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按摩是中国最古老的一种手技疗法,亦称推拿、按跷等。而芳香按摩疗法是在人体体表及经络或穴位上运用各种手法,辅以芳香物质进行按摩治疗,达到强身健体和治疗疾病的目的。能否达到这一目的,关键在于是否能掌握和运用好各种芳香物质品种以及按摩手法。因为芳香按摩的治疗效果直接与芳香物质品种的配制、皮肤的透皮吸收、按摩手法的技巧和按摩手法的选择有关。  相似文献   

芳香疗法(Aromatic therapy)是一种利用天然植物精油,通过吸入和(或)透皮吸收等方式,起到预防或治疗身体与心理某些疾病作用的一种历史悠久的辅助治疗手段,广泛应用于医学领域。当前,化妆品领域中也出现了众多融入芳香疗法理念的产品,且在消费者中广受欢迎。本文简述了芳香疗法理念在化妆品中的应用概况,阐述了精油抑制微生物生长、改善痤疮、延缓衰老、美白、修复、抗紫外线损伤等方面的应用。从芳香疗法中精油的作用途径,及其与中枢神经系统、内源性大麻素系统、嗅觉受体异位表达及嗅觉受体与三叉神经的关系对其机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

1.芳香疗法的真正精神,就是经由香气的作用,来增强人的内在能量   在回归自然的新生活观念趋势中,芳香疗法是最广为人知也最受人欢迎的!广义的芳香疗法,是指利用萃取自植物的香气来达到恢复身体健康的目的,这个香气来自于从草木、花朵、水果以及各种植物中所提炼出的“精质油“.……  相似文献   

芳香疗法中使用精油存在的危险性(上)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
指出了芳香疗法医师、各种芳香疗法出版物的作者和公众对精油毒性存在着各种误解以及由此引发的芳香疗法应用中的各种混乱现象。比较了各种给药途径 ,认为吸入方式在所有给药途径中最安全 ,并强调了剂量对芳香治疗安全性的重要意义。含酚类和芳香醛类化合物的精油也可安全地用于皮肤制剂。论述了月经和孕期的激素和生理过程 ,精油的通经作用是刺激垂体前叶产生的一种次生作用 ,而不是通过外加激素样物质产生的结果 ,并由此得出妊娠期使用具有通经作用的精油相当安全。列出了高血压、癫痫和肾病患者应忌用的精油以及精油中毒时应采取的措施。此外 ,精油具有光毒性、致敏和刺激作用 ,会直接引发皮肤灼伤、香料皮炎和过敏反应等 ,强调精油在使用前要进行“斑贴试验”以避免使用精油时发生过敏反应。总之 ,精油的毒理学对芳香疗法的安全性至关重要 ,要用药理学的方法科学地评价精油的毒性 ,并结合临床实践提出精油的适用性及在应用过程中可能引发的危险提出警告并给予正确指导。  相似文献   

芳香火柴因其在发火燃烧时发出芳香的气味而受到人们的喜爱。芳香火柴的药头一般都是彩色的,特别是红色的更能增添节日和各种喜事的喜庆气氛。芳香火柴之所以能放出香气,靠的是香料香精。据了解,生产芳香火柴的方法大体有以下几种。  相似文献   

芳香疗法研究中使用的各种方法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
论述了芳香疗法研究中使用的各种方法。使用这些方法的目的是增加人们对香料和精油的各种功效的了解以及这些芳香化合物作用于人体后产生的各种作用等的知识。论述并讨论了动物实验和人健康受试者试验中 ,香料化合物具有各种生理和药理作用的新成果 ,还强调了芳香疗法的正确定义  相似文献   

芳香疗法(Aromatherapy)是一种整体治疗方法,主要是针对人类的身体、理智、心灵深处的需要,以及生活形态、人际关系、社会活动等方面的要求.它是一门利用芳香植物产品治疗疾病的艺术科学.我国在发展芳香疗法的短暂十儿年中,在目前国内呈快速发展趋势的同时,市场安全伤害事故也时有发生,夸大扭曲精油疗效的广告也很常见.这些市场行为给芳香疗法安全性带来较大隐患.怎样才能有效规范市场呢?我们认为法规和标准的早日制订迫在眉捷.  相似文献   

简要介绍了精油的提取方法以及精油的一些治疗功效。回顾了精油芳香疗法的历史和现状。介绍了芳香治疗用精油的不同用法,以及精油的作用机理,并对精油的芳香疗法的市场前景进行了概述。  相似文献   

提出了中国式芳香疗法的概念,讨论了其形成发展的过程,综述了传统芳香药物的特点及应用方式,指出中国式芳香疗法以中国式芳香药物为载体,具有独特的理论体系、成分、应用方式、组方理念,融合吸收了西式芳香疗法的优点,更适合国人使用,具有研究和开发的前景。  相似文献   

芳香疗法产品标准的安全性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代芳香疗法中,人们已懂得利用芳香疗法帮助患者达到心理、生理和精神上的平衡。人体缺乏平衡就会引发很多病症,例如极端的过高体温或体温过低、血压过高或过低、荷尔蒙分泌失调等。心理和精神缺乏平衡,也会出现病态,如忧郁、歇斯底里、狂燥等。通过芳疗师的治疗,使身体和心灵及所有能量都维持在平衡状态,才有可能获得真正健康。目前,芳香疗法风靡国内外,我国芳香疗法正处在刚起步而市场呈高速上升阶段,如何能安全地应用芳香疗法产品去满足消费者需求,在制订芳香疗法产品标准前,对产品安全性认知很有必要。  相似文献   

采用动态顶空进样-气质联用法对半芳香族尼龙树脂PA10T进行了分析。结果表明:在加工温度条件下,PA10T树脂中主要挥发组分有15种,主要为醛类、烃类、腈类、芳环类物质和少量含氮环状物质。该方法快速,准确,可以作为PA10T树脂品质控制用检测方法。  相似文献   

微波膨胀烟梗颗粒的顶空-SPME-GC-MS分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为评价滤嘴中微波膨胀烟梗颗粒对卷烟香气的影响,在40,60,80℃三个顶空温度条件下,采用顶空-SPME-GC-MS分析方法对微波膨胀烟梗颗粒的挥发性致香成分进行分析。结果表明,膨胀烟梗颗粒可以释放致香成分,并且随着温度的升高,所产生的致香物质种类增多,致香成分构成发生较大改变,醛酮类致香成分所占的比重越大,膨胀烟梗颗粒的增香效果更显著。  相似文献   

Retention or loss of trace volatile compounds during spray drying can be vital for product quality. Examples of cases where loss or retentions of volatile substances are important include retention of balanced flavor and aroma in food products, removal of odiferous substances, and control of the release of volatile organic compounds to the atmosphere. Factors and mechanisms determining losses of these substances are reviewed. Losses can occur during atomization, from undisturbed drops and as a result of morphological development. On the basis of this insight, several avenues for controlling the retention of volatile substances are identified and analyzed. These include control of atomizer pressure or rotation speed, choice of spray angle, configuration of air input, lteration of the air temperature profile, feed concentration, the presence of an oil phase and/or suspended solids, foaming of the feed, feed composition, and steam blanketing of the atomizer.

The quality of a spray-dried product can be strongly affected by the presence or absence of volatile compounds that were present in the feed to the spray dryer. For example, spray-dried coffee and tea have suffered from a air and thereby avoid bubble formation, expansion and bursting for deaerated feeds (20). This approach produces a product with high bulk density. If that result is cceptable, then it should also be a way of precluding volatiles loss due to morphological development.  相似文献   

芳香水疗法是以水为介质,运用不同温度、压力和溶质含量的水,再加入适量针对身体症状的功效性芳香物质,以不同方式作用于人体,使身体得到充分吸收后,经代谢过程让身心得到康复的保健方法。近年来,由于药源性疾病及亚健康症状的日益增多,运用芳香物质、中草药以及非药物疗法施于人体皮肤、孔窍、腧穴的治法,与内服药物有殊途同归、异曲同工之妙。将躯体、手、脚浸泡在芳香物质及中药药液中,可使血液循环通畅,提升或平衡精神状态。在水中刺激手足穴位,还可有效改善反射区位的功能,具有相辅相成的效果。  相似文献   

C. Judson King 《Drying Technology》2013,31(5-7):1221-1240

Retention or loss of trace volatile compounds during spray drying can be vital for product quality. Examples of cases where loss or retentions of volatile substances are important include retention of balanced flavor and aroma in food products, removal of odiferous substances, and control of the release of volatile organic compounds to the atmosphere. Factors and mechanisms determining losses of these substances are reviewed. Losses can occur during atomization, from undisturbed drops and as a result of morphological development. On the basis of this insight, several avenues for controlling the retention of volatile substances are identified and analyzed. These include control of atomizer pressure or rotation speed, choice of spray angle, configuration of air input, lteration of the air temperature profile, feed concentration, the presence of an oil phase and/or suspended solids, foaming of the feed, feed composition, and steam blanketing of the atomizer.

The quality of a spray-dried product can be strongly affected by the presence or absence of volatile compounds that were present in the feed to the spray dryer. For example, spray-dried coffee and tea have suffered from a air and thereby avoid bubble formation, expansion and bursting for deaerated feeds (20). This approach produces a product with high bulk density. If that result is cceptable, then it should also be a way of precluding volatiles loss due to morphological development.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can contaminate air, soil, and water. Human exposures to EDCs occur through inhalation, absorption, and ingestion. EDCs act by disrupting various pathways in the endocrine system. When the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis is disrupted by EDCs, there can be effects on fertility in both men and women. Not only can fertility be indirectly affected by EDC disruptions of the HPG axis, but EDCs can also directly affect the menstrual cycle and sperm morphology. In this review, we will discuss the current findings on EDCs that can be inhaled. This review examines effects of exposure to prominent EDCs: brominated and organophosphate flame retardants, diesel exhaust, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, cadmium and lead, TCDD, and polychlorinated biphenyls on fertility through alterations that disrupt the HPG axis and fertility through inhalation. Although the studies included herein include multiple exposure routes, all the studies indicate receptor interactions that can occur from inhalation and the associated effects of all compounds on the HPG axis and subsequent fertility.  相似文献   

Obesity is a complex disease caused by an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity is a medical problem and represents an important risk factor for the development of serious diseases such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some types of cancer. Not to be overlooked are the psychological issues that, in obese subjects, turn into very serious pathologies, such as depression, phobias, anxiety, and lack of self-esteem. In addition to modifying one’s lifestyle, the reduction of body mass can be promoted by different natural compounds such as essential oils (EOs). EOs are mixtures of aromatic substances produced by many plants, particularly in medicinal and aromatic ones. They are odorous and volatile and contain a mixture of terpenes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and esters. Thanks to the characteristics of the various chemical components present in them, EOs are used in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical fields. Indeed, it has been shown that EOs possess great antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor powers. Emerging results also demonstrate the anti-obesity effects of EOs. We have examined the main data obtained in experimental studies and, in this review, we summarize the effect of EOs in obesity and obesity-related metabolic diseases.  相似文献   

A simple, flexible, and quantifiable bioassay for the attraction or repulsion of plant parasitic nematodes to or from root fractions or pure substances is described. Accurate gradients of volatile and nonvolatile substances can be measured and established. The method entails placing the nematodes in narrow agarose tracks such that their movement is essentially linear and the distance a population has traveled away or toward a given substance can be monitored with time. Plastic plates, each containing 10 such tracks, are described. The method is illustrated with second-stage larvae ofMeloidogyne incognita and a volatile attractant and nonvolatile repellent fraction obtained from cucumber roots.  相似文献   

A new product from a low temperature drying method that reduces the loss of highly volatile essential oils is presented. The proposed drying method consists of evaporation/sublimation of water and aromatic substances in a dryer with a closed drying agent cycle. In parallel, the evaporated compounds are continuously condensed in a heat exchanger. As a result of the drying process, high-quality dried plants and Fluidolat as liquid phase containing water and volatile organic compounds are obtained. The aim of presented investigations was to optimize the developed technology for the herb lavender.  相似文献   

Inhalation studies are the gold standard for the estimation of the harmful effects of respirable chemical substances, while there is limited evidence of the harmful effects of chemical substances by intratracheal instillation. We reviewed the effectiveness of intratracheal instillation studies for estimating the hazards of nanoparticles, mainly using papers in which both inhalation and intratracheal instillation studies were performed using the same nanoparticles. Compared to inhalation studies, there is a tendency in intratracheal instillation studies that pulmonary inflammation lasted longer in the lungs. A difference in pulmonary inflammation between high and low toxicity nanoparticles was observed in the intratracheal instillation studies, as in the inhalation studies. Among the endpoints of pulmonary toxicity, the kinetics of neutrophil counts, percentage of neutrophils, and chemokines for neutrophils and macrophages, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), reflected pulmonary inflammation, suggesting that these markers may be considered the predictive markers of pulmonary toxicity in both types of study. When comparing pulmonary inflammation between intratracheal instillation and inhalation studies under the same initial lung burden, there is a tendency that the inflammatory response following the intratracheal instillation of nanoparticles is greater than or equal to that following the inhalation of nanoparticles. If the difference in clearance in both studies is not large, the estimations of pulmonary toxicity are close. We suggest that intratracheal instillation studies can be useful for ranking the hazard of nanoparticles through pulmonary inflammation.  相似文献   

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