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Performance analysis of a PWM inverter VAr compensator   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The performance of a three-phase solid-state reactive power compensator with fast dynamic response is analyzed. The compensator consists of a three-phase pulse-width modulated voltage-source inverter connected to a self-controlled DC bus. The principal advantage of this scheme is that it can maintain a near-unity source power factor without sensing and computation of the associated reactive power component. A mathematical model for the compensator connected across a variable power factor load is derived. The frequency response is obtained for open-loop operation. This allows the design of the controller. Predicted results are verified experimentally for both open and closed-loop responses  相似文献   

Recent availability of encoder with millions of counts per revolution makes it possible to enlarge the bandwidth of the torque disturbance observer (TDO) equipping a servo drive. As a consequence, the TDO dynamics are no more decoupled from those of current and the behavior of the torque disturbance compensator (TDC) is influenced by the current dynamics as well as by the discrete-time implementation of TDO. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the TDC performance under the above-mentioned circumstances. The main outcome is the underdamped or even unstable behavior of TDC. Another outcome is the limited range of values allowable for the parameter mismatch to preserve stability. The conditions on the TDO bandwidth and the parameter mismatch for TDC to be stable and to be damped are provided. Experimental tests are given, which substantiate the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

改变啁啾光栅轴向温度场的梯度,可使得该非周期光栅轴向上不同位置的反射波长发生相应的变化,从而改变光栅的啁啾量,达到调节色散的目的.文章通过在可调色散补偿器中封装两个分别具有正、负色散的光纤布拉格光栅(FBG),实现了色散调节范围达到-900-700 ps/nm的可调色散补偿(TODC)技术.这种方式具有无机械调节运动装...  相似文献   

We propose a new type of dispersion compensator that uses the characteristics of light traveling in a coupled defect waveguide (CDW) in a photonic crystal. By using a theoretical computation based on the plane-wave method, we show that the CDW band appears within the bandgap and its characteristics are well reproduced by the tight-binding (TB) model. We calculate the wavelength dispersion of light propagating in the CDW using TB formalism. The calculated result shows an inherently large dispersion of the CDW, which enables the realization of an extremely small dispersion compensator of a few tens of millimeters in size  相似文献   

Twin fiber grating tunable dispersion compensator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new tunable dispersion compensator that does not suffer from higher order dispersion is reported. The device consists of two quadratically chirped fiber Bragg gratings, each with linear strain actuators. The module has a tuning range of 500 ps/nm and a bandwidth of 0.5 nm. In a 40-Gb/s return-to-zero system, the dispersion penalty tolerance is extended from 100 to 600 ps/mm  相似文献   

A novel optical model for a tunable dispersion compensator is realized by a deliberate packaging scheme ensuing from intensive interactions of mechanical design, materials science and numerical simulation techniques including computational fluid dynamics and finite element analysis. The compensator is comprised of multiple cascaded single cavity Gires-Tournois etalons, each under independent temperature control. Three critical issues are addressed: etalon temperature uniformity, thermal insulation and optical surface deformation of the etalons. With etalon optical surface deformation minimized and etalon temperature uniformity successfully controlled within a range of /spl plusmn/0.1/spl deg/C, this small (232 /spl times/ 139 /spl times/ 16 mm) compensator achieves extremely low group delay ripple (<2.0 ps), low insertion loss ripple (<0.5 dB, insertion loss <6.3 dB), low polarization dependent loss [(PDL),<0.15 dB] and low polarization mode dispersion [(PMD),<0.7 ps]. The dispersion tuning range is from -700 ps/nm to +700 ps/nm in a dispersion passband of 0.2 nm which is sufficient for 10-Gb/s transmission. Thermal insulation design makes the tuning process take effect within 1 min at maximum power consumption 5 W.  相似文献   

In this letter, we fabricated an integrated polarization-mode dispersion compensator on a silica-based planar lightwave circuit that incorporated an endless polarization controller and a fixed polarization dependent delay line. The compensator consisted of polarization beam splitters, thermooptic phase shifters, tunable couplers, and polarization converters. We experimentally confirmed its operation at a data rate of 43 Gb/s  相似文献   

This paper describes a continuously variable and independently addressable channelized dispersion compensator. The optical system is a free-space grating-based system used in a four-pass configuration to ensure flat passbands. The variable dispersion is produced by an array of thermally adaptable curvature micromechanical mirrors. A per-channel variable dispersion greater than +/-400 ps/nm has been demonstrated, with 58 GHz +/-0.4 dB flat passband on 85 GHz spacing. The group delay ripple is less than 7 ps and the penalty with 40 Gb/s CSRZ is 0.7 dB.  相似文献   

The impacts of polarization-dependent dispersion on systems are investigated briefly, based on which a three-stage polarization mode dispersion compensator has been proposed to compensate polarization-dependent chromatic dispersion and the principal states of polarization rotation rate at the same time. The two possible operating points of this compensator are also proposed. Numerical results show that the maximum tolerable polarization mode dispersion value after three-stage compensation has been improved by 17% per bit slot compared with using a two-stage compensator.  相似文献   

A tunable four-channel dispersion compensator is achieved using fiber Bragg grating technology and applying a temperature gradient along the grating. Any dispersion from -370 to -1420 ps/nm could be obtained.  相似文献   

We theoretically demonstrate that a high-quality fiber Bragg grating dispersion compensator can be fabricated by a properly designed single-period overlap-step-scan exposure method. A practical design example and a detailed tolerance analysis of this new fabrication method are given.  相似文献   

We have proposed a dispersion compensation scheme that uses a high-resolution arrayed-waveguide grating (AWG). When the diffraction order of the AWG is 59 and the number of waveguides in an arrayed-waveguide is 340, the calculated maximum second- and third-order dispersion compensation range is 18.0 ps/nm and ±6.0 ps/nm2 , and 1100 ps/nm and ±937.5 ps/nm2, for a 1 ps-pulse and a 12.5 ps-pulse, respectively. In experiments, second-order dispersion (-0.8 to +5.2 ps/nm) is effectively compensated for 1,1-ps pulses; and. Pulse compression by third-order dispersion compensation is successfully demonstrated  相似文献   

A compact and simple silica-waveguide 10-Gb/s tunable optical dispersion compensator (ODC) that works with uncontrolled wavelength transmitters by tracking the signal wavelength is demonstrated. Transmissions at 10.7 Gb/s over 5100 ps/nm of dispersion with a duobinary signal using a single pass of the ODC and 3825 ps/nm of dispersion with an unchirped non-return-to-zero signal using a double pass of the ODC are shown.  相似文献   

We report a novel dispersion tunable device for first-order dispersion compensation. It is based on a fiber Bragg grating written in a tapered fiber with a specific profile. The taper profile allows tuning the dispersion of the grating by stretching the fiber while the linearity of the group delay is preserved. A device with 0.8 nm of useful bandwidth and dispersion value tunable over more than 400 ps/nm is reported.  相似文献   

A new method for tuning the dispersion profile of a fiber grating is described. The method involves compressing the fiber grating attached to a structure in which the cross-sectional area varies with its position. Because the cross-sectional area defines the compression rate, the local Bragg reflection wavelength that determines the dispersion profile varies along the position. A structure in which the cross-sectional area can be simply altered by inserting-extracting a part of structure was designed. Therefore, the dispersion order of the fiber grating attached to the structure can be selected. Using the method, a linearly-quadratically chirped fiber grating was made and various group delay slopes depending on the applied stress were obtained.  相似文献   

In this work we perform a study about the temperature implications on the optical fibers chromatic dispersion and the implications on the quality of transported information. To solve this constrain we suggest two approaches to dynamically compensate chromatic dispersion, one based on chirped fiber Bragg gratings and other based on dispersion compensation fibers. With the dispersion compensation fibers, we obtain a first and second order tuning coefficients of 3.472 ps nm-1 ºC-1 and -2.7 × 10 -3 ps nm-2 ºC-1, respectively. With the compensator based on chirped fiber Bragg gratings we obtain dispersion values between -113.2 ps nm-1 and 143.1 ps nm-1, for temperature gradients of 40ºC.  相似文献   

色散补偿型光栅是非周期光栅,采用改变光栅轴向温度场梯度,可使得光栅轴向上不同位置的反射波长发生不同的变化,从而改变啁啾量,达到调节色散的目的.基于这一理论设计了一种基于光纤布喇格光栅的可调色散补偿器,具有无机械调节运动装置,模块可靠性高,色散的调节范围可达到为800ps/nm.  相似文献   

Design, test, and performance requirement and analysis for a polarization-mode-dispersion compensator (PMDC) with four degrees of freedom is presented. The performance is analyzed on the basis of time-integrated and time-resolved bit-error ratio (BER) measurements. Signal impairments are generated by both, first- and higher-order emulators. The probability distributions of bit errors measured over many one second intervals exhibit very long tails. Therefore even a PMDC with a good average BER performance may result in a significant total outage time for a given system.  相似文献   

We demonstrated numerically that both the chromatic dispersion and the dispersion slope can be compensated by using purely phase-sampled superstructure fiber Bragg gratings provided both the grating period and the sampling period are chirped linearly along the grating. Adjusting the refractive index modulation and the chirp of sampling function, they can be designed to compensate dispersion of a large number of wavelength-division-multiplexing channels.  相似文献   

用耦合模理论和传输矩阵法对级联啁啾布喇格光纤光栅进行了分析,设计了一个大带宽、高反射率、大色散、低时延波纹的级联啁啾光纤光栅,并将其应用到一个8信道160Gb/s的高速准线性光传输系统中进行色散补偿.系统仿真结果表明,各个信道的Q值均在7.15 ~ 8.74之间,实现了级联啁啾光纤布喇格光栅的设计目标.  相似文献   

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