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1.目的:研究、研制、实验等课题所涉及的范围和所要解决的问题。2.方法:所采用原理、理论、思想、技术、条件、材料、工艺、结构等,如何创建的新理论、新技术、新方法、新材料、新工艺、新结构等。3.结果:研究的结果、所得数据、被确定的关系、得到的效果和性能等。4.结论:对结果通过分析、比较、升华所得到的具有普遍意义的规律和适用范围。这四大要素是简明扼要地、全面准确地表述论文关键内容的必要条件,缺一不可。  相似文献   

PLC是可编程逻辑控制器的简称。运用可编程存储器,使用内部存储程序,执行逻辑的运算、顺序控制、定时、计数、算术的运算等。面向用户的操作指令,通过数字式或模拟式进行输入、输出。可控制机械或生产过程控制。可靠性能好、操作简单、适应性强等优点。在各领域得到广泛的应用。具有良好的发展空间。本文从PLC优点、应用领域、发展三方面阐述个人观点。  相似文献   

本文重点阐述计算机病毒的产生、特征。探讨有关计算机病毒的定义、起源、历史、特征、传播途径、分类、最新动态、错误认识、防毒原则、解决病毒的办法和措施。  相似文献   

设计理念 人性、科技、舒适、健康、节能、安全。 设计原则 用户需要操作简单、方便,功能实用,外观美观大方的智能家居感应照明。施特朗制造的产品集实用性和可靠性于一身,能体现用户高人一等的生活品位。同时要化繁为简、高度人性化、注重健康、娱乐生活、保护私密。  相似文献   

由于可编程控制器(简称PLC)可靠性高(平均无故障时间可达8万~10万小时)、编程简单、通用性强、体积小、结构紧凑、安装维护方便,因此大量应用于机械、冶金、石油、化工、轻工、纺织、电力、电子、食品、交通、楼宇等行业。实践表明,80%以上的工业控制可以使用PLC来完成。目前高级电工的培训内容中,PLC也是重要的一部分。通过可编程控制器应用系列学习,可使自己的PLC水平提高到一定的层次。大家在开始学习时,不一定要完全搞清楚程序,在学习的过程中,会慢慢了解其控制思维及方法。知识点:由基本的PLC指令产生较复杂逻辑关系的编程以及生产脉冲信号的方法等。技能点:PLC接线、防盗控制箱的制作。难点:复杂逻辑关系的编程。注意要点:必须具有电工安全基本知识,PLC接线时必须断电。必要条件:电脑、可编程控制器、编程电缆。  相似文献   

正1.文稿应具备学术性、专业性、创新性、科学性,务求主题突出、论据充分、文字精炼、数据可靠,有较高的学术水平、专业水平和实用价值。2.文稿的篇幅(含摘要、图、表、参号文献等)不超过7000字。3.文稿结构一般为题名、作者姓名、单位(邮编)、摘要、关键词、中图分类号、引言、正文、参考文献以及上述各项的英文译文。  相似文献   

以太网设备接入WLAN的理想选择。产品分为:接入点和客户端。主要应用于电力、石化、汽车、冶金、烟草、港口、机械制造、物流等领域。  相似文献   

<正>1.文稿应具备学术性、专业性、创新性、科学性、务求主题突出、论据充分、文字精炼、数据可靠、有较高的学术水平、专业水平和实用价值。2.文稿的篇幅(含摘要、图、表、参号文献等)不超过7000字。3.文稿结构一般为题名、作者姓名、单位(邮编)、摘要、关键词、中图分类号、引言、正文、参考文献以及上述各项的英文译文。4.中文题名不得超过20字,英文题名实词不得超过10个。中文摘要应在150-250字,关键词3—8个。摘要必须拥有与论文同等量的主要信息,包括目的、方法、结果、结论等四要素;以提供梗概  相似文献   

研究性学习的双重理解:学习方式,课程类型。三层解读。四个注重:重过程、重应用、重体验、重全员参与。五个特性:问题性、开放性、研究性、自主性和综合性。六个转变:课程目标、设计、内容、实践、评价和师生关系的变化。  相似文献   

1、洗的时候不能用刷子刷。 2、不可偷懒使用洗衣机.一定要手洗。 3、不能使用搓、拧、揉等暴力方法。 4、不要使用洗衣粉一类的碱性较强的洗涤用品。  相似文献   

Testing procedures for analogue instruments are described as well as for controllers and control systems based on the use of microprocessors. The paper compares the difference between system testing and testing of system elements. The difference between digital and analogue evaluations are also described. The dynamic response to various and nonlinear algorithms are both shown and explained.  相似文献   

攀钢1450热连轧改造系统过程计算机之间的通讯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡宇  刘雅超  吕彦峰 《控制工程》2007,14(4):410-412
简单介绍了攀钢1450热连轧改造系统过程计算机之间相互通讯的三种方式。描述了系统中数据中心、各过程控制计算机的功能,并详细说明了加热炉、粗轧、精轧过程计算机之间以及过程计算机与数据中心之间的通讯接口,在通讯程序中运用了自动重发,重连等机制,保证了通讯的快速性、正确性和可靠性。实践表明,通讯系统运行平稳可靠。  相似文献   

本文分析了目前国内外标准化现状和标准化中的各种关系,结合MSC小巨机的标准化模式阐述了国际标准(ISO/IEC)、国家标准(GB)、国家军用标准(GJ8)及部颁标准的特点和不同之处,最后论述了标准与安全保密的关系。  相似文献   

Zhijian Ji  Hai Lin 《Automatica》2009,45(6):1584-1587
The paper presents a unified perspective on geometric and algebraic criteria for reachability and controllability of controlled switched linear discrete-time systems. Direct connections between geometric and algebraic criteria are established as well as that between the subspace based controllability/reachability algorithm and Kalman-type algebraic rank criteria. Also the existing geometric criteria is simplified and new algebraic conditions on controllability and reachability are given.  相似文献   


When young subjects select between two responses of similar amplitudes, and in the same direction, they can overlap identification of one of two signals with the initial movement of a reach appropriate to either. They thus respond more quickly when selecting between responses of similar amplitudes than when selecting between responses of very different amplitudes. Older subjects are loss able to overlap movement and choice time and so benefit less from a choice between similar as against dissimilar responses. Young subjects respond faster when cycles of responses during the task are alternated than when they are repeated. This tendency appears to be related to guessing strategies earlier described as the ‘ negative recency effect ’ or ‘ gambler 's fallacy ’. The latencies of young subjects' responses appear to be directly dependent on the latencies of immediately preceding responses rather than on the response rate for the sequence as a whole. Latencies of old subjects' responses are affected by both factors. Implications for the design of consoles are discussed.  相似文献   

We present an efficient obstacle avoidance control algorithm for redundant manipulators using new measures called directional-collidability measure and temporal-collidability measure. Considering relative movements of manipulator links and obstacles, the directional-collidability/temporal-collidability measure is defined as the sum of inverse of predicted collision distances/times between manipulator links and obstacles. These measures are suitable for obstacle avoidance control since relative velocities between manipulator links and obstacles are as important as distances between them. Also, we present a velocity-bounded kinematic control law which allows reasonably large gain to improve the system performance. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

度量学习通过更真实的刻画样本之间的距离,来提高分类和聚类的精度。GMML(Geometric Mean Metric Learning)在学习度量矩阵[A]时,使得在该度量下同类点之间的距离尽可能小,不同类点之间的距离尽可能大。GMML用来学习的训练样本均为目标类数据,而对于现实存在的为数众多的同领域非目标类数据,即Universum数据并未加以利用,不免造成信息的浪费,针对此,提出一种新的度量学习算法--融入Universum学习的GMML(U-GMML)。U-GMML期望得到一个新的度量矩阵[A],使得同类点之间的距离尽可能小,不同类点之间的距离尽可能大,且Universum数据与目标类数据的距离尽可能大,从而使得所学习的度量矩阵[A]更有利于分类。真实数据集上的实验结果验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   


Today, social networks have created a wide variety of relationships between users. Friendships on Facebook and trust in the Epinions network are examples of these relationships. Most social media research has often focused on positive interpersonal relationships, such as friendships. However, in many real-world applications, there are also networks of negative relationships whose communication between users is either distrustful or hostile in nature. Such networks are called signed networks. In this work, sign prediction is made based on existing links between nodes. However, in real signed networks, links between nodes are usually sparse and sometimes absent. Therefore, existing methods are not appropriate to address the challenges of accurate sign prediction. To address the sparsity problem, this work aims to propose a method to predict the sign of positive and negative links based on clustering and collaborative filtering methods. Network clustering is done in such a way that the number of negative links between the clusters and the number of positive links within the clusters are as large as possible. As a result, the clusters are as close as possible to social balance. The main contribution of this work is using clustering and collaborative filtering methods, as well as proposing a new similarity criterion, to overcome the data sparseness problem and predict the unknown sign of links. Evaluations on the Epinions network have shown that the prediction accuracy of the proposed method has improved by 8% compared to previous studies.


Expert systems are receiving increasing attention both in the academic and the practical words. This article examines the following area of potential interaction between industrial engineering and expert systems: except systems as a consultant, expert systems as a modeling tool and its integration with decision support systems, expert systems as a tutor, and the contribution of expert systems to the implementation of solutions based on quantitative analysis. Representatives examples of relevant systems are cited. Mutual benefits are expected as a result of the interaction between industrial engineering and expert systems.  相似文献   

Analogues of Fresnel formulas for interface between two uniaxial nonmagnetic transparent crystals with arbitrary orientation of optical axes are obtained. For isotropic media the formulas are reduced to conventional Fresnel formulas, thus confirming the validity of mathematical calculations. Computer simulations of laser radiation reflection and refraction at the interfaces between a layer of nerve fibers and a stack of photoreceptor disks as well as between bleached and dark-adapted photo-receptor disks have been carried out. The results do not contradict experimental data.  相似文献   

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