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Estradiol benzoate (EB) facilitates the acquisition and reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior when administered to ovariectomized (OVX) rats. In contrast, progesterone (P) decreases acquisition of cocaine self-administration, but the effects of P on the reinstatement of drug seeking are not known. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effects of EB and P on the reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior in female rats. Rats received either OVX or sham surgery (SH) and were trained to lever press for intravenous cocaine infusions (0.4 mg/kg) under a fixed ratio 1, 20-s time-out schedule during daily 2-hr sessions. After 14 days of stable responding, saline replaced cocaine, and a 21-day extinction period began. After extinction, rats were separated into 5 treatment groups (OVX+EB, OVX+EB+P, OVX+vehicle [VEH], SH+P, or SH+VEH), and VEH, EB, or EB+P was administered 30 min prior to each session for 5 days. After 3 days of hormone treatment, rats received a saline or cocaine (10 mg/kg) injection, and reinstatement of lever responding was assessed. Reinstatement responding in the OVX+EB group was greater relative to the OVX+EB+P, SH+P, and OVX+VEH groups, which had low levels of cocaine-primed responding. The SH+VEH and OVX+EB groups displayed similar high levels of cocaine-elicited reinstatement. The suppression of cocaine-induced reinstatement following P treatment suggests a role for P in the prevention of relapse to cocaine self-administration in female cocaine users. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The current study examined possible interactions between genetic factors and prolonged drug access by testing the Fischer (F344), Lewis (LEW), and Wistar rat strains in a prolonged access cocaine self-administration (SA) procedure. Before prolonged access, the strains did not differ in breakpoints for food or cocaine with progressive ratio (PR) testing. The LEW and Wistar rats acquired cocaine SA faster than the F344s. With prolonged access to cocaine SA, the LEW and Wistar rats showed comparable within-session patterns that were higher at the outset of each session and decreased to a stable baseline. Alternatively, the F344 rats began sessions with lower intake and increased their rate of intake during the session. The F344 and Wistar rats took more drug per session than the LEW rats but did not differ from each other. Following prolonged access, the strains did not differ in breakpoints for food, but the Wistar rats had higher breakpoints for cocaine than the F344 rats. Possible underpinnings for the observed strain differences are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Partial reinforcement is known to increase resistance to extinction (Rn) relative to training with continuous reinforcement. This phenomenon, referred to as the partial reinforcement extinction effect, is one of the most robust in learning and conditioning studies. Experiment 1 investigated manipulations known to affect the partial reinforcement extinction effect and determined their possible relevance for drug use patterns. Male rats received intravenous cocaine self-administration training under partial reinforcement (FR-10) training or continuous reinforcement (FR-1) conditions with either a low (0.25 mg/kg infusion) or a high cocaine dose (1.00 mg/kg infusion). Animals were placed on an extinction (recurrent nonreward) schedule for 10 days (1-hr sessions) prior to being tested for cue-induced reinstatement (single 2-hr session). Experiment 2 involved acquisition of cocaine self-administration under FR-1 conditions of short training (15 days) or extended training (30 days) with a low dose (0.25 mg/kg infusion) or a medium dose (0.50 mg/kg infusion) of cocaine reward prior to extinction or reinstatement. Experiment 1 showed that rats trained with FR-10-high dose outcomes exhibited greater Rn than the remaining groups. Additionally, FR-10-high dose and FR-10-low dose rats were more likely to return to active drug seeking during the reinstatement test. In Experiment 2, rats trained under FR-1-medium dose conditions were more persistent during extinction following short acquisition training than comparable rats experiencing extended acquisition training. The reinstatement test was conducted following extinction, in which it was observed that overtraining under FR-1-medium dose reward schedules resulted in a decrease in the tendency to return to active drug seeking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of estrogen (E) on the hyperactivity induced by (+)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) with E effects on cocaine-evoked hyperactivity in female rats. Sprague-Dawley rats were ovariectomized (OVX); half of them received a 17β-estradiol (E?) implant (OVX + E). Three weeks later, rats received saline, (+)-MDMA (1, 2, or 4 mg/kg) or cocaine (5, 10, or 20 mg/kg), and locomotor activity was monitored. OVX + E rats exhibited greater locomotor hyperactivity in response to both psychostimulants than did OVX rats. The enhanced response to cocaine appeared within 5 min following drug injection whereas the enhanced response to (+)-MDMA was delayed for approximately 30 min. The differential effects of E on hyperactivity may be due to the unique profiles of dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) in response to (+)-MDMA and cocaine. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The influence of sex, phase of the estrous cycle, and age of drug onset on cocaine self-administration was examined. Adult male, adult female, and adolescent male rats (Rattus norvegicus) were evaluated using low fixed-ratio (FR) schedules of drug delivery with a single fixed cocaine unit dose or a range of cocaine unit doses with a single FR schedule. Sex differences in adults were observed for mg/kg consumption of the 3.0-mg/kg unit dose, with consumption being significantly less in estrus females than in males. Over the estrous cycle, mg/kg consumption of this unit dose was significantly less during estrus than during metestrus-diestrus. Differences due to age of drug onset were also observed, with mg/kg consumption of the 3.0-mg/kg unit dose being significantly less in adolescent males than adult males or adult females during metestrus-diestrus. In contrast, these various groups did not have significantly different mg/kg intakes of cocaine unit doses  相似文献   

This study examined the acute effects of pretreatment with high-dose memantine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist, on the effects of cocaine in humans. Six African American men completed this laboratory study, in which, following pretreatment with memantine (0 or 60 mg), they had 5 opportunities to smoke cocaine base (0, 12, 25, or 50 mg) or receive an alternative reinforcer ($5.00 merchandise voucher). Cocaine alone produced the well-documented dose-dependent increases in cardiovascular activity and ratings of positive mood. Maximal systolic blood pressure was elevated during memantine pretreatment days. Peak ratings of "I feel stimulated" and "I feel anxious" were also higher with memantine pretreatment. However, memantine pretreatment did not alter the choice to self-administer cocaine. These data suggest that memantine pretreatment may not be helpful in the treatment of cocaine dependence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the galanin system modulates responses to drugs of abuse such as morphine. The current study examined whether genetic deletion of galanin could affect the locomotor and reinforcing effects of cocaine in mice. We analyzed spontaneous motor activity and cocaine-induced hyperactivity in wild-type (GAL-WT) and knockout mice lacking galanin (GAL-KO) maintained on the 129/OlaHsd background. Our results indicate that cocaine enhanced locomotion (defined as moving more than 5 cm) dose-dependently in GAL-WT and GAL-KO mice. However, general activity (total beam breaks) was increased by cocaine only in GAL-WT mice. An additional experiment indicated that galnon, a nonselective galanin receptor agonist, did not affect cocaine-induced hyperactivity. In a second set of experiments, mice of both genotypes were trained to self-administer cocaine under a fixed ratio schedule, tested with various doses of cocaine and under different schedules of reinforcement. This set of experiments showed that cocaine self-administration did not differ markedly between genotypes. However, while GAL-WT mice acquired cocaine self-administration, a median split analysis showed that mice could be divided into large and small drug takers, whereas all GAL-KO mice behaved as small drug takers. Our results indicate that wild-type and galanin knockout mice on a congenic 129/OlaHsd background are responsive to the locomotor effects of cocaine and can acquire intravenous cocaine self-administration. However, the phenotype observed in GAL-KO mice does not support a major role for galanin in cocaine-induced hyperlocomotion and self-administration. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Drug abuse and impulsive choice are related in humans. In female rats, impulsive choice predicted the rate of acquisition of IV cocaine self-administration. The objectives of the present experiments were to: (a) compare impulsive choice in males and females, (b) extend previous research on impulsive choice and acquisition of cocaine self-administration to males, and (c) compare males and females during maintenance, extinction, and reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior. Male and female rats were trained on an adjusting delay task in which a response on one of two levers yielded one food pellet immediately, and a response on the other resulted in three pellets after an adjusting delay that decreased after responses on the immediate lever and increased after responses on the delay lever. A mean adjusted delay (MAD) was used as the quantitative measure of impulsivity. In Experiment 1, MADs were analyzed for sex differences. In Experiment 2, acquisition of cocaine self-administration was examined in rats selected for high (HiI; MADs ≤9 seconds) or low (LoI; MADs ≥13 seconds) impulsivity. In Experiment 3, HiI and LoI groups were compared on maintenance and extinction of cocaine self-administration and cocaine-primed reinstatement of drug-seeking behavior. There were no sex differences in impulsive choice; however, HiI male and female rats acquired cocaine self-administration faster than their LoI counterparts. LoI females responded more on a cocaine-associated lever during maintenance and extinction than HiI females, but HiI females showed greater reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior than all other groups at the highest dose tested (15 mg/kg). Thus, individual differences in impulsive choice were associated with differences in cocaine-seeking behavior. Impulsive choice and sex may be additive vulnerability factors in certain phases of drug abuse. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Relative to intravenous drug self-administration, locomotor activity is easier to measure with high throughput, particularly in mice. Therefore its potential to predict differences in self-administration between genotypes (e.g., targeted mutations, recombinant inbred strains) is appealing, but such predictive value is unverified. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the utility of the locomotor assay for accurately predicting differences in cocaine self-administration. A second goal was to evaluate any correlation between activity in a novel environment, and cocaine-induced hyperactivity, between strains. We evaluated locomotor activity in male and female Sprague–Dawley rats and 15 mouse strains (129S1/SvImJ, 129S6/SvEvTac, 129X1/SvJ, A/J, BALB/cByJ, BALB/cJ, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6J, CAST/EiJ, DBA/2J, FVB/NJ, SJL/J, SPRET/EiJ, and outbred Swiss Webster and CD-1/ICR), as well as cocaine self-administration in BALB substrains. All but BALB/cJ mice showed locomotor habituation and significant cocaine-induced hyperactivity. BALB/cJ mice also failed to self-administer cocaine. BALB/cByJ mice showed modest locomotor habituation, cocaine-induced locomotion, and cocaine self-administration. As previously reported, female rats showed greater cocaine-induced locomotion than males, but this was only observed in one of 15 mouse strains (FVB/NJ), and the reverse was observed in two strains (129X1/SvJ, BALB/cByJ). The intriguing phenotype of the BALB/cJ strain may indicate some correlation between all-or-none locomotion in a novel environment, and stimulant and reinforcing effects of cocaine. However, neither novelty- nor cocaine-induced activity offered a clear prediction of relative reinforcing effects among strains. Additionally, these results should aid in selecting mouse strains for future studies in which relative locomotor responsiveness to psychostimulants is a necessary consideration. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The ability of smoking reduction (e.g., decreasing cigarettes per day) to produce significant reductions in toxin exposure is limited by compensatory increases in smoking behavior. Characterizing factors contributing to the marked individual variability in compensation may be useful for understanding this phenomenon. The goal of the current study was to develop an animal model of smoking reduction and to begin to examine potential behavioral and pharmacokinetic contributors to compensation. Rats trained for nicotine self-administration (NSA) in unlimited access sessions were exposed to a progressive decrease in duration of access to nicotine from 23-hr/day to 10-, 6-, and 2-hr/day. Following a return to 23 hr/day access and extinction, single-dose nicotine pharmacokinetic parameters were determined. Rats exhibited a reduction in total daily nicotine intake during reduced access to NSA, but decreases in nicotine intake were not proportional to decreases in access duration. Compensatory increases in hourly infusion rate were also observed when access was decreased. The magnitude of compensation differed considerably among animals. Early session infusion rate during baseline was significantly correlated, while nicotine clearance was moderately correlated, with 1 measure of compensation. Infusion rates were transiently increased compared to prereduction levels when unlimited access was restored, and this effect was greatest in animals that had exhibited the greatest levels of compensation. These findings indicate that rats exhibit compensatory increases in NSA during reduced access to nicotine, with substantial individual variability. This model may be useful for characterizing underlying factors and potential consequences of compensatory smoking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rats were trained to self-administer cocaine (0.5 mg/kg/infusion) and were then pretreated with the 5-HT1A agonist 8-OH-DPAT (0.125, 0.25 or 0.5 mg/kg, SC). 8-OH-DPAT pretreatment produced a decrease in reinforced response rates. When the effect of 8-OH-DPAT (0.5 mg/kg, SC) on responding for a range of cocaine doses was assessed, the drug produced a decrease in response rates when lower doses of cocaine served as the reinforcer. Fluoxetine (10 mg/kg, IV), an indirect 5-HT agonist, also reduced reinforced response rates for a low dose infusion of cocaine. Rates of responding for infusions of higher cocaine doses were not affected by fluoxetine pretreatment during an FR1 schedule of reinforcement. When an FR10 schedule of reinforcement was imposed, reinforced response rates for infusions of higher doses of cocaine were also reduced. Thus, under conditions that produce high rates of responding (low dose infusion or high ratio requirements for an infusion) fluoxetine reduced responding. This effect may be due to the effects at the 5-HT1A receptor, since 8-OH-DPAT produced a similar effect on cocaine self-administration. Given that the effects of these 5-HT agonists are observed only when low doses of cocaine serve as the reinforcer or when task demands are high, it is possible that the suppression of responding reflects an effect that is not specific to the reinforcing impact of cocaine. An alternative explanation for these effects incorporates a concept of unit cost/cocaine infusion that allows for direct comparison across studies that employ different reinforcement schedules.  相似文献   

Despite preclinical studies suggesting that isradipine may antagonize the abuse liability of cocaine, pretreatment with sustained-release isradipine did not reduce euphoric mood in cocaine-using volunteers. This double-blind, within-subject, crossover laboratory study determined whether maximal dose-loading with isradipine could antagonize effects of cocaine in 12 cocaine-dependent research volunteers administered intravenous cocaine doses (0, 0.325, and 0.65 mg/kg) on different days after 5 days of treatment with isradipine or placebo. Isradipine dose was 30 mg sustained release nightly plus 15 mg immediate release 2 hr before cocaine infusion. Cocaine produced dose-related increases in cocaine's subjective effects and a behavioral measure of reinforcement. Isradipine enhanced, rather than antagonized, subjective effects, indicating that isradipine does not antagonize cocaine's abuse liability in dependent research volunteers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the drug discrimination paradigm as a model for assessing the ability of potential agonist medications to block the effects of intravenous cocaine. Previous research has demonstrated that oral cocaine attenuated the subjective and physiological effects of intravenous cocaine injections, and in the absence of a known efficacious medication for cocaine use disorders, a proof-of-concept approach was used in which cocaine was acutely administered orally to block intravenous cocaine's discriminative-stimulus effects. During training, 11 cocaine-dependent participants were able to discriminate between intravenous saline and 20 mg/70 kg iv cocaine, and 8 of these participants completed the study. After training, participants ingested capsules containing either placebo or 300 mg/70 kg cocaine 60 min prior to the intravenous injection of different doses of cocaine during test sessions with no contingencies in place. Each cocaine dose was administered twice, once under each oral pretreatment condition. Training sessions were interspersed among the test sessions. Physiological and subjective effects were measured throughout each session. Oral cocaine moderately increased some of the subjective and physiological effects of the lower doses of intravenous cocaine, whereas effects at the higher doses were unaltered. Similar changes were seen for the discrimination results. Thus, although oral cocaine given acutely likely is not a viable treatment medication for cocaine dependence, the usefulness of the drug discrimination model in the evaluation of agonist treatment medications remains unclear. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Repeated exposure to cocaine often leads to tolerance to effects on operant behavior, whereas sensitization often develops to effects on locomotor activity. The purpose of the present set of experiments was to examine if locomotor sensitization to cocaine would develop in the presence or absence of an operant contingency in rats. In Experiment 1, rats lever pressed on an FR schedule of reinforcement, and were administered chronic cocaine. Tolerance to effects of cocaine on lever pressing developed in most subjects. No subjects developed locomotor sensitization even when the operant contingency was removed. Experiment 2 examined effects of chronic cocaine administration in rats with no exposure to an operant contingency. Tolerance developed to locomotor effects of cocaine in some subjects, but none developed sensitization. In Experiment 3, rats were exposed to a shorter drug regimen, and given time off before a sensitization-test session. Some, but not all subjects showed locomotor sensitization during the test session. The present results, therefore, show that locomotor sensitization to cocaine is not an inevitable consequence of repeated exposure to the drug. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Modafinil is a central nervous system stimulant used to promote wakefulness, and it is being evaluated clinically as an agonist medication for treating stimulant abuse. This is the first report of the effects of modafinil on the abuse-related effects of cocaine in nonhuman primates. The behavioral effects of modafinil were examined in three studies. First, the discriminative stimulus effects of modafinil (3.2–32 mg/kg) were evaluated in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) trained to discriminate either low (0.18 mg/kg, IM) or high (0.4 mg/kg, IM) doses of cocaine from saline. Modafinil dose-dependently substituted for cocaine in 6 of 7 monkeys. In the second study, the effects of chronically administered modafinil (32–56 mg/kg/day, IV) on food- and cocaine-maintained (0.001–0.1 mg/kg/inj) operant responding were examined. Modafinil was administered 3 times/hr for 23 hr/day to ensure stable drug levels. Chronic treatment with 32 mg/kg/day modafinil selectively reduced responding maintained by intermediate and peak reinforcing doses of cocaine, but responding maintained by higher doses of cocaine was unaffected. Food-maintained behavior did not change during chronic modafinil treatment. In a third study, modafinil (32 and 56 mg/kg/day, IV) was examined in a reinstatement model. Modafinil transiently increased responding during extinction. These findings indicate that modafinil shares discriminative stimulus effects with cocaine and selectively reduces responding maintained by reinforcing doses of cocaine. In addition, modafinil reinstated cocaine-seeking behavior, which may reflect its cocaine-like discriminative stimulus effects. These data support clinical findings and indicate that these preclinical models may be useful for predicting the effectiveness of agonist medications for drug abuse treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The residual effects on open-field habituation and self-generated wheel running following withdrawal from repeated cocaine (COC; 30 mg/kg for 7 days) were examined in adult male rats. Control subjects received equivolumetric injections of saline (SAL) and were either allowed to feed ad libitum or pair-fed matched (PF SAL) to COC subjects to control for the drug's potential anorexic effect. Following 10 days of withdrawal, all subjects were examined twice on each of the two assessment instruments. Results indicated that COC subjects over the two test sessions failed to increase their wheel-running rates and did not show the expected habituation in the open field. However, because both COC and PF SAL groups yielded similar effects in the open field, conclusions about cocaine's consequences on habituation could not be established independent of the drug's anorexic effect. These data provide evidence for the view that repeated cocaine impairs motivational processes responsible for engaging in self-generated naturally rewarding behaviors. Speculation concerning the neurobiobehavioral substrates for this effect is presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Concurrent cigarette smoking and cocaine use is well documented. However, the behavioral pharmacology of cocaine and nicotine combinations is poorly understood, and there is a need for animal models to examine this form of polydrug abuse. The purpose of this study was twofold: first to assess the effects of nicotine on the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine, and second, to study self-administration of nicotine/cocaine combinations in a novel polydrug abuse model. In drug discrimination experiments, nicotine increased the discriminative stimulus effects of low cocaine doses in two of three monkeys, but nicotine did not substitute for cocaine in any monkey. Self-administration of cocaine and nicotine alone, and cocaine + nicotine combinations was studied under a second-order fixed ratio 2, variable ratio 16 (FR2[VR16:S]) schedule of reinforcement. Cocaine and nicotine alone were self-administered in a dose-dependent manner. The combination of marginally reinforcing doses of cocaine and nicotine increased drug self-administration behavior above levels observed with the same dose of either cocaine or nicotine alone. These findings indicate that nicotine may increase cocaine's discriminative stimulus and reinforcing effects in rhesus monkeys, and illustrate the feasibility of combining cocaine and nicotine in a preclinical model of polydrug abuse. Further studies of the behavioral effects of nicotine + cocaine combinations will contribute to our understanding the pharmacology of dual nicotine and cocaine dependence, and will be useful for evaluation of new treatment medications. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to examine the effects of cocaine self-administration and conditioning experience on operant behavior, locomotor activity, and nucleus accumbens (NAcc) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) dopamine (DA) responses. Sensory cues were paired with alternating cocaine and nonreinforcement during 12 (limited training) or 40 (long-term training) daily operant sessions. After limited training, NAcc DA responses to cocaine were significantly enhanced in the presence of cocaine-associated cues compared with nonreward cues and significantly depressed after cocaine-paired cues accompanied a nonreinforced lever response. PFC DA levels were generally nonresponsive to cues after the same training duration. However, after long-term training, cocaine-associated cues increased the magnitude of cocaine-stimulated PFC DA levels significantly over levels observed with nonreinforcement cues. Conversely, conditioned cues no longer influenced NAcc DA levels after long-term training. In addition, cocaine-stimulated locomotor activity was enhanced by cocaine-paired cues after long-term, but not after limited, training. Findings demonstrate that cue-induced cocaine expectation exerts a significant impact on dopaminergic and behavioral systems, progressing from mesolimbic to mesocortical regions and from latent to patent behaviors as cocaine and associative experiences escalate. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There has been some controversy in the literature concerning the ability of ±3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) to reinforce operant responding in rats. In the present study, operant responding maintained by intravenous MDMA infusions increased when the fixed ratio schedule was increased from 1 to 5, decreased when saline was substituted for MDMA, and increased again when MDMA was reintroduced. During self-administration training, each infusion of MDMA was paired with the illumination of a light stimulus. The role of the continued presentation of this drug-associated stimulus in operant responding was measured in groups of rats that had received comparable exposure (average 19 daily test sessions) to MDMA during training. When either the light stimulus or the drug infusion was omitted, operant responding decreased gradually over the 15-day test period following training. When both the light stimulus and the MDMA infusion were omitted, there was a dramatic decrease in operant responding that persisted for the entire 15-day test period. These findings suggest that cues associated with MDMA develop conditioned properties that might contribute to drug taking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) is one element in the limbic cortical-ventral striatal circuitry that has been implicated in reinforcement processes. The present study examined the involvement of the cholinergic neurons of the NBM in mediating aspects of cocaine reinforcement. Lesions of the NBM were made by injecting 0.01 M AMPA into the subpallidal basal forebrain. Following 4 days' recovery, rats were implanted chronically with catheters in the jugular vein. In three separate experiments, rats were trained to acquire cocaine self-administration under a FR1 schedule of reinforcement at doses of 0.25, 0.083 and 0.028 mg/injection. A dose-effect function was also determined at the end of the acquisition experiments using five different doses of cocaine (0.009, 0.028, 0.083, 0.25, 0.50 mg/injection) and saline which were presented once daily in a Latin square design. There were no significant differences between groups in the acquisition of cocaine self-administration at any of the three doses studied (0.028, 0.083 and 0.25 mg/injection), although at the lowest dose, lesioned animals responded at greater levels on both active and inactive levers. However, a shift to the left in the cocaine dose-response function was observed revealing that the lesioned group self-administered significantly higher amounts of low doses of cocaine than control rats. These data suggest that the integrity of the NBM is not a critical determinant of the reinforcing effects of cocaine during the acquisition of self-administration of the drug, but that NBM-dependent cholinergic mechanisms may nevertheless interact with the neural substrates mediating the reinforcing properties of cocaine. The data are relevant to recent hypotheses of functional interactions between the dopaminergic system and the cholinergic NBM.  相似文献   

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