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A problem of constructing schedules of minimal length without interrupts and switches is considered for a multiprocessor system, in which the job execution time depends on the processor assigned to the job. To solve this problem, the branch and bound method is developed. The method is based on efficient algorithms for calculating lower and upper bounds of minimal length of the schedule. For the particular case when processors are identical, their number is fixed and the directive deadline is given, a pseudo-polynomial algorithm is proposed for constructing the admissible schedule. The number of processors required for efficient parallelizing of the algorithm is found.  相似文献   

In many situations, a worker’s ability improves as a result of repeating the same or similar task; this phenomenon is known as the “learning effect”. In this paper, the learning effect is considered in a single-machine maximum lateness minimization problem. A branch-and-bound algorithm, incorporating several dominance properties, is provided to derive the optimal solution. In addition, two heuristic algorithms are proposed for this problem. The first one is based on the earliest due date (EDD) rule and a pairwise neighborhood search. The second one is based on the simulated annealing (SA) approach. Our computational results show that the SA algorithm is surprisingly accurate for a small to medium number of jobs. Moreover, the SA algorithm outperforms the traditional heuristic algorithm in terms of quality and execution time for a large number of jobs.  相似文献   

求解可满足问题的改进的蚁群算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
可满足问题(SAT)是一个NP-hard问题,将SAT问题转换为无约束的离散优化(最小值)问题。并根据M Dorigo提出的蚁群算法,给出了一种求解SAT问题的新方法:改进的最大最小蚁群系统(MMAS-SAT)。在改进的算法中,给出了SAT问题的构造图,指出了启发式信息值的求法,对衰变系数进行了动态调整。测试问题的数值实验表明,采用MMAS-SAT的结果优于Gwsat、Walksat、Novelty等局部搜索算法,因此该算法是求解SAT问题的一种可行高效的算法。  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the numerical method for solving the first kind of elliptic variational inequality. We first use the fundamental solution as the basis function to approximate the solution of variational inequality, then we employ Uzawa's algorithm to determine the free boundary and the solution. Numerical examples are given to verify the efficiency of the method.  相似文献   

New parallel objective function determination methods for the job shop scheduling problem are proposed in this paper, considering makespan and the sum of jobs execution times criteria, however, the methods proposed can be applied also to another popular objective functions such as jobs tardiness or flow time. Parallel Random Access Machine (PRAM) model is applied for the theoretical analysis of algorithm efficiency. The methods need a fine-grained parallelization, therefore the approach proposed is especially devoted to parallel computing systems with fast shared memory (e.g. GPGPU, General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units).  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to find a computationally tractable formulation of the optimum truss design problem involving a constraint on the global stability of the structure. The stability constraint is based on the linear buckling phenomenon. We formulate the problem as a nonconvex semidefinite programming problem and briefly discuss an interior point technique for the numerical solution of this problem. We further discuss relation to other models. The paper is concluded by a series of numerical examples.  相似文献   

A general weapon-target assignment (WTA) problem is to find a proper assignment of weapons to targets with the objective of minimizing the expected damage of own-force asset. Genetic algorithms (GAs) are widely used for solving complicated optimization problems, such as WTA problems. In this paper, a novel GA with greedy eugenics is proposed. Eugenics is a process of improving the quality of offspring. The proposed algorithm is to enhance the performance of GAs by introducing a greedy reformation scheme so as to have locally optimal offspring. This algorithm is successfully applied to general WTA problems. From our simulations for those tested problems, the proposed algorithm has the best performance when compared to other existing search algorithms.  相似文献   

动态搜索算法求解时间依赖型旅行商问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李妍峰  李军  赵达 《控制与决策》2009,24(2):274-278
时间依赖型旅行商问题(TDTSP)是旅行商问题(TSP)的延伸.在该问题中,任意两节点间的旅行时间(成本)不仅取决于节点间的距离,还依赖于一天中具体时段或节点在哈密顿圈中所处的具体位置.对基于节点所处哈密顿圈中具体位置的TDTSP问题建立相应的数学模型,并提出求解该问题的动态搜索算法.通过实验仿真,验证了动态搜索算法优于目前在邻域搜索领域求解该问题最有效的动态规划启发式算法.  相似文献   

This paper presents algorithms based on differential evolution (DE) to solve the generalized assignment problem (GAP) with the objective to minimize the assignment cost under the limitation of the agent capacity. Three local search techniques: shifting, exchange, and k-variable move algorithms are added to the DE algorithm in order to improve the solutions. Eight DE-based algorithms are presented, each of which uses DE with a different combination of local search techniques. The experiments are carried out using published standard instances from the literature. The best proposed algorithm using shifting and k-variable move as the local search (DE-SK) techniques was used to compare its performance with those of Bee algorithm (BEE) and Tabu search algorithm (TABU). The computational results revealed that the BEE and DE-SK are not significantly different while the DE-SK outperforms the TABU algorithm. However, even though the statistical test shows that DE-SK is not significantly different compared with the BEE algorithm, the DE-SK is able to obtain more optimal solutions (87.5%) compared to the BEE algorithm that can obtain only 12.5% optimal solutions. This is because the DE-SK is designed to enhance the search capability by improving the diversification using the DE's operators and the k-variable moves added to the DE can improve the intensification. Hence, the proposed algorithms, especially the DE-SK, can be used to solve various practical cases of GAP and other combinatorial optimization problems by enhancing the solution quality, while still maintaining fast computational time.  相似文献   

This paper addresses an important extension of the circle packing problem (CPP), the circle packing problem with equilibrium constraints (CPPEC). It considers the dense packing of n circular disks in a large circular container at the same time satisfying the equilibrium constraints. Under the industrial background of the layout design on satellite modules, this NP-hard global optimization problem is important in both theory and practice. We introduce two new quasi-physical models for solving CPPEC in this paper. One is to mimic the elastic movement driven by repelling forces from extruded disks, the other is to simulate a whole translation movement of the disks driven by a pulling force from an imaginative elastic rope connecting the centroid of the disks and the center of the container. Then, inspired by the coarse-to-fine control strategy in the manufacture industry, we propose a coarse-to-fine quasi-physical (CFQP) optimization method that adopts the two quasi-physical models for the quasi-physical descent procedure and combines a basin hopping with tabu method for the search procedure. In this way, not only could CFQP take into account the diversity of the search space to facilitate the global search, but it also does fine search to find the corresponding local minimum in a promising local area. Experiments were on two sets of 11 representative test instances. Computational results showed that CFQP achieved new and better results on four instances, at the same time it matched the current best records on the other six (accurate to 0.0001). Moreover, CFQP resulted in smaller equilibrium deviations than that of others published in the literature. In addition, we generated 34 new CPPEC instances basing on the CPP benchmarks, and provided computational results on the two sets of 34 new CPPEC instances, and the container radii obtained are close to the published results on CPP.  相似文献   

Many algorithms are available for solving differential equations. Of these, two methods—GEAR and STIFF3, which were developed specifically for stiff differential equations, are compared based on their performance on five test problems. The performance criteria are both accuracy of the numerical solution and efficiency of the method. The results indicate that GEAR, although the older of the two methods, is the preferred algorithm, for stiff differential equations.  相似文献   

The nearest point problem (NPP), i.e., finding the closest points between two disjoint convex hulls, has two classical solutions, the Gilbert-Schlesinger-Kozinec (GSK) and Mitchell-Dem’yanov-Malozemov (MDM) algorithms. When the convex hulls do intersect, NPP has to be stated in terms of reduced convex hulls (RCHs), made up of convex pattern combinations whose coefficients are bound by a μ<1 value and that are disjoint for suitable μ. The GSK and MDM methods have recently been extended to solve NPP for RCHs using the particular structure of the extreme points of a RCH. While effective, their reliance on extreme points may make them computationally costly, particularly when applied in a kernel setting. In this work we propose an alternative clipped extension of classical MDM that results in a simpler algorithm with the same classification accuracy than that of the extensions already mentioned, but also with a much faster numerical convergence.  相似文献   

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