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研究了具有类斑状结构特征的豹斑白云质泥晶灰岩作为骨料的混凝土柱在150℃压蒸碱骨料反应膨胀行为及其膨胀开裂特征.结果表明,豹斑白云质泥晶灰岩的特点是白云石的晶粒尺寸普遍较大,岩相结构仍属类斑状,也有泥晶与假亮晶方解石两种基质形式;无论基质的特征如何,ASR膨胀值小的豹斑白云质泥晶灰岩混凝土柱AAR膨胀性较弱,膨胀由ACR引起,然而,具有较高ASR膨胀值的岩石容易呈现潜在的高AAR膨胀性,膨胀应归结于ACR与ASR共同作用的结果.基质为泥晶方解石的豹斑泥晶灰岩膨胀裂缝起始于白云石晶粒密集区,裂缝顺白云石与基质方解石之间的界面扩展至水泥浆体. 相似文献
迄今为止,一直缺乏快速有效的方法来区分碱-硅酸反应活性和碱-碳酸盐反应活性。通过测定多种经过RILEM TC191-AAR-5测试检测出具有碱活性的集料在掺加硝酸锂(LiNO3)时试件膨胀率,讨论了LiNO3对硅质集料和白云质集料膨胀性的影响,为建立快速区分碱-硅酸反应活性和碱-碳酸盐反应活性的试验方法奠定了基础。试验结果表明:若集料仅存在碱-硅酸反应活性,当试件中Li/Na摩尔比为2.22,养护液中Li/Na摩尔比为1.11时,试件的28 d膨胀率可以抑制到0.1%以下;若集料为碱-碳酸盐反应活性的,掺加硝酸锂以后试件仍表现出较大的膨胀性,28 d试件膨胀率仍然超过0.1%。 相似文献
两类典型碱活性岩石在碱溶液中压蒸的反应产物 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
用XRD和SEM/EDS研究了以加拿大Spratt硅质灰岩(SL岩石)和Pittsburg泥质白云质灰岩(PL岩石)为代表的两类典型碱活性岩石在1.8 mol/L KOH,NaOH和LiOH溶液中150℃压蒸150 h后的反应产物.结果表明:2种岩石在不同碱溶液中受侵蚀程度、压蒸产物种类、结晶程度、形貌及分布显著不同.PL岩石除发生去白云石化反应外,岩石中的隐晶质石英也与碱反应生成典型的碱-硅酸反应产物.SL岩石除隐晶质石英与碱反应外,岩石中少量的白云石晶体在碱溶液中可发生去白云石化反应;ASR和ACR可能在某些灰岩集料中同时发生,尽管ASR,ACR在不同岩石中的贡献可能存在差异. 相似文献
为确定以Spratt硅质灰岩(SL岩石)和Pittsburg泥质白云质灰岩(PL岩石)为代表的两类典型碱活性岩石试体在碱性环境中的膨胀来源和发展评定岩石碱活性的方法,研究了不同条件下SL和PL岩石在砂浆和混凝土中的膨胀行为.研究结果表明:SL岩石在砂浆和混凝土中均呈高ASR膨胀性,尽管其中的少量白云石可发生去白云石化反应;决定PL岩石高膨胀性的机制是ACR,与传统的ASR有本质不同,尽管其中含有的少量微晶石英可参与与碱的反应并可能对岩石的膨胀有一定贡献.采用能保持岩石微观结构构造特征的颗粒尺寸是正确评估PL岩石碱活性的关键.利用ASR和ACR对粉煤灰等混合材及含锂化合物的不同响应,特别是LiOH的抑制ASR膨胀和引发ACR膨胀的双重效应,在实验室可以快速区别同时含有白云石和石英的灰岩类集料的活性来源. 相似文献
碱碳酸盐反应活性快速试验方法的比较研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了长江上游三叠系碳酸盐的碱活性,将小混凝土柱快速法(即超快快速法)试验结果与传统的岩相法、岩石体柱法、混凝土棱柱体法试验结果进行比较分析后认为,超快快速法与传统方法的结果具有较好的可比性和可靠性。结合岩相分析,可以利用超快小混凝土柱法作为碱碳酸盐反应活性鉴定的集料筛选方法。 相似文献
以重庆地区某嵌角砾状白云质灰岩地层基桩为研究对象,为了解决单荷载箱测试中因平衡点失衡而导致所测承载力偏低的问题,采用双荷载箱的自平衡静载试验测量计算了该基桩的承载力与侧阻力.该文选取该拟建设施的3根基桩,评估了嵌角砾状白云质灰岩地层条件下的基桩承载特性及自平衡静载试验效果,结果表明:使用双荷载箱的自平衡静载试验能够较准确地评估砂泥岩地层条件下的基桩承载能力,为西南地区砂泥岩地层下基桩承载能力计算提供了参考. 相似文献
随着我国现代化建设和人民生活条件的改善,对水泥的需求量越来越大.1998年到2002年水泥产量平均每年增幅约5230万吨.由于水泥产量的扩大,需要大量的石灰石资源.目前我们的中上石岩统壶天辟(C2+3ht)灰岩中含白云岩夹层较多,一般含量30%~40%,不少矿山挖掘出来的白云岩(包括白云质灰岩,以下略)无法处理,而停止了开采.有的矿山因优质石灰岩产量低、白云岩含量大,优质石灰石不断提价,造成水泥生产成本高,影响水泥生产的发展.有的矿山因多年开采出来的白云岩没有利用,堆积如山,覆盖了农田,破坏了生态环境,也影响了农业生产.以我市为例,每年开采出来的白云岩有100多万吨.如何合理开发和使用有限的资源,做到综合利用,变废为宝,为低品位的矿山找一条综合发展的道路,这个问题现在已摆在水泥工作者的议事日程上。 相似文献
集料碱活性快速检测法对比研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为探讨中国快速砂浆棒法(CAMBT)与其它集料碱活性快速检测法的相关性及对国外岩石的适应性,采用混凝土棱柱体法(CPT)、快速砂浆棒法(AMBT)、压蒸法和CAMBT研究了11种国外不同源集料的膨胀行为,同时还研究了集料颗粒尺寸对CAMBT中集料膨胀的影响.结果表明:CAMBT,AMBT及压蒸法的检测结果具有一致性,但均不能完全正确地判定这些集料的碱活性,它们在夸大RG集料碱活性的同时,还漏判了PO集料的碱活性;集料在现有快速法中的膨胀率与其在CPT中的膨胀率无明显相关性,因此快速法不能很好地表征集料在混凝土中的碱活性程度;CAMBT中集料颗粒尺寸对不同集料膨胀程度的影响不同,其中0.15~0.80 mm集料颗粒尺寸对集料膨胀而言不是最敏感粒级;采用2.5~5.0 mm单粒级集料颗粒,可以比现有标准检测方法更好地预测集料在混凝土中的膨胀行为. 相似文献
采用多种检测方法对某水电工程骨料碱活性进行了研究。岩相法检测结果表明,6个骨料样品中含有一定量的隐晶状石英和隐晶状玻璃质,这两种成分具有潜在的碱-硅酸反应活性。对于XJ-2骨料样品:砂浆棒快速法试验结果表明,该骨料为具有潜在碱-硅酸反应活性的骨料;混凝土棱柱体快速法和混凝土棱柱体法试验结果表明,该骨料属于后期膨胀较快的骨料。对于XJ-4骨料样品:混凝土棱柱体法试验结果表明,棱柱体试件一年膨胀率接近0.04%限值,且试件膨胀率仍继续发展,该骨料也属于后期膨胀较快的骨料,建议给予关注。研究结果为准确判定骨料的碱活性提供了技术支持,为保证工程质量奠定了基础。 相似文献
为了充分认识试件尺寸与裂隙倾角对裂隙岩石损伤破坏的影响,开展了不同试件尺寸、不同裂隙倾角的光弹性单轴压缩试验。利用反射式光弹仪直观形象地记录试件损伤破坏全过程的彩色条纹变化,基于光学-应力定律计算得到裂隙岩石损伤破坏过程中试件表面的全场应力应变,分析岩石裂隙扩展失稳的尺寸效应及裂隙倾角对岩石强度及破坏模式的影响,研究裂隙岩石损伤—扩展—破坏的力学机制。试验结果表明:裂隙岩石单轴压缩的应力应变曲线可分为弹性阶段,塑性阶段,峰后软化阶段,残余阶段不明显;裂隙岩石峰前阶段的弹性模量随着试件高宽比的增加而增大,随着裂隙倾角的增加而减小;单轴抗压强度随着高宽比的增加呈减小趋势;峰后的软化阶段受试件尺寸与裂隙倾角的共同影响,裂隙倾角与高宽比越大,岩石的破坏越具有突然性,即脆性越明显;岩石损失破坏时最大应变与应力分布在预制裂纹中心,损伤首先从预制裂纹处发生。随着加载的不断进行,最大应变与应力的位置转变为裂纹的两端,逐渐向平行于轴向加载方向发展直至试件端部。岩石损失破坏时,最大应变与应力分布在预制裂纹中心,损伤首先从预制裂纹处发生。随着加载的不断进行,最大应变与应力的位置转变到裂纹的两端,裂纹逐渐向平行于轴向加载方向发展直至试件端部。 相似文献
三峡工程花岗岩人工骨料碱活性试验研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对花岗岩休工骨料从宏观到微观,用多种试验方法进行了大量的试验研究,研究结果表明,用现有标准判断,花岗岩为非活性骨料,砂浆长度法试验结果表明,花岗岩砂浆经14例的膨胀已基本趋于稳定,而且在碱含量低的条件下,也没有出现危害性的膨胀,从三峡工程的重要性及混凝土耐久性方面全面考虑,工程应严格控制水泥含碱量及混凝土中的总碱量。 相似文献
Grain size effect on rock strength is a topic of great interest in geotechnical engineering.A consensus obtained from earlier laboratory tests is that rock strength generally decreases with the increase of grain size for both silicate and carbonate rocks;however,some recent numerical results conflict with such laboratory test results.To address this intriguing issue,the effect of grain size on strength of polymineralic crystalline rock with low porosity is investigated numerically using the grain-based modeling(GBM) approach in discrete element method(DEM) by interpreting micro-cracking process in response to loading.In agreement with some previous DEM simulation results,the simulated rock strength is found to increase with increasing grain size for both homogeneous and heterogeneous models,even when the number of assembled disks in one mineral grain changes.The mechanism of strength increase with increasing grain size is mainly associated with the number of assembled smooth-joint contacts along grain interfaces and the generation of grain boundary cracks in response to loading.The grain interfaces significantly weaken the integrity of the rock model,which is similar to effects of inherent defects in real rock.As the grain size increases,fewer grain interfaces are built in the model and the rock strength becomes much higher.Hence,by solely changing the mineral grain size in a model,the mechanism of grain size effect as observed in laboratory tests cannot be replicated.To address this issue,a method of degradation of grain boundary strength parameters is used to mimic the possible mechanism of grain size effect.The simulated strength using the method becomes comparable with those obtained from laboratory tests when the heterogeneity in the rock is considered.Degradation of grain boundary parameters with increasing grain size provides a plausible explanation for the grain size effect on rock strength. 相似文献
粉煤灰对高性能混凝土强度的影响 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
探讨了粉煤灰在高性能混凝土中的活性效应及作用机理。通过试验研究得出,当水胶比为0.35以下时,在水泥砂浆中掺入30%粉煤灰,其强度比可达到0.95以上;在混凝土中掺入50%粉煤灰,其抗压强度可达到60MPa以上,可见粉煤灰在高性能混凝土中能发挥较好的活性效应。 相似文献
Ana Ivanovi Richard D. Neilson 《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》2008,45(6):941-951
A continuous dynamic model for the axial vibration of a rock bolt system is presented. The model comprises three sections: the fixed length, bonded into the rock, the free length, which is not coupled to the rock, and the protruding length, which extends beyond the rock. The head assembly is modelled as a discrete mass and a spring, and a further discrete mass is included, representing a testing device that can be attached to the protruding end. Each section is modelled as a continuous elastic rod governed by the wave equation, with suitable compatibility conditions applied between the sections and boundary conditions, which also account for the effect of the discrete components, applied at the ends. Solutions in non-dimensional form are substituted into the boundary conditions to allow the natural frequencies to be calculated, and it is shown that two possible solutions for the mode shapes can be used for the fixed length—an exponential solution or the classical sinusoidal solution—depending on the stiffness of the grout relative to that of the bar. The conditions for which the two solutions are valid are developed, and changes in the frequency ratio with changes in length ratio, and the stiffness ratios of the grout and the anchor head relative to the stiffness of the fixed length of the anchorage are examined. Generally, the state of a bolt after installation is unknown and this does not provide proper assurance of the safety of the structure for which the bolts are used. The model provides a viable tool for helping to assess the condition of the bolt by using the natural frequencies associated with areas of the bolt of particular interest, e.g. the free length. The results show how the changes in the stiffness and/or length ratios affect the dynamics associated with fixed length of the bolt and the quality of the bonding installation. A case study is presented showing how the model can be used effectively to interpret real data. 相似文献
Penetration rates during excavation using hard rock tunnel boring machines (TBMs) are significantly influenced by the degree of fracturing of the rock mass. In the NTNU prediction model for hard rock TBM performance and costs, the rock mass fracturing factor (ks) is used to include the influence of rock mass fractures. The rock mass fracturing factor depends on the degree of fracturing, fracture type, fracture spacing, and the angle between fracture systems and the tunnel axis. In order to validate the relationship between the degree of fracturing and the net penetration rate of hard rock TBMs, field work has been carried out, consisting of geological back-mapping and analysis of performance data from a TBM tunnel. The rock mass influence on hard rock TBM performance prediction is taken into account in the NTNU model. Different correlations between net penetration rate and the fracturing factor (ks) have been identified for a variety of ks values. 相似文献