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Mode analysis of spreading of partially coherent beams propagating through atmospheric turbulence 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
Shirai T Dogariu A Wolf E 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2003,20(6):1094-1102
The spreading of partially coherent beams propagating through atmospheric turbulence is studied by use of the coherent-mode representation of the beams. Specifically, we consider partially coherent Gaussian Schell-model beams entering the atmosphere, and we examine the spreading of each coherent mode, represented by a Hermite-Gaussian function, on propagation. We find that in atmospheric turbulence the relative spreading of higher-order modes is smaller than that of lower-order modes, whereas the relative spreading of all order modes is the same as in free space. This modal behavior successfully explains why under certain circumstances partially coherent beams are less affected by atmospheric turbulence than are fully spatially coherent laser beams. 相似文献
Ji X Li X 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2011,28(6):970-975
A method of studying the M2-factor of truncated partially coherent beams both in free space and in turbulence is proposed, i.e., the method of the window function being expanded into a finite sum of complex-valued Gaussian functions. Taking the Gaussian Schell-model (GSM) beam as a typical example of partially coherent beams, the analytical formula of the M2-factor of truncated GSM beams propagating through atmospheric turbulence is derived. It is shown that the M2-factor decreases as the truncation parameter δ and the coherence parameter α increase. However, the M2-factor in turbulence is more sensitive to δ than that in free space. On the other hand, the M2-factor of truncated partially coherent beams with smaller δ is more affected by turbulence. In addition, the effect of turbulence on the M2-factor of truncated GSM beams is less sensitive to the coherence parameter α than that of nontruncated GSM beams. 相似文献
Theoretical study of propagation behaviour of partially coherent divergent Gaussian beams through oceanic turbulence has been performed. Based on the previously developed knowledge of propagation of a partially coherent beam in atmosphere, the spatial power spectrum of the refractive index of ocean water, extended Huygens–Fresnel principle and the unified theory of coherence and polarization, analytical formulas for cross-spectral density matrix elements are derived. The analytical formulas for intensity distribution, beam width and spectral degree of coherence are determined by using cross-spectral density matrix elements. Then, the effects of some source factors and turbulent ocean parameters on statistical properties of divergent Gaussian beam propagating through turbulent water are analysed. It is found that beam’s statistical propagation behaviour is affected by both environmental and source parameters variations. 相似文献
The changes of the average intensity, the centre of beam gravity and the position of intensity maximum of decentred laser beams propagating through atmospheric turbulence are examined in detail. It is shown that the decentred intensity distribution is amended gradually with increasing the propagation distance and the strength of turbulence, and it becomes an off-axis Gaussian-like beam when the propagation distance and the strength of turbulence become large enough. The centre of beam gravity is independent of both the propagation distance and the strength of turbulence. On the other hand, there are two intensity maxima, and their positions are symmetrical around the propagation z-axis when the propagation distance z is small. With increasing z, there is only one intensity maximum. As z further increases, position of the intensity maximum is further shifted towards the z-axis. When z is large enough, the position of the intensity maximum is unchanged. The unchanged position of the intensity maximum moves further away from the z-axis with an increase in the refraction index structure constant, the decentred parameter and the waist width. 相似文献
We introduce a new method of estimating the coherence function of a Gaussian-Schell model beam in the inertial subrange of atmospheric turbulence. It is compared with the previously published methods based on either the quadratic approximation of the parabolic equation or an assumed independence between the source's randomness and the atmosphere using effective beam parameters. This new method, which combines the results of the previous two methods to account for any random source/atmospheric coupling, was shown to more accurately estimate both the coherence radius and coherence functional shape across much of the relevant parameter space. The regions of the parameter space where one method or another is the most accurate in estimating the coherence radius are identified along with the maximum absolute estimation error in each region. By selecting the appropriate estimation method for a given set of conditions, the absolute estimation error can generally be kept to less than 5%, with a maximum error of 7%. We also show that the true coherence function is more Gaussian than expected, with the exponential power tending toward 9/5 rather than the theoretical value of 5/3 in very strong turbulence regardless of the nature of the source coherence. 相似文献
Zhang B Chu X Li Q 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2002,19(7):1370-1375
The second-order intensity moments and beam-propagation factor (M2 factor) of partially coherent beams have been generalized to include the case of hard-edged diffraction. A laser beam with amplitude modulation and phase fluctuation and a Gaussian Schell-model beam are taken as two typical examples of partially coherent beams. Analytical expressions for the generalized M2 factor are derived. 相似文献
Complex degree of coherence for partially coherent general beams in atmospheric turbulence 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Eyyuboğlu HT Baykal Y Cai Y 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2007,24(9):2891-2901
With the use of the general beam formulation, the modulus of the complex degree of coherence for partially coherent cosh-Gaussian, cos-Gaussian, Gaussian, annular and higher-order Gaussian optical beams is evaluated in atmospheric turbulence. For different propagation lengths in horizontal atmospheric links, the moduli of the complex degree of coherence at the source and receiver planes are examined when reference points are taken on the receiver axis and off-axis. In the on-axis case, it is observed that in propagation, the moduli of the complex degree of coherence are symmetrical and look like the intensity profile of the related coherent beam propagating in a turbulent atmosphere. For all the beams considered, the moduli of the complex degree of coherence profiles turn into Gaussian shapes beyond certain propagation lengths. In the off-axis case, the moduli of complex degree of coherence patterns become drifted at the earlier propagation lengths. Among the beams investigated, the cos-Gaussian beam is found to be almost independent of the changes in the source partial coherence parameter, and the annular beam seems to be affected the most against the variations of the source partial coherence parameter. 相似文献
Huanhuan Tian Ting Yang Zairu Ma Shijian Wang Youquan Dan 《Journal of Modern Optics》2017,64(4):422-429
Based on the extended Huygens–Fresnel principal and the Wigner distribution function, the root mean square (rms) angular width and propagation factor (M2-factor) of partially coherent anomalous elliptical hollow Gaussian (PCAEHG) beam propagating through atmospheric turbulence along a slant path are studied in detail. Analytical formulae of the rms angular width and M2-factor of PCAEHG beam are derived. Our results show that the rms angular width increases with increasing of wavelength and zenith angle and with decreasing of transverse coherence length, beam waist sizes and inner scale. The M2-factor increases with increasing of zenith angle and with decreasing of wavelength, transverse coherence length, beam waist sizes and inner scale. The saturation propagation distances (SPDs) increase as zenith angle increases. The numerical calculations also indicate that the SPDs of rms angular width and M2-factor for uplink slant paths with zenith angle of π/12 are about 0.2 and 20 km, respectively. 相似文献
Spreading of partially coherent beams in random media 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
Gbur G Wolf E 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2002,19(8):1592-1598
Some published computational work has suggested that partially coherent beams may be less susceptible to distortions caused by propagation through random media than fully coherent beams. In this paper this suggestion is studied quantitatively by examining the mean squared width of partially coherent beams in such media as a function of the propagation distance. The analysis indicates under what conditions, and to what extent, partially coherent beams are less affected by the medium. 相似文献
大气湍流对厄米-高斯光束光束质量的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用二阶矩束宽、桶中功率和光束质量参数作为特征参数,研究了大气湍流对厄米-高斯(H-G)光束远场光束质量造成的影响,并对其作了详细的数值计算和分析。研究结果表明,在大气湍流中,TEM10模光束的相对展宽小于TEM00模光束的相对展宽。在湍流不太强的情况下,例如Rytov变量小于9时,TEM10模的PIB小于TEM00模光束的桶中功率,TEM10模的光束质量参数大于TEM00模光束的光束质量参数。但是,随着湍流的进一步增强,TEM10模的PIB和光束质量参数值逐渐趋近于TEM00模的PIB和光束质量参数值。 相似文献
Ji X Chen X Chen S Li X Lü B 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2007,24(11):3554-3563
The analytical expression for the spectral degree of coherence of partially coherent flat-topped beams propagating through the turbulent atmosphere is derived, and the spatial correlation properties are studied in detail. In particular, we find that the oscillatory behavior and phase singularities of the spectral degree of coherence may appear when partially coherent flat-topped beams propagate through the turbulent atmosphere; this behavior is very different from the behavior of Gaussian Schell-model beams. But the oscillatory behavior becomes weaker with increasing turbulence and even disappears when the turbulence is strong enough. The width of the spectral degree of coherence is always smaller than that of the spectral density in the far field when the turbulence is strong enough, whereas the width of the spectral degree of coherence in free space can be either larger or smaller than that of the spectral density in the far field. 相似文献
Li J Yang A Lü B 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2008,25(11):2670-2679
Taking the partially coherent Hermite-sinh-Gaussian (H-ShG) beam as a more general type of partially coherent beams, a comparative study of the beam-width spreading of partially coherent H-ShG beams in atmospheric turbulence is performed by using the relative width, normalized beam width, and turbulence length. It is shown that the relative width versus the beam parameters, such as the spatial correlation length sigma(0), beam orders m, n, Sh-part parameter Omega(0), and waist width w(0), provides a simple and intuitive insight into the beam-width spreading of partially coherent H-ShG beams in turbulence, and the results are consistent with those using the turbulence length. The validity of our results is interpreted physically. 相似文献
多束部分相干光通过强湍流对光强闪烁的影响 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
在Rytov方差的基础上,利用Andrews的唯像闪烁模型,推导出部分相干光通过强大气湍流后其对数光强起伏方差的公式,并用此公式对部分相干光通过强湍流后给光强闪烁造成的影响进行了仿真。其结果表明,当光源的相干性变差,即变为部分相干光后,对数光强起伏方差变小;当采用多束部分相干光时,接收面上光强起伏方差得到明显改善,而且光束越多,改善越明显。 相似文献
We study the changes in the degree of polarization of an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam, as the beam propagates through the turbulent atmosphere. We demonstrate that, within the framework of the Tatarskii model of the turbulent atmosphere, the degree of polarization of the beam changes appreciably at relatively short propagation distances in the atmosphere. In the long-propagation distance limit, however, we find that the degree of polarization of the beam tends to the value that it has in the source plane. 相似文献
Baleine E Dogariu A 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2003,20(11):2041-2045
When propagating through particulate media, optical beams are degraded owing to scattering. We found that the ratio between the width of the distorted beam and the width of the initial beam decreases when the spatial coherence of the incident beam is reduced. These experimental observations are well described within the paraxial approximation of the transport theory. 相似文献
Ji X Ji G 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2008,25(6):1246-1252
The effects of turbulence on the beam quality of apertured partially coherent beams have been studied both analytically and numerically. Taking the Gaussian Schell-model (GSM) beam as a typical example of partially coherent beams, closed-form expressions for the average intensity, mean-squared beam width, power in the bucket, beta parameter, and Strehl ratio of apertured partially coherent beams propagating through atmospheric turbulence are derived. It is shown that the smaller the beam truncation parameter is, the less affected by turbulence the apertured partially coherent beams are. Furthermore, the apertured partially coherent beams are less sensitive to the effects of turbulence than unapertured ones. The main results are interpreted physically. 相似文献
AbstractPropagation properties of a partially coherent dark hollow beam (PC-DHB) in inhomogeneous atmospheric turbulence are studied in detail. Analytical formulae for the root-mean-square (rms) spatial width, rms angular width, M2-factor of PC-DHB in inhomogeneous turbulence are derived based on the extended Huygens–Fresnel integral. It is found that PC-DHB spreads in inhomogeneous turbulence more rapidly than the free space, and the saturation propagation distances (SPDs) of relative spatial and angular spreadings for uplink slant paths with zenith angles of 45° or less are about 5 and 0.6 km, respectively. M2-factor of PC-DHB in turbulence depends on beam order, waist width, inner scale of the turbulence and the SPD of the normalized M2-factor for the propagation with zenith angles of 45° or less is about 30 km. Our results are useful for the free space optical communications and the beam propagation in the slant path. 相似文献
Cai Y Chen C 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2007,24(8):2394-2401
Paraxial propagation of a partially coherent Hermite-Gaussian beam through aligned and misaligned ABCD optical systems is investigated based on the generalized Collins formula for treating the propagation of a partially coherent beam through such optical systems. Analytical formulas for the cross-spectral density of a partially coherent Hermite-Gaussian beam propagating through such optical systems are derived. As an application example, we derive the propagation formulas for a partially coherent flattened Gaussian beam by expressing it as a superposition of a series of partially coherent Hermite-Gaussian beams by using polynomial expansion. The focusing properties of a partially coherent Hermite-Gaussian beam focused by a thin lens are studied as a numerical example. 相似文献