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Site-specific carcinogen-modified oligonucleotides are often used in site-directed mutagenesis and other biological and biochemical studies of structure-function relationships. Postsynthetic analysis and confirmation of the sites of carcinogen binding in such oligonucleotides is an important step in the characterization of these site-specific carcinogen-DNA adducts. It is shown here that negative ion mode electrospray tandem mass spectrometry methods and collision-induced dissociation offer a rapid and convenient approach for the sequencing of products derived from the reaction of the carcinogenic and mutagenic metabolite of benzo[a]pyrene, the diol epoxide r7,t8-dihydroxy-t9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (anti-BPDE), with the 11-mer oligonucleotide d(CATGCGGCCTAC). The site of reaction of anti-BPDE with either one of the three dG residues in this oligonucleotide can be accurately established by comparing the mass/charge ratios of the observed collision-induced dissociation fragments with calculated values.  相似文献   

Recombinant (r)HMfB (archaealhistone B fromMethanothermusfervidus) formed complexes with increasing stability with DNA molecules increasing in length from 52 to 100 bp, but not with a 39 bp molecule. By using125I-labeled rHMfB-YY (an rHMfB variant with I31Y and M35Y replacements) and32P-labeled 100 bp DNA, these complexes, designated archaeal nucleosomes, have been shown to contain an archaeal histone tetramer. Consistent with DNA bending and wrapping, addition of DNA ligase to archaeal nucleosomes assembled with 88 and 128 bp DNAs resulted in covalently-closed monomeric circular DNAs which, following histone removal, were positively supercoiled based on their electrophoretic mobilities in the presence of ethidium bromide before and after relaxation by calf thymus topoisomerase I. Ligase addition to mixtures of rHMfB with 53 or 30 bp DNA molecules also resulted in circular DNAs but these were circular dimers and trimers. These short DNA molecules apparently had to be ligated into longer linear multimers for assembly into archaeal nucleosomes and ligation into circles. rHMfB assembled into archaeal nucleosomes at lower histone to DNA ratios with the supercoiled, circular ligation product than with the original 88 bp linear version of this molecule. Archaeal histones are most similar to the globular histone fold region of eukaryal histone H4, and the results reported are consistent with archaeal nucleosomes resembling the structure formed by eukaryal histone (H3+H4)2tetramers.  相似文献   

Putative carcinogen-DNA adducts in human larynx tissues (n = 25) from smoker and non/ex-smoker patients were examined by 32P-postlabeling and compared with the metabolic activation capacity of larynx microsomes and cytosols from the same tissues. Hydrophobic DNA adducts were evident only in smokers, and chromatographic profiles of the adducts were similar using either the butanol extraction or nuclease P1 enhancement method, which suggested that the adducts may be derived from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons but not aromatic amines. Immunoblots of larynx microsomes using anti-cytochrome P450 1A1/1A2, 2C, 3A4, 2E1, and 2A6 antibodies showed intensities ranging from 1-10% of that typically observed with human liver microsomes. Enzymatic assays of larynx microsomes showed appreciable activity for benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylation (P450 1A1 and 2C) but not for 4-aminobiphenyl N-oxidation (P450 1A2), which indicated that the observed immunoreactivity was for P450 1A1; this represents the highest level of this P450 yet detected in human extrahepatic tissues. Accordingly, total DNA adduct levels in the larynx correlated strongly with levels of P450 2C, 1A1, and 3A4 but not with P450 2E1 or 2A6. Larynx cytosols also showed appreciable aromatic amine N-acetyl-transferase activity for p-aminobenzoic acid (NAT-1) but not for sulfamethazine (NAT-2); however, NAT-1 activity was not correlated with total DNA adducts, which is again consistent with the lack of aromatic amine-DNA adducts detected by 32P-postlabeling. Thus, these results suggest that the DNA adducts detected in human larynx are largely derived from metabolic activation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in cigarette smoke by P450 2C, 3A4, and/or 1A1.  相似文献   

Analogues of ifosfamide (IPA): racemic bromofosfamide (+/-)-(R,S)-KM 135, racemic chlorobromofosfamide (+/-)-(R,S)-CBM 4a and levorotatory enantiomer of chlorobromofosfamide (-)-(S)-CBM 11 belong to the known group of oxazaphosphorines. Antitumor activity of those three selected compounds, investigated in the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences in Wroc?aw against L1210 leukemia, Lewis lung carcinoma and B16 melanoma tumor model system showed cytostatic activity higher than the referential - ifosfamide [1]. These interesting data prompted us to conduct the preclinical pharmacokinetic studies in rats.  相似文献   

Diastereomeric N6-substituted dAdo adducts (cis B[c]PhDE-2/1R and cis B[c]PhDE-2/1S) that correspond to cis-opening at C-1 of the enantiomeric benzo[c]phenanthrene 3,4-diol 1,2-epoxides in which the epoxide oxygen and the benzylic hydroxyl group are trans (DE-2) were synthetically incorporated into oligonucleotide 16-mers. Each adduct was placed at the fourth nucleotide from the 5'-end of each of two different oligonucleotide sequences derived from the E. coli supF gene. Each adduct was also placed in two additional oligonucleotide sequences that were constructed by interchanging the adduct site and the immediately adjacent nucleotides between the two original sequences. These oligonucleotides were designed for use in site-specific mutation studies, with a single-stranded bacteriophage M13mp7L2 vector, to determine if the effects of sequence context on types and frequencies of base substitution mutations are attributable only to nucleotides immediately adjacent to these polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon diol epoxide-dAdo adducts, or whether more distant nucleotide residues also affect the mutagenic response. In SOS-induced Escherichia coli SMH77, total base substitution mutation frequencies for the cis B[c]PhDE-2/1R-dAdo adduct were relatively low (0.62-5.6%) compared with those for the cis B[c]PhDE-2/1S-dAdo adduct (11.9-56.5%). Depending on sequence context, cis B[c]PhDE-2/1R-dAdo gave predominantly A-->T or a more equal distribution of A-->T and A-->G mutations whereas cis B[c]PhDE-2/1S-dAdo gave either predominantly A-->T or predominantly A-->G base substitutions. Our results clearly indicate that nucleotides that are distal as well as those that are proximal to the adduct site are capable of influencing both the mutation frequency and the distribution of base substitution mutations.  相似文献   

A polyclonal antibody against 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP)-DNA adducts was raised for their immunohistochemical demonstration in paraffin-embedded sections. Specificity of this antibody was confirmed by competitive ELISA. Positive signals were immunohistochemically detected in acetone-fixed but not in formalin- or ethanol-fixed sections from F344 rats treated by gavage with a single dose of PhIP at 37.5-300 mg/kg and killed at 1, 2, and 7 days thereafter. Dose-dependent positive staining was observed in almost all organs of both sexes, including the colon, prostate, and mammary gland but largely independent of the tumor response. Repair activity, judged by disappearance of adducts with time, differed according to the organ or cell type. One exception was hepatocytes, the liver incidentally being a nontarget organ. The results suggest that the generated antibody is applicable for detection of cells targeted by PhIP in paraffin-embedded sections and also for the investigation of the mechanisms of PhIP-carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

We have investigated the mutagenic potential of site-specifically positioned DNA adducts with (+)- and (-)-cis-anti stereochemistry derived from the binding of r7,t8-dihydroxy-t9,10-epoxy-7,8,9, 10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (BPDE) to N2-2'-deoxyguanosine (G1 or G2) in the sequence context 5'TCCTCCTG1 G2CCTCTC. BPDE-modified oligodeoxynucleotides were ligated to a single-stranded DNA vector and replicated in Escherichia coli or simian kidney (COS7) cells. The presence of (+)- or (-)-cis adduct strongly reduced the yield of transformants in E. coli, and the yield was improved by the induction of SOS functions. Both adducts were mutagenic in E. coli and COS cells, generating primarily G --> T transversions. In E. coli, the (-)-cis adduct was more mutagenic than the (+)-cis adduct, while in COS cells, both adducts were equally mutagenic. These results were compared with those obtained with stereoisomeric (+)- and (-)-trans adducts [Moriya, M., et al. (1996) Biochemistry 35, 16646-16651). In E. coli, cis adducts, especially (-)-cis adducts, are consistently more mutagenic than the comparable trans adduct. In COS cells, trans adducts yield higher frequencies of mutations than the two cis adducts and, with the exception of the high-mutation frequency associated with the (+)-trans adduct at G2, relatively small differences in mutation frequencies are observed for the three other adducts. In E. coli, mutation frequency is a pronounced function of adduct stereochemistry and adduct position. These findings suggest that the fidelity of translesional synthesis across BPDE-dG adducts is strongly influenced by adduct stereochemistry, nucleotide sequence context, and the DNA replication complex.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the views of junior hospital doctors on their working conditions, NHS reforms and training, and to compare their views with those of consultants and managers. SUBJECTS: A questionnaire was distributed to 52 junior doctors, 19 consultants and 14 middle or senior grade managers in an acute NHS trust. CONCLUSIONS: Junior doctors had strong feelings about several areas covered in the questionnaire; in particular, more structured training without the requirement to undertake a higher degree would be welcomed. Shift systems are unpopular and the reduction of 'non-medical' tasks with a reduction in work intensity is perceived to be more important than further reductions in hours available for work.  相似文献   

The postoligomerization method was used to prepare oligonucleotide 16-mers that contained dAdo or dGuo adducts, derived from trans opening of each enantiomer of the two diastereomeric benzo[a]pyrene 7,8-diol 9,10-epoxides, in two sequence contexts. These 16 oligonucleotides, along with the four corresponding oligonucleotides containing unsubstituted purines, were ligated into single-stranded DNA from bacteriophage M13mp7L2 and transfected into Escherichia coli SMH77. The mutagenic effects of replication past these adducts were then evaluated. The various adduct isomers induced point mutations at different frequencies and with different distributions of mutation types, as was anticipated. However, sequence context had the most substantial effects on mutation frequency. A high frequency of deletions of a single guanine was found in a context where the dGuo adduct was at the 3'-end of a run of five guanines, whereas no single base deletion was found in the other context studied, 5'-CGA-3'. Mutation frequencies in constructs containing dAdo adducts were much higher in a 5'-TAG-3' context (37-58%, depending on the individual isomer) than in a 5'-GAT-3' context (5-20%), and for a given adduct, mutation frequency was up to 10-fold higher in the former sequence than in the latter. These findings indicate that sequence context effects need more thorough evaluation if the goal of understanding the mechanism through which DNA adducts lead to mutation is to be achieved.  相似文献   

The effects of immobilization on the immunologic and catalytic activity of a catalytic antibody were compared for randomly immobilized (via glutaraldehyde) whole antibody and site-specifically immobilized (via the reactive sulfhydryl group at the base of the fragment) Fab' fragments. Upon immobilization, the specific binding capacity (n) and the catalytic activity decreased significantly for both systems. Increases in the Michaelis constant (KM) were accompanied by corresponding decreases in the equilibrium binding constant determined through immunoassays. For the immobilized Fab', n decreased dramatically with increased protein loading, suggesting that, despite the site-specific attachment and favorable orientation, molecular crowding denatured the Fab' fragments. These results also show that there is an optimal surface coverage, not necessarily at the maximum loading, for both immunologic and catalytic activity. Finally, the combining/active site conformation was probed using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. In all antibody samples, there was no spectral evidence of conformational changes in the antibody active site.  相似文献   

When supplied with high levels of the IS911-encoded transposase, IS911-based transposons can excise as circles in which the right and left terminal inverted repeats are abutted. Formation of the circle junction is shown here to create a promoter, p(junc), which is significantly stronger than the indigenous promoter, pIRL, and is also capable of driving expression of the IS911 transposition proteins. High transposase expression from the circular transposon may promote use of the circle as an integration substrate. The results demonstrate that IS911 circles are highly efficient substrates for insertion into a target molecule in vivo. Insertion leads to the disassembly of p(junc) and thus to a lower level of synthesis of the transposition proteins. The observation that normal levels of IS911 transposition proteins supplied by wild-type copies of IS911 are also capable of generating transposon circles, albeit at a low level, reinforces the idea that the transposon circles might form part of the natural transposition cycle of IS911. These observations form the elements of a feedback control mechanism and have been incorporated into a model describing one possible pathway of IS911 transposition.  相似文献   

Eight oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing a site-specific N-(2'-deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-(acetyl-amino)fluorene (dG-C8-AAF) adduct were prepared successfully by solid-phase DNA synthesis using the 2-cyanoethyl N,N-diisopropylphosphoramidites of dA, dC, dG, dT, and dG-C8-AAF, with 9-fluorenyl-methoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) as the base-protecting group. The oligonucleotides were deprotected and released from the support by 1:9 piperidine/MeOH at room temperature for 22-36 h or by 1:1 diisopropylamine in MeOH at 55 degrees C for 15 h, purified by HPLC, and fully characterized. About 6 mg of HPLC-purified d[GTGGCG(C8-AAF)CCAAGT] and 7 mg of d[GTGATG(C8-AAF)ATAAGT] were obtained from the 10-mumol-scale synthesis, and their 1D 1H NMR spectra were consistent with the presence of a dG-C8-AAF adduct. The dG-C8-AAF oligonucleotides were also deacetylated to afford the corresponding dG-C8-AF oligonucleotides. d[GTGGCG(C8-AAF)CCAAGT] formed stable 1:1 duplexes with both the fully complementary 12-mer and a GC-deleted (across the adduct) 10-mer complement, and identical melting temperatures were observed for both duplexes. The multidimensional NMR study of these duplexes is presently under investigation.  相似文献   

文章介绍了滚弯机结构原理,生产工艺流程,滚弯功率计算,数控工艺算法,反弹补偿等关键技术,开发出大滚弯模量滚弯机,经厂家一年多的使用,成功实现了高铁边梁等大滚弯模量铝合金型材的弯弧加工,其成品精度高,重复性好,使用效果达到了进口设备的同等水平.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the safety and potential efficacy of antithrombin III (AT III) in reducing mortality in patients with severe sepsis. DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, phase II, multicenter, multinational clinical trial. SETTING: Seven academic medical center intensive care units (ICU) in Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. PATIENTS: 42 patients with severe sepsis who received standard supportive care and antimicrobial therapy, in addition to the administration of AT III or placebo. INTERVENTIONS: Patients received either an intravenous loading dose of 3000 IU AT III followed by a maintenance dose of 1500 IU every 12 h for 5 days or equivalent amounts of placebo. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: All patients were evaluated for safety and for 30-day all-cause mortality. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of AT III was safe and well-tolerated. It was followed by a 39 % reduction in 30-day all-cause mortality (NS). The reduction in mortality was accompanied by a considerably shorter stay in the ICU. Patients treated with AT III exhibited a better performance in overall severity of illness and organ failure scores (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II, multiple organ failure, organ system failure), which was noticeable soon after initiation of treatment. Patients treated with AT III demonstrated a better resolution of pre-existing organ failures and a lower incidence of new organ failures during the observation period. A meta-analysis comprising this and two other double-blind, placebo-controlled trials with AT III with a total of 122 patients suffering from severe sepsis confirms the positive trend. The results of the meta-analysis demonstrate a 22.9 % reduction in 30-day all-cause mortality in patients treated with AT III. Although still too small to be confirmative, the meta-analysis clearly points to the fact that a sufficiently powered phase III trial is warranted to prove whether AT III has a beneficial role in the treatment of severe sepsis.  相似文献   

In a search for new restriction endonucleases type II, among forty bacterial strains of the Bacillus genus two strains producing site-specific endonucleases have been found. Endonucleases BbvAIII and BspFI, isolated from B. brevis BLM B-677 and B. species F, are shown to be true isoschisomers of BspMII (Kpn2I) and Sau3AI, respectively.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli phage lambda integrase protein (Int) belongs to the large Int family of site-specific recombinases. It is a heterobivalent DNA binding protein that makes use of a high energy covalent phosphotyrosine intermediate to catalyze integrative and excisive recombination at specific chromosomal sites (att sites). A 293-amino acid carboxy-terminal fragment of Int (C65) has been cloned, characterized, and used to further dissect the protein. From this we have cloned and characterized a 188-amino acid, protease-resistant, carboxy-terminal fragment (C170) that we believe is the minimal catalytically competent domain of Int. C170 has topoisomerase activity and converts att suicide substrates to the covalent phosphotyrosine complexes characteristic of recombination intermediates. However, it does not show efficient binding to att site DNA in a native gel shift assay. We propose that lambda Int consists of three functional and structural domains: residues 1-64 specify recognition of "arm-type" DNA sequences distant from the region of strand exchange; residues 65-169 contribute to specific recognition of "core-type" sequences at the sites of strand exchange and possibly to protein-protein interactions; and residues 170-356 carry out the chemistry of DNA cleavage and ligation. The finding that the active site nucleophile Tyr-342 is in a uniquely protease-sensitive region complements and reinforces the recently solved C170 crystal structure, which places Tyr-342 at the center of a 17-amino acid flexible loop. It is proposed that C170 is likely to represent a generic Int family domain that thus affords a specific route to studying the chemistry of DNA cleavage and ligation in these recombinases.  相似文献   

Glutathione (GSH) conjugates of hydroquinone (HQ) and 2-bromohydroquinone (2-BrHQ) produce severe renal proximal tubular necrosis in rats. Since the reactivity of quinones lies, in part, in their ability to alkylate proteins, our goal was to develop an immunochemical method with which to investigate the role of protein adduct formation in quinone-thioether-mediated toxicity. An immunogen was synthesized by coupling 2-bromo-6-(N-acetylcystein-S-yl)hydroquinone (2-BrHQ-NAC) to keyhole-limpet hemocyanin (KLH). Anti-2-BrHQ-NAC-KLH antibodies were raised in rabbits and purified by affinity chromatography. Antibody binding to the 2-BrHQ-NAC epitope was confirmed by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with a bovine serum albumin conjugate of 2-BrHQ-NAC. Affinity-purified anti-2-BrHQ-NAC-KLH antibodies recognized adducted proteins in the kidneys of rats treated with HQ, 2-BrHQ, 2-bromo-bis(glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone, 2-(glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone, 2, 5-bis(glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone, and 2,3, 5-tris(glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone. Immunoreactive proteins were found in all renal subcellular fractions of 2-BrHQ-treated rats, and the distribution of adducts was similiar to that obtained by quantifying 2-Br[14C]HQ covalent adducts. Western blot analysis revealed that three proteins, at 42, 46, and 79 kDa, were adducted by all the compounds examined. The identification of these adducted proteins will be required to assess their significance in quinol-thioether-mediated nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   

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