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ABSTRACT: Banks are considered key actors in affordable housing and community development in the United States. Their involvement in such activities may be due partly to their dependence on economic rents generated from development. In the United States, however, banks are encouraged to support such activities by the federal 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). I examine how different factors explain the CRA‐qualified investments by banks. Qualified investments are essentially nondebt financial resources provided as an equity investment or grant with a community development purpose. I find that the identity of the regulator (the United States has four banking regulators) has a major impact on the level of qualified investments. Other things equal, a difference in regulators can cause a bank's qualified investments to more than double. Besides suggesting that some regulators may be enforcing a major portion of CRA regulations more vigorously than others, this also suggests that the CRA plays a major role in bank investment in community development. This has policy implications not just in the United States but also in other countries that might consider replicating the CRA.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study examines the external neighborhood effects of Low‐Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Projects built in Santa Clara County, California from 1987 to 2000. Three types of developers have built LIHTC projects in this area: nonprofit, for‐profit, and a county public housing authority. Using a difference‐in‐difference hedonic regression approach, this study finds that almost all the LIHTC projects examined have generated significantly positive impacts on nearby property value. In particular, the study also finds that most nonprofit projects have delivered benefits similar to those of for‐profit projects. Yet projects built by some of the largest nonprofits and the county housing authority have generated the greatest neighborhood impacts. Low‐income neighborhoods have also benefited more from LIHTC developments than other types of neighborhoods.  相似文献   

随着社会经济体制改革的不断推进和深化,我国城市发展的动力机制、城市住房系统的运作机制也发生了深刻变化,要求我国城市规划、住房规划理论和方法与时俱进。本文构建了我国住房分市场动态变化研究的理论框架,对上海市两个案例住宅区1994至2005年住房分市场动态变化驱动力的实证研究表明:影响不同区位、不同层级城市住房分市场动态变化的供、需因素复杂多样,在不同层面上广泛地与社会、经济、环境变化、区域甚至国际发展变化的趋势、城市规划控制和土地供应等因素联系在一起。住房分市场动态变化的研究对我国市场化体制下的城市住房规划理论和方法的重构具有重要意义,也可为住房需求的评估和住房调控政策的制定提供依据。  相似文献   

杨菁  李江 《世界建筑》2010,(2):114-117
本文主要介绍了芝加哥对于公众建筑文化教育的一些方法,包括建筑文化游览、城市地标、博物馆、建筑师、老照片等因素在公众建筑文化教育方面所起到的作用和产生的效果,探讨了芝加哥学界、资助人和公众之间在建筑文化教育中的紧密互动关系及其影响。希望通过本文对于芝加哥公众建筑文化教育方法的讨论,能够引起国内学界对于普及公众建筑文化教育的思考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Local journalism is expected to record significant events, people, and ideas tied to the location where the journalism is practiced. Public art commemorates some of these significant events, people, and ideas, some of which encapsulate the style of the city, and all of which can become issues that gain media attention. We investigate a decade (2001–2010) of newspaper reporting and policies related to public art in four cities that are considered cultural destinations in the United States—Philadelphia, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Chicago—to understand how this issue is used to define and describe each of these cities and styles within media discourse. We argue that what is covered and how it is covered shed light on how journalists and those who make decisions about public art seek to develop and maintain the styles of cities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article focuses on how the experiences of refugee public housing residents differ from those of other public housing residents when they participate in housing dispersal programs. An analysis of the spatial resettlement patterns and survey responses of Hmong and African‐American public housing residents who were involuntarily relocated from public housing in Minneapolis, MN indicates the extent to which residents resettled in ethnically concentrated neighborhoods and their satisfaction with their new housing arrangements and neighborhoods. Research results suggest that Hmong did not settle in ethnically concentrated neighborhoods to the same extent as African Americans after relocation, and experienced lower levels of satisfaction in their new housing arrangements and neighborhoods. These findings indicate that the outcomes for residents involved in housing dispersal programs may depend in part on nativity status.  相似文献   

住宅产业化是对传统建筑生产方式的突破性变革,对社会经济发展起着巨大的助推作用。随着近年来我国住宅建设力度的加大,我省也进入了住宅产业化的快速发展阶段,各级政府部门日益重视住宅产业化工作。但在发展的过程中,也出现了各种各样的矛盾和瓶颈。本文分析了我省在住宅产业化发展中的问题,借鉴国内外的发展思路和模式,提出了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

乡村人口是城镇化进程中的主要微观行为主体,务实深入地研究他们行为决策的特征与机制,是制定合理的城镇化政策的基础。家庭是社会最基本的构成单元,家庭整体的综合理性是乡村人口进行迁居决策的主要基础。基于家庭单元的人口城镇化研究价值日益凸显。梳理武汉市域外围乡村地区的实地调研成果,构建基于家庭的分析框架,重点对不同家庭结构的行为选择特征进行机制解释。发现武汉所代表的中部大都市外围乡村家庭的迁居意愿总体较低,多数家庭通过代际间或夫妻间分工、劳动力近距离流动维持城乡二元兼业模式,家庭成员的行为选择相互补偿,共同追求家庭发展的均衡稳定,半城镇化模式是乡村人口长期理性选择下的均衡模式。城镇化政策的制定要打破这一均衡,必须立足家庭整体理性,顺应家庭聚合发展的总体趋势。  相似文献   

邢佳林 《城市规划》2011,35(Z1):157-160
近年,南京主城边缘的大规模保障性住房已成为全市保障性住房建设的主力军,大规模集中建设已成为趋势,在全市的大型保障性住房项目中雨花区西善桥岱山项目是其中占地最大的一个项目,此案例作为大型保障性住房项目实践的尝试,可以从中总结出保障性住房选址、设计、建设中的一些规划思考,对下一步的工作提供可参考的借鉴。  相似文献   

论市场经济下居住区公共服务设施的建设方式   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
杨震  赵民 《城市规划》2002,26(5):14-19
结合广州市公建配套设施建设方式改革研究课题 ,着重研究市场经济条件下居住区公共服务设施的建设方式 ,就配套公建的建设主体、用地获取、资金筹措等与规划实施密切相关的问题展开讨论 ,提出市场经济条件下配套公建的建设应遵循“责任分担”、“熟地 +净地出让”、“资金统筹”和“公众参与”的原则。  相似文献   

城市用地置换的特点、问题与对策研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着社会主义市场经济的发展和土地使用制度的改革 ,以提高城市土地使用综合效率为目的的城市用地功能置换行为大量产生。揭示了城市用地置换的内涵 ,并以山东省的部分城市为例 ,分析了城市用地置换的实践与成效 ,在此基础上 ,对城市用地置换的特点、置换中存在的问题与相应的对策进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article contributes to the ongoing discussion about whether the official poverty measure should be adjusted for geographic differences in the cost of living (COL). Part of the support for spatial COL adjustments is the concern that the reduced purchasing power of the poor in higher‐priced areas could jeopardize the health and well‐being of children and parents. The results of this analysis of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and its Child Development Supplement do not support this view. We find that children growing up in higher‐priced housing markets appear to fare no worse than those in lower‐priced markets.  相似文献   

装配式住宅与保障性住房二者互为依存相互协调。一方面装配式住宅为保障性住房的健康发展提供了强有力的支撑,解决了其造价低、质量高、工期紧、任务重的难题;另一方面保障性住房适应了装配式结构标准化程度高、政策性依赖强的特点。二者结合有天然的成本优势、政策优势、设计优势和技术优势。  相似文献   

通过对新疆小城镇现状住宅调查分析,指出小城镇规划设计中突出存在的几个问题;提出小城镇绿色住宅产业关键技术及优化方案,阐明其技术集成具有广阔的市场应用前景。  相似文献   

王勇  李广斌 《城市规划》2022,46(1):69-76
在简要阐释"内卷化"演绎和内涵的基础上,尝试提出"乡村空间内卷化"概念,分别将农业空间、农村居住空间和农村工业空间嵌入到历史变迁的场景之中,阐释乡村空间内卷化机理。指出,附着在土地上的社会保障和财产功能以及耕地流转和整理成本,阻碍了农业空间"去内卷化"进程,而宅基地制度安排造成了村庄建设用地扩展和村庄空心化并存。在"以地办企"的农村工业化之后,"以地谋租"的农村工业发展延续了乡村工业的分散性。  相似文献   

本文以青海省河湟地区的传统民居——庄廓为研究对象,通过对其院落布局、建筑形态、功能构成、精神空间、材料及色彩等的特征及成因进行分析,归纳总结其空间形态特征与自然地理、民族文化、社会经济、生产生活之间的内在联系,为新时代背景下的传统民居保护与发展提供理论参考及借鉴。  相似文献   

我国地铁站空间界面文化性设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过比较北京、上海、天津三市地铁站空间界面提出地铁站空间界面文化性设计概念。分析总结三个城市地铁站空间界面文化性设计特点,并从"墙界面"、"顶界面"、"底界面"三个主要构成部分和站点案例分析出发,探讨地铁站空间界面文化性设计手法,提出在我国地铁站空间界面设计中应当明确主题、凸显文化性;提升内涵、增强互动性;丰富形式、增添层次性的建议。  相似文献   

木结构房屋——我国住宅的盲点   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
由于我国森林资源缺乏,限制了木材的使用以致发达国家普遍建造的木结构住宅在我国是个盲点。本文通过对木结构性能,材料来源,环境效益,建造技术的分析,阐述其对我国的意义。  相似文献   

我国城镇住房制度改革与住房发展具有极为重要的意义.1998年中央做出了“停止实物分房”的重大改革决策之后,住房的市场需求和开发规模快速上升;但此后住房发展中出现种种失衡,引起了各界的高度关注.某种程度上,住房制度改革中的困惑映射了我国经济转型和社会变迁中的深层次矛盾.因为住房既是一个经济问题,直接影响中国经济的发展;同时又是一个社会问题,涉及社会的公平正义与稳定和谐;此外,住房还是一个空间问题,必须正视其空间绩效问题.然而以往的研究单一性多、综合性的少,宏观层次的描述多、多层次的分析少,从而影响了对住房问题的系统认识.本文回顾我国住房制度改革以来的政策变迁轨迹,反思1998年以来住房制度建设和政策调控中的问题,进而探讨完善我国住房制度建设的思路.  相似文献   

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