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A newly isolated strain Enterococcus faecium INET2 was used as inoculum for biohydrogen production through dark fermentation. The individual and interactive effect of initial pH, operation temperature, glucose concentration and inoculation amount on the accumulation of hydrogen during fermentation was examined by a Box–Behnken Design (BBD), and hydrogen production process was analyzed at the optimal condition. A significant interactive effect between glucose concentration and pH was observed, the optimal condition was initial pH 7.1, operation temperature 34.8 °C, glucose concentration 11.3 g/L and inoculation amount 10.4%. Hydrogen yield, maximum hydrogen production rate and hydrogen production potential were determined to be 1.29 mol H2/mol glucose, 86.7 L H2/L/h and 1.35 L H2/L. Metabolites analysis showed that E. faecium INET2 followed the pyruvate: formate lyase (Pfl) pathway in first 16 h, followed by the acetate-type fermentation and then shifted to butyrate-type fermentation. Maximum hydrogen production rate was accompanied with a quick formation of acetic acid.  相似文献   

A novel hydrogen producing photosynthetic bacterial strain identified as ‘Rubrivivax benzoatilyticus TERI-CHL1’ was isolated and purified from ‘TERI-CHL’ consortium’ enriched from the sediment samples of Chilika lagoon in Chilika, Odisha, India. Process parameters; pH & temperature, were optimized to enhance hydrogen production performence strain ‘TERI-CHL1’. Acetate, butyrate, sucrose and the spent effluent (DFE: Dark Fermentation effluent) from dark fermentative hydrogen production, explored to use as feed for monitoring hydrogen production performance of ‘TERI-CHL1’ through photo-heterotrophic growth mode. ‘TERI-CHL1’ produced 86.4 mmol/L of cumulative hydrogen from DFE at pH 7 and 37 °C temperature, with 75% H2 yield efficiency. Hydrogen yield efficiency of ‘TERI-CHL1’ from DFE was 8.74 mol per mole of DFE based fermentable organic acids and sugar. This study is the first report on Rubrivivax benzoatilyticus strain ‘TERI-CHL1’ as a promising microbe for valorisation of organic acid rich spent effluent for photofermentative biohydrogen production from Chilika lagoon.  相似文献   

In this study, grass silage was used both as a source of bacteria and as a substrate for dark fermentative hydrogen production. Silage is produced by lactic acid fermentation controlled by end point pH (<4.0). In this study, the fermentation of silage was successfully continued and directed to hydrogen production by neutralizing the pH. Highest hydrogen yield of 37.8 ± 5.8 mL H2/g silage was obtained at 25 g/L of silage. The main soluble metabolites were acetate and butyrate with the final concentrations of 1.5 ± 0.2 and 0.5 ± 0.0 g/L, respectively. Bacteria present (at 25 g silage/L) included Ruminobacillus xylanolyticum, Acetanaerobacterium elongatum and Clostridium populeti and were involved in silage fermentation to hydrogen. In summary, this work demonstrates that grass silage becomes amenable to hydrogen fermentation by indigenous silage bacteria through pH neutralization.  相似文献   

Macroalgae are rich in carbohydrates which can be used as a promising substrate for fermentative biohydrogen production. In this study, Cladophora sp. biomass was fermented for biohydrogen production at various inoculum/substrate (I/S) ratios against a control of inoculum without substrate in laboratory-scale batch reactors. The biohydrogen production yield ranged from 40.8 to 54.7 ml H2/g-VS, with the I/S ratio ranging from 0.0625 to 4. The results indicated that low I/S ratios caused the overloaded accumulation of metabolic products and a significant pH decrease, which negatively affected hydrogen production bacteria's metabolic activity, thus leading to the decrease of hydrogen fermentation efficiency. The overall results demonstrated that Cladophora sp. biomass is an efficient fermentation feedstock for biohydrogen production.  相似文献   

This study explored the fermentative hydrogen production by immobilized microorganisms from glycerol, which is the byproduct of biodiesel production, and compared it with suspended fermentation. The effect of immobilization on hydrogen production process was examined. Results showed that both cumulative hydrogen production (CHP) and hydrogen yield (HY) were enhanced by microbial immobilization. The highest CHP and HY of 64 mL/100 mL and 0.52 mol H2/mol glycerol were obtained by immobilized microorganisms, compared to 9 mL/100 mL and 0.29 mol H2/mol glycerol in suspended microorganisms. Immobilization enhanced CHP and HY by 611.1% and 79.3%. In addition, immobilized microorganisms showed stronger tolerance to high substrate concentration and higher capability in glycerol utilization, which is of great significance for hydrogen production from glycerol. The enhanced hydrogen production may be due to the favorable micro-environment for different microorganisms in immobilized beads.  相似文献   

In this study, the yield of hydrogen production was investigated under different feedstock pretreatment conditions. The feedstock for dark fermentative hydrogen production was textile wastewater which was obtained from the de-sizing process in a textile factory, located in northern Taiwan. The wastewater was pretreated with activated carbon, cation exchange resin or was not pretreated before being fed into the batch bottles. Biohydrogen production was carried out in a batch reactor with the sludge of mixed-culture using the feedstock from the pretreated wastewater. The sludge was obtained from the Taichung municipal wastewater treatment plant. The yield of hydrogen production using the two pretreatment methods or non – treatment were compared.  相似文献   

The effect of butyrate on hydrogen production and the potential mechanism were investigated by adding butyric acid into dark fermentative hydrogen production system at different concentrations at pH range of 5.5–7.0. The results showed that under all the tested pH from 5.5 to 7.0, the addition of butyric acid can inhibit the hydrogen production, and the inhibitory degree (from 10.5% to 100%) increased with the increase of butyric acid concentration and with the decrease of pH values, which suggested that the inhibition effect is highly associated with the concentration of undissociated acids. Substrate utilization rate and VFAs accumulation also decreased with the addition of butyric acid. The microbial community analysis revealed that butyrate addition can decrease the dominant position of hydrogen-producing microorganisms, such as Clostridium, and increase the proportion of other non-hydrogen-producing bacteria, including Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Acinetobacter, and Bacillus.  相似文献   

Degenerated strains of Clostridium acetobutylicum lack the ability to produce solvents and to sporulate, allowing the continuous production of hydrogen and organic acids. A degenerated strain of Clostridium acetobutylicum was obtained through successive batch cultures. Its kinetic characterization showed a similar specific growth rate than the wild type (0.25 h?1), a higher butyric acid production of 6.8 g·L?1 and no solvents production. A steady state was reached in a continuous culture at a dilution rate of 0.1 h?1, with a constant hydrogen production of 507 mL·h?1, corresponding to a volumetric rate of 6.10 L·L?1 d?1, and a yield of 2.39 mol of H2 per mole of glucose which represents 60% of the theoretical maximum yield. These results suggest that the degeneration is an interesting alternative for hydrogen production with this strain, obtaining a high hydrogen production in a continuous culture with cells in a permanent acidogenic state.  相似文献   

This study proposes that the on-line pH control via a model-based adaptive controller markedly improves the dark fermentative hydrogen production. According to the dynamic behavior of the dark fermentation process, pH, which rapidly declines with the beginning of the biogas production, should be precisely controlled around its optimal value in a narrow range. The success of on-line pH control was guaranteed by performing the preliminary simulation studies by experimental data obtained from dynamic analysis to determine ARMAX model order with Recursive Least Squares parameter estimation method and then to control the pH with Generalized Minimum Variance (GMV) controller. On-line control of pH at the optimal value of 6.0 during the 25 h dark fermentation process resulted in 5.4 times higher biogas production, 6.2 times higher biogas production potential, nearly doubled the duration of fermentation, and 18.4% biogas production rate increment in comparison with the uncontrolled pH case.  相似文献   

This work aimed to investigate the effects of supplementing two distinct types of ash, namely fly ash (FA) and bottom ash (BA) on the dark fermentation (DF) process of food waste (FW) for H2 production. Both types of biomass combustion ash (BCA) were collected in an industrial bubbling fluidized bed combustor, using residual forest biomass as fuel. Results indicated that adding BCA at different doses of 1, 2 and 4 g/L could effectively enhance H2 generation when compared to the control test without BCA addition. This stimulatory effect was attributed to the crucial role of metal elements released from BCA such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron in the provision of buffering capacity and inorganic nutrients for the functioning of hydrogen-forming bacteria. The highest H2 yield of 169 mL per g of volatile solids (VS) were obtained by adding only a small amount of BA (1 g/L) to the reactive system, representing a significant increment of 1070% compared to the control reactor. Furthermore, a significant decrease in the bacterial lag phase time from 26 h to 2.7 h, as well as about a 12-fold increase in the energy recovery as H2 gas was observed at BA dosage of 1 g/L in comparison with the control reactor. Overall, this study suggested that a proper addition of BCA could promote the DF process of FW and enhance biohydrogen production.  相似文献   

Microbial community structure plays a significant role in the efficiency of dark fermentative hydrogen production using mixed culture. However, the detailed evolutions in microbial community structure during dark fermentation process are still unclear. This study investigated the detailed evolution patterns of microbial community structure during dark fermentation process by high-throughput pyrosequencing. Results showed that microbial community structure changed significantly over time in dark fermentation. Microbial diversity showed a constant decreasing trend during the fermentation process. The analysis of microbial community composition showed that Clostridium sensu stricto 1, Paraclostridium, Romboutsia and Paeniclostridium, which were all rarely existed in the inoculum, dramatically became dominant genera in the system after 6 h fermentation, with total relative abundance of more than 99%. This interesting result revealed that how quickly hydrogen-producing genera overwhelmed the microbial community in dark fermentation. Spearman correlation analysis showed that Clostridium sensu stricto 1 contributed the most to hydrogen fermentation performances.  相似文献   

Generating hydrogen gas (H2) using the dark fermentation method has attracted much attention due to its lower energy requirement and environmental friendliness. However, producing a high yield of bio-H2 is as challenging as ever due to low energy conversion by microorganisms. In this respect, the advancement of genome editing tools including the Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)-Cas technology could overcome the established maximum ceiling of product yield. To date, CRISPR-Cas systems, particularly those based on Type II CRISPR-Cas9 and Type V CRISPR-Cas12, are widely used in manipulating novel bacteria to improve the yield of specific biofuel. However, studies using the CRISPR-Cas technology for improving bio-H2 production remain scarce. Understanding the metabolic pathways of Clostridium spp. is essential for using the CRISPR-Cas technology Thus, this review highlighted the state-of-the-art in CRISPR-Cas systems for bacterial genome editing while paying attention to bioprocess optimization strategies for modulating the biohydrogen production.  相似文献   

Dark fermentative bacterial strains were isolated from riverbed sediments and investigated for hydrogen production. A series of batch experiments were conducted to study the effect of pH, substrate concentration and temperature on hydrogen production from a selected bacterial consortium, TERI BH05. Batch experiments for fermentative conversion of sucrose, starch, glucose, fructose, and xylose indicated that TERI BH05 effectively utilized all the five sugars to produce fermentative hydrogen. Glucose was the most preferred carbon source indicating highest hydrogen yields of 22.3 mmol/L. Acetic and butyric acid were the major soluble metabolites detected. Investigation on optimization of pH, temperature, and substrate concentration revealed that TERI BH05 produced maximum hydrogen at 37 °C, pH 6 with 8 g/L of glucose supplementation and maximum yield of hydrogen production observed was 2.0–2.3 mol H2/mol glucose. Characterization of TERI BH05 revealed the presence of two different bacterial strains showing maximum homology to Clostridium butyricum and Clostridium bifermentans.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of gradually increasing glucose concentrations (from 5.6 to 111 mmol L−1) on the fermentative H2 production with and without bioaugmentation. A stirred tank reactor (STR) was operated at 70 °C and inoculated with a hyperthermophilic mixed culture or a hyperthermophilic mixed culture bioaugmented with Thermotoga neapolitana. With both the unaugmented (control) and augmented cultures, the H2 production rate was improved when the initial glucose concentration was increased. In contrast, the highest H2 yield (1.68 mol H2 mol−1 glucose consumed) was obtained with the augmented culture at the lowest glucose concentration of 5.6 mmol L−1 and was 37.5% higher than that obtained with the unaugmented culture at the same feed glucose concentration. Overall, H2 production rates and yields were higher in the bioaugmented cultures than in the unaugmented cultures whatever the glucose concentration. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction targeting T. neapolitana hydA gene and MiSeq sequencing proved that Thermotoga was not only present in the augmented cultures but also the most abundant at the highest glucose concentrations.  相似文献   

Wheat straw is an abundant agricultural residue which can be used as raw material to produce hydrogen (H2), a promising alternative energy carrier, at a low cost. Bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass to produce H2 usually involves three main operations: pretreatment, hydrolysis and fermentation. In this study, the efficiency of exogenous enzyme addition on fermentative H2 production from wheat straw was evaluated using mixed-cultures in two experimental systems: a one-stage system (direct enzyme addition) and a two-stage system (enzymatic hydrolysis prior to dark fermentation). H2 production from untreated wheat straw ranged from 5.18 to 10.52 mL-H2 g-VS−1. Whatever the experimental enzyme addition procedure, a two-fold increase in H2 production yields ranging from 11.06 to 19.63 mL-H2 g-VS−1 was observed after enzymatic treatment of the wheat straw. The high variability in H2 yields in the two step process was explained by the consumption of free sugars by indigenous wheat straw microorganisms during enzymatic hydrolysis. The direct addition of exogenous enzymes in the one-stage dark fermentation stage proved to be the best way of significantly improving H2 production from lignocellulosic biomass. Finally, the optimal dose of enzyme mixture added to the wheat straw was evaluated between 1 and 5 mg-protein g-raw wheat straw−1.  相似文献   

When mixed organic waste is used for hydrogen production by dark fermentation, the microbial community which is most adapted to the actual biopolymer composition of the substrate is auto-selected. In this research, six substrates simulating different biopolymers (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and their mixtures were used to enrich hydrogen-producing bacteria adapted to these substrates from non-pretreated sewage sludge. Phylum Firmicutes dominated in the microbial community (67–100%) regardless of the substrate used, as was shown by high-throughput sequencing. Microbial diversity was low when using carbohydrate-rich substrates and the microbial community was mainly represented by Ruminococcus (26–90%) and Thermoanaerobacterium (6–67%). Dark fermentation of fats and proteins was characterized by higher microbial diversity. Thermoanaerobacterium (21%), Thermobrachium (19%), Tepidiphilus (16%) and Acetomicrobium (14%) dominated when using fats, while Thermobrachium (34%), Acetomicrobium (16%) and Clostridium sensu stricto 7 (12%) dominated when using proteins, as substrate. Different microbial communities and substrates resulted in diverse process performance and metabolic pathways. Dark fermentation of starch achieved the maximum hydrogen yield of 138 mL/g volatile solids with 60.4% hydrogen content in biogas. The dominance of genus Ruminococcus was thought to be responsible for the highest hydrogen production. Minor quantities of methane from proteins and fats were produced by Methanothermobacter and Methanosarcina. Based upon the stable 13C isotope analysis, the hydrogenotrophic pathway was a slightly more predominant methane formation route than the others considered.  相似文献   

Dark fermentation is considered as a promising method for sustainable hydrogen generation. Microorganisms play a pivotal role in hydrogen production efficiency. Strains from genus Clostridium have been the most widely detected and used microorganisms in dark fermentative hydrogen production. In this review, the characteristics of hydrogen-producing Clostridium species are introduced, including the metabolic pathways, hydrogen production performance, and substrate diversity. In addition, strategies for improving the hydrogen production by Clostridium species were extensively reviewed, and the promising applications of the fermentation system from the points of economic and environmental benefits were displayed. Finally, perspectives concerning the further application of hydrogen production by Clostridium species were proposed. Extensive studies demonstrate that Clostridium species are good candidates for fermentative hydrogen production with both high hydrogen yield and wide substrate range, but more efforts are still needed to ensure the efficient and stable operation of the system, and make the process economically applicable.  相似文献   

The hydrogen-producing bacterium SP-H2 was isolated from a thermophilic acidogenic reactor inoculated with municipal sewage sludge and processing a carbohydrate-rich simulated food waste. Based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence, the bacterium was identified as Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum. The maximum growth rate was observed at 55–60 °C and pH 7.5. The H2-producing activity of the bacterium was studied using mono-, di- and tri-saccharides related to both hexoses (maltose, glucose, mannose, fructose, lactose, galactose, sucrose, raffinose, cellobiose) and pentoses (xylose and arabinose), as well as using real wastewaters (cheese whey, confectionery wastewater, sugar-beet processing wastewater). The highest H2 yield was observed during dark fermentation (DF) of maltose (1.91 mol H2/mol hexose or 77.8 mmol H2/L). The maximum H2 production rate was observed during DF of xylose (13.3 ml H2/g COD/h) and cellobiose (2.47 mmol H2/L/h). The main soluble metabolite products were acetate, ethanol and butyrate. The acetate concentration had a statistically significant positive correlation with the H2 content in biogas and the specific H2 yield. Based on the results of the correlation analysis, it was tentatively assumed that in the formic acid (mixed-acid) type fermentation, the rate of H2 production was higher than in the butyric acid type fermentation. With regard to real wastewater, cheese whey and confectionery wastewater were distinguished by a higher H2 yield (152 ml H2/g COD) and H2 production rate (0.57 mmol H2/L/h), respectively. The highest concentrations of confectionery wastewater and cheese whey, at which the DF process took place, were 5915 and 7311 mg COD/L, respectively. At the same time, SP-H2 dominated in the microbial community, despite the presence of indigenous microorganisms in wastewater. Thus, T. thermosaccharolyticum SP-H2 is a promising strain for DF of carbohydrate-rich unsterile wastewater under thermophilic conditions.  相似文献   

In India, annually about 3.3–5 million tons of cheese whey is produced which may causes serious problems for the environment if left untreated. In this study, pretreated cheese whey was utilized to produce hydrogen via dark fermentation by Enterobacter aerogenes 2822 cells in 2 L double walled cylindrical bioreactor having working volume of 1.5 L. Effect of change in total carbohydrate concentration in cheese whey (CWTC, 20–45 g L?1), temperature (T, 25–37 °C) and pH (5.5–7.5) was investigated on volumetric hydrogen production rate (VHPR) using Box Behnken design (BBD). Experimental VHPR of 24.7 mL L?1 h?1 was attained at an optimum concentration of 32.5 g L?1 CWTC, 31 °C T and 6.5 pH, which was in good correlation with predicted rate of 23.2 mL L?1 h?1. Mathematical models based on Monod and logistic equations were developed to describe the kinetics of substrate consumption and growth profile of E. aerogenes 2822 under optimum conditions. While for the modelling of fermentative hydrogen production in batch mode, Modified Gompertz equation and Leudeking-Piret models were used which gave proper simulated fitting. These results will add significant values to cheese whey by converting it into a clean form of bioenergy.  相似文献   

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