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陈臣  段建平 《食品科学》2017,38(1):182-187
以天然马苏里拉干酪为目标,以干酪融化后特性(融化性、油脂析出率、拉伸性和褐变性)、感官、微观结构为指标,研究原辅料对再制马苏里拉干酪融化后品质特性的影响。结果表明:选择比例为1∶1(m/m,下同)的成熟度为3个月切达干酪和马苏里拉干酪,配合比例为1∶4色拉油和奶油进行再制马苏里拉干酪的制作,既保证了再制干酪所需的质构,同时也赋予产品特有的风味;添加量为1.3%的乳化盐和2.0%的柠檬酸能提供再制干酪所需的乳化性和合理的p H值,产品的加工特性最佳。  相似文献   

为研究不同种类的植物油脂替代黄油在再制奶油干酪中的应用以及对品质的影响,测定了不同种类植物油脂制作的再制奶油干酪的质构特性、乳清析出率、油脂析出率以及感官评定,并进行比较分析。结果表明,添加玉米油和葵花籽油的奶油干酪硬度与对照组干酪相接近,分别减小了13.29%和增加了3.13%,但总体差异不显著(P0.05)。添加葵花籽油的奶油干酪涂抹性与对照组相比,增加了1.27%,数值上最为接近。在黏聚力和黏着性方面,添加稻米油和椰子油的奶油干酪与对照组相比,差异较为明显(P0.05)。添加玉米油的奶油干酪乳清析出率要优于对照组干酪,而添加其他植物油脂的奶油干酪乳清析出较为严重(P0.05)。添加葵花籽油的干酪的油脂析出率最大,为6.19%,显著高于对照组干酪(1.82%);添加玉米油的奶油干酪的油脂析出率稍大于对照组,但差异不显著(P0.05)。感官分析上,添加植物油脂制作的奶油干酪总得分都低于对照组干酪,由玉米油植物清香风味和黄油的乳香味结合带来的干酪的风味接受度要高于其他植物油脂制作的干酪。综合各项指标,玉米油是替代黄油作为再制奶油干酪原料油脂较好的植物油脂选择。  相似文献   

以奶油干酪为基料,研究不同植物油脂替代动物油脂在再制奶油干酪中的应用。测定干酪样品的质构、色度、油脂析出性、融化性及感官评定,并进行比较分析。实验结果表明,添加橄榄油和小麦胚芽油的干酪硬度和涂抹性与对照组相近(P>0.05);添加橄榄油、小麦胚芽油、油茶籽油和米糠油的干酪粘聚力与对照组接近,减少了15.23%~26.68%;添加橄榄油和油茶籽油的干酪粘合性与对照组相差19.68%、33.16%,差异显著(P<0.05)。添加油茶籽油、橄榄油、米糠油、小麦胚芽油和亚麻籽油的干酪色度与对照组十分相近(P>0.05)。在油脂析出性上,添加玉米油、米糠油、橄榄油、油茶籽油和南瓜籽油的实验组品质均得到了改善。添加橄榄油、亚麻籽油的样品组在融化性能上与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05),仅减少了1.15%和1.85%。添加油茶籽油、橄榄油、小麦胚芽油的样品组受到认可,得分高于对照组。综上,橄榄油组与对照组在各项指标上相似度最高,是较好的替代油脂。  相似文献   

以低饱和脂肪酸的再制奶油干酪为研究对象,探究不同条件超高压处理(压力:150、300、450MPa;保压时间:10 min;保压温度:25℃)对再制奶油干酪质构、流变学特性及微观结构的影响.通过SPSS软件分析压力变化与干酪水分质量分数、水分活度、pH值及质构特性的相关性,通过质构分析仪测定干酪质构特性(涂抹性、硬度、...  相似文献   

以奶油干酪为研究对象,探究超高压(high hydrostatic pressure, HHP)室温(25℃)下,不同压力(200,300,400,500 MPa)保压10 min对奶油干酪功能特性(涂抹性、出油性、融化性)的影响,根据探究结果将最适压力处理过的奶油干酪制成芝士蛋糕,探究超高压处理对其感官品质的影响。结果显示:当HHP压力为300 MPa时,其涂抹性和出油性发生显著性变化(P<0.05),分别提高了33.8%和12.8%。当HHP压力≥300 MPa时,干酪表现出更优的融化性,确定HHP处理的最适压力为300 MPa。将经300 MPa/10 min处理的奶油干酪用于制作芝士蛋糕,结果表明,经HHP处理的干酪有较高的感官评分,其制作出的芝士蛋糕的感官喜好度也较高。  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺转移酶具有交联蛋白,提高产率的作用,本文通过单因素实验,把TG酶应用到奶油干酪中,分别研究不同添加量(0.004%、0.04%、0.4%)、不同添加方式(发酵剂和TG酶同时加入,再加入凝乳酶;发酵剂加入后,再加入凝乳酶和TG酶,以及添加发酵剂后,再加入TG酶)对奶油干酪的品质及产率的影响.确定TG酶最适的添加量和添加方式为发酵剂和0.04% TG酶同时加入后,再加入凝乳酶,可以提高奶油干酪的品质及产率,化学成分及pH符合标准.  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺转移酶具有交联蛋白,提高产率的作用,本文通过单因素实验,把TG酶应用到奶油干酪中,分别研究不同添加量(0.004%、0.04%、0.4%)、不同添加方式(发酵剂和TG酶同时加入,再加入凝乳酶;发酵剂加入后,再加入凝乳酶和TG酶,以及添加发酵剂后,再加入TG酶)对奶油干酪的品质及产率的影响。确定TG酶最适的添加量和添加方式为发酵剂和0.04%TG酶同时加入后,再加入凝乳酶,可以提高奶油干酪的品质及产率,化学成分及pH符合标准。   相似文献   

通过研究刺槐豆胶、卡拉胶、海藻酸钠、瓜尔豆胶和黄原胶5种不同亲水胶体对以切达奶酪为原料,直接酸化法得到的再制奶油奶酪品质的影响,来选择较佳的亲水胶体方案。实验结果表明,亲水胶体对样品各方面的性质影响显著,对持水性和持油性的影响尤为明显。本体系适用不凝胶的亲水胶体。黄原胶和刺槐豆胶是最佳的选择,并建议2种胶体单独使用。  相似文献   

探讨鸡蛋添加量对干酪(简称鸡蛋干酪)产率、硬度和质地的影响,结果表明,随鸡蛋添加量的增加,干酪中的固形物含量和产率呈上升趋势.添加鸡蛋的干酪与不添加鸡蛋的干酪相比,干酪的产率均有显著增加(P<0.05);随着鸡蛋添加量的增加,干酪的硬度值呈现先下降后上升的趋势,添加量为15%,20%,25%时干酪的质地特征曲线开始表现出硬质干酪的特征.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The controlled rate vane method was used to evaluate the yield stress and apparent yield strain of ten cream cheeses at refrigeration (5 °C) and room temperature (22 °C). Plotting yield stress versus apparent yield strain produced a texture map, showing a trend where a decrease in yield stress corresponded to an increase in yield strain. The map can be used as a tool for evaluating product spreadability in quality control and product development applications. Yield stress values for all cream cheeses ranged from approximately 1.3 kPa to 6.6 kPa, while yield strain values from 0.2 rad to 0.6 rad were found.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This study evaluated the effect of pH on the microstructure of cream cheese and compared pH-induced changes in its microstructure with concomitant changes in cheese firmness and meltability. On 4 different days, experimental batches of cultured hot pack cream cheese were manufactured and analyzed for initial chemical composition. The cheeses were then sectioned into samples that were randomly assigned to 7 different treatment groups. Three groups were exposed to ammonia vapor for 1, 3, and 5 min to increase the pH; 3 groups were exposed to acetic acid vapor for 30, 60, and 90 min to decrease the pH; and 1 unexposed group served as the control. After equilibration at 4 °C, samples were analyzed for pH, firmness, meltability, and microstructure by scanning electron microscopy. The effects of experimental treatments on cheese pH, firmness, and meltability were analyzed by randomized complete block analysis of variance (ANOVA). Relationships between cheese pH and firmness and meltability were evaluated by regression. Experimental treatments significantly affected cheese pH, firmness, and meltability. Cheese firmness decreased and meltability increased with increasing pH from about pH 4.2 to 6.8. Cheese microstructure also changed dramatically over the same approximate pH range. Specifically, the volume of the protein network surrounding the fat droplets increased markedly with increasing pH, presumably due to casein swelling. These data support the hypothesis that protein-to-water interactions increased as the cheese pH increased, which gave rise to progressive swelling of the casein network, softer texture, and increased meltability.  相似文献   

徐杭蓉  郑远荣  刘振民 《食品工业》2020,(4):139-140,141,142
研究稻米油替代乳脂肪对涂抹再制干酪微观结构的影响。以切达干酪为原料,添加不同比例稻米油制备涂抹再制干酪,测定不同稻米油比例样品的微观结构和脂肪酸含量。结果表明,稻米油替代乳脂肪可以增加再制干酪产品长链脂肪酸,减少其短链脂肪酸、中链脂肪酸比例。稻米油替代对涂抹再制干酪的脂肪酸饱和度和链长的影响,导致再制干酪体系中脂肪球大小和分布的差异。对照组脂肪球小而分布均匀,植物油替代比例增加导致更大的脂肪球,通过微观结构观察,稻米油替代比例增大至50%时,开始出现较大直径且分布不均匀的脂肪球。因此,稻米油替代比例应控制在50%以下较为适宜。  相似文献   

橄榄油加工工艺及品质控制的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了橄榄油加工新工艺 ,对橄榄油的质量控制进行了深入探讨 ,出油效率平均达84 7% ,产品质量完全达到国内和国际特级初制橄榄油标准 ,并具有良好的稳定性。该工艺技术成熟、可靠 ,有良好的推广应用价值  相似文献   

Abstract: A dried tomato‐flavored probiotic cream cheese (P) containing Lactobacillus paracasei Lpc‐37 was developed for the purpose of this study. The same product, but without probiotic addition (C) was used as control. Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris were used as lactic starter cultures. Chemical composition analyses and sensory tests were performed on days 1 and 7, respectively. Titratable acidity, pH value and L. paracasei population were determined every 7 d during the refrigerated storage (21 d) of the cream cheeses. The experiment and analyses were performed in triplicate, using standard methods. Probiotic population remained greater than 107 CFU/g throughout the storage period, thereby characterizing the product as potentially probiotic. Cream cheeses C and P did not differ on the sensory tests, both obtaining good overall acceptance by the consumers, of which 82.6% stated that they certainly or probably would buy the product. Practical Application: Lactobacillus paracasei Lpc‐37 is a probiotic bacterium and clinical studies have shown that this microorganism beneficially affects its host. In general, dried tomato‐flavored products and cream cheese are products with good acceptance by the consumers. Thus, regular consumption of the probiotic cream cheese developed in this study may have positive effects on health and well being of people if incorporated into their diet.  相似文献   

李艳霞  贾韶千  刘会平 《食品科学》2014,35(11):190-194
研究不同乳酸菌对低脂Mozzarella干酪品质的影响。采用无盐渍新工艺制作低脂Mozzarella干酪,经测定干酪的脂肪含量为9.85%。通过测定可溶性氮的指标、未融化干酪的质构特性、融化干酪的融化性和感官评定等对其进行研究。结果表明:低脂组的质构、融化性和风味均低于全脂组,但唾液链球菌嗜热亚种(ST)+德氏乳杆菌保加利亚亚种(LB)+干酪乳杆菌(LC)3 种乳酸菌组合制作的低脂Mozzarella干酪质构、融化性和风味等指标最接近全脂组。与生产Mozzarella干酪所用的传统乳酸菌组合(ST+LB)相比,ST+LB+LC 3 种乳酸菌的组合,能有效地改善低脂Mozzarella干酪硬度大、融化性小、风味差的缺陷。  相似文献   

Block-processed Ras cheese was produced with two salt mixtures: (1) Na-diphosphate+Na-polyphosphate+Na-tripolyphosphate in ratios 40 : 50 : 10, 30 : 40 : 30 & 30 : 30 : 40 and (2) Na-polyphosphate+Na-citrate+Na-orthophosphate+Na-diphosphate in ratios 50 : 20 : 20 : 10, 40 : 10 : 20 : 30 & 30 : 10 : 20 : 40. Commercial salts Joha SE and PZO were used for comparison, respectively. Texture profile analysis and microstructure (LM and TEM) of resultant cheeses were studied. Chewiness, gumminess, adhesiveness, and hardness showed a significant difference and the cheese samples exhibited higher values during storage. The values were highest in the samples stored at room temperature. Light microscopy photographs indicated different emulsification degree with various emulsifying salt mixtures. These observations were confirmed with the image analysis and TEM. Among the entire treatments, mixture (1) in ratio 30 : 40 : 30 and mixture (2) in ratio 40 : 10 : 20 : 30 gave the best and close texture to the commercial salts and can be recommended in the production of block processed cheese.  相似文献   

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