules, after validating a method of culturing fetal mouse ovaries. We further employed this system to also test the hypothesis that insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), a classic antiapoptotic molecule, and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), a classic pro-apoptotic molecule, interact with the SCF/LIF pathway and function in a reciprocal fashion to precisely regulate germ cell numbers during fetal oogenesis. Freshly isolated embryonic day 13.5 ovaries contained nonapoptotic germ cells, as determined by histologic analysis of cellular morphology and in situ 3'-end-labeling of DNA integrity. In vitro culture of fetal ovaries without tropic support for 24, 48, and 72 h resulted in a time-dependent induction of germ cell apoptosis, such that most oogonia and oocytes present after 72 h were apoptotic. Morphometric analysis of serially sectioned ovaries indicated that the numbers of nonapoptotic germ cells remaining after 24, 48, and 72 h of culture were 78%, 38%, and 10%, respectively, of the number present before culture (P < 0.05 for all time points vs. 0 h). Inclusion of SCF (100 ng/ml) together with LIF (100 ng/ml) in the culture medium significantly attenuated germ cell apoptosis, with the SCF/LIF-treated ovaries retaining 5.5-fold more oogonia and oocytes after 72 h of culture as compared with control ovaries deprived of tropic support (P < 0.05). However, SCF or LIF, when added separately, had no (SCF) or little (LIF) inhibitory effect on germ cell apoptosis. Provision of 50 ng/ml IGF-I maintained survival of approximately two-thirds of the germ cells in cultured ovaries (P < 0.05), whereas a combination of all three growth factors (SCF, LIF, IGF-I) completely preserved the fetal ovary in culture to that resembling a freshly-isolated gonad. Cotreatment with 25 ng/ml TGF-beta partially reversed the survival actions of IGF-I or SCF/LIF, such that only one-third of the starting number of oogonia/oocytes remained after 72 h of culture (P < 0.05). Lastly, the antiapoptotic effects of SCF/LIF or IGF-I were almost entirely eliminated by cotreatment of fetal ovaries with either one of two inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol-3'-kinase (PI3K), LY294002 (5 microM) or wortmannin (50 nM), whereas cotreatment with an inhibitor of p70 S6 kinase (rapamycin, 25 ng/ml) was without effect. These data indicate that the combined actions of SCF, LIF, and IGF-I are required for maximal inhibition of apoptosis in germ cells of fetal mouse ovaries, and that the PI3K signaling pathway is an essential component of cytokine-mediated female germ cell survival. Moreover, TGF-beta can partially override the antiapoptotic actions of SCF/LIF or IGF-I in oogonia and oocytes, suggesting the existence of a complex signaling network that ultimately determines fetal ovarian germ cell fate.  相似文献   

Quasi-homogeneous fractions of male mouse germ cells at definite stages of meiosis and spermiogenesis were obtained by using a separation method based on sedimentation velocity in an albumin gradient. In the various cell types, the total DNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity was determined, and the major enzymatic forms were characterized. The DNA polymerase species present in premeiotic, meiotic and post-meiotic cells were analyzed by glycerol gradient sedimentation. Two types of DNA polymerase were identified in fractions enriched in spermatogonia and preleptotene spermatocytes. One showed a sedimentation coefficient of about 7.5 S and was sensitive to N-ethylmaleimide (NEM); the other exhibited a sedimentation coefficient between 3 and 4 S and was resistant to NEM. On the basis of their sedimentation coefficients, their sensitivity to NEM and their template specificities, these 2 enzymes were identified respectively as alpha and beta DNA polymerases as reported in mammals. The gradient analysis performed on fractions enriched in meiotic and post-meiotic cells revealed the presence of DNA polymerase beta only. A quantitative analysis showed that the activity of the DNA polymerase beta reaches a maximum at middle-late pachytene stage and then drops gradually during spermiogenesis. Although any conclusion as to the biological role of this high level of DNA polymerase activity in pachytene spermatocytes is premature, it is tempting to suggest that this enzyme is involved in meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

There are periods during pregnancy when sows may have a temporally high requirement for certain vitamins and minerals. Proteins transferring retinol and Fe to the developing pig fetus have been discovered, whereas transport mechanisms for other vitamins and minerals are probably present but have not yet been identified. Sow body tissues can serve as a reservoir for many micronutrients, but it is not known whether these reserves can supply an adequate quantity during critical fetal developmental periods. There is a low placental transfer of vitamin E to the fetus even if the dietary concentration fed to a gestating animal is high, but colostrum and milk concentrations can be increased when the nutrient is fed to sows. If the dam's diet contains inadequate Ca or P, the concentration of these elements in the developing fetus and milk will not be affected. Consequently, sow bone demineralization will occur under conditions of dietary inadequacy of Ca and P. Other nutrients can be depleted from sow tissue reservoirs over several parities (e.g., Se), resulting in low quantities being provided in the milk for nursing pigs. Scientific information involving adequate vitamin and mineral nutrition for female pigs to improve conception rate and embryonal survival that will result in optimum fetal and postnatal pig development can be considered to be in its infancy.  相似文献   

Our recent studies demonstrated that experimental autoimmune orchitis (EAO) model was produced in C3H/He mice with high incidence by two subcutaneous injections of viable syngeneic testicular germ cells (TC) without the use of any adjuvants or immunopotentiators. In this study the developmental patterns of autoantigenicity of TC during postnatal period were investigated by examining the orchitogenic activity of TC, the lymphostimulatory activities of TC (including the TC-induced in vitro lymphocyte proliferative response and the cytokine release from sensitized spleen cells (SPC) in response to TC) and the immunohistochemical localization of target autoantigens in the testes of mice at various weeks of age. Delayed-type hypersensitivity-inducing capacity and anti-TC antibody-eliciting capacity were initially observed in mice that were immunized with TC of 4-week old (w.o.) mice. The TC from 6-w.o. mice had the capability of inducing EAO (orchitogenicity) for the first time. A significant stimulation of in vitro lymphocyte proliferative response, as well as of interleukin (IL) 5 and IL-6 production by sensitized SPC were detectable when TC of mice 3-w.o. or more than were employed as stimulant. IL-2 and interferon gamma production were detected with TC of 4-w.o. mice. Immunohistochemical staining reaction with anti-TC antisera was primarily localized at the acrosomal portion of spermatids and spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules, being already detected in spermatids of as early as 3-w.o. mice. Thus, from these data it is suggested that the appearance of the lymphostimulatory activities of TC consistently precedes that of the orchitogenic activity and that relatively mature germ cells such as spermatids and spermatozoa developing in the testes during the postnatal weeks may be responsible for the induction of disease and relevant immune responses in our EAO system.  相似文献   

The significance of cell death occurring during spermatogenesis is a subject of interest because of its potential medical importance. Unfortunately, the field has been difficult for andrologists to penetrate, in part because of the difficulties of studying germ cells in vitro and the complexity of designing suitable models in which to dissect the molecular signalling pathways involved in control of germ cell apoptosis. As a result, the reasons for these deaths remain unclear despite considerable investigative effort. As developments which have occurred over the last few years in understanding of apoptosis can shed light on this important topic, this review focuses on what is currently known about germ cell apoptosis and outlines the emerging picture of what might be the causes and biological role of germ cell deaths in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

The incidence of aneuploidy in male germ cells was evaluated by analyzing extra marker chromosome(s) signal(s) in round and/or hook spermatids of transgenic mice. Two types of transgenic mice were used as models. The inserted foreign DNA (lambda-gt10LacZ shuttle vector and/or pSVc-myc plasmid) was located at the middle of the long arms of chromosome 2 (lambda DNA) and/or chromosome 8 (c-myc). The number of marker chromosomes present could easily be detected after fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in testicular cells. The frequency of spontaneous aneuploidy of chromosome 2 was similar in round spermatids of lambda and lambda-myc mice. Differential involvement of chromosomes 2 and 8 was observed in both round and hook spermatids. The frequency of spontaneous aneuploidy in round spermatids was higher than that in hook spermatids. The frequency of aneuploidy of marker chromosomes was significantly higher in older mice (2 years old) than in younger ones. Diethylstilbestrol (DES)-induced aneuploidy was dose dependent, and was not influenced by the stage at which germ cells were treated with DES. These results demonstrate the usefulness of a transgenic mouse model for the study of aneuploidy in germ cells.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of male germ cell differentiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liver steatosis is often attributed to dietary habits. Our previous results have shown that fatty acid synthesis is considerably increased by high carbohydrates-fat free diet (HCFF) given to rats after fasting, and leads to lipid accumulation and morphological alterations in the liver, defined as steatosis. As n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are able to counteract lipogenesis induction in vivo and in vitro, we hypothesized that the addition of menhaden oil in a carbohydrate-rich diet might be able to protect the liver against steatosis induced by a fasting-re-feeding transition. Male Wistar rats were first fasted for 48 hr, then re-fed ad lib. for 24 hr with either (1) standard diet; (2) high carbohydrates-fat free diet (HCFF), containing 40% (w/w) starch, 40% saccharose, 16% casein and 4% vitamin mineral mix; or (3) the latter diet containing additionally 5% menhaden oil (HCMO) for 24 hr. Triglyceride (TG) accumulation occurred in liver tissue of rats re-fed with HCFF and HCMO diets after fasting. The addition of menhaden oil led to a strong decrease in serum TG; however, both TG and phospholipid (PL) levels, as well as fatty acid synthase activity, were increased in the liver of HCMO rats as compared with the values obtained in HCFF re-fed rats. Histologically diagnosed steatosis was even more severe when rats received HCMO than HCFF. These results indicate that menhaden oil supplementation does not avoid, but even increases, the degree of steatosis generated in vivo by re-feeding a high carbohydrate diet after fasting.  相似文献   

Since the first clinical studies regarding sealing of arterial puncture sites with collagen with the use of the vascular hemostatic device (VHD) and the hemostatic puncture closing device (HPCD) in the early 1990s were performed, no analysis summarizing the published patients has been reported. Therefore we performed a Medline search of data as far back as 1990 and included abstracts presented at the major scientific meetings in the United States (American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology), Europe (European Society of Cardiology), and Germany (German Society of Cardiology). A total of 6007 patients were found to have been enrolled in studies with VHD (4448 patients) or with HPCD (1559 patients). Parameters analyzed in this review were hemostasis success rates and local complications. To assess the impact of the sealing devices on local complications, studies without control groups were excluded. The hemostasis success rates immediately after deployment seemed to be higher for HPCD, but at 2' to 5' after sheath removal, they were in the same range for VHD and HPCD. In controlled studies minor local complications occurred at a rate of 7.6% in the VHD group and in 6.7% of the HPCD group. Because the control group in the HPCD studies showed a considerably higher rate of minor complications than the VHD group (11.7% vs 5.7%), the reduction in minor complications was statistically significant for HPCD, whereas VHD did not reduce minor local complications. Major local complications were reported in 3.8% of the VHD group but in only 1.8% of the HPCD group. The increase of major local complications was statistically significant with VHD (control, 1.7%) but not with HPCD (control, 1.4%). Our analysis shows that some differences between collagen devices may exist, but neither device has been proven to reduce major local complications.  相似文献   

Y Matsui 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,106(1):142-7; discussion 147-8
A large number of primordial germ cells (PGCs), as well as spermatogonia, undergo programmed cell death or apoptosis in the physiological context. In this process, environmental, cytoplasmic and nuclear factors are involved. Bcl-2 and its related molecules are known as general regulators of cell death, and some are important for survival of PGCs and spermatogonia. Steel factor, a ligand for c-Kit, also supports growth and survival of these cells. In addition, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)8B and Desert Hedgehog (Dhh), which are secreted proteins, and a nuclear factor, c-Myc, play a role in spermatocyte survival. This suggests that germ cell survival or death at each stage of differentiation is precisely controlled by specific signalling pathways which consist of a number of molecules.  相似文献   

These studies were performed to determine when, during fetal or postnatal life, rat pancreatic acinar cells acquire their capacity to respond to cholinergic drugs. The release of amylase, lipase, and chymotrypsin from rat pancreas in response to urecholine was measured in vitro. Fetal and newborn pancreas did not respond to 10(-5) M urecholine; 3-day- to 15-day-old pancreas demonstrated an increasing response to this dose. Peak sensitivity when compared to adult pancreas was present between days 15 and 21. Our results indicate that the exocrine pancreas acquired a responsiveness to urecholine on the 3rd day of postnatal life and becomes more sensitive to stimulation from the 15th day.  相似文献   

This electron microscopical study was performed in order to follow the endocytic pathway of horseradish peroxidase and colloidal gold tracers and to determine the involvement of endocytosis in postnatal differentiation in superficial cells of the mouse urinary bladder epithelium. Morphometric analyses of late endosomes/multivesicular bodies from day of birth to day 25 were performed. The internalisation and intracellular transport of luminal plasmalemma to multivesicular bodies via endocytic vesicles, early endosomes and pleomorphic compartments was established. Dynamic changes in endocytic activity took place within the first few days of postnatal differentiation. During this period the number of multivesicular bodies changed in an inverse ratio to their size. After the third day endocytic activity gradually approached the low rate of adult urothelium.  相似文献   

The germ cell lineage in mice is established about a week after fertilization, in a group of cells that have left the epiblast and moved to an extraembryonic site. They migrate back into the embryo, along the hind gut and into the gonads. Germ cells in male and female embryos then pursue different pathways: in the testis the germ cells cease proliferating and enter mitotic arrest, while germ cells in the ovary, like those in male embryos that remain outside the gonads, enter meiotic prophase. Studies on explanted germ cells suggest that all germ cells may enter meiosis at a certain stage of their development, unless prevented from doing so by some inhibitory influence of the testis. Germ cells during the migratory stage can be cultured, but do not enter meiosis unless embedded in somatic tissue. Addition of certain growth factors and cytokines to the culture medium allows germ cells to proliferate indefinitely in vitro: Like embryonic stem cells, these immortalized EG (embryonic germ) cells will colonize all cell lineages if introduced into a blastocyst. After birth, germ cells undergo gametogenesis; oogenesis in the female, spermatogenesis in the male. Brinster and his colleagues have shown that spermatogonial stem cells injected into a germ-cell depleted testis will repopulate the seminiferous tubules and undergo spermatogenesis, giving rise to functional spermatozoa. Stem cells from frozen testicular tissue are still capable of giving rise to spermatogenesis in a host testis. Rat testicular tissue can undergo spermatogenesis in a mouse testis, to form morphologically normal rat spermatozoa, even though the Sertoli cells that support them are of endogenous mouse origin. These findings are of fundamental importance for our understanding of spermatogenesis and the interactions between germ cells and Sertoli cells; but they also have significant practical implications, in relation to both agricultural practice and clinical treatment of infertility.  相似文献   

The rat lung undergoes the phase of maturation of the alveolar septa and of the parenchymal microvascular network mainly during the third postnatal week. Speculating that programmed cell death may contribute to the thinning of the alveolar septa, we searched for the presence of DNA fragmentation in rat lungs between postnatal days 6 and 36 using the TUNEL procedure. The number of positive nuclei was compared at different days. We observed an 8-fold increase of programmed cell death toward the end of the third week as compared to the days before and after this time point. The precise timing of the appearance of the peak depended on the size of the litter. Double-labeling for DNA fragmentation (TUNEL) and for type I and type II epithelial cells (antibodies E11 and MNF-116), as well as morphologic studies at electron microscopic level, revealed that during the peak of programmed cell death mainly fibroblasts and type II epithelial cells were dying. While both dying cell types were TUNEL-positive, nuclear fragments and apoptotic bodies were exclusively observed in the dying fibroblasts. We conclude that programmed cell death is involved in the structural maturation of the lung by reducing the number of fibroblasts and type II epithelial cells in the third postnatal week. We observed that the dying fibroblasts are cleared by neighboring fibroblasts in a later stage of apoptosis, and we hypothesize that type II epithelial cells are cleared by alveolar macrophages in early stages of the programmed cell death process.  相似文献   

The 17q-linked breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene (BRCA1) is believed to function as a tumor suppressor gene (Miki et al., 1994). In this report BRCA1 RNA expression has been analysed in adult mouse tissues with detailed attention to its expression in prepuberal and adult testis. Measurements of BRCA1 mRNA levels in highly purified somatic cells of the testis and in staged germ cells showed that high level BRCA1 mRNA expression is limited to the germ cells. Within the germ cell lineage, the high level expression was detected in meiotic cells, specifically pachytene spermatocytes and in post-meiotic round spermatids. This is in contrast to premeiotic germ cells which were found to express little or no BRCA1 mRNA. These observations, considered together with recent data on the expression of BRCA1 in breast epithelium, argues against a function for BRACA1 in early progenitor cells in both tissues and cells attention instead to roles intimately associated with terminal differentiation or with final rounds of cell division.  相似文献   

The specification of mouse germ cell lineage takes place after a population of pluripotential cells is established, and cell communication among the pluripotential cells may be important for this process. Primordial germ cells (PGCs) first appear around the allantois at 7 dpc which are distinct from pluripotential cells in the early embryo because they can not colonize blastocysts. However, a portion of PGCs are transformed into pluripotential cells in the ectopic environment or in culture, suggesting that the developmental fate of PGCs may still be somewhat plastic. PGCs may be destined only for gametes after they enter into the mitotic arrest phase or the meiotic prophase in embryonic gonads, which may be regulated by intrinsic and/or environmental molecules. After fetal germ cells are mitotically arrested, a large number of germ cells undergo programmed cell death. Bcl-2 and its related molecules are involved in the determination of death or survival of fetal germ cells, as well as of spermatogonia in adult testis. The cell death of spermatogonia may be necessary either for eliminating impaired germ cells or for arranging optimal interactions between germ cells and their supporting cells. Although maturating germ cells seem to differentiate only to sperm cells, oocytes that complete the first meiotic division can give rise to pluripotential cells, suggesting that maternal molecules accumulated in oocyte may play a role in the restoration of pluripotency.  相似文献   

Ideomotor apraxia, disordered movement execution to command, commonly follows left-hemisphere damage, implying left-hemisphere dominance for certain kinds of movements. To delineate this dominance we used different command modalities to elicit meaningful movements and tested imitation of nonsense movements. Twenty-seven patients with unilateral hemispheric stroke and 10 age-matched controls were evaluated. Patients with left-hemisphere damage performed both meaningful and nonsense movements poorer than the other study groups; thus, the meaningfulness of the movements is irrelevant for the left-hemisphere motor dominance. The performance varied, however, with the command modality and movement type. Based on this and earlier studies we posit that the left-hemisphere motor dominance is determined by the artificiality of the test situation (it concerns movements performed to command and out of the natural context) and increased spatial and temporal complexity of the demanded movements. No association between the lesion locus within the left hemisphere and the severity of the ideomotor apraxia was found.  相似文献   

Reconstructions of the efferent innervation of the hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) cochlea were done during postnatal development. Efferent neurons were labeled via injections of biocytin and horseradish peroxidase into the crossed olivocochlear (OC) bundles using an in vitro brainstem technique. Such injections retrogradely labeled cell bodies in ventral periolivary regions of the superior olive consistent with their being medial OC neurons. Anterogradely labeled axons were traced to the cochlea, where they terminated on or below inner hair cells (IHCs) prior to postnatal day 5 (P5). After P5, labeled axons terminated on IHCs and outer hair cells (OHCs) and after P10, the majority of labeled axons terminated on the OHCs. In the electron microscope, small labeled terminals containing densely packed synaptic vesicles were found both adjacent to IHCs (axosomatic) as well as apposed to afferent and efferent fibers below IHCs prior to P5. By P10, large labeled terminals were axosomatic to OHCs and no longer found on IHCs. Consistent with previous reports, these data suggest that medial OC axons form part of an early primary innervation on and below IHCs before terminating on OHCs. This raises the possibility that OC neurons demonstrate a period of waiting below an intermediate target similar to that described in the development of thalamocortical projections.  相似文献   

Expression of tropomyosin protein, an essential component of the thin filament, has been found to be drastically reduced in cardiac mutant hearts of the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) with no formation of sarcomeric myofibrils. Therefore, this naturally occurring cardiac mutation is an appropriate model to examine the effects of delivering tropomyosin protein or tropomyosin cDNA into the deficient tissue. In this study, we describe the replacement of tropomyosin by using a cationic liposome transfection technique applied to whole hearts in vitro. When mouse alpha-tropomyosin cDNA under the control of a cardiac-specific alpha-myosin heavy chain promoter was transfected into the mutant hearts, tropomyosin expression was enhanced resulting in the formation of well-organized sarcomeric myofibrils. Transfection of a beta-tropomyosin construct under control of the same promoter did not result in enhanced organization of the myofibrils. Transfection of a beta-galactosidase reporter gene did not result in the formation of organized myofibrils or increased tropomyosin expression. These results demonstrate the importance of alpha-tropomyosin to the phenotype of this mutation and to normal myofibril formation. Moreover, we have shown that a crucial contractile protein can be ectopically expressed in cardiac muscle that is deficient in this protein, with the resulting formation of organized sarcomeres.  相似文献   

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