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This paper studies the degradation of the tensile properties of prestressed basalt fiber-reinforced polymer (BFRP) and hybrid FRP tendons in a marine environment. Two levels of prestressing toward typical prestressing applications were applied in the experiment. The variations of tensile strength, elastic modulus and the relevant coefficient of variation (CV) were first investigated. The effect of prestressing on tensile property degradation was discussed. The characteristics of prestressed hybrid FRP tendons in a marine environment simulated by a salt solution were clarified. Moreover, a prediction model of BFRP tendons with different levels of prestressing in a marine environment was proposed. The results show that the BFRP tendons’ superior resistance to salt corrosion and the degradation rate of their tensile strength is nonlinearly proportional to the prestressing ratios, whereas the elastic modulus remains constant regardless the prestressing ratio and aging duration. Although prestressing on BFRP tendons accelerates degradation, it can still lower the variation of the strength of the BFRP tendon. Hybridization can lower the degradation rate of basalt and carbon FRP (B/CFRP) without prestressing, whereas basalt and steel-wire FRP (B/SFRP) exhibit much faster degradation due to the internal corrosive steel wires. The model regression by the Napierian logarithm equation well represents the degradation trend of BFRP tendons under different levels of prestressing. 相似文献
In this study, mechanical behavior of thermoplastic composites reinforced with two-dimensional plain woven homogeneous and hybrid fabrics of Kevlar/basalt yarns was studied. Five types (two homogeneous and three hybrids) of composite laminates were manufactured using compression molding technique with polypropylene (PP) resin. Static tensile and in-plane compression tests were carried out to evaluate the mechanical properties of the laminates. The tension and in-plane compression tests had shown that the composites with the combination of Kevlar and basalt yarns present better tensile and in-plane compressive behavior as compared to their base composites. Improvement in the properties such as elastic modulus, strength and failure strain in both tension and in-plane compression was observed due to the hybridization. Numerical simulations were performed in ABAQUS/Standard by implementing a user-defined material subroutine (VUMAT) based on Chang-Chang criteria. Good agreement between the experimental and numerical simulations was achieved in terms of damage patterns. 相似文献
Basalt fiber (BF) filled high density polyethylene (HDPE) and co-extruded wood plastic composites (WPCs) with BF/HDPE composite shell were successfully prepared and their mechanical, morphological and thermal properties characterized. The BFs had an average diameter of 7 μm with an organic surfactant surface coating, which was thermally decomposed at about 210 °C. Incorporating BFs into HDPE matrix substantially enhanced flexural, tensile and dynamic modulus without causing a noticeable decrease in the tensile and impact strength of the composites. Micromechanical modeling of tensile properties for the BF/HDPE composites showed a good fit of the selected models to the experimental data. Compared to neat HDPE, BF/HDPE composites had reduced linear coefficient of thermal expansion (LCTE) values. The use of the pure HDPE and BF/HDPE layers over a WPC core greatly improved impact strength of core–shell structured composites. However, the relatively less-stiff HDPE shell with large LCTE values decreased the overall composite modulus and thermal stability. Both flexural and thermal expansion properties were enhanced with BF reinforced HDPE shells, leading to well-balanced properties of core–shell structured material. Cone calorimetry analysis indicated that flammability performance of core–shell structured composites was improved as the BF content increased in the shell layer. 相似文献
甘蔗渣纤维增强聚丙烯复合材料的制备和力学性能 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用注射成型制备了甘蔗渣纤维增强聚丙烯复合材料, 分析了纤维质量分数、 注射成型条件以及添加物对复合材料力学性能的影响。结果表明, 随着纤维质量分数的增加, 材料的弯曲模量呈递增趋势。由于甘蔗渣纤维热降解的发生, 材料的力学性能随筒体温度的增加呈下降趋势。在模具温度90℃、 注射间隔时间30s、 不同的筒体温度185℃和165℃的成型条件下, 材料的弯曲性能和冲击强度分别呈现最大值。添加了马来酸酐改性聚丙烯后, 材料的弯曲强度和冲击强度得到了提高。 相似文献
为了研究连续单向纤维的层间混杂方式对复合材料力学性能及破坏方式的影响,采用碳纤维-玻璃纤维体积比为1∶1,以拉-挤成型法制备了具有不同层间混杂结构的连续单向纤维增强环氧树脂基复合材料,并研究了不同层间混杂结构的连续单向碳纤维-玻璃纤维增强环氧树脂基复合材料的力学性能及破坏形式。结果表明:具有层间混杂结构的复合材料抗拉强度处于纯碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料和纯玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料之间,复合材料的拉伸断裂方式为劈裂;具有层间混杂结构的复合材料的层间剪切强度均优于纯碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料和纯玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料,复合材料的剪切断裂方式为层间断裂。 相似文献
The fundamental characteristics of acoustic emission (AE) signals, such as the attenuation, and frequency dependency of AE signals, were investigated and the fracture process of the single fiber composite (s.f.c.) was examined. As a result, the frequencies of AE signals were almost unchanged, while the amplitudes attenuated greatly with the increment of the propagation length. This proved that the frequency analysis is an effective way in processing AE signals of composite materials. In the fracture process of the s.f.c., the number of AE events was in a good agreement with the number of fiber breakages, and the sources of AE signals were the failure modes at fiber breakages. Using the proposed time-frequency method of wavelet transform (WT) to process AE signals, the microfailure modes at a fiber breakage and the microfracture mechanism, such as the sequence of each failure mode and their interaction, were made clearer. These indicated that both processing methods of AE signals, fast-Fourier transform and WT, were powerful for identifying the microfailure modes and for elucidating the microfracture mechanisms in composite materials. 相似文献
为提高玄武岩纤维(BF)与水泥基体的界面结合力和桥接作用,分别采用HCl溶液(0~2.0mol/L)和NaOH溶液(0~2.0mol/L)对BF表面进行刻蚀糙化处理,研究纤维表面处理对BF增强水泥基复合材料的力学性能影响规律。结果表明:随着HCl溶液浓度增加,BF/水泥复合材料抗折强度与弯曲强度均先增加后降低,挠度呈现缓慢增加趋势,而抗压强度变化幅度较小;当HCl溶液浓度为1mol/L时,BF/水泥复合材料的强度与韧性最佳;碱处理BF后,BF/水泥复合材料的力学性能随NaOH浓度增加而显著降低,且复合材料韧性无明显改善;BF经HCl溶液腐蚀后的质量保留率变化规律与NaOH溶液腐蚀后的变化规律接近,而经HCl溶液腐蚀后BF强度保留率大于NaOH溶液腐蚀后的BF强度保留率。 相似文献
将玄武岩纤维置于混杂铺层的压缩侧,研究了碳纤维-玄武岩纤维混杂增强环氧树脂基复合材料的弯曲性能及混杂比对其弯曲性能的影响。通过对试样进行三点弯曲试验得到了材料的弯曲性能,并通过扫描电子显微镜观察材料的失效模式。与纯碳纤维增强环氧树脂基复合材料相比,当混杂比为16.7%和33.3%时,混杂复合材料的弯曲强度明显提升,弯曲强度分别提高12.4%和15.2%,但是其弯曲模量随着混杂比的提升而降低。混杂后的材料及玄武岩纤维增强环氧树脂基复合材料的失效位移都高于碳纤维增强环氧树脂基复合材料,断裂韧性明显提升。从侧面观察可以发现不同铺层在压缩侧、拉伸侧和中间层有不同的失效形式。 相似文献
采用不同混杂比的碳纤维-玻璃纤维层内经向混编单轴向织物制备了混杂纤维增强环氧树脂复合材料, 研究了不同混杂结构和不同混杂比的碳纤维-玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料拉伸性能的变化及破坏形式。0°拉伸结果表明:同种混杂织物的不同混杂结构中, 碳纤维相对集中的完全对齐结构强度最高, 不同混杂比织物的完全对齐结构强度相当;碳纤维-玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的模量遵循混合定律。90°拉伸结果表明:纤维与树脂间的界面结合强度为碳纤维/树脂>玻璃纤维/树脂, 碳纤维-玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的强度、模量与材料厚度方向上界面的不同形式(单一或交替界面、碳纤维或玻璃纤维的分布位置等)有关, 与碳纤维的含量基本无关。 相似文献
为探究竹纤维表面能对纤维与树脂的粘附功及复合材料界面的影响,采用碱处理对竹纤维进行表面改性,通过模压工艺制备了竹纤维增强聚丙烯(PP)复合材料。研究了碱处理对竹纤维性能、竹纤维与PP间的粘附功及对竹纤维/PP复合材料力学性能的影响,采用SEM研究了不同浓度碱处理后竹纤维表面形貌的变化。结果表明:随着碱浓度的增加,竹纤维断裂强度呈现一定波动,当碱浓度为1wt%时竹纤维断裂强度达到最大值;竹纤维与PP的粘附功与竹纤维极性比密切相关,竹纤维极性比越小,粘附功越大;随着碱浓度增大,竹纤维与PP间粘附功与竹纤维/PP复合材料剪切性能呈现相同的趋势,并且都在碱浓度为20wt%时达到最大值,此时竹纤维与PP的粘附功较未处理时提高了67.18%;竹纤维/PP复合材料剪切性能较未处理时提高了23.29%;复合材料弯曲强度在碱浓度为5wt%时达到最大值,相比未处理时提高了23.13%。 相似文献
为抑制玻璃纤维增强聚丙烯复合材料(GF/PP)制孔损伤并提高其制孔效率,本文通过钻削实验获得多种进给速度下的GF/PP复合材料钻削轴向力和出口温度,使用高速摄影设备对刀具钻出过程进行在线观测,研究出口材料去除过程及其损伤成因,分析进给速度对GF/PP复合材料制孔损伤的影响规律。结果表明:GF/PP复合材料的钻削出口温度在低速进给时显著升高,在高速进给时基本趋于稳定;出口撕裂是重要的出口损伤形式,成因是大片毛刺受副切削刃的撞击和撕挤,进给速度过高或过低均会加剧损伤; 0°毛刺在低速进给时较严重,入口撕裂在高速进给时较严重。 相似文献
油井水泥石在井下易脆裂,造成油井层间封隔失效,进而影响油井开采。为了解决这一问题,需要对水泥石进行降脆增韧。首先,考察了甲基纤维素和羧甲基纤维素对碳纤维的分散效果;然后,研究了碳纤维对油井水泥石抗压强度、抗折强度和劈裂抗拉强度的影响,并模拟井下环境测试了水泥石单轴和三轴应力-应变曲线;最后,使用扫描电子显微镜对碳纤维增强水泥石的微观形貌进行观察,探讨碳纤维对水泥石的增韧机制。结果表明:0.2wt%的羧甲基纤维素溶液可有效分散碳纤维;养护28d后,0.3wt%碳纤维增强水泥石的抗压强度、抗折强度和劈裂抗拉强度较纯水泥石的分别提高8.6%、31.5%和52.4%,三轴直接加载条件下,其弹性模量较纯水泥石的低49.5%;经过分散的碳纤维在水泥石中乱向分布,形成三维网络结构,通过桥联、剥离及拔出耗能作用增强水泥石。研究结果为解决油井水泥石易脆裂的问题提供了理论参考。 相似文献
为了研究超声振动对纤维增强复合材料注射成型特性的影响,利用自行开发的超声辅助可视化注射成型实验装置对不同玻纤(GF)含量的GF增强聚丙烯(PP)复合材料进行了超声外场作用下的可视化实验,观测分析了超声功率对复合熔体充填流动行为的影响。此外,通过对试样不同部位的金相观察,分析了超声功率对复合材料纤维取向的影响。结果表明:超声功率会对复合材料注射成型的充填流动行为及制品的纤维取向产生影响,而复合材料纤维含量对超声振动的效果也有直接影响。在纤维含量较低时,超声振动对基体材料微观形态的作用为影响复合材料充填流动性及纤维取向的主因;在纤维含量较高时,超声振动对纤维的作用为影响复合材料充填流动性及纤维取向的主因。研究结果为复合材料超声辅助成型技术的发展提供了依据。 相似文献
Short-carbon-fiber/polypropylene composites (CF/PP composites) have high processability and recyclability but low strength. To improve the strength, various nanofillers were hybridized to form fiber-reinforced composites. Adding nanofillers improves not only the strength but also the elastic modulus, with the exception of clay nanofillers. To understand the strengthening mechanism resulting from the addition of nanofillers, the residual fiber length and interfacial shear strength were measured. For CF/PP composites, the addition of alumina, silica, and CNT improves the interfacial shear strength, and thereby, the mechanical properties. On the basis of this result, proper choice of nanofiller type and content for improving the mechanical properties of PP/CF composites is discussed. 相似文献
The statistical strength of short fiber reinforced composites such as metal matrix composites (MMCs) and polymer matrix composites (PMCs) with different fiber volume fractions is investigated in this work using combined cell models (CCM) and Weibull statistical approach. Statistical combined cell models (SCCM) have been developed, which were originally developed for fiber fracture in composites. This allows to calculate separately the two types of unit cells, i.e. unit cells with unbroken fibers, and with broken ones. The global mechanical behavior of metal or PMCs reinforced with randomly oriented short fibers (e.g., an Al/15 vol.% Al2O3 aluminium matrix composite and PMC with 20 or 30 vol.% glass-fibers) is calculated based on the rule of mixture. In all cases, predictions of the behavior by the SCCM are compared with experiments and they show good agreement. 相似文献
This paper deals with the mechanical and thermal properties of clay and pine cone fibers reinforced polypropylene hybrid composite at a total weight percent of 30. To enhance charges wettability within the polymer, a coupling agent was added and a mercerization treatment was carried out to the fibers. Tensile, torsional, hardness tests were conducted for these composites to evaluate the impact of hybrid charges. The tensile properties results indicate that the Young’s modulus has increased for whole systems reaching a gain of 80%, while tensile strength remained stable with the use of both charges. For torsional and hardness characterizations of such hybrid composite, an increase in the torsional resistance is noted with clay addition when hardness properties were in decrease at high clay loading. Thermal degradation decreases with the addition of fibers which is normal with the addition of a low degradation temperature charge. 相似文献
采用螺杆挤出机研究了添加连续芳纶纤维增强木粉/高密度聚乙烯(CAF-WF/HDPE)复合材料,为改善CAF与WF/HDPE复合材料界面相容性,分别采用磷酸和硅烷偶联剂处理纤维。对比表面处理前后的CAF形态分析显示,经过处理的CAF表面粗糙度增加;采用磷酸和硅烷偶联剂处理,纤维束从基体中的拔出强度分别提高了94.9%和77.6%,表明处理后的CAF与WF/HDPE复合材料的界面结合强度有所提高。对比WF/HDPE复合材料,在挤出成型过程中加入未处理CAF,CAF-WF/HDPE复合材料拉伸强度、弯曲强度和冲击强度分别提高了32.1%、35.1%、515.1%;CAF采用硅烷偶联剂处理后,CAF-WF/HDPE复合材料对应的力学性能分别提高了42.0%、37.4%、550.2%。动态力学分析表明:表面处理后CAF与WF/HDPE复合材料的界面相容性得到改善。 相似文献
Amilcar Quispitupa Basir Shafiq Frederick Just David Serrano 《Composites Part B》2004,35(6-8):563-571
Sandwich composite static and fatigue testing results indicated the predominant failure to be the core damage followed by interfacial debonding, resin cracking and fiber rupture. Under static testing, crack was observed to initiate in the core and ensue planar propagation near the interface with the facesheets; whereas, onset of crack initiation in the facesheets served as a precursor to the catastrophic failure. Multiple failure initiation and propagation sites in the core and intermittent interfacial debonding were consistently observed under fatigue. An acoustic emission based stiffness reduction model is presented that seems to accurately identify the extent of damage in sandwich composites subjected to fatigue loading conditions. 相似文献
采用自制稀土改性剂改性玄武岩纤维(La-BF)布增强双酚A型二氰酸酯(BADCy)制备了La-BF/BADCy复合材料。采用SEM和FTIR分析了改性对BF表面产生的影响,TG分析研究了改性对BF/BADCy复合材料热稳定性的影响,使用电子万能试验机研究改性对不同质量分数的BF/BADCy弯曲性能的影响,通过阻抗分析仪分析了改性对La-BF/BADCy复合材料介电性能的影响。结果表明,改性减少了BF的表面缺陷,并引入了结晶状凸起,有利于提高BF/BADCy复合材料的界面性能;通过改性提高了BF/BADCy复合材料的热稳定性,初始分解温度提高了145℃;当BF的质量分数为12wt%时,改性使BF/BADCy复合材料弯曲模量提高到4.19 GPa,弯曲强度达到110 MPa以上。在1 MHz~3 GHz范围内,La-BF/BADCy复合材料的介电常数稳定在1.9左右。因此稀土改性是一种能够有效提高BF/BADCy复合材料弯曲性能、热稳定性及介电性能的表面改性方法。 相似文献