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12Cr2Ni4A齿轮钢渗碳层中有众多粒状弥散碳化物时,耐磨性和接触疲劳寿命最高。这种渗层可用多段预处理法获得,十分简单,碳化物形态优于国外同类齿轮的渗层。对于重载耐磨航空齿轮,应规定其渗层中要有众多粒状弥散碳化物存在。 相似文献
用金相试验方法,对40CrNiMo中等硬度齿轮材料在接触疲劳过程中的表面破坏形态,裂纹的萌生与扩展等问题进行了研究,并从金属学角度对材料失效破坏过程进行了分析,结果表明,经过一定周次的循环后,试验滚轮表面产生的接触疲劳破坏是属点蚀破坏,从滚轮表面产生的塑性变形和金属流变层是表面产生点蚀破坏的重要原因。 相似文献
微缺陷对热喷涂涂层接触疲劳性能的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用超音速等离子喷涂设备在45号钢基体上制备了三种含有不同微缺陷的NiCrBSi合金涂层.使用球盘式接触疲劳实验机对涂层的接触疲劳性能进行了测试,建立了Weibull失效概率图;使用扫描电子显微镜对涂层的微观结构和失效形貌进行了表征;比较了三种涂层的接触疲劳寿命及涂层的主要疲劳失效模式.结果表明,涂层内的微缺陷主要由微孔隙和微裂纹构成,涂层接触疲劳寿命的长短与这些微缺陷含量的多少成反比,涂层的孔隙率为2.5%,1.3%和2.1%,对应的接触疲劳寿命分别为7.77×105,8.99×105,7.81×105周次.同时,涂层微缺陷含量较少时涂层的失效模式主要以剥落失效为主;涂层微缺陷含量较多、结合 相似文献
S. Faanes U. S. Fernando 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1994,17(8):939-947
Abstract— Fretting induced cracking is commonly observed in industrial components that are in contact and are subjected to small oscillatory movements between them. Fretting causes a considerable reduction in fatigue strength. In this paper recent knowledge on the short and long crack growth behaviour is applied to estimate crack propagation and fatigue life in fretting. The model is based on mode I stress intensity factors with a threshold modified for short cracks. The predicted results are compared with experiments and the influence of the contact pressure is examined. A good correlation between predictions and experimental results are obtained for crack growth rates as well as fatigue lives in terms of number of cycles to failure. It is seen that the increase of fatigue life observed for contact pressures above a certain level can be predicted by the crack growth model. 相似文献
对某地铁线路轮轨磨耗进行测试,分析实测型面与CN60钢轨匹配的轮轨接触几何关系,并利用Kalker三维弹性体非赫兹滚动接触理论对轮轨接触力学特性进行分析。利用UM多体动力学软件建立某B型地铁车辆动力学仿真模型,分析轮轨磨耗对车辆动力学性能及轮轨接触损伤特性的影响。结果表明:该线路车轮踏面磨耗较均匀,存在明显轮缘磨耗现象。不同运行里程下实测车轮踏面外形基本相似,导致车轮磨耗对轮轨接触几何关系、轮轨接触力学特性及车辆动力学性能的影响较小。实测轮轨匹配下的动力学性能略有下降。随着运行里程增大磨耗指数变化不大,表明车轮磨耗稳定。车轮磨耗后表面疲劳指数大于标准型面,出现滚动接触疲劳的可能性增大。 相似文献
Gao Husheng† Gu Haicheng Zhou Huijiu 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1991,14(7):789-796
The fretting fatigue behaviour of several alloy steels is reported in this paper. Fretting fatigue experiments were conducted on flat fretting junctions in axial tension at a stress ratio of 0.1. In all cases the same materials were fretted against each other. The fretting fatigue strength at a slip amplitude of 45 μ is rather insensitive to the hardness of the materials. The fretting fatigue strength at the slip amplitude of 10 μ increases with increase in hardness. As the slip amplitude increases the fretting fatigue life of 3SCrMo steel decreases, the depth of wear scars increases and the wear damage becomes more severe. The reason for similarity of fretting fatigue to the fatigue of notched specimens is that the effect of wear scars is similar to that of notches. 相似文献
本文研究了退火 Al-0.025wt-%Mg 和99.6wt-%Al 多晶在疲劳早期阶段应力、内耗、超声衰减的变化,并与99.999wt-%Al 对比进行了讨论。结果表明,稀 Al 合金中少量溶质原子的存在提高应力的整体高度,推迟循环软化的出现,降低疲劳过程中的内耗值及超声衰减值。 相似文献
J. Lankford 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1985,8(2):161-175
Abstract— Recent experimental work on the growth of small fatigue cracks is surveyed and critically analyzed. It is shown that microcracks grow at anomalous rapid rates relative to large ones only when certain criteria, involving crack size, plastic zone size, and micro-structural element size, are met. Retardation and arrest of microcracks is found to correlate with microstructural element size, hence with crystallographic influence. 相似文献