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汉丰湖孕育了丰富的景观资源,形成独特的湿地景观风貌和多样的生物资源类型,自然山水景观绚丽多样,人文景观历史悠久。因此,如何保护与利用汉丰湖的湿地景观资源就显得尤为重要。本文通过对汉丰湖景观资源、规划布局以及生态功能进行分析,结合其周边环境,探讨了汉丰湖保护与利用的主要途径,提出融合与生长的发展理念,以此来构建以旅游为先导产业,带动其他产业发展的发展经营模式,从而实现汉丰湖风景区生态与经济的同步发展。  相似文献   

历史景观所蕴含的历史文化背景和历史文化资源,在传承文化、彰显特色的过程中,有着极为重要的意义。但随着社会经济的发展,人们正以前所未有的速度,全新的方式方法重构着这个世界,历史景观在发展中被破坏,历史风貌也随时间消散褪去,历史景观保护的实际与理论严重脱节,历史景观的保护与更新面临着巨大的挑战和冲击。本文旨在通过以研究吉林乌拉街镇作为东北地区历史景观如何进行保护与更新为例,对东北地区的历史景观的发展问题进行探索,提出适合实际的保护与更新模式。本文研究内容分为三个部分。第一部分主要介绍了选题的背景、研究的意义以及国内外研究现状;第二部分主要介绍了乌拉街镇的概况、历史文化价值、发展现状及问题;第三部分主要介绍了乌拉街镇保护与更新的具体做法。  相似文献   

为了发掘、重拾散落在湘西南乡村景观中,红军长征时留下的革命文化遗迹及红色景观资源,汲取红色文化养分,传承红色革命精神,促进红色文化在现代乡村社区中的转化培育和资政育人的作用。综合利用田野考察、文献法等研究方法,重点选取了若干湘西南乡村景观中遗存的红色革命旧址、红色标语景观、红色革命遗物及历史故事等红色文化景观资源,深刻挖掘并领悟蕴含在其中的重要红色历史事件、感人革命故事、红色革命传统等红色精神。借此呼吁人们树立文化拯救意识,合理保护独特的红色文化景观,因为这是革命文化历史的印记,是传承红色文化精神、发挥资政育人作用的重要财富,对传承与发展乡村红色文化,振兴乡村文化及发展乡村旅游具有重要的教育功能与审美价值。  相似文献   

传统文化遗产的动态保护是能使人类的文明与文化得以承前启后、通向未来的途径。本文以甘肃丝绸之路传统染缬文化的传承和发展为研究内容,深入分析丝路染缬文化动态性保护和发展的机制,从创新文化资源、培养创新人才、打造多元数字媒介等方面全面实施染缬文化动态性保护措施。  相似文献   

刘玉宝  李慧嘉 《包装工程》2022,43(2):346-351
目的提取客家文化基因,运用现代设计语言,探讨客家公共文化空间的重塑模式。方法从客家传统村落公共文化空间发展现状入手,分析客家传统村落的生产实践和生活景观所体现的尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然的生态文明思想和赣闽粤边区客家文化基因,分析客家传统村落文化设施的系统化、生态化的设计原则。结果阐述赣闽粤客家传统村落遗存之茶亭、风雨桥、池塘、戏台等公共文化设施发展情况,并以赣南客家传统村落(白鹭村)为例,提炼白鹭村村落文化基因,研究其公共文化设施创作思路。结论将公共文化设施作为生态文化旅游的重要载体,提出客家传统村落的公共文化设施与客家文化基因和现代设计语言、农业生产性景观和生活空间、客家文化体验旅游相融合的构建方法,实现客家传统村落文化传承的"破"与"立",再现客家文化在生态文明建设的重要价值。  相似文献   

陈蕾  张海彬 《湖南包装》2022,(5):100-103
从桂北地区古村落的景观价值出发,梳理桂北古村落的文化景观资源,分析目前在对古村落的旅游开发中所遇到的原始生态破坏、建筑景观毁坏、人文文化逐渐消失等一系列问题,通过实地走访、查阅文献和多学科交叉分析的方法,在相关理论基础上提出整合村落生态环境、古建筑周边环境、历史文化融入等相关发展路径,目的在于对古村落的活的保护,构建一个“人、自然、村落”和谐一体的桂北古村落景观风貌,并为其发展建设提出相关的建议。  相似文献   

旨在解决当前历史文化名镇风貌遭受破坏、保护与开发不当等现实问题,同时使其实现景观风貌保护和活态化传承。以历史文化名镇——碛口古镇为例,综合运用景观基因理论方法、AHP(层析分析法)、FCE(模糊综合评价法)等多种研究方法,形成“景观基因识别—景观基因提取—景观基因图谱建立—景观基因排序—景观基因现状评价”五层级景观基因提取及评价体系。通过定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,提取出碛口古镇核心景观基因是码头文化,现存问题是码头文化缺失、功能布局混乱、街巷损坏严重、民俗文化衰落,并从文化景观视角提出保护措施。以期为历史文化名镇的保护与发展提供新的思路和研究路径。  相似文献   

我国历史悠久、幅员辽阔,古村落数量众多且分布广泛。这些古村落是一种珍贵的、不可再生的物质文化资源。但在当前中国快速工业化、城市化的背景下,遭遇到全方位的冲击与挑战,亟待予以深入研究和及时保护。本文从景观资源特色的分析入手,对井林村的保护发展问题做了探索研究,通过梳理其历史地理脉络、自然资源禀赋、古村落发展脉络、建筑道路肌理、景观空间格局与特色等,为井林古村落的保护发展问题提出有针对性的适宜策略。  相似文献   

一、绪论 1.1研究背景 乡村景观是指乡村地域范围内不同土地单元镶嵌而成的嵌块体,以农业特征为主,是人类在自然景观的基础上建立起来的自然生态结构与人为特征的综合体。随着城镇化进程的加快,我国乡村景观将面临着前所未有的变化。如何保护乡村景观,充分挖掘乡村景观的生态和文化旅游价值,使其形成高效、完整并具有传统特色的多功能的乡村地域,是21世纪乡村可持续发展的重要任务之一。  相似文献   

关于提高档案资源利用效益的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的发展进步,档案资源的巨大社会价值日益为公众所认知。对于档案信息资源,既要重视其载体的保管保护,更要重视其所含信息的开发利用,以实现信息资源共享。利用档案是人类社会发展的客观需要,具有极强的现实性,它的作用是其他信息资源无法替代的。有必要对档案利用的方法进行探讨,进一步推动我国档案利用工作向深度和广度发展。  相似文献   

江苏水网密布、物产丰富、人文荟萃,人们在乡村建设过程中创造了以文化物证为主要特征的聚落景观,以及与地方政治、经济、文化、科技等相关联的非物质文化景观。在新时代乡村建设语境下,通过系统地观察百年来江苏乡村建设文化景观图像变迁的轨迹,旨为江苏乡村振兴的全面实施和探寻内生的文化凝聚力提供参考依据。从类型学研究视角,通过类同研究与异质研究,解析20世纪初至今江苏乡村建设文化景观的生成逻辑。百年江苏乡村建设文化景观图像按照功能可分为四大类型,即生态景观、产业景观、生活景观和生命景观,它们四位一体、融合共生,共同构建起百年江苏乡村建设的文化景观系统,记录着江苏乡建百年的变迁轨迹与集体的文化记忆。  相似文献   

Assessments of likely sources of natural gas incorporate scientific, social, and cultural elements, and illustrate the complex interactions of economics, science, engineering, and social factors in the perception of natural resources. Two groups produce assessments of the potential natural gas resources of the United States: the private sector Potential Gas Agency and the public sector US Geological Survey and Minerals Management Service, which produce joint national reports. Both groups use similar technical methods but have adopted different operational structures that reflect different practices and norms in the public and private sectors. Both groups have encountered difficulties in communicating their technical information to the non-technical community, leading to legal and political interventions. These applied science programs meet the criteria for scientific success, but have room for improvement in meeting the needs of society.  相似文献   

史培行 《包装工程》2020,41(20):200-204
目的 在振兴乡村的战略政策背景下,开发乡村旅游的同时,古镇品牌的视觉形象设计研究对于地域文化的传承也是至关重要的。挖掘霍童古镇的元素,分析霍童古镇具有代表性的文化符号,探讨品牌视觉形象的具体应用。方法 挖掘霍童古镇特有的文化符号支提山华严禅寺、明清古街、文昌阁和霍童线狮等自然人文景观,采用品牌形象设计的方式,在VI手册、吉祥物、办公用品、衍生产品和周边中与霍童的特色文化相结合。从霍童文化出发,运用品牌形象VI设计来展现霍童古镇的特色文化。结论 通过对古镇文化符号的挖掘,进行视觉品牌形象的二次创新设计,展现霍童古镇丰厚的文化底蕴与得天独厚的自然人文景观。通过直观地呈现霍童印象,让大众熟知霍童古镇的魅力所在,从而宣传霍童的非物质文化遗产与自然人文景观。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the state of macro-engineering in the United States by reviewing three key areas that affect the progress of the field: strategic implications of the changing economy; large-scale technology venturing and its emerging institutional responses; and the next steps in collaborative technology venturing. The hypercompetitive international environment in which companies must compete has imposed new pressures on business, government, and academia. It has forced a reassessment of the process of taking and sharing risk, which, in turn, is having a direct impact on the development of macro-engineering and the nature of collaboration. Macro-engineering is still a pioneering task. It requires a transformational management to be successful. To compete effectively in the global economic arena, it is necessary to find creative and innovative ways to link public sector initiatives with private sector resources for large-scale projects.  相似文献   

《Composites Part A》2001,32(9):1329-1338
Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials are being used to develop products for use as highway appurtenances, such as, sign supports, luminaire supports and guardrails (crash barriers). These structures, that are located alongside highways and roads, are subjected to vehicular impacts and must be designed to be ‘crashworthy’ to ensure the safety of the driving public. This paper reviews an ongoing 10-year research and development program funded by the United States federal highway administration (FHWA) and the United States department of transportation (DOT) to produce a crashworthy composite material highway guardrail system. An overview of the research and development leading to a patented pultruded composite material guardrail is provided.  相似文献   

Decisions made in the energy and natural resources sector can affect public health. This report reviews the characteristics and assesses the effectiveness of health impact assessments (HIAs) conducted in this sector. A total of 30 HIAs conducted in 14 states in the United States were identified using a targeted literature search. Five HIAs illustrative of the different source and sub-sector categories, and with identifiable impacts on decision-making processes were selected for review. An existing conceptual framework (Wismar) was used to assess the effectiveness of the five selected HIAs on decision-making related to non-renewable energy, renewable energy, mining, and energy conservation. The 30 HIAs were performed for a variety of projects and assessed health impacts ranging from metabolic disorders to community livability. Eight of the 30 reports were incorporated into environmental impact assessments. All five selected HIAs were generally effective and raised awareness of the health effects of the projects being assessed; four were directly effective and led to changes in final project decisions. Their variable effectiveness may be related to the extent of community engagement and consideration of equity issues, differences in the details and quality of monitoring and evaluation plans devised as part of the HIA process, and whether the outcomes of monitoring and evaluation are reported.  相似文献   

A new endangered species habitat evaluation method based on spatial variables and behavior was developed and applied in a recent development permit application process in south Florida. It utilizes aspects of habitat quality, landscape arrangement, movement tendencies, and human disturbance to generate an empirical approach to estimating functional equivalent units of ideal Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) habitat. The model can be used by permitting agencies to ensure an objective and consistent landscape approach to panther conservation throughout south Florida, and it may be useful in much of its former range (the southeastern coastal plain of the United States). It is intended for use on lands that are proposed for development as well as for property that could be acquired or otherwise managed to accommodate panther population growth and colonization. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

季铁  陈俊材  郭寅曼 《包装工程》2019,40(12):42-48
目的 以侗族油茶的饮食文化为切入点,以乡村振兴背景下的文化旅游发展为目标,探索针对特色饮食文化资源的产品服务系统设计的方法。方法 将饮食文化作为乡村文化资源的代表,基于主观幸福感理论分析饮食行为中的幸福感三层次,结合产品服务系统设计(PSSD)的理论与方法,并通过设计“侗心油茶坊”的产品服务系统作为实证研究,对文化旅游中当地人与游客在饮食体验上的幸福感设计的方法和路线进行分析。结论 在文化旅游中,通过对本土的文化资源、自然资源与人力资源进行充分调动,将物质资源转化为符合市场需求的有形产品,而非物质资源转化融入服务与体验,并通过产业升级与创新,使当地人在文化实践中树立文化自信,实现经济创收,提升他们在乡村生活中的主观幸福感;同时,通过给游客提供良好的文化旅游服务,使其获得文化熏陶与精神感染,提升他们在旅途中的主观幸福感。  相似文献   

吴余青  朱奕苇 《包装工程》2023,44(16):440-446
目的 探索符合生态美学的城市公共设施设计策略。方法 从生态美学视角出发,提出符合生态美学的公共设施的生态特征和设计原则,并从实用性、可持续性和可识别性3个方面来探讨城市公共设施设计策略。结论 符合生态美学理念的城市公共设施具有可循环再生、可重复使用、材料节约化以及设计简洁化4个特点。因地制宜、和谐共生、文脉延续和兼顾美观是生态美学下公共设施设计的4个原则。实用性是公共设施设计的基础,可从功能实用和生态实用2方面实现。可持续性是城市公共设施设计的重点,可以通过自然生态材料的选择、对自然生态能源的利用以及与自然生态环境的共存方式上实现。可识别性是空间公共设施设计的亮点,其包含了对当地自然景观和历史人文景观的因势利导和古为今用,实现本土文化的可识别性,不仅有利于城市自然生态和谐,也有利于民众对城市产生认同感和归属感。  相似文献   

The regulations being applied to liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal siting in the United States are reviewed. There are no requirements for exclusion zones to protect the public from LNG spills onto water. Serious problems with current practices used to determine exclusion zones on the land-based part of the facility are identified. Many of the questions that are considered relate to the use of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models, which appear to offer the best potential for realistic modeling to determine vapor cloud exclusion zones that result from LNG spills into impounded areas with or without dispersion in the presence of other obstacles to the wind flow. Failure to use CFD models, which are already approved by the regulation, and continued use of practices which have been demonstrated to be in error, raises important questions of credibility as well as denies the applicant full use of scientific tools that are available to optimize the design of such facilities so as to best provide for safety of the public.  相似文献   

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