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This paper presents a numerical prediction model of mixed‐mode crack fatigue growth in a plane elastic plate. It involves a formulations of fatigue growth of multiple crack tips under mixed‐mode loading and a displacement discontinuity method with crack‐tip elements (a boundary element method) proposed recently by Yan is extended to analyse the fatigue growth process of multiple crack tips. Due to an intrinsic feature of the boundary element method, a general growth problem of multiple cracks can be solved in a single‐region formulation. In the numerical simulation, for each increment of crack extension, remeshing of existing boundaries is not necessary. Crack extension is conveniently modelled by adding new boundary elements on the incremental crack extension to the previous crack boundaries. At the same time, the element characters of some related elements are adjusted according to the manner in which the boundary element method is implemented. As an example, the present numerical approach is used to analyse the fatigue growth of a centre slant crack in a rectangular plate. The numerical results illustrate the validation of the numerical prediction model and can reveal the effect of the geometry of the cracked plate on the fatigue growth.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the influence of interference fit coupling on the fatigue strength of holed plates made of a medium‐carbon forging steel (35 KB2), heat treated by quenching followed by tempering, up to a hardness of about 350 BH, obtaining a sorbitic microstructure. Tensile and impact tests showed an ultimate tensile strength of about 1100 MPa, a yield strength of about 1000 MPa, an elongation to failure of 15% and an impact toughness KV of 43 J at room temperature. Axial fatigue tests were performed on holed specimens with or without a pin, made of the same material, press fitted and still left into their central hole. The tension–tension fatigue tests have been performed with a stress ratio R = 0.1. The effect on fatigue strength was investigated both experimentally and numerically. Three different conditions were investigated by using open hole specimens, specimens with 0.6% of nominal specific interference and specimens with 2% of nominal specific interference. The experimental stress‐life (S–N) curves pointed out an increased fatigue life of the interference fit specimens, compared with the open hole ones. The numerical investigation was performed in order to analyse the stress field by applying an elastic plastic 2D simulation, with commercial finite element software. The stress history and distribution around the interference‐fitted hole indicate a significant reduction of the stress amplitude produced by the external loading (remote stress) because a residual and compressive stress field is generated by the pin insertion.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of a research program on fatigue crack growth in a low-carbon steel under a variable amplitude loading are presented. First, test results are reported on crack growth under simple loading sequences containing single and multiple tensile overloads applied periodically between smaller, constant amplitude cycles. Next, the observed crack growth behaviour is compared to predictions from a theoretical model developed by the authors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to present a methodology which estimates the fatigue life of interference fit fastener and cold worked holes. This methodology is mainly based on the determination of local stress with finite-element model computations and on the use of a multiaxial fatigue model. This approach is compared with experimental results carried out on test specimens representative of narrow body civil aircraft components. Analysis of the results shows a highly satisfactory correlation between prediction by calculation and experimental data.  相似文献   

Fatigue crack nucleation and growth in filled natural rubber   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rubber components subjected to fluctuating loads often fail due to nucleation and the growth of defects or cracks. The prevention of such failures depends upon an understanding of the mechanics underlying the failure process. This investigation explores the nucleation and growth of cracks in filled natural rubber. Both fatigue macro‐crack nucleation as well as fatigue crack growth experiments were conducted using simple tension and planar tension specimens, respectively. Crack nucleation as well as crack growth life prediction analysis approaches were used to correlate the experimental data. Several aspects of the fatigue process, such as failure mode and the effects of R ratio (minimum strain) on fatigue life, are also discussed. It is shown that a small positive R ratio can have a significant beneficial effect on fatigue life and crack growth rate, particularly at low strain range.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fatigue crack growth calculations were performed on offshore tubular joints using the Paris crack growth law. The stress intensity factors required for such calculations were obtained from T‐butt solutions previously proposed by the authors. The applicability of the solutions to tubular joints was first demonstrated by comparing the fatigue life of a base case with that obtained from a mean S–N curve, and the influence on fatigue life of various factors including load shedding, the size of initial defects, weld geometry, etc. was investigated. The solutions were then used to predict the lives of tubular T‐joints from an experimental database. The results show that the solutions underestimate the fatigue life; this underestimation was shown to be primarily due to ignoring the combined effects of load shedding and the intersection stress distribution. In general, however, the trends in the predicted fatigue lives with joint geometry and other details were seen to be superior to predictions from the S–N approach, with the solutions significantly reducing the dependency on loading mode exhibited by the test data.  相似文献   

Fatigue life prediction techniques for variable amplitude load histories are reviewed. The fatigue crack growth rate and crack closure responses of BS4360 50B steel are determined for a service load history experienced by a gas storage vessel. Crack propagation rates are found to be independent of specimen thickness. Crack growth is successfully predicted by linear summation using the Paris law; no significant improvement is achieved by incorporating crack closure into the analysis. The particular choice of cycle counting technique is also found to have an insignificant effect on the predicted fatigue life. The load-interaction model proposed by Willenborg et al correctly indicates the absence of retarded growth, whilst the Wheeler and Führing models erroneously predict retarded crack growth.  相似文献   

It is a difficult task to predict fatigue crack growth in engineering structures, because they are mostly subjected to variable amplitude loading histories in service. Many prediction models have been proposed, but no agreed model on fatigue life prediction adequately considering loading sequence effects exists. In our previous research, an improved crack growth rate model has been proposed under constant amplitude loading and its good applicability has been demonstrated in comparison with various experimental data. In this paper, the applicability of the improved crack growth rate model will be extended to variable amplitude loading by modifying crack closure level based on the concept of partial crack closure due to crack‐tip plasticity. It is assumed in this model that the crack closure level can instantly go to the peak/valley due to a larger compression/tensile plastic zone resulted from the overload/underload effect, and gradually recovers to the level of constant amplitude loading with crack propagation. To denote the variation in the affected zone of overload/underload, a modified coefficient based on Wheeler model is introduced. The improved crack growth rate model can explain the phenomena of the retardation due to overload and the tiny acceleration due to underload, even the minor retardation due to overload followed by underload. The quantitative analysis will be executed to show the capability of the model, and the comparison between the prediction results and the experimental data under different types of loading history will be used to validate the model. The good agreement indicates that the proposed model is able to explain the load interaction effect under variable amplitude loading.  相似文献   

The paper presents a discussion on two problems associated with fatigue crack growth in aluminium alloys. First, the application of the similarity approach to crack growth prediction in specimens and structures of aluminium alloys is discussed. The significance of similarity conditions is emphasized and the K-dominated zone is briefly addressed. Secondly, the significance of water vapour for fatigue crack growth in aluminium alloy is reported with a case history of subsurface crack initiation and crack growth in vacuum. Some comments are presented on physical understanding and practical applications.  相似文献   

In modern electronic packaging, especially surface mount technology (SMT), thermal strain is usually induced between components during processing, and in service, by a mismatch in the thermal expansion coefficients. Since solder has a low melting temperature and is softer than other components in electronic packaging, most of the cyclic stresses and strains take place in the solder. Fatigue crack initiation and fatigue crack propagation are likely to occur in the solder even when the cyclic stress is below the yield stress. It is an objective of this research to study the behaviour of fatigue crack initiation and propagation in both lead‐containing solder (63Sn‐37Pb), and lead‐free solders (Sn‐3.5Ag). The effect of alloying (Cu and Bi addition), frequency, tensile hold time and temperature on low cycle fatigue (LCF) behaviour of the solders is discussed. Mechanisms of LCF crack initiation and propagation are proposed and LCF life prediction, based on the various models, is carried out.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effect of welding process and procedure on fatigue crack initiation from notches and fatigue crack propagation in AISI 304L stainless steel welds was experimentally investigated. Full penetration, double-vee butt welds have been fabricated and CCT type specimens were used. Lawrence's local-stress approach (a two-stage model) is used to predict the fatigue life. The notch-root stress method was applied to calculate the fatigue crack initiation life, while the fatigue crack propagation life was estimated using fracture mechanics concepts. The fatigue notch factor is calculated using Lawrence's approach. Constant amplitude fatigue tests with stress ratio, R=0 were carried out using 100 kN servo-hydraulic DARTEC universal testing machine with a frequency of 30 Hz. The predicted lives were compared with the experimental values. A good agreement has been reached. It is found that the weld procedure has a stronger effect on lives to initiation than on propagation lives.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present and demonstrate a methodology to improve probabilistic fatigue crack growth (FCG) predictions by using the concept of Bayesian updating using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations. The methodology is demonstrated on a cracked pipe undergoing fatigue loading. Initial estimates of the FCG rate are made using the Paris law. The prior probability distributions of the Paris law parameters are taken from the tests on specimen made of the same material as that of pipe. Measured data on crack depth over number of loading cycles are used to update the prior distribution using the Markov chain Monte Carlo. The confidence interval on the predicted FCG rate is also estimated. In actual piping placed in a plant, the measured data can be considered equivalent to the data received from in-service inspection. It is shown that the proposed methodology improves the fatigue life prediction. The number of observations used for updating is found to leave a significant effect on the accuracy of the updated prediction.  相似文献   

The present paper proposes a statistical model for describing sigmoidal crack growth rate curves. Major novelties are: a) exploitation of the maximum likelihood principle for obtaining material estimates by pooling together experimental data belonging to the different crack propagation regions; b) a general formulation which allows to adopt different sigmoidal models and any kind of statistical distribution for the model variables; c) fatigue life predictions through numerical integration of analytical functions with no need of Monte Carlo simulations. Experimental data taken from NASGRO database are used to check the validity of the statistical model in estimating material parameters included in the crack growth NASGRO algorithm. Illustrative plots of number of cycles to failure and crack length after a given number of cycles are presented, showing good agreement between the proposed statistical model and NASGRO results.  相似文献   

Corrosive environment causes corrosion pits at material surface and reduces the fatigue strength significantly. Fatigue crack usually initiates at and propagates from these locations. In this paper, a general methodology for fatigue life prediction for corroded specimens is proposed. The proposed methodology combines an asymptotic stress intensity factor solution and a power law corrosion pit growth function for fatigue life prediction of corroded specimens. First, a previously developed asymptotic interpolation method is proposed to calculate the stress intensity factor (SIF) for the crack at notch roots. Next, a growing semi-circular notch is assumed to exist on the specimen’s surface under corrosive environments. The notch growth rate is different under different corrosion conditions and is assumed to be a power function. Fatigue life can be predicted using the crack growth analysis assuming a crack propagating from the notch root. Plasticity correction is included into the proposed methodology for medium-to-low cycle fatigue analysis. The proposed methodology is validated using experimental fatigue life testing data of aluminum alloys and steels. Very good agreement is observed between experimental observations and model predictions.  相似文献   

A multiparameter approach is proposed for the characterization of fatigue crack growth in metallic materials. The model assesses the combined effects of identifiable multiple variables that can contribute to fatigue crack growth. Mathematical expressions are presented for the determination of fatigue crack growth rates, d a /d N , as functions of multiple variables, including stress intensity factor range, Δ K , stress ratio, R , crack closure stress intensity factor, K cl , the maximum stress intensity factor K max , nominal specimen thickness, t , frequency, Ω , and temperature, T . A generalized empirical methodology is proposed for the estimation of fatigue crack growth rates as a function of these variables. The validity of the methodology is then verified by making appropriate comparisons between predicted and measured fatigue crack growth data obtained from experiments on Ti–6Al–4V. The effects of stress ratio and specimen thickness on fatigue crack growth rates are then rationalized by crack closure considerations. The multiparameter model is also shown to provide a good fit to experimental data obtained for HY-80 steel, Inconel 718 polycrystal and Inconel 718 single crystal. Finally, the implications of the results are discussed for the prediction of fatigue crack growth and fatigue life.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of process‐induced voids and surface roughness on the fatigue life of an additively manufactured material are investigated using a crack closure‐based fatigue crack growth model. Among different sources of damage under cyclic loadings, fatigue because of cracks originated from voids and surface discontinuities is the most life‐limiting failure mechanism in the parts fabricated via powder‐based metal additive manufacturing (AM). Hence, having the ability to predict the fatigue behaviour of AM materials based on the void features and surface texture would be the first step towards improving the reliability of AM parts. Test results from the literature on Inconel 718 fabricated via a laser powder bed fusion (L‐PBF) method are analysed herein to model the fatigue behaviour based on the crack growth from semicircular/elliptical surface flaws. The fatigue life variations in the specimens with machined and as‐built surface finishes are captured using the characteristics of voids and surface profile, respectively. The results indicate that knowing the statistical range of defect size and shape along with a proper fatigue analysis approach provides the opportunity of predicting the scatter in the fatigue life of AM materials. In addition, maximum valley depth of the surface profile can be used as an appropriate parameter for the fatigue life prediction of AM materials in their as‐built surface condition.  相似文献   

A common evaluation is given for creep crack growth and fatigue crack growth experiments which have been performed at the companies ABB, Siemens-KWU and KFA. The materials under investigation were X10NiCrAlTi32 20 (Alloy 800) and NiCr22Col2Mo (Alloy 617). Several production lots and semi-finished materials as well as welded materials have been tested. Testing techniques differed at the different labs. In order to eliminate the influence of individual testing techniques, material from some production lots was investigated at different labs. The given data cover fatigue crack growth (the materials were tested between room temperature and 1050°C; the influence of temperature, R?ratio, and frequency was investigated) and creep crack growth (Alloy 800 was tested between 550°C and 900°C, Inconel 617 between 800°C and 1000°C; the evaluation was done on the basis of the fracture mechanics parameters K1 and C*).  相似文献   

The fatigue crack propagation analyses of padded plates are conducted to predict the crack growth behaviour under various loading conditions. The fatigue life of a padded plate with a single edge crack originating from the weld toe is calculated using the weight function approach. The fatigue strength of padded plates with different pad thickness under remote loading conditions was investigated and compared to the T-plate joint. The improvement of the fatigue strength of the pad design is verified.
  The thickness effect of the padded plate was investigated using the fracture mechanics approach. The geometrically similar model pairs with different initial crack sizes were investigated under remote loading conditions. It was shown that the thickness effect depends on both stress concentration and initial crack size.  相似文献   

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