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为有效评估废旧机电产品的可再制造特性,支撑废旧机电产品绿色再设计和再制造方案的形成,借鉴绿色度评价的技术、质量、经济、资源、环境(TQCRE)5大决策原则,通过对影响废旧机电产品再制造的技术、经济、质量、资源、能源、时间、环境和服役性等因素进行分析,建立了废旧机电产品绿色再制造的微观评价模型、宏观评价模型和综合评价模型。  相似文献   

机械产品绿色度评价体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据绿色产品的基本属性,提出了“机械产品绿色度”的概念,从机械产品的技术性能先进性、对绿色设计制造原则的符合性、经济性、回收利用和再制造性四个方面,建立了对机械产品绿色度评价的基本体系。  相似文献   

装备绿色再制造工程及其发展前景   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
装备再制造工程是一个以装备全寿命周期设计和管理为指导,以优质、高效、节能、节材、环保为目标,以先进技术和产业化生产为手段,来修复改造废旧产品的一系列技术措施或工程活动的总称。再制造工程是对先进制造技术的补充和发展;是全寿命周期管理的延伸;是实现产业可持续发展的重要技术途径;再制造工程可带来新的经济增长点。绿色再制造工程将在我国具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

合肥工业大学绿色设计与制造工程研究所主要致力于机电产品绿色设计与低碳制造,机电产品再制造理论方法与技术,产品回收与再资源化方法、技术,以及这些方法、技术的应用研究,并在这些方面都取得了可喜的经济与社会效益。  相似文献   

分析了制造/再制造模式下的产品精度信息特点, 将公差项目分成互参考公差和自参考公差2大类, 以TTRS为理论基础, 在产品模型中增加了公差信息描述; 研究了功能失效与精度散失的关系, 分析了再制造零件精度模型的建立过程, 提出了制造/再制造模式下产品精度建模过程; 采用该建模方法对发动机活塞和汽缸内壁组成的圆柱副进行了实例研究,给出了该圆柱副的产品公差模型, 并将仿真分析获取的圆柱副精度散失信息添加到产品公差模型中,形成制造/再制造模式下的发动机汽缸运动副产品精度模型; 该建模方法能够为产品制造/再制造提供所需的各种信息, 并能方便地在CAX系统中实现.  相似文献   

一、引言 资源有效利用和保护环境是确保经济社会可持续发展的基本条件之一、是保证人类社会发展的长期战略,而产品再制造是资源有效利用的重要途径之一。再制造产业,是指以产品“全寿命周期理论”为指导,以废旧产品的性能提升为目标,在原有产业的基础上,将废旧产品利用技术手段进行修复和改造的一种产业[1]。再制造产业在我国发展十多年来,最初面临重重困难、各项工作难以展开,目前获得国家政府机关、行业领域和社会各界的广泛认可与大力支持,迎来广阔市场前景。  相似文献   

结合我国汽车零部件再制造产业的现状,分析制约产业发展的因素;以上海报废出租车发动机为研究对象,对其进行再制造优势分析,运用灰色系统理论GM(1,1)模型预测2015—2020年上海市报废出租车数量,在此基础上,分析实施发动机再制造将为再制造生产企业、出租车企业、再制造品使用者等带来的经济效益.基于对具有代表性的上海报废出租车进行再制造的探究,提出了促进汽车零部件再制造产业在我国逐步实施的路径策略.  相似文献   

面对全球生态破坏、资源浪费和短缺、环境污染等问题越来越突出,提出在循环经济理论和再制造技术、再资源化技术的基础上构建面向绿色制造的循环供应链,采用复杂系统建模方法进行网络结构的设计,并通过系统仿真软件建立仿真模型,进一步优化循环供应链的网络结构.  相似文献   

<正>2014年第四届中国国际再制造峰会暨张家港再制造产业论坛于5月28日开幕。国家发改委资环司副司长马荣等领导出席。在张家港再制造产业示范基地项目集中开工仪式上,沙洲职业工学院与张家港经济技术开发区、中国汽车工业协会汽车零部件再制造分会、机械产品再制造国家工程研究中心合作,联合筹建的"张家港再制造技能人才培育中心"正式成立。沙洲职业工学院作为再制造培训基地的承办单位,能充分利用高等职业院校的技术、师资等资源以及良好的教育条件,服务张家港国家再制造产业示范基地的优质环境,在中国汽车工业协会汽车零部件再制造分会行业企业和机械产品再制造国家工程研究中心的技术支持下,增强高校与企业的互动,发挥各自优势,通  相似文献   

为了解决传统发动机再制造生产活动效率较低、耗时耗材多、修复质量难以把握等问题,需要提前预测废旧发动机性能退化状况,在产品报废之前、性能退化之后对其进行再制造。本研究以EA2111.4L新桑塔纳汽车发动机为研究对象,采用产品生命周期评价(LCA)与全生命周期成本(LCC)理论,将发动机生命周期成本和能耗作为影响再制造时间点的两个重要因素,建立生命周期能耗和成本与服役周期的映射函数关系,利用多目标优化方法及遗传算法确定发动机最佳再制造时间点,最终得到EA2111.4L新桑塔纳汽车发动机的最佳再制造时间点为6.42 a。本方法为废旧发动机及相关产品提供了的再制造时间点的量化参考,为汽车产业进一步降低能源消耗、节省成本、减少环境污染提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Remanufacturing system is a term of green system project which conforms to the national sustainable development strategy. With the demand of the high adaptability of the varieties of waste machining parts, the short product cycle, the low machining cost and the high product quality are offered. Each step of the remanufacturing system from the beginning of the scanning to the accomplishment of the welding was investigted. Aiming at building a remanufacturing system based on totally automatic MIG surfacing via robot, advanced information technology, remanufacturing technology and management, through the control of the pretreatment and the optimization to minimize the time of remanufacturing and realize the remanufacturing on the terminal products of varieties, were applied. The steps mainly include: 1) using the visual sensor which is installed at the end of the Robot to rapidly get the outline data of the machining part and the pretreatment of the data; 2) rebuilding the curved surface based on the outline data and the integrated CAD material object model; 3) building the remanufacturing model based on the CAD material object model and projecting the remanufacturing process; and 4) accomplishing the remanufacture of the machining part by the technology of MIG surfacing.  相似文献   

Remanufacturing system is a term of green system project which conforms to the national sustainable development strategy. With the demand of the high adaptability of the varieties of waste machining parts, the short product cycle, the low machining cost and the high product quality are offered. Each step of the remanufacturing system from the beginning of the scanning to the accomplishment of the welding was investigted. Aiming at building a remanufacturing system based on totally automatic MIG surfacing via robot, advanced information technology, remanufacturing technology and management, through the control of the pretreatment and the optimization to minimize the time of remanufacturing and realize the remanufacturing on the terminal products of varieties, were applied. The steps mainly incude: 1) using the visual sensor which is installed at the end of the Robot to rapidly get the outline data of the machining part and the pretreatment of the data; 2) rebuilding the curved surface based on the outline data and the integrated CAD material object model; 3) building the remanufacturing model based on the CAD material object model and projecting the remanufacturing process; and 4) accomplishing the remanufacture of the machining part by the technology of MIG surfacing. Foundation item: Projects(50075086; 50235030) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project(413270103) supported by the National Basic Research Foundation of China; Project(2000-476) supported by the Ministry of Education for the Outstanding Teachers  相似文献   

Since the complex impeller structure and the difficult remanufacturing process may easily cause advance remanufacturing or excessive use,an optimized design method of impeller and service mapping model was presented for its proactive remanufacturing with setting up to explore the best remanufacturing time point in this work.Considering a certain model of long distance pipeline compressor impeller with the Basquin equation and the design method of impeller,the mathematical relationship between the changes of structure and life of the impeller was established.And the service mapping model between the structure and life was set up and simulated by ANSYS software.Thus,the service mapping model was applied to feedback the original design for proactive remanufacturing.In this work,the best proactive remanufacturing time point of impeller was analyzed with the service mapping model,and the structural parameter values could be optimized at this time point.Meanwhile,in the results of this simulation,it proves that the impeller under this optimization performance could satisfy the impeller operating demands.Therefore,comparing with the traditional optimization design method,the remanufacturing optimized design based on the service mapping model is feasible in proactive remanufacturing for sustainable development.  相似文献   

发动机再制造是废旧发动机回收利用的最佳形式,能够最大限度地保留附加值,减少能源消耗和环境污染.介绍了再制造工程和发动机再制造的概念,针对发动机再制造技术的工艺流程、质量保证体系、废旧发动机零件的失效分析和寿命预测,阐述了发动机再制造的应用价值以及国内外发展现状,最后对我国实施发动机再制造工程提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

1SOCIALDEVELOPMENTCALLINGCYCLE ECONOMY Withtherapiddevelopmentofeconomicsocie ty,thesocialconsumptionincreasespersistently.Consequentlytheresourcesareexcessivelycon sumed.Thewealthcreatedbyhumanbeinginthe100yearsofthe20thcenturyexceededthewhole summationinthepast5000years.Butunfortu natelytheresourcesintheearthwerealmostex hausted,andwereovertherestorationofthena ture.Asthestatisticinformation,everyyearthere are11millions,9millionsand6millionsvehicles becomingthewastesinUSA,Eur…  相似文献   

The first automobile engine remanufacture company in China, Jinan Fuqiang Power Co, Ltd, was introduced. The engine remanufacturing technological process of this company was described. The benefit statistic of remanufacturing 10 000 Styer engines were analyzed, and the contribution of engine remanufacturing to cycle economy was predicted. The results show that remanufacturing engineering could use the maximal additional values of obsolete engines, and make contributions to materials conservation, capital saving, energy conservation and environment protection. 10 000 engines are supposed to be remanufactured per year, the following benefits would be obtained: reclaiming additional values of RMB3.23 hundred million, saving metallic materials about 7.65 thousand tons, saving energy of 16 million kilowatt-hours, reducing emission of CO2 about 11.3–15.3 thousand tons, and providing employment for 500 persons. According to the survey and analysis, tremendous benefits will be gained by the year of 2020. For example, reclaiming additional values per year of 1424–2236 hundred million RMB, saving energy per year of 60–90 hundred million kilowatt-hours, reducing emission of CO2 about 6.67–9.69 million tons. It can be deduced that developing remanufacturing will play an important role in enriching the cycle economy and accelerating the development of national economy. Foundation item: Key Project(50235030) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

The first automobile engine remanufacture company in China, Jinan Fuqiang Power Co, Ltd, was intro duced. The engine remanufacturing technological process of this company was described. The benefit statistic of re manufacturing 10 000 Styer engines were analyzed, and the contribution of engine remanufacturing to cycle economy was predicted. The results show that remanufacturing engineering could use the maximal additional values of obsolete engines, and make contributions to materials conservation, capital saving, energy conservation and environment protection. 10 000 engines are supposed to be remanufactured per year, the following benefits would be obtained:reclaiming additional values of RMB3.23 hundred million, saving metallic materials about 7.65 thousand tons, saving energy of 16 million kilowatt-hours, reducing emission of CO2 about 11.3 - 15.3 thousand tons, and providing employment for 500 persons. According to the survey and analysis, tremendous benefits will be gained by the year of 2020. For example, reclaiming additional values per year of 1424 - 2236 hundred million RMB, saving energy per year of 60 - 90 hundred million kilowatt-hours, reducing emission of CO2 about 6.67 - 9.69 million tons. It can be deduced that developing remanufacturing will play an important role in enriching the cycle economy and accelerating the development of national economy.  相似文献   

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