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<正>1引言深圳的城市更新从早期老旧建筑为主的自发零星式改造到现阶段城中村、旧工业区的大规模专门化改造,逐步形成了一种规则引领下的市场化更新模式~([1])。为保障城市公共利益,深圳市政府自2009年《深圳市城市更新办法》、2012年《深圳市城市更新办法实施细则》颁布后,针对城市更新中前期立项、规划编制、后期实施保障等问题,又陆续出台了一系列配套规范性文件[2]。但从深圳城市更新项目的实施效果来  相似文献   

The issues of gentrification and displacement in the resurgent areas of our cities are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the questions of who is affected, in what way and to what degree. Existing local government strategies for controlling gentrification are discussed and compared with a new approach: the Neighborhood Tied Benefits Program. This program is proposed as a way to help capture some of the economic investment resulting from gentrification and to utilize it to protect other areas threatened by displacement. A specific methodology for carrying out the policy is discussed.  相似文献   

正欧洲是一片由许许多多城市组成的大陆,大约有75%的欧洲人居住在城市中。据2013年的统计显示,欧盟成员国中有455座城市拥有超过10万的城市居民。然而,相较于中国新兴的人口超密型城市,即使是欧洲最大的那些城市人口密度也显得比较低:欧盟第一大城市伦敦以810万人口独占鳌头,排在第二的柏林城市人口为350万,马德里则以320万人口位列第三。欧洲人口规模最大的城市并不属于欧盟成员国,俄罗斯的莫斯科近年来人口达到了1 200万,土耳其的伊斯坦布尔拥有890万居  相似文献   

变革中的香港市区重建政策--新思维、新趋向及新挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张更立 《城市规划》2005,29(6):64-68
随着由完全市场机制主导、以商业模式运作、忽略社会功能的旧的城市更新体制的失败,香港的城市更新政策近年来开始出现一种新思维、新趋向,体现在政府角色的进一步加强、全面化更新理念的主张以及以人为本、更注重社会效益的城市更新价值观的初步形成。然而,在现实环境及管治体制等各种复杂因素的制约下,新思维还难以取得显著成效、难以真正达成效率与公平的双重目标。  相似文献   

林强 《城市规划》2017,(11):52-55,71
城市更新是盘活存量用地的重要手段。本文以深圳市为例,通过与政府主导旧城改造的政策比较,分析深圳城市更新政策的制度优势。同时,剖析了城市更新政策的制度短板,包括对法定图则空间资源配置的影响、对规划管理带来的挑战、以及对局部地区城市基础设施的压力。最后,从加强城市更新规划评估、健全城市更新容积率管理、改进城市更新地价规则等方面提出完善城市更新制度的政策建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During the 1980s a number of urban renewal programs have been initiated in Sweden. In this article an interest-oriented approach for sytematic evaluation of housing renewal is proposed. Taking a contextual analysis as a logical point of departure, two further levels of evaluation are identified. The second one is theoretically crucial, i.e., the identification of interests and actors. On the third level, is the task of mapping the implementation structure. Here the focus is on the ways the different interests and actors conflict and harmonize as regards the formulation and weighing of needs and goals, the mobilization of resources, and the execution, reflection, and feedback of policy. It is argued that these three levels together form a conceptual framework favoring comparative analysis of different cases and facilitating communication between theorists and practitioners. The methodological approach is illustrated by reference to current housing renewal programs in Sweden.  相似文献   

单皓 《城市规划》2013,(1):79-84
为回应土地紧缺及粗放开发带来的环境问题,深圳市政府于2009年10月发布了《深圳市城市更新办法》,对不同类型、不同程度的更新改造活动做出规范。本文对《更新办法》的内容和三年来的实践进行分析,认为在其针对的主要问题当中,建成环境的衰败并不处在关键地位,更重要的是建设土地的循环使用。《更新办法》的颁布,一定程度上缘于现有土地使用政策及规划机制未能给城市再开发提供有效管理。《更新办法》尝试围绕开发权的界定和开发权的控制,从规划角度对土地开发秩序和开发收益进行管治,具有制度意义。  相似文献   

林坚  叶子君 《城市规划》2019,43(11):9-12
城市更新是一个永恒的议题,并在国家发展阶段有其特定的历史任务。在新时代生态文明建设的背景下,绿色城市更新必将成为城市发展的重要方向。本文通过发现绿色城市更新的时代价值,分析我国绿色城市更新在"点"、"线"、"面"上的既往探索及现实挑战,结合绿色城市更新的国际动向,提出"十四五"时期有关绿色城市更新的若干建议。包括:(1)绿色城市更新规划先行;(2)建设绿色基础设施网络;(3)探索绿色零碳社区更新;(4)创新绿色城市更新机制,探索增存挂钩"绿色折抵"、绿色全生命周期管理等新路径。  相似文献   

姚凯 《城市规划》2007,31(2):77-83
简要回顾了近代上海城市规划和建设的发展历程,分析了近代上海城市规划管理制度的形成和演变过程,在此基础上总结了城市规划管理制度发展的影响因素和规律性内容,对制度的完善提出了建议.  相似文献   

叶怡君  张一兵 《城市规划》2019,43(10):80-85
归纳了毗邻隔离住区的研究现状,从不同主体角度分析了城市中心区毗邻隔离住区产生的原因,总结了其特征及影响。在此基础上引入了有机更新理论并剖析该理论与毗邻隔离住区的内在联系,从空间环境、社会结构和公共服务三个方面探索出切实可行的整合更新策略,以促进城市居住空间健康发展。  相似文献   

从跨越百年历史的龙华机场变身为公共景观和城市生活空间,云锦路跑道公园是近年上海城市基础设施更新的重要案例之一.文章从跑道公园的城市更新理念入手,解析了建筑师如何灵活运用线性建筑的类型学方法建立起结构和内外空间的关系,使建筑形制本体成为历史场地景观和当代城市功能之间的积极媒介,从而阐述了建筑、景观、城市基础设施、公共活动运营跨专业协作对城市更新的重要意义.  相似文献   

This article enhances the notion of city‐making by explicating its communicative processes and functions within the press. Through a quantitative content analysis and qualitative textual analysis of Miami Herald news coverage related to incorporation and annexation policies and practices over a period of 3 years, we argue for a stronger implication of the press in coverage of local policy‐ and place‐making. Through a quantitative content analysis of 437 articles from the Miami Herald about communities affected by incorporation and annexation and a qualitative textual analysis of 51 articles related to general coverage of geographic policy‐making in Miami‐Dade County over a 3‐year period, we argue that this coverage reveals the press as being a central feature and function of policy‐making through the lens of city‐making.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Redfern‐Waterloo, on the edge of Sydney's CBD, has long been an important center for the city's Aboriginal population, as a place to live, socialize, work, and/or access services provided by the area's numerous Aboriginal organizations. State plans to regenerate Redfern‐Waterloo, to realize its latent potential, far from seeking to displace the socially disadvantaged Aboriginal community and erase its cultural legacy, stress the importance of a continuing indigenous presence. Planning and policy documents generally suggest that Aboriginal people can contribute to, and reap the benefits of, the area's renaissance. This article will explore construction of minority cultures in planning discourse in Sydney and in particular the way indigenous culture and citizenship is delineated in the discourses of urban renewal. The vision of Aboriginal culture (and residual communal presence) is narrow and circumscribed by conventional “touristic” representations (fine art, dance, and other performance) around national heritage and consumption. This excludes many of the area's youth who, like their counterparts throughout the world, identify more with street culture—hip‐hop, graffiti art, skateboarding, etc.—than with traditional arts/high culture. These activities have little place in the vision for urban renewal. This article will argue that civic booster strategies that fail to recognize the complex and ambiguous character of public spaces and their importance as sites of resistant/underground/avant‐garde/youth subcultures will inevitably generate sterile landscapes; their vision of local communal heritage is little more than tokenistic.  相似文献   

政策文本是政策的核心构建要素,对文本内容进行主题分析有助于厘清政策主题分布及演变趋势.本文以2009-2019年间深圳市城中村改造政策为研究对象,利用主题分析法进行研究,以提取名词类词语作为政策内容分析的依据,将改造政策分为两个主题主类目和8个主题子类目;以提取动词类词语作为政策文本性质分类的依据,将改造政策分为鼓励类政策、引导类政策和强制类政策.通过分析政策性质演变过程发现,三类政策的结构逐渐合理,反映了深圳市城中村改造政策逐步完善的过程.通过分析主题内容演变过程,将其归纳为改造方法突破阶段和改造创新引导阶段.根据研究结论提出进一步完善改造政策的政策建议.  相似文献   

政策文本是政策的核心构建要素,对文本内容进行主题分析有助于厘清政策主题分布及演变趋势.本文以2009-2019年间深圳市城中村改造政策为研究对象,利用主题分析法进行研究,以提取名词类词语作为政策内容分析的依据,将改造政策分为两个主题主类目和8个主题子类目;以提取动词类词语作为政策文本性质分类的依据,将改造政策分为鼓励类政策、引导类政策和强制类政策.通过分析政策性质演变过程发现,三类政策的结构逐渐合理,反映了深圳市城中村改造政策逐步完善的过程.通过分析主题内容演变过程,将其归纳为改造方法突破阶段和改造创新引导阶段.根据研究结论提出进一步完善改造政策的政策建议.  相似文献   

The legalization of casino gambling in 1976 by approval of the voters of New Jersey has attracted nearly $2.0 billion of private investment capital to Atlantic City. The opening of the first casino. Resorts International, was eagerly awaited as a step toward revitalizing the city. Four years and eight casinos later, it is quite apparent that the use of the casino gambling industry toward this end suffers from many of the same inadequacies as past renewal programs. As many studies have concluded, urban policies of the past failed to spread benefits to the urban poor and lower-income population (e.g., see Friedan and Kaplan, 1975; Weiss, 1980). The history of Atlantic City's decline offers a case study of how federal programs were unsuccessful in both addressing the causes of decline and aiding those most adversely affected by it. The evidence to date suggests that the direction of urban redevelopment in Atlantic City is presently following the pattern established by past programs. The legalization of casino gambling has spread its benefits unevenly, benefitting the already well-off while excluding the poor and elderly of the city.  相似文献   

Local journalism is expected to record significant events, people, and ideas tied to the location where the journalism is practiced. Public art commemorates some of these significant events, people, and ideas, some of which encapsulate the style of the city, and all of which can become issues that gain media attention. We investigate a decade (2001–2010) of newspaper reporting and policies related to public art in four cities that are considered cultural destinations in the United States—Philadelphia, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Chicago—to understand how this issue is used to define and describe each of these cities and styles within media discourse. We argue that what is covered and how it is covered shed light on how journalists and those who make decisions about public art seek to develop and maintain the styles of cities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: State governments and special‐purpose authorities, together with city governments and private‐sector actors, play a crucial role in building contemporary urban development partnerships, or intergovernmental triads. Such triads significantly shape decision‐making outcomes, and yet existing theories and case studies of urban development overlook these formal coalitions. Three cases from Chicago are examined in which the intergovernmental triad arrangement was utilized in attempts to reach development goals: the city's attempt to host the 1992 World's Fair, the construction of a new stadium for the Chicago White Sox, and Navy Pier's redevelopment. Using archival and interview data, the article traces events involving local and state governments that lead to the creation of special‐purpose authorities to manage development projects. The study concludes that current theories cannot explain such outcomes and must be adapted to account for the critical role of authorities and states.  相似文献   

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