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文中回顾并总结了课题组近期关于圆极化复用型多功能超构表面的研究进展. 从几何相位在正交圆极化波作用下的共轭对称响应出发,基于超构表面的等效琼斯矩阵提出了交叉极化双通道复用的独立调控方法,突破了几何相位的交叉极化耦合限制. 进一步,基于同极化与交叉极化分量间的幅相关系,提出了三通道复用的多元波前集成方法,实现了对透射圆极化电磁能量的全场调控. 在此基础上,通过引入手性诱导相位提出了圆极化四(全)通道复用的波前调控方法,有效提高了对圆极化电磁能量的利用效率,为提高现代通信系统信道容量及信息传输速率打下理论基础.  相似文献   

近年来,采用人工设计金属阵列的超构表面以实现对太赫兹波的调制受到越来越广泛的关注。设计了2种互补的亚波长金结构阵列超构表面,正、反结构2个超构表面对太赫兹波均有共振响应。利用光泵浦太赫兹时域透射光谱系统,通过控制泵浦光实现对太赫兹波的谱调制。仅需28 mW的外加泵浦光,反结构超构表面在0.91 THz处的振幅调制深度可达到95%。利用该反结构超构表面对太赫兹波的开关作用,进一步设计了太赫兹振幅全息图,希望利用该结构实现太赫兹波前的动态调控。初步的理论模拟验证了这一方法的可行性,可较好地实现对太赫兹波的动态调控。  相似文献   

现有的大多数特殊波束(聚焦波束、艾里光束等)超表面通常采用金属结构单元,通过改变单元结构的尺寸和旋转角度等方式进行单一的波前调控,但对动态调谐波前的特殊波束超表面的研究很少。本文突破传统结构的壁垒,利用石墨烯独特的电可调性,构造出利用石墨烯费米能级动态调控波前的特殊波束超表面,可在动态调控波前上实现更灵活的自由性,满足更多、更复杂的相位需求。通过调控石墨烯费米能级获得不同的相位分布,动态调控焦点的空间位置、聚焦开关与焦点个数之间的切换以及影响艾里光束的参数等。所提出的动态调控波前特殊波束超表面可为太赫兹在高分辨成像、聚焦可调平面透镜、光学显微操作、激光微加工、光学子弹成型等方面的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

石鸣谦  刘俊  陈卓  王漱明  王振林  祝世宁 《红外与激光工程》2020,49(9):20201028-1-20201028-22
近年来,超构表面在经典光场调控领域受到了广泛的关注,获得了优异的成果。同时,超构表面在非线性光学和量子光学方面的应用也引起了人们越来越多的兴趣。文中分别介绍了非线性超构表面和量子超构表面的基本原理和应用,总结了近几年的相关报道,包括谐波产生和增强,谐波产生和对称性的关系,非线性相位调控和全息成像,以及基于超构表面的纠缠光子对产生,测量和调控。最后,对超构表面在这两个领域的进一步应用和前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

刘淇  刘文玮  程化  陈树琪 《红外与激光工程》2021,50(5):20211027-1-20211027-5
随着微纳加工技术的发展,超表面在亚波长尺度对电磁波的多维度调控展现出传统光学器件难以比拟的优势。基于电介质硅纳米柱结构构建了具有双频带响应的超表面,利用微结构对不同偏振入射光反射系数的差异,通过构建梯度几何相位实现了双波长下的异常反射;同时设计了超表面灰度成像阵列,在近红外波段实现了对正交偏振态和双波长入射具有不同响应的正负灰度图像。文中提出的超表面设计为基于超表面的多功能集成技术的发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

太赫兹是电磁波研究中的前沿热点之一,在通信、雷达、生物化学检测等方面有巨大的应用前景。人工电磁材料,特别是超表面的出现和发展,为太赫兹的高效波前控制提供了新的思路和方法。从太赫兹电磁场空间分布的角度出发,阐述了目前超表面在太赫兹波段波前调控的相关工作和方法,对比和讨论了太赫兹远场和近场波前调控的多类应用场景和调控方法,对太赫兹超表面波前调控的发展前景进行了展望,为研究太赫兹波前调控提供了新思路。  相似文献   

电磁超材料和超表面是物理、信息与材料领域的热点与前沿,带来了许多新奇的物理现象和突破性的应用. 信息超表面作为近些年来新兴的研究方向,通过数字编码的方式来调控电磁波,构建了由物理世界通往数字世界的桥梁. 本文首先全面总结了电磁超材料与超表面的起源与发展历程;其次重点介绍了可调超表面与可重构超表面、时空调制超表面与器件的发展现状;接着系统介绍了数字编码与可编程信息超表面的基本概念和主要应用,讨论了信息超表面存在的挑战与未来展望;最后简要对电磁超表面和信息超表面的发展趋势进行了总结.  相似文献   

蒋卫祥  田翰闱  宋超  张信歌 《雷达学报》2022,11(6):1003-1019
数字编码超表面是超材料与超表面领域的重要研究分支。通过数字编码方法替代等效媒质理论来表征超表面,不仅有效简化了超表面设计,而且建立了数字信息与超材料物理的联系。该文系统梳理数字编码超表面的发展历程,重点介绍其在可编程与智能电磁调控领域的最新研究进展。首先,详细介绍数字编码超表面的基本概念以及基于数字编码超表面的信息论研究;然后,具体介绍可编程超表面的工作原理和实现方式以及可编程超表面的不同研究方向,包括辐射式可编程超表面、多维度可编程超表面、时域数字编码超表面与新体制通信系统;接着,介绍智能超表面的最新研究进展,展示其环境感知与自适应电磁调控能力;最后,对超表面的未来发展进行讨论与展望。   相似文献   

针对微波信号多频段宽带吸收与屏蔽的应用需求,在无源超表面基础上,对吸波频带和幅值动态可调的智能超表面进行了简要介绍.采用HFSS电磁仿真软件对智能超表面的动态可调性能进行了仿真,并分析了其动态调控机理及吸波特性,揭示了可变电阻调控对超表面吸波性能的作用规律,提出了基于有源微波器件PIN二极管加载的智能超表面设计方案.通...  相似文献   

胡跃强  李鑫  王旭东  赖嘉杰  段辉高 《红外与激光工程》2020,49(9):20201035-1-20201035-19
超构表面由二维平面内精心排布的亚波长单元组成,为设计超紧凑型光学元件提供了新的范式,在微型化光学系统方面显示出了极大的潜力。在不到十年时间里,超构表面由于具有超轻、超薄且能够操纵光波的各种参量以实现多功能集成的优势在多学科领域引起了广泛的关注。然而,在光学波段,高自由度、非周期、排列密集的超构单元对其加工制备提出了很多极端的参数要求,如极小尺度、极高精度、高深宽比、难加工材料、跨尺度等,这使得超构表面从实验室走向实际应用面临极大的挑战。文中总结了近些年用于超构表面各类微纳加工方法的各类方法的原理、特点和最新进展,包括小面积直写方法、大面积模板转移方法以及一些新兴的加工方法。最后,针对超构表面在加工方面的目前的挑战和未来的发展趋势进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional nonlinear simulation code to treat multiple frequencies simultaneously is described and used to study nonlinear harmonic generation in free-electron lasers (FELs). Strong nonlinear harmonic gain is found where the gain length varies inversely with the harmonic number. Substantial power levels are found in the harmonics. The odd harmonics are favored with generally higher power levels since a planar wiggler geometry is employed; however, the second harmonic exhibits substantial power as well. The analysis is relevant to the emission expected from self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) free-electron laser schemes  相似文献   

Eulerian hydrodynamics was developed to study the nonlinear problem of second harmonic generation in a helix traveling-wave tube (TWT). A closed-form expression for the second-harmonic component of RF output power was obtained. The method required the specification of the dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics of the helical slow-wave structure (SWS) used in the device, obtainable by the field analysis of the SWS. Care was taken however to restrict the present Eulerian theory to the correct regime, which was found in terms of the RF input power drive and the device interaction length, by validating the theory against the more accurate Lagrangian theory. Within this regime, that was below the saturation level of the device, the effect of the dispersion of the SWS on the second harmonic generated in the device was studied. It was found that, irrespective of whether the dispersion of the SWS is positive or negative, the second harmonic content of the device decreased with the amount of the dispersion. Furthermore, though both the fundamental and the second harmonic content of the device decreased with the distributed loss on the SWS, the second harmonic relative to the fundamental showed a minimum at an optimum value of the distributed loss  相似文献   

Photoluminescence including fluorescence plays a great role in a wide variety of applications from biomedical sensing and imaging to optoelectronics.Therefore,t...  相似文献   

叶苗  王其华 《激光与红外》2010,40(11):1195-1200
针对高次谐波稳定性差的问题,采用再生锁模控制的方法。首先分析锁模脉冲的形成机制,接着对光频率进行合成,经三波瞬态耦合波方程,最后得到高次谐波。在实验装置中得到均衡的脉冲图像且锁模脉冲平滑,获得高信噪比和高稳定性放大的信号光,因此增加光参量啁啾脉冲放大系统的灵活性,本文所采用的分析方法对其他光源的稳定设计也有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

A coupled nonlinear transmission line analysis for second harmonic generation from a traveling-wave field-effect transistor is presented. In the formulation, three main nonlinearities, namely the Schottky-barrier capacitance, the transconductance and the draincon-ductance, are considered. The coupled nonlinear differential equations are solved under a weak-coupling approximation with the help of the Weierstrassian elliptical function. It is observed that the second harmonic gain is significant afterx/l ≃ 0.7(wherelis the transverse length of the transistor). After this value of x, the amplitude at second-harmonic level increases sharply and follows almost a square-law behavior. It is found that the output drain conductance emerges as a large contributor to harmonic generation. The possibility of an image gate as drain conductivity modulator or phase velocity synchronizer is proposed. It is confirmed that travelling-wave MESFET's can also be used as harmonic generators.  相似文献   

The theory of quasi-phase-matched second-harmonic generation is presented in both the space domain and the wave vector mismatch domain. Departures from ideal quasi-phase matching in periodicity, wavelength, angle of propagation, and temperature are examined to determine the tuning properties and acceptance bandwidths for second-harmonic generation in periodic structures. Numerical examples are tabulated for periodically poled lithium niobate. Various types of errors in the periodicity of these structures are then analyzed to find their effects on the conversion efficiency and on the shape of the tuning curve. This analysis is useful for establishing fabrication tolerances for practical quasi-phase-matched devices. A method of designing structures having desired phase-matching tuning curve shapes is also described. The method makes use of varying domain lengths to establish a varying effective nonlinear coefficient along the interaction length  相似文献   

Nonlinear optical glasses for ultrafast optical switches   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper we report degenerate four-wave-mixing measurements of the nonlinear coefficient of rutile and a number of optical glasses at 1.06 μm. We define a figure of merit which measures the suitability of a material for nonlinear waveguide switches and show that the best glasses have figures of merit substantially higher than any other material. We include a brief discussion of the types of switching elements that could be made with these materials.  相似文献   

An X-band rising sun harmonic-generator magnetron has been developed. In order to obtain enhanced second harmonic output power, the magnetron was designed so that the resonant frequency of the second-order π mode was twice the frequency of the first-order π mode. Second harmonic efficiency, the ratio of second harmonic output power to input power, was strongly magnetic field dependent. Large values of second harmonic efficiency and output power occurred for operation in the "valley of efficiency" of the rising sun anode, i.e., for magnetic fields near B=13,000/λ1gauss where λ1is the wavelength of the first-order π mode. Maximum second harmonic efficiency and output power at λ2=1.69 cm were 13 per cent and 46 kw, respectively. For operation at these magnetic fields the ratio of generated second harmonic to fundamental power was of the order unity. This large power ratio can be understood in terms of a phase shift between the fundamental voltage and the current which drives it, together with a modified rotating wave hypothesis where a waving motion, caused by the Γ=0 Hartree component of the azimuthal electric field, is superimposed on the conventional rotation of the space-charge spokes.  相似文献   

High-order harmonic generation in plasmas   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The phenomenon of harmonic generation by electrons oscillating in high-intensity laser fields is surveyed and assessed as a means of producing short-wavelength radiation. Starting from the seminal early work by Sarachik and Schappert (1970), simple motivatory examples are given of incoherent harmonic generation via nonlinear scattering from single electrons. More recent studies aimed at observing the coherent version of this effect in underdense plasmas are then reviewed and some problems noted in distinguishing these harmonics from those produced via the analogous nonlinear mechanism from bound electrons in rare gases. Finally, the revival of interest in harmonics reflected from overdense plasmas is considered. Short-pulse laser-generated “surface” harmonics appear to offer a very promising, compact, and efficient means of upshifting coherent radiation to sub-10-nm wavelengths  相似文献   

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