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The diffusivity and solubility of oxygen in solid copper have been determined in the temperature range 700 to 1030 °C using potentiostatic and potentiometric techniques. The results are summarized by the following equations: Do Cu = 1.16-0.31 +0.42 × 10−2 exp(−67300 ± 3000/RT) cm2 per second; No s = 154 exp(−149600/RT)atom fraction of oxygen where R is in joules/degree/mole. The experimentally determined value of the pre-exponential factor in the diffusivity equation is found to be consistent with Zener’s model for an interstitial diffusion mechanism. on leave of absence from the Banaras Hindu University, India  相似文献   

Copper beryllium (CuBe) alloys possess excellent strength and conductivity. They have become the most important materials used for producing high reliability connectors and interconnections for electrical and electronic applications. As demand for high connection density in electrical and electronic products grows, springback behaviors become increasingly critical in fabricating these miniaturized contact components from sheet base materials. In the present article, a study of the springback behavior of CuBe sheets under different heat treatments is presented, with the goal of providing reliable information needed for fabricating more intricate connection parts. Both experimental and analytical techniques were adopted. The tensile tester was first used to study the springback related tensile properties. The governing tensile parameters on springback were identified, and their variations for sheets with different heat treatments were studied. It was found that a bilinear constitutive relationship can best characterize the stress strain behavior of the CuBe alloy. A closed form solution based on this bilinear relationship was formulated to predict the springback for the CuBe sheets at bending conditions. A V-shaped bend tester having an interchangeable punch to accommodate multiple radii was designed and built to evaluate the springback properties of CuBe sheets. A good correlation was found between the analytical predictions and experimental data. A parametric study, as an example, was also performed to provide the springback information needed for designing complicated connectors. formerly Director of R&D with NGK Metals Corp., Reading, PA 19612  相似文献   

Surface alloys of beryllium metal have been prepared by high-fluence ion implantation of Ag, Ti, Zn, and Cu with solute concentrations ranging from a few tenths of a percent to tens of percent. Resulting surface layers were analyzed using the Rutherford backscattering/channeling technique and glancing angle X-ray diffraction methods. Solute depth profiles, lattice location, and precipitation behavior were derived and solvent lattice damage and recovery were studied as a function of fluence and annealing temperature. L. BUENE, formerly a Postdoctoral Fellow at Bell Laboratories E. N. KAUFMANN, formerly a Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories  相似文献   

Extraction of Be(II) and Al(III) from aqueous sulfate solution by CYANEX 921 (commercial trioctylphospine oxide) in kerosene was separately studied. The parameters affecting the extraction process, such as hydrogen ion, sulfate ion, and CYANEX 921 concentrations, and temperature were investigated. It was found that Be(II) was highly extracted by CYANEX 921 from an aqueous medium of 0.001 M sulfate and pH 9.0, while Al(III) was highly extracted from a similar solution at pH 5.0. Be(II) extraction was found to decrease with temperature (exothermic), while Al(III) extraction increased with temperature (endothermic). The different species that might be extracted are given and discussed. Extraction of Be(II) and Al(III) by purified TOPO under similar experimental conditions showed that purified TOPO gives relatively less extraction, especially for Al(III) in the pH range 4.0–6.0.Based on the obtained results, separation of beryllium from aluminum and recovery of pure beryllium from beryl mineral were studied. Removal of iron as the main interfering ion in the beryl solution was investigated. A flow chart for the Be/Al separation process was developed and applied to recover pure Be(II) from Egyptian beryl.  相似文献   

The solubility of copper in lime-saturated and calcium ferrite-saturated liquid iron oxide has been measured at 1300 °C by equilibrating copper-gold alloys with the melts in CO-CO2 atmospheres of oxygen potentials 10?7, 10?8, 10?9, and 10?10 atm. It was found that copper exhibits Henrian behavior in the oxide melts and that the solubility is given by $$wt pct Cu = 17.6a_{CuO_{0.5} } $$ The copper capacity of the melts, 17.6, is approximately one-half of that of silica-saturated iron silicate melts at the same temperature. The results are compared with those of previous studies, and the difference between the solubilities of copper in silica-saturated and lime-saturated melts are discussed in terms of ionic interactions in the melts.  相似文献   

Extraction of Be(II) and Al(III) from aqueous sulfate solution by CYANEX 921 (commercial trioctylphospine oxide) in kerosene was separately studied. The parameters affecting the extraction process, such as hydrogen ion, sulfate ion, and CYANEX 921 concentrations, and temperature were investigated. It was found that Be(II) was highly extracted by CYANEX 921 from an aqueous medium of 0.001 M sulfate and pH 9.0, while Al(III) was highly extracted from a similar solution at pH 5.0. Be(II) extraction was found to decrease with temperature (exothermic), while Al(III) extraction increased with temperature (endothermic). The different species that might be extracted are given and discussed. Extraction of Be(II) and Al(III) by purified TOPO under similar experimental conditions showed that purified TOPO gives relatively less extraction, especially for Al(III) in the pH range 4.0–6.0.Based on the obtained results, separation of beryllium from aluminum and recovery of pure beryllium from beryl mineral were studied. Removal of iron as the main interfering ion in the beryl solution was investigated. A flow chart for the Be/Al separation process was developed and applied to recover pure Be(II) from Egyptian beryl.  相似文献   

镀金原料氰化亚金钾的生产过程含氰废液中锌(Ⅱ)离子和铜离子(Ⅱ)浓度较高,为探究树脂吸附铜、锌离子的规律,运用Aspen Adsorption数值模拟软件对Φ10 mm×200 mm的树脂固定床吸附过程进行数值模拟,采用一阶迎风差分法作为偏微分方程的离散方法,研究不同条件下的吸附穿透曲线和吸附负荷分布曲线.结果表明:增加进料流量和进料浓度均可提高吸附效率,传质系数(KS)大于临界值时,吸附穿透曲线不再受其影响,KS(Zn2+)=4.3×10-3s-1, KS(Cu2+)=1.00×10-2s-1.   相似文献   

The physical and radiobiological properties of two neutron beams have been compared. The beams were generated by deuterons of 16 MeV at Hammersmith Hospital and 42 MeV at Harwell, in both cases falling on a Be/Cu target. The dose-rate and depth-dose characteristics at the higher energy were found to be superior to those at the lower energy. Collimation and shielding at the higher energy are facilitated by the greater degree of forward-peaking and by the fact that a higher dose-rate allows longer collimators to be used. Attenuation in iron was found to be similar at the two energies. The radiobiological properties of the two neutron beams are very similar. There is a difference of about 20 per cent in RBE for effects on mammalian tissues for doses between 300 and 2,000 rad of neutrons. The OER and the sparing effect of two large fractions are the same for the two beams.  相似文献   

F. Vernon 《Hydrometallurgy》1979,4(2):147-157
Ion exchange systems of chelating ion exchange resins, bead and foam impregnates have been evaluated for the possible applications to copper winning processes. Whereas the bulk properties and capacities of the chelating resins are far superior to the impregnates, the latter class of exchanger exhibits far better selectivity and kinetic properties to the resins. However, only chelating resin systems are likely to find application in copper hydrometallurgy, the copper selective resin XF-4196 finding application in dump leach processes. Improvements in the uptake rates of XF-4196 are suggested as being necessary for the incorporation of an ion exchange process into existing copper winning plant utilising spent acid liquors from electrolysis procedures as the eluting medium.  相似文献   

废料中一般含有多种有价金属离子.文中主要是对铁、铜、镍这3种金属离子进行浸出条件分析研究.通过分光光度法得出了铁、铜、镍离子的最佳波长,且在最佳波长处对这3种金属离子可能造成的干扰进行了研究,利用分光光度法测定废料中金属铁、铜、镍的含量.通过对废料中铁、铜、镍离子的浸出条件的研究,设定液固比、浸出温度、浸出时间、加酸量及浸出次数等因素进行实验,从而得出最佳的浸出条件,可使这3种金属离子的浸出率达到最佳.研究结果表明,在液固比为2:1,浸出温度为35 ℃,浸出时间为0.5 h,加入硫酸量为0.5 mL/g废料,在浸出2次的条件下,铁、铜、镍的浸出率分别为97.95 %,99.97 %,98.51 %.   相似文献   

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