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The aim of this paper is to compute the discrete inverse Radon transform over n . The Radon transform is a function with domainS n–1×. It is shown that under different measure this function can be defined with domain n . In this case one can compute the discrete inverse Radon transform in the Cartesian coordinate system without interpolating from polar to Cartesian coordinates or using the backprojection operator.  相似文献   

An approximation result is given concerning Gaussian radial basis functions in a general inner product space. Applications are described concerning the classification of the elements of disjoint sets of signals, and also the approximation of continuous real functions defined on all of n using radial basis function (RBF) networks. More specifically, it is shown that an important large class of classification problems involving signals can be solved using a structure consisting of only a generalized RBF network followed by a quantizer. It is also shown that Gaussian radial basis functions defined on n can uniformly approximate arbitrarily well over all of n any continuous real functionalf on n that meets the condition that |f(x)|0 as x.  相似文献   

A relation between the types of symmetries that exist in signal and Fourier transform domain representations is derived for continuous as well as discrete domain signals. The symmetry is expressed by a set of parameters, and the relations derived in this paper will help to find the parameters of a symmetry in the signal or transform domain resulting from a given symmetry in the transform or signal domain respectively. A duality among the relations governing the conversion of the parameters of symmetry in the two domains is also brought to light. The application of the relations is illustrated by a number of two-dimensional examples.Notation R the set of real numbers - R m R × R × ... × R m-dimensional real vector space - continuous domain real vector - L {¦ – i , i = 1,2,..., m} - m-dimensional frequency vector - W {i ,i=1,2,..., m} - m-dimensional normalized frequency vector - P {¦ – i , i=1,2,...,m} - g(ol) g (1,2,..., m ) continuous domain signal - () ( 1 2,..., m )=G (j 1,j 2,..., j m ) Fourier transform ofg (ol) - (A,b,,,) parameters ofT- symmetry - N the set of integers - N m N × N × ... × N m-dimensional integer vector spacem-dimensional lattice - h(n) h (n 1,.,n m ) discrete domain signal - H() Fourier transform ofh (n) - v 1,v 2,..., vm m sample-direction and interval vectors - V (v 1 v 2 ...v m ) sampling basis matrix - [x]* complex conjugate ofx - detA determinant ofA - X {x¦ – x i , i=1,2,..., m} - A t [A –1] t ,t stands for transpose This work was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada under Grant A-7739 to M. N. S. Swamy and in part by Tennessee Technological University under its Faculty Research support program to P. K. Rajan.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the properties of the two-variable polynomialu (, z) built on the first column of the adjoint matrix ofI -C, whereC is a given Hermitian Toeplitz matrix. In particular, the stability properties ofu (,z) are discussed and are shown to depend essentially on the location of X with respect to the eigenvalues ofC. The eigenvectors ofC, which have recently found some applications in signal processing and estimation theory, are obtained from the polynomialu(,z) when tends to the eigenvalues ofC. This allows one to derive several results concerning the eigenpolynomials, including those for the case of multiple eigenvalues.  相似文献   

For many problems in classification, compensation, adaptivity, identification, and signal processing, results concerning the representation and approximation of nonlinear functions can be of particular interest to engineers. Here we consider a large class of functionsf that map n into the set of real or complex numbers, and we give bounds on the number of parameters of a certain approximation network so thatf can be approximated to within a prescribed degree of accuracy using an appropriate configuration of the network. We also describe related work in the neural networks literature.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of detecting singleV-coupling faults (as defined by Nair, Thatte, and Abraham) inn×1 random-access memories (RAMs). First we derive a lower bound of 2 V–2 nlog2 n+(2 V +3)n on the length of any test that detects all singleV-coupling faults, for 2V47 andn=2 e wheree{8,...,34}. In the derivation we make use of a family of binary codes which we call (n, )-exhaustive codes. We then describe a procedure which, given any (n, V–1)-exhaustive code, constructs a test that detects all singleV-coupling faults, fornV>2. Following this approach, optimal (n,1)- and (n, 2)-exhaustive codes are used to construct S2CTEST and S3CTEST, which are efficient tests of length 10n and 4nlog2 n+18n that detect all single 2- and 3-coupling faults, respectively. S3CTEST is roughly five times shorter, for current RAM capacities, than Papachristou and Sahgal's test of length 24n[log2 n]+n. Codes generated according to Tang and Chen are used similarly to construct S4CTEST and S5CTEST, which are tests of approximate length 8.6n(log2 n)1.585 and 9.6n(log2 n)2.322 that detect all single 4- and 5-coupling faults, respectively. S5CTEST has the interesting property of being able to detect all single physical neighborhood pattern-sensitive faults without requiring the mapping from logical cell addresses to physical cell locations. S5CTEST also detects the scrambled pattern-sensitive fault recently proposed by Franklin and Saluja; moreover, the new test is approximately fourteen times shorter (for 1 and 4 Mbit RAMs) than the test they describe.This work was supported by operating grants from the Central Research Fund of the University of Alberta and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada under grant OGP0105567.  相似文献   

The classical notion of the -generalized nullspace, defined on a matrixA R n×n,where is an eigenvalue, is extended to the case of ordered pairs of matrices(F, G), F, G R m×nwhere the associated pencilsF – G is right regular. It is shown that for every C {} generalized eigenvalue of (F, G), an ascending nested sequence of spaces {P i ,i=1, 2,...} and a descending nested sequence of spaces {ie495-02 i=1, 2,...} are defined from the -Toeplitz matrices of (F, G); the first sequence has a maximal elementM * , the -generalized nullspace of (F, G), which is the element of the sequence corresponding to the index , the -index of annihilation of (F, G), whereas the second sequence has the first elementP * as its maximal element, the -prime space of (F, G). The geometric properties of the {M i ,i=1, 2,..., and {P i ,i=1, 2,...sets, as well as their interrelations are investigated and are shown to be intimately related to the existence of nested basis matrices of the nullspaces of the -Toeplitz matrices of (F, G). These nested basis matrices characterize completely the geometry ofM * and provide a systematic procedure for the selection of maximal length linearly independent vector chains characterizing the-Segre characteristic of (F, G).  相似文献   

A new statistical test for selecting the order of a nonstationary AR modelyk is presented based on the predictive least-squares principle. This test is of the same order as the accumulated cost function n = k=1 n ( k * k )2;i.e., * wherey k * is the predictive least-square estimate. It is constructed to show how many times the integrated AR processy k is differenced in order to obtain a stationary AR process given that the exact order of the process is unknown.  相似文献   

Uniform quantization of random vectors onto -grids n is considered. Higherorder terms in asymptotic expansions for the entropy of the -quantized random vector and for the loss of the mutual information between two random vectors under such quantization as 0+are obtained. The coefficients in these asymptotics are explicitly calculated for Gaussian distributed vectors. Taken for initial segments of stationary Gaussian sequences, these factors have limit average values per unit of time. For such sequences governed by state-space equations, computation of these average values is reduced to solutions of algebraic matrix Riccati and Lyapunov equations.Work supported by the Australian Research Council grant A 4970 2246.  相似文献   

Let Aij i, j=1, 2,..., be operators on a Hilbert spaceX, such that the compound operatorA =A ij i, j=1 induces a bounded positive operator onl 2(X). We show that S(A , theshorted operator (orgeneralized Schur complement), of A can be obtained as the limits of shorts of the operators An, where An is the truncated version ofA , thenA n=A ij i, j=1 n . We use these results to study the short-circuit approximations to infinite networks.  相似文献   

The problem of designing a stabilizing compensator for a control system to achieve prescribed initial value constraints (i)(0+)=yi is considered. Indeed, modulo certain technical conditions, such a compensator exists if and only if yi=0;i= 0,1,...,rp +rt –2; whererp is the relative degree of the plant andrt is the relative degree of the system input. This theorem is derived and a complete parameterization of the set of compensators that achieve the prescribed design constraints is formulated.This research was supported in part by NSF Grant No. 921106.  相似文献   

The robustness problem of stability for large-scale uncertain systems with a class of multiple time delays is addressed in this paper. By applying the complex Lyapunov stability theorem, the matrix measure techniques, and norm inequalities, a new approach for solving a general case of the above problem is proposed. Several robust stability conditions, delay-dependent or delay-independent, are derived to guarantee the asymptotic stability and exponential stability of the uncertain large-scale time-delay systems. Moreover, these obtained results can also be applied to the stabilization design.Notation real number field - complex number field - x x=(x 1,x 2,...,x n ) T R n - x T transpose of vectorx - x* complex conjugate transpose of vectorx - Re(·) real part of (·) - x norm of vectorx; x=(x*x)1/2 - A T transpose of matrixA - A* complex conjugate transpose of matrixA - ¯(·) maximal absolute value of eigenvalue of matrixA - (A) matrix measure of matrixA; (A)=¯((A + A*)/2) - A induced norm of matrix A; A=[¯(A*A)]1/2 - ¦aij ¦ absolute value of element aij - ¦ A¦ {¦aij¦} for matrix A={aij} - A >B aij > bij for alli andj where A={aij} andB={bij} - z complex number - ¯z complex conjugate ofz Supported by National Science Council, Taiwan, Republic of China, Grant NSC83-0404-E006-001.  相似文献   

Differential cryptanalysis is a method of attacking iterated mappings based on differences known as characteristics. The probability of a given characteristic is derived from the XOR tables associated with the iterated mapping. If is a mapping : Z 2 m , then for each , X, Y Z 2 m the XOR table for gives the number of input pairs of difference X=X+X for which gp(X)+(X)=Y.The complexity of a differential attack depends upon two properties of the XOR tables: the density of zero entries in the table, and the size of the largest entry in the table. In this paper we present the first results on the expected values of these properties for a general class of mappings . We prove that if : Z 2 m Z 2 m is a bijective mapping, then the expected size of the largest entry in the XOR table for is bounded by 2m, while the fraction of the XOR table that is zero approaches e –1/2=0.60653. We are then able to demonstrate that there are easily constructed classes of iterated mappings for which the probability of a differential-like attack succeeding is very small.The author is presently employed by the Distributed System Technology Center, Brisbane, Australia.  相似文献   

It is shown that for each memberG of a large class of causal time invariant nonlinear input-output maps, with inputs and outputs defined on the nonnegative integers, there is a functionalA on the input set such that (Gs)(k) has the representationA(F k s) for allk and each inputs, in whichF k is a simple linear map that does not depend onG. More specifically, this holds—with anA that is unique in a certain important sense—for anyG that has approximately finite memory and meets a certain often-satisfied additional condition. Similar results are given for a corresponding continuous-time case in which inputs and outputs are defined on +. An example shows that the members of a large family of feedback systems have these A-map representations.  相似文献   

In a recent paper on nonlocal expansions necessary and sufficient conditions are given under whichf –1 has a generalized power series expansion, whenf is an invertible locally Lipschitz map between certain general subsets of a complex Banach space. Here we establish the validity of a conceptually interesting algorithm for obtaining the expansion.Basically, we show that a certain contraction mapping iteration generates iterates 1, 2,... such that each k yields all of the terms of the generalized power series expansion off –1 up to order (k + 1), assuming merely that the expansion off –1 exists. An earlier different result along related lines is mentioned.  相似文献   

For direct form digital filters with integer arithmetic, a characterization of the initial condition vector and state vectorX(), for a fixed, > 1, is established without the intermediate state vectors. This is used to determine initial conditions for stability and initial conditions for convergence to a limit cycle. Also, several properties of limit cycles are proven.  相似文献   

In many signal processing situations, the desired (ideal) magnitude response of the filter is a rational function: (a digital integrator). The requirements of a linear phase response and guaranteed stable performance limit the design to a finite impulse response (FIR) structure. In many applications we require the FIR filter to yield a highly accurate magnitude response for a narrow band of frequencies with maximal flatness at an arbitrary frequency 0 in the spectrum (0, ). No techniques for meeting such requirements with respect to approximation of are known in the literature. This paper suggests a design by which the linear phase magnitude response can be approximated by an FIR configuration giving a maximally flat (in the Butterworth sense) response at an arbitrary frequency 0, 0<0<*. A technique to compute exact weights for the design has also been given.  相似文献   

This paper is the first in a two part sequence which studies nonlinear networks, containing capacitor-only cutsets and/or inductor-only loops from the geometric coordinate-free point of view of differentiable manifolds. Given such a nonlinear networkN, with °0 equal to the sum of the number of independent capacitor-only cutsets and the number of independent inductor-only loops, we establish the following: (i) circuit theoretic sufficient conditions to guarantee that the set 0, of equilibrium points is a 0-dimensional submanifold of the state space ofN; (ii) circuit theoretic sufficient conditions for the condition thatN has 0 independent conservation laws and hence that through each point of the state space ofN, there passes a codimension 0 invariant submanifold * of the network dynamics; (iii) circuit theoretic sufficient conditions to guarantee that the manifolds * and 0 intersect transversely.This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, under Grant Number A7113, and by scholarships from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Ontario Provincial Government.  相似文献   

Marques  A.  Steyaert  M.  Sansen  W. 《Wireless Networks》1998,4(1):79-85
This paper presents an overview of the evolution of frequency synthesizers based on phase-locked loops (PLLs). The main limitations of the digital PLLs are described, and the consequent necessity of using fractional-N techniques is justified. The origin of the typical spurious noise lines on the sidelobes of the synthesized frequency is explained. It is shown how to eliminate these spurious noise lines by using digital modulators to control the frequency division value. Finally, the implications of using digital modulators together with fractional-N PLLs on the output phase noise are analysed.  相似文献   

LetX 1,X 2,... be a stationary sequence of random variables with Pr{X t, x}=F(x),t=1, 2,... Also let i n,(t) ,i=1,...,n, denote the ith order statistic (OS) in the moving sample (X t–N ,...,X t,...,X t+N) of odd sizen=2N+1. ThenY t=a i X i n(t) with a i=1 is an order-statistics filter. In practicea i0,i=1,...,n. Fort>N, the sequence {Y t} is also stationary. IfX 1 X 2, ... are independent, the autocorrelation function (r)=corr(Y t,Y t+r) is zero forr >n – 1 and forr n – 1 can be evaluated directly in terms of the means, variances, and covariances of the OS in random samples of sizen +r fromF(x).In special cases several authors have observed that the spectral density functionf() of {Y t} is initially decreasing for > 0. This result is made more precise and shown to hold generally under white noise. The effect of outliers (impulses) is also discussed.This research was supported by the U.S. Army Research Office.  相似文献   

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