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The structure and viscoelastic response of polymer networks are highly sensitive to the presence of pendant chains. These imperfections, that are unavoidable produced during a cross-linking reaction, reduce the cross-linking density and affect the damping response of elastomers. In this work the dynamics of pendant chains present in a cross-linked network is investigated using end-linked poly(dimethyl-siloxane) networks with well defined structure. For this purpose, model networks containing 10 and 20 wt% of two different monodisperse pendant chains with molecular weights well above the critical entanglement molecular weight and some of their blends were prepared. It was found that, within this range of concentration of pendant chains, the long-time dynamic response of the networks was nearly insensitive to the content of pendant material but deeply influenced by the average molar mass of these defects. While the equilibrium behavior of the networks can be well described by a mean field theory for rubber elasticity, the long time relaxational dynamics can be rationalized in terms of the Pearson-Helfand picture for the arm retraction process. Within this theoretical picture, the dynamics can be explained in terms of the molecular architecture of the network, the Rouse time and the weight average molar mass of the pendant material. 相似文献
John D Ferry 《Polymer》1979,20(11):1343-1348
The dependence of stress and birefringence on strain in uniaxial extension of crosslinked rubbers can accurately be described by a model in which the properties of a network of crosslinks and a network of trapped entanglements are additive. The crosslink network is neo-Hookean and the entanglement network can conveniently be described by the Mooney-Rivlin equation. When the crosslinks are introduced in a state of strain near the glass transition temperature, the two networks have different reference undeformed states; they can be distinguished by appropriate measurements in the state of ease where their associated stresses are equal and opposite and in the state of deformation where the cross-links were introduced and make no contribution to the stress. When partial relaxation is permitted before crosslinking, trapping probabilities can be calculated for both relaxed and unrelaxed entanglements and compared with the Langley theory. The results are consistent with the terminal mechanism of relaxation in the tube theory of Doi and Edwards. 相似文献
In this study the network formation in a new poly(ethylene-co-1,9-decadiene) polymer was compared with that formed in an ‘ordinary’ low density polyethylene after being crosslinked with a peroxide. The crosslink density was determined by swelling measurements and by strain measurements at different stresses. Above the melting point, physical crosslinking points, in the form of ‘trapped entanglements’, constitute around 60% of the total number of crosslinking points. The chemical crosslinks, which originate from peroxide and from reacted vinyl groups, are in minority. However, although the chemical crosslinks are fewer, they are indeed very important for making the large fraction of physical crosslinks permanent, i.e. that they do not slip under load. 相似文献
Zdenko ŠpitalskýTomáš Bleha 《Polymer》2003,44(5):1603-1611
The elastic properties of interlamellar bridges in semicrystalline polyethylene (PE) were estimated from the molecular-mechanics calculations on the assumption that the energy loading of a chain backbone represents the principal deformation mechanism. The calculations result in the force-length functions featuring abrupt discontinuities due to sequential annihilation of the defects by the conformational transitions. The correlation of the chain elastic moduli E with the concentration of defects in the chain and with the chain extension ratio x were established. The distribution functions ζ(E) of Young's moduli of interlamellar bridges in semicrystalline PE were calculated by using the literature data on the chain length distributions of tie molecules. The impact of the distribution function of moduli ζ(E) on the overall elastic response of solid PE materials was examined, particularly in cases of the stacked lamellae morphology involving so-called hard elastic PE. 相似文献
The swelling and elastic properties of poly(dimethyl siloxane) networks prepared by end-linking and subsequently swollen in heptane and toluene have been investigated as a function of the volume fraction, vc, at which networks are generated. Increases in both swelling degree and shear modulus with vc demonstrate the increase in number of trapped entanglements with vc. The results may be described by a simple scaling law approach. 相似文献
Importance of tie molecules in preventing polyethylene fracture under long-term loading conditions 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Brittle-type slow crack fracture is the dominant mode of failure in polyethylene pipe used for natural gas distribution. Constant tensile load testing of polyethylene pipe sections indicates a link between this mode of failure and environmental stress cracking. Interlamellar fracture can occur in both the presence and absence of an accelerating environment. The fibre deformation process is reviewed, describing the role of amorphous entangled tie molecules in preventing slow crack-type fracture. Relative resistance to slow crack brittle failure is explained in terms of this model for various materials tested. 相似文献
Two types of alkyl radicals were found to be trapped in irradiated crystals grown from polyethylene solution. One of them corresponds to the broad sextet pattern of the e.s.r. spectrum and the other corresponds to the sharp sextet pattern. The free radicals attributed to the broad sextet began to disappear at a lower temperature than the temperature at which the free radicals attributed to the sharp sextet disappeared. When butadiene molecules were brought into contact with the specimen, the decay of the free radicals corresponding to the broad sextet was accelerated. When the specimen was subjected to fuming nitric acid treatment, no broad sextet was observed. The mat of the crystals, was aligned so that the c-axes of its crystallites were perpendicular to its surface. The broad sextet showed no anisotropy when the angle between the direction of applied magnetic field and that of the c-axis of the crystallite was varied. On the other hand, the sharp component of the spectrum showed apparent anisotropy. Consequently, it can be concluded that the broad component comes from the free radicals trapped in the lamellar surface and the sharp component is attributed to the free radicals trapped in the inner part of the crystallite. Hence, the locations of these two types of free radicals have been clarified with much more certainty than before. 相似文献
The low-temperature grafting of butadiene on polyethylene (PE) preirradiated in air is compared with that on PE preirradiated in vacuo for the effect of several factors on the grafting. Little fundamental difference between the two cases was observed. In both cases the graft conversion curve is trapped radical type and the overall activation energies are 9.7 and 8.4 kcal/mol for 0.947-density PE and 0.916-density PE, respectively. Percent grafting is proportional to the square root of the dose rate (= total dose). The retarding effect of oxygen at irradiation or storage after irradiation on the grafting scarcely appears when the irradiation temperature or storage temperature is below 15°C. For thinner film and lower density of PE this effect appears clearly at the higher temperature. Therefore, it may be concluded that the low-temperature grafting of butadiene onto PE preirradiated in air is initiated predominantly by nonoxidized radical (allyl radical) trapped in PE and that the grafting reaction occurs in the semicrystalline part of PE. 相似文献
Mohammadjavad Eslamian Reza Bagheri Gholamreza Pircheraghi 《Polymer International》2016,65(12):1405-1416
Understanding the co‐crystallization behavior of ternary polyethylene (PE) blends is a challenging task. Herein, in addition to co‐crystallization behavior, the rheological and mechanical properties of melt compounded high density polyethylene (HDPE)/low density polyethylene (LDPE)/Zeigler ? Natta linear low density polyethylene (ZN‐LLDPE) blends have been studied in detail. The HDPE content of the blends was kept constant at 40 wt% and the LDPE/ZN‐LLDPE ratio was varied from 0.5 to 2. Rheological measurements confirmed the melt miscibility of the entire blends. Study of the crystalline structure of the blends using DSC, wide angle X‐ray scattering, small angle X‐ray scattering and field emission SEM techniques revealed the formation of two distinct co‐crystals in the blends. Fine LDPE/ZN‐LLDPE co‐crystals, named tie crystals, dispersed within the amorphous gallery between the coarse HDPE/ZN‐LLDPE co‐crystals were characterized for the first time in this study. It is shown that the tie crystals strengthen the amorphous gallery and play a major role in the mechanical performance of the blend.© 2016 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
The effects of an anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), on the micellar properties of a nonionic surfactant such
as homogeneous heptaethylene glycol n-dodecyl ether (7ED) have been studied by the charge transfer solubilization of 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane,
pNa, and electric conductivity measurements. Attention has been paid to changes in packing of polyethylene oxide chains in
the mixed micelle and to binding of the counterions onto the micelle surface. All measurements were made on solutions ranging
in 7ED concentration from 1 × 10−6 to 1×10−1 M, while the SDS concentration was maintained constant. It has been shown that the binding of Na+ ions to the mixed micelle occurs in the 7ED concentration region where the packing of polyethylene oxide chains in the micelle
is loose, while release of Na+ ions is observed when the packing is compact. The results of electric conductivity correspond well with those mentioned above.
However, in the region of high 7ED concentration, the decreasing mobility of the mixed micelles affects the electric conductivity
more than the increasing degree of ionic dissociation of the micelle. 相似文献
Thomas Z. Fahidy 《Journal of Applied Electrochemistry》1987,17(4):841-848
The establishment of CSTER-perfect mixer networks via the theory of Markov chains for non-ideal tank electrolysers is described. Such networks, matched to tank electrolysers via experimental exit-age distribution data, can serve (as equivalent models) for the analysis of electrolyser behaviour.Nomenclature
electrode are
electrolyte concentration;c
i same for inlet conditions;c
1 same for exit conditions
exit age
mean mass transport coefficient
transition probability matrix with elementsp
volumetric flow rate of the electrolyte
effective electrolyser volume
time-dependent random process
recycle ratio
lumped parameter, equal tok
symbol denoting the state of a Markov chain
dimensionless time, equal toQt/V 相似文献
Ultra high molar mass polyethylene (UHPE) was melted at 160°C for various times or at various temperatures for 5 min and then the crystallization of the UHPE was carried out on cooling. It was found that the crystallization temperature decreased as the heating time or heating temperature increased. During the melting process, thermal motion of the chains leads to a change of chain conformation from parallel‐extended chains to interpenetrated random coils, accompanied by the occurrence of entanglements. As a result, the crystallization temperature shifts to lower temperature. On the other hand, samples of UHPE with less entanglement were prepared from a dilute solution by a freeze‐drying procedure. It was observed that the crystallization temperature of the freeze‐dried samples from the melt depressed with dereasing solution concentration. UHPE would produce small crystals in the freezing process, thus leading to a reduction in melting point, and a sifting of crystallization temperature to lower temperature. Based on the melting point, the average volume of small crystals was estimated; it is even smaller than that of one single chain of the UHPE. 相似文献
The kinetics of the decay of main chain free radicals trapped in polymer matrix in vacuum was investigated. The decay behaviour of alkyl radicals trapped in the lamellar surface of the crystallites of solution grown polyethylene should be different from that of the same radicals trapped in the inner part of the crystallite, and this difference was clearly observed. The analysis of the data of the decay reaction was made, based on three-dimensional diffusion-controlled reaction theory, and reasonable interpretation of the data was made. Alkyl radicals were also observed in an irradiated urea—polyethylene complex and the decay rate of these radicals were very slow in spite of the large mobility. According to these occurrences, it was concluded that the mechanism of three-dimensional diffusion of the free radicals across the chain may occur in the inner part of the crystallites via hydrogen abstraction reactions. 相似文献
Deformation zones are regions of drawn but unfibrillated material which grow from crack tips in thin films of glassy polymers which have a low value of Ie′, the chain contour length between entanglements. The growth of these zones is observed optically and their final structure characterized by transmission electron microscopy. By microdensitometry of the electron image plate the average value of the extension ratio within the deformation zone, λDZ, is measured. Such deformation zones have been grown in thin films of four homopolymers and a series of polymer blends. It is found that λDZ is approximately 0.6 λmax, where λmax is a predicted maximum extension ratio derived from a simple model in which the entanglement points are assumed to act as permanent crosslinks with no chain slippage or scission occurring. This value of λDZ is lower than the extension ratios previously measured for crazes grown in the same polymers; typical λcraze values lie much closer to λmax. This result can be rationalized by realizing that at least a limited degree of chain scission/slippage must occur during crazing to permit the generation of the void-fibril network. For those polymers where both crazing and deformation zones may form, the latter grow rapidly whereas the formation of crazes requires longer times. This observation also indicates the importance of the kinetic process of chain scission/chain slippage for crazing. Annealing of the polymer films below the glass transition temperature leads to an increased tendency for crazing relative to the growth of deformation zones. 相似文献
Kazunori Yamada Yuji Saitoh Yukiko Haga Kiyomi Matsuda Mitsuo Hirata 《应用聚合物科学杂志》2006,102(6):5965-5976
The chelating membranes for adsorption of metal ions were prepared by the bonding of linear and branched polyethylenimines (LPEI and BPEI) on the glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) photografted porous polyethylene (pPE) (pPE‐g‐PGMA) films. The adsorption and desorption properties of LPEI and BPEI‐bonded pPE‐g‐PGMA (LPEI‐(pPE‐g‐PGMA) and (BPEI‐(pPE‐g‐PGMA)) films to Cu2+ ions were investigated as a function of the grafted amount, amount of bonded PEI, molecular mass of PEI, pH value, and temperature. The amounts of LPEI and BPEI bonded to the pPE‐g‐PGMA films increased over the reaction time, and the bonding of LPEI and BPEI offered the water‐absorptivity to the pPE‐g‐PGMA films. The amount of adsorbed Cu2+ ions at pH 5.0 had the maximum value at the grafted amount of 10 mmol/g for the (LDPEI‐(pPE‐g‐PGMA) and (BPEI‐(pPE‐g‐PGMA) films with a constant amount of bonded PEI. The amount of adsorbed Cu2+ ions for the LPEI‐(pPE‐g‐PGMA) films was higher than that for the BPEI‐(pPE‐g‐PGMA) films. The amount of Cu2+ ions desorbed from the LPEI‐(pPE‐g‐PGMA) and BPEI‐(pPE‐g‐PGMA) films increased with an increase in the HCl concentration. The quantities of Cu2+ ions of about 100% were desorbed in the aqueous HCl solutions of more than 0.1M for the LPEI‐(pPE‐g‐PGMA) films and more than 0.05M for the BPEI‐(pPE‐g‐PGMA) films. The amounts of adsorbed Cu2+ ions were almost the same in each adsorption process at pH 5.0. This indicates that the LPEI‐(pPE‐g‐PGMA) and BPEI‐(pPE‐g‐PGMA) films can be applied to a repeatedly generative chelating membrane for adsorption and desorption of metal ions. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 102: 5965–5976, 2006 相似文献
Measurements of coherent neutron diffraction of oriented single crystals of blends of hydrogenous and deuterated polyethylene have been undertaken in order to study the mutual arrangements of the crystalline ‘stems’ of the same molecule. In the appropriate range of diffraction angle, the scatter is fully consistent with thin lamellae, the planes of which contain the stems. The thickness of these lamellae agrees with that expected for neighbouring stems of one molecule being restricted to the same (110) plane. The density of deuterium atoms in the lamellae is consistent with largely adjacent re-entrant folding; for crystals grown at low supercooling there is a possibility of some segregation according to isotope. Outside the above range of diffraction angle, effects are observed which are attributable to the finite lateral dimensions of the proposed lamellae. At the smallest angles of measurement an artifactual signal attributable to voids can be observed, which can be avoided by suitable sample treatment. 相似文献
Conformational properties and mobility of two polymeric chains containing 30 repeating units of either polyethylene (PE) or trans-polyacethylene (PA) confined into the channel formed by eight α-cyclodextrins (αCDs) are studied by Molecular Dynamics simulations performed at 500 K and compared with the behavior exhibited by the same chains when they stand alone in vacuum. The rotaxane structure (i.e. polymeric chains threaded into the αCDs channel) is stabilized with respect to the separated chain and αCDs mostly because of van der Waals interactions. As it might be expected, large differences are observed in the molecular characteristics of the isolated chains as compared to their confined counterparts. The differences are in the sense of decreasing the conformational mobility in favor of extended conformations in the case of confined chains. Comparison of the results obtained for confined PE and PA chains indicates a noticeably larger mobility of the PA chain. Molecular dimensions obtained for the isolated PE chain agree with the results published in the literature. 相似文献
Multilayer films with multiple properties have been widely applied in the packaging industry. In order to know the two most important properties, ie permeability and tensile property, of the multilayer films, we examined model predictions and the properties of the individual component layers to provide an efficient method to design desired multilayer structures. The series model was employed for predicting permeability; there is good agreement between experimental data and this model for predicting both gas and water vapor permeabilities of three‐layer films with various thickness fractions of polyamide 6 (PA‐6). We can also predict the parameters of the constitutive equation, which described the plastic deformation of the three‐layer films, from those of the individual component layers, with particularly high accuracy by using the additive rule. However, there was a larger discrepancy between the model and experimental data at high crosshead speeds due to the generation of heat during deformation. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
The effect of a tie film consisted of polyethylene (PE) and maleic anhydride functionalized PE (PE‐g‐MAH) on the interfacial adhesion of PE and polymide‐6 (PA6) was studied in a sequential injection molding process. It was found that the interfacial adhesion of PE/PA6 was significantly improved via in situ reactive compatibilization. The results showed that the interfacial adhesion increased with PE‐g‐MAH concentration, and reached a plateau value at the weight fraction of 40%, showed a maximum at a thickness of about 15 μm tie film. Higher the second melt and mold temperature, stronger the interfacial adhesion was obtained. An analysis conducted on the fracture interface by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) revealed that the increase of the interfacial adhesion was strongly related to the morphological structure of the fracture interface, which changed from chunks to fibrils, and to a thin layer. The relationship between the interfacial adhesion and interfacial fracture mechanisms was also discussed. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 2010. © 2009 Society of Plastics Engineers 相似文献
Structures of alkyl radicals trapped in solution grown crystals of polyethylene and urea-polyethylene complex were studied in detail. A twisted configuration of methylene group with angle of 4.6° from the regular trans-trans configuration was found for the rigid state configuration of the alkyl radical at 77K. Temperature dependences of hyperfine splitting widths due to the β-protons were observed, and analysed in terms of the hindered oscillation of the β-methylene group. The value of the potential barrier height of hindered oscillation was found to be 900 kcal/mol for polyethylene crystal and 600 kcal/mol for urea-polyethylene complex; indicating that the radical site in urea-polyethylene complex is more mobile than that in polyethylene crystal. 相似文献