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Selecting a parsimonious subset autoregressive time series model is a valuable objective particularly where there is or may be evidence that a time series may have some form of periodic or quasi-periodic behaviour. An efficient model selection procedure is essential because of the large number of possible alternative models involved. The explanation of an increase in residual variance due to excluding a lag is examined in Hilbert space. As a result, a new statistic, the projection modulus , and its derivatives are developed to assess the significance of any lag in a model. The impact of deleting a lag, as measured by these statistics, helps to produce a selection procedure where true lags have less chance of being removed. We then assess an efficient subset autoregressive model selection procedure employing these statistics. The success of the proposed procedure is illustrated by its efficiency in identifying the true model for simulated and real data.  相似文献   

We detail and illustrate time series analysis and spectral inference in autoregressive models with a focus on the underlying latent structure and time series decompositions. A novel class of priors on parameters of latent components leads to a new class of smoothness priors on autoregressive coefficients, provides for formal inference on model order, including very high order models, and leads to the incorporation of uncertainty about model order into summary inferences. The class of prior models also allows for subsets of unit roots, and hence leads to inference on sustained though stochastically time-varying periodicities in time series. Applications to analysis of the frequency composition of time series, in both time and spectral domains, is illustrated in a study of a time series from astronomy. This analysis demonstrates the impact and utility of the new class of priors in addressing model order uncertainty and in allowing for unit root structure. Time-domain decomposition of a time series into estimated latent components provides an important alternative view of the component spectral characteristics of a series. In addition, our data analysis illustrates the utility of the smoothness prior and allowance for unit root structure in inference about spectral densities. In particular, the framework overcomes supposed problems in spectral estimation with autoregressive models using more traditional model-fitting methods.  相似文献   

Abstract. The estimation of subset autoregressive time series models has been a difficult problem because of the large number of possible alternative models involved. However, with the advent of model selection criteria based on the maximum likelihood, subset model fitting has become feasible. Using an efficient technique for evaluating the residual variance of all possible subset models, a method is proposed for the fitting of subset autoregressive models. The application of the method is illustrated by means of real and simulated data.  相似文献   

Subset ARMA Model Identification Using Genetic Algorithms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Subset models are often useful in the analysis of stationary time series. Although subset autoregressive models have received a lot of attention, the same attention has not been given to subset autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models, as their identification can be computationally cumbersome. In this paper we propose to overcome this disadvantage by employing a genetic algorithm. After encoding each ARMA model as a binary string, the iterative algorithm attempts to mimic the natural evolution of the population of such strings by allowing strings to reproduce, creating new models that compete for survival in the next population. The success of the proposed procedure is illustrated by showing its efficiency in identifying the true model for simulated data. An application to real data is also considered.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper we define subset bilinear time series models, and then describe an algorithm for the estimation of these models. It is also pointed out that for this class of non-linear time series models, it is possible to obtain optimal several step predictors. The estimation technique of these models is illustrated with respect to three time series, and the optimal several steps ahead forecasts of these time series models are calculated. A comparison of these forecasts is made with the forecasts obtained by the best linear autoregressive and threshold autoregressive models. The residuals obtained from the models are tested for independence and Gaussianity using higher order moments.  相似文献   

Periodic autoregressive (PAR) models extend the classical autoregressive models by allowing the parameters to vary with seasons. Selecting PAR time‐series models can be computationally expensive, and the results are not always satisfactory. In this article, we propose a new automatic procedure to the model selection problem by using the genetic algorithm. The Bayesian information criterion is used as a tool to identify the order of the PAR model. The success of the proposed procedure is illustrated in a small simulation study, and an application with monthly data is presented.  相似文献   

One of the important and widely used classes of models for non-Gaussian time series is the generalized autoregressive model average models (GARMA), which specifies an ARMA structure for the conditional mean process of the underlying time series. However, in many applications one often encounters conditional heteroskedasticity. In this article, we propose a new class of models, referred to as GARMA-GARCH models, that jointly specify both the conditional mean and conditional variance processes of a general non-Gaussian time series. Under the general modeling framework, we propose three specific models, as examples, for proportional time series, non-negative time series, and skewed and heavy-tailed financial time series. Maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and quasi Gaussian MLE are used to estimate the parameters. Simulation studies and three applications are used to demonstrate the properties of the models and the estimation procedures.  相似文献   

Abstract. One method of describing the properties of a fitted autoregressive model of order p is to show the p roots that are implied by the lag operator. Considering autoregressive models fitted to 215 US macro series, with lags chosen by either the Bayesian or Schwarz information criteria or Akaike information criteria, the roots are found to constitute a distinctive pattern. Later analysis suggests that much of this pattern occurs because of overfitting of the models. An extension of the results shows that they have some practical multivariate time‐series modelling implications.  相似文献   

Testing for a single autoregressive unit root in an autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) model is considered in the case when data contain missing values. The proposed test statistics are based on an ordinary least squares type estimator of the unit root parameter which is a simple approximation of the one-step Newton–Raphson estimator. The limiting distributions of the test statistics are the same as those of the regression statistics in AR(1) models tabulated by Dickey and Fuller (Distribution of the estimators for autoregressive time series with a unit root. J. Am. Stat. Assoc . 74 (1979), 427–31) for the complete data situation. The tests accommodate models with a fitted intercept and a fitted time trend.  相似文献   

Abstract. Recent contributions by Tong and others in modelling time series exhibiting threshold points have generally been based on approximating non-linear processes by piecewise linear time series models. In this paper we provide an alternative framework in which to model time series displaying jump behaviour by using a multimodal conditional distribution to capture the jump process. Each subordinate model of the distribution is determined by an autoregressive process, and jump behaviour occurs when the relative heights of the modes of the distribution change whilst the threshold points are identified by the antimodes of the distribution. This class of models is referred to as multipredictor autoregressive time series (MATS).  相似文献   

The traditional and most used measure for serial dependence in a time series is the autocorrelation function. This measure gives a complete characterization of dependence for a Gaussian time series, but it often fails for nonlinear time series models as, for instance, the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model (GARCH), where it is zero for all lags. The autocorrelation function is an example of a global measure of dependence. The purpose of this article is to apply to time series a well‐defined local measure of serial dependence called the local Gaussian autocorrelation. It generally works well also for nonlinear models, and it can distinguish between positive and negative dependence. We use this measure to construct a test of independence based on the bootstrap technique. This procedure requires the choice of a bandwidth parameter that is calculated using a cross validation algorithm. To ensure the validity of the test, asymptotic properties are derived for the test functional and for the bootstrap procedure, together with a study of its power for different models. We compare the proposed test with one based on the ordinary autocorrelation and with one based on the Brownian distance correlation. The new test performs well. Finally, there are also two empirical examples.  相似文献   

A vector-valued autoregressive time series model is considered. The autoregressive coefficients of the model are random with possible dependencies among them. Estimation of the large number of parameters in such models becomes costly with an increase in dimension. A sequential procedure is proposed that promises a significant gain in the sample size thus reduction in the cost of implementation. The procedure is also risk efficient in the sense that as the cost of sampling becomes negligible the asymptotic predictive risk of the proposed procedure reaches the oracle predictive risk corresponding to the best fixed sample size procedure that assumes the values of the nuisance parameters to be known. Extensive simulation results are presented to illustrate the properties of the proposed procedure in a finite sample.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This article addresses the problem of disaggregating multivariate time series sampled at different frequencies using state–space models. In particular, we consider the relation between the high-frequency and low-frequency models, the possible loss of observability and identifiability in the latter with respect to the former, the estimation of the parameters of the low-frequency model by maximum likelihood, and the prediction and interpolation of high-frequency figures when only low-frequency data are available. Since vector autoregressive moving average models are a special case of state–space models, our results are also valid for those models, but they include other models as well, like structural models. We provide a rigorous theoretical development of the aforementioned issues, including a comparison with the classical model-based approaches, and we propose a practical methodology to disaggregate multivariate time series that is both efficient and easy to implement.  相似文献   

This paper investigates testing for parameter constancy in models for non‐Gaussian time series. Models for discrete valued count time series are investigated as well as more general models with autoregressive conditional expectations. Both sup‐tests and CUSUM procedures are suggested depending on the complexity of the model being used. The asymptotic distribution of the CUSUM test is derived for a general class of conditional autoregressive models.  相似文献   

Abstract. We consider the effect, on a Bayes factor, of omitting observations in time‐series models. In particular, we study a Bayes factor for deciding between autoregressive models of different orders. Throughout we use Gibbs sampling to estimate the parameters of the models and the marginal densities. We illustrate the methods using data generated from an autoregressive model and some data on bag snatching in the Hyde Park area of Chicago.  相似文献   

We explore some aspects of the analysis of latent component structure in non-stationary time series based on time-varying autoregressive (TVAR) models that incorporate uncertainty on model order. Our modelling approach assumes that the AR coefficients evolve in time according to a random walk and that the model order may also change in time following a discrete random walk. In addition, we use a conjugate prior structure on the autoregressive coefficients and a discrete uniform prior on model order. Simulation from the posterior distribution of the model parameters can be obtained via standard forward filtering backward simulation algorithms. Aspects of implementation and inference on decompositions, latent structure and model order are discussed for a synthetic series and for an electroencephalogram (EEG) trace previously analysed using fixed order TVAR models.  相似文献   

Abstract. A new version of the partial autocorrelation plot and a new family of subset autoregressive models are introduced. A comprehensive approach to model identification, estimation and diagnostic checking is developed for these models. These models are better suited to efficient model building of high‐order autoregressions with long time series. Several illustrative examples are given.  相似文献   

This article studies functional local unit root models (FLURs) in which the autoregressive coefficient may vary with time in the vicinity of unity. We extend conventional local to unity (LUR) models by allowing the localizing coefficient to be a function which characterizes departures from unity that may occur within the sample in both stationary and explosive directions. Such models enhance the flexibility of the LUR framework by including break point, trending, and multidirectional departures from unit autoregressive coefficients. We study the behavior of this model as the localizing function diverges, thereby determining the impact on the time series and on inference from the time series as the limits of the domain of definition of the autoregressive coefficient are approached. This boundary limit theory enables us to characterize the asymptotic form of power functions for associated unit root tests against functional alternatives. Both sequential and simultaneous limits (as the sample size and localizing coefficient diverge) are developed. We find that asymptotics for the process, the autoregressive estimate, and its t‐statistic have boundary limit behavior that differs from standard limit theory in both explosive and stationary cases. Some novel features of the boundary limit theory are the presence of a segmented limit process for the time series in the stationary direction and a degenerate process in the explosive direction. These features have material implications for autoregressive estimation and inference which are examined in the article.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper analyzes the presence and consequences of a unit root in periodic autoregressive models for univariate quarterly time series. First, we consider various representations of such models, including a new parametrization which facilitates imposing a unit root restriction. Next, we propose a class of likelihood ratio tests for a unit root, and we derive their asymptotic null distributions. Likelihood ratio tests for periodic parameter variation are also proposed. Finally, we analyze the impact on unit root inference of misspecifying a periodic process by a constant-parameter model.  相似文献   

The Gaussian mixture autoregressive model studied in this article belongs to the family of mixture autoregressive models, but it differs from its previous alternatives in several advantageous ways. A major theoretical advantage is that, by the definition of the model, conditions for stationarity and ergodicity are always met and these properties are much more straightforward to establish than is common in nonlinear autoregressive models. Another major advantage is that, for a pth‐order model, explicit expressions of the stationary distributions of dimension p + 1 or smaller are known and given by mixtures of Gaussian distributions with constant mixing weights. In contrast, the conditional distribution given the past observations is a Gaussian mixture with time‐varying mixing weights that depend on p lagged values of the series in a natural and parsimonious way. Because of the known stationary distribution, exact maximum likelihood estimation is feasible and one can assess the applicability of the model in advance by using a non‐parametric estimate of the stationary density. An empirical example with interest rate series illustrates the practical usefulness and flexibility of the model, particularly in allowing for level shifts and temporary changes in variance. Copyright © 2014 Wiley Publishing Ltd  相似文献   

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