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红外技术为现代社会提供了包括遥感、成像、计量、产品检验、环境监测及生物医学诊断等诸多领域的应用价值.第三代红外光电探测器对易制造、低成本、可调节的红外光电材料的需求,推动了红外量子点的发展.本文阐述红外量子点的制备方法,概述了红外胶体量子点探测器研究发展历程,并列举了红外胶体量子点在光电领域的代表性研究成果.最后对红外量子点光电探测器研究进展进行了总结,提出了几个亟待解决的研究问题.为红外量子点探测器商业化提出了指导.  相似文献   

高国龙 《红外》2003,(4):43-43,47
一、用于高速应用的光电探测器 1.用于光信息处理的光电子元部件(特邀论文)(M.R.Taghizaden,英国Heriot-Watt大学) 2.高速视频存储器中的光纤时钟分钟分布(P.B.Kosel等,美国辛辛那提大学) 3.用于10Gbit/s数据通信的GaAs PIN光电探测器(L.Dillner等,瑞典Zarlink半导体AB公司) 4.用一种扩散结制备的新颖锗光电探测器(C.B.Morrison等,美国Spectrolab公司)  相似文献   

近红外聚合物光电探测器的光电特性灵活可调、与柔性基板兼容性好、制备工艺简单且成本低,在航空、军事、工业、医疗等领域具有较大应用前景。近红外聚合物光电探测器的结构类型包括光电导体、光电二极管及光电晶体管,其中光电二极管的研究最为广泛。本文对近红外聚合物光电二极管(near-infrared polymer photodiodes,NIR PPD)的研究进展进行综述:首先,介绍了NIR PPD的光电转换原理;其次,分别从新材料合成和器件结构设计角度,详细讨论了在改善NIR PPD性能方面取得的重要进展;最后,总结全文并提出当前NIR PPD研究存在的挑战及其发展前景。  相似文献   

二维材料中的新量子态对凝聚态物理和现代光电器件的发展具有重要意义。然而具有宽带、室温和快速响应能力的太赫兹光电探测技术,由于缺乏暗电流和光吸收之间的最佳平衡,仍然面临着巨大的挑战。在这项研究中,作者合成了新型拓扑绝缘体材料GeBi4Te7,并搭建了其与Bi2Te3的范德华异质结,以实现高灵敏度的太赫兹光电探测器。在平面金属-材料-金属结构中实现了在室温下将低光子能量太赫兹波段直接转化为光电流。结果表明,基于Bi2Te3-GeBi4Te7的太赫兹光电探测器能够实现0.02~0.54 THz的宽谱探测,且具有很高的光响应率(在0.112、0.27、0.5 THz下分别为592 V·W-1、203 V·W-1、40 V·W-1),响应时间小于6μs。值得注意的是,它被用于高频太赫兹的成像应用演示。这些结果为Bi2Te3  相似文献   

光电探测器在许多应用中发挥着关键作用,例如遥感、夜视、侦察、医学成像、热成像和化学检测。随着光电探测任务的逐渐复杂化,工作在不同波段的光电探测器逐渐被集成用于对同一场景的宽光谱探测。受限于集成系统的体积和任务模块,常规的宽谱探测任务往往需要多个不同波段的探测器协同工作,极大增加了系统复杂度,因此具有超宽带探测(紫外-可见-红外-太赫兹)能力的光电探测器逐渐成为国际研究的前沿热点。但是迄今为止,有关超宽带光电探测器的综述还没有见诸报道。因此,本文系统整理了超宽带光电探测器在过去十年的研究进展。文章首先介绍了衡量光电探测器响应性能的指标以及常见光电探测器的主要类型,在此基础上重点回顾了不同类型超宽带光电探测器的研究进展、发展现状、面临的挑战,并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

随着现有社会的不断发展,对光电探测器的需求不断提高,但现有传统材料探测器的发展已进入瓶颈期,亟需新材料的出现,使光电探测器得到进一步的发展.石墨烯等新型二维材料相比于传统材料,具有可做成原子级尺寸、能带可调、具有柔韧性等突出优点.可满足当今社会对光电探测器性能,尺寸等方面更高需求.因此二维材料光电探测器被广泛研究,取得...  相似文献   

现代激光科学研究、核爆模拟、惯性约束核聚变(ICF)研究等领域需要测量半宽度100ps左右的超高速激光脉冲。超高速光电探测器就是探测光信号并转换成相应电脉冲的有力工具。  相似文献   

基于平面角谱扩展法和4×4矩阵传输理论,研究了拉盖尔-高斯光束(LGB)在含拓扑绝缘体(TI)周期性层状薄膜中的反射和透射特性,对线偏振的LGB入射到周期性层状薄膜中的反射场和透射场的强度分布进行了分析和详细讨论。研究结果表明,TI的拓扑磁电极化率(TMEP)和薄膜的周期个数对强度分布有很大影响,通过改变TMEP或周期个数可以操纵涡旋光的光场。所提方法不仅可以推广到其他含TI的多层介质体系,而且对进一步研究TI光子晶体中的光子能带结构和带隙具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

Non‐invasive local probes are needed to characterize bulk defects in binary and ternary chalcogenides. These defects contribute to the non‐ideal behavior of topological insulators. The bulk electronic properties are studied via 125Te NMR in Bi2Te3, Sb2Te3, Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3, Bi2Te2Se, and Bi2Te2S. A distribution of defects gives rise to asymmetry in the powder lineshapes. The Knight shift, line shape, and spin‐lattice relaxation are investigated in terms of how they affect carrier density, spin‐orbit coupling, and phase separation in the bulk. The present study confirms that the ordered ternary compound Bi2Te2Se is the best topological insulator candidate material at the present time. These results, which are in good agreement with transport and angle‐resolved photoemission spectroscopy studies, help establish the NMR probe as a valuable method to characterize the bulk properties of these materials.  相似文献   

Despite their huge application capabilities, millimeter‐ and terahertz‐wave photodetectors still face challenges in the detection scheme. Topological insulators (TIs) are predicted to be promising candidates for long‐wavelength photodetection, due to the presence of Dirac fermions in their topologically protected surface states. However, photodetection based on TIs is usually hindered by the large dark current, originating from the mixing of bulk states with topological surface states (TSSs) in most realistic samples of TIs. Here millimeter and terahertz detectors based on a subwavelength metal–TI–metal (MTM) heterostructure are demonstrated. The achieved photoresponse stems from the asymmetric scattering of TSS, driven by the localized surface plasmon‐induced terahertz field, which ultimately produces direct photocarriers beyond the interband limit. The device enables high responsivity in both the self‐powered and bias modes even at room temperature. The achieved responsivity is over 75 A/W, with response time shorter than 60 ms in the self‐powered mode. Remarkably, the responsivity increases by several orders of magnitude in the biased configuration, with the noise‐equivalent power (NEP) of 3.6 × 10?13 W Hz?1/2 and a detectivity of 2.17 × 1011 cm Hz?1/2 W?1 at room temperature. The detection performances open a way toward realistic exploitation of TIs for large‐area, real‐time imaging within long‐wavelength optoelectronics.  相似文献   

Nanoelectronics is in urgent demand of exceptional device architecture with ultrathin thickness below 10 nm and dangling‐bond‐free surface to break through current physical bottleneck and achieve new record of integration level. The advance in 2D van der Waals materials endows scientists with new accessibility. This study reports an all‐layered 2D Bi2Te3‐SnSe‐Bi2Te3 photodetector, and the broadband photoresponse of the device from ultraviolet (370 nm) to near‐infrared (808 nm) is demonstrated. In addition, the optimized responsivity reaches 5.5 A W?1, with the corresponding eternal quantum efficiency of 1833% and detectivity of 6 × 1010 cm Hz1/2 W?1. These figures‐of‐merits are among the best values of the reported all‐layered 2D photodetectors, which are several orders of magnitude higher than those of the previous SnSe photodetectors. The superior device performance is attributed to the synergy of highly conductive surface state of Bi2Te3 topological insulator, perfect band alignment between Bi2Te3 and SnSe as well as small interface potential fluctuation. Meanwhile, the all‐layered 2D device is further constructed onto flexible mica substrate and its photoresponse is maintained roughly unchanged upon 60 bending cycles. The findings represent a fundamental scenario for advancement of the next generation high performance and high integration level flexible optoelectronics.  相似文献   

Contrary to the conventional belief that the consideration for topological insulators (TIs) as potential thermoelectrics is due to their excellent electrical properties benefiting from the topological surface states, this work shows that the 3D weak TIs, formed by alternating stacks of quantum spin Hall layers and normal insulator (NI) layers, can also be decent thermoelectrics because of their focus on minimum thermal conductivity. The minimum lattice thermal conductivity is experimentally confirmed in Bi14Rh3I9 and theoretically predicted for Bi2TeI at room temperature. It is revealed that the topologically “trivial” NI layers play a surprisingly critical role in hindering phonon propagation. The weak bonding in the NI layers gives rise to significantly low sound velocity, and the localized low‐frequency vibrations of the NI layers cause strong acoustic–optical interactions and lattice anharmonicity. All these features are favorable for the realization of exceptionally low lattice thermal conductivity, and therefore present remarkable opportunities for developing high‐performance thermoelectrics in weak TIs.  相似文献   

2D material based photodetectors have attracted many research projects due to their unique structures and excellent electronic and optoelectronic properties. These 2D materials, including semimetallic graphene, semiconducting black phosphorus, transition metal dichalcogenides, insulating hexagonal boron nitride, and their various heterostructures, show a wide distribution in bandgap values. To date, hundreds of photodetectors based on 2D materials have been reported. Here, a review of photodetectors based on 2D materials covering the detection spectrum from ultraviolet to infrared is presented. First, a brief insight into the detection mechanisms of 2D material photodetectors as well as introducing the figure‐of‐merits which are key factors for a reasonable comparison between different photodetectors is provided. Then, the recent progress on 2D material based photodetectors is reviewed. Particularly, the excellent performances such as broadband spectrum detection, ultrahigh photoresponsivity and sensitivity, fast response speed and high bandwidth, polarization‐sensitive detection are pointed out on the basis of the state‐of‐the‐art 2D photodetectors. Initial applications based on 2D material photodetectors are mentioned. Finally, an outlook is delivered, the challenges and future directions are discussed, and general advice for designing and realizing novel high‐performance photodetectors is given to provide a guideline for the future development of this fast‐developing field.  相似文献   

2D InSe is one of the semimetal chalcogenides that has been recently given attention thanks to its excellent electrical properties, such as high mobility near 1000 cm2 V−1 s−1 and moderate band gap of ≈1.26 eV suitable for IR detection. Here, high-performance visible to near-infrared (470–980 nm wavelength (λ)) photodetectors using surface-doped InSe as a channel and few-layer graphenes (FLG) as electrodes are reported, where the InSe top region is relatively p-doped using AuCl3. The surface-doped InSe photodetectors show outstanding performance, achieving a photoresponsivity (R) of ≈19 300 A W−1 and a detectivity (D*) of ≈3 × 1013 Jones at λ = 470 nm, and R of ≈7870 A W−1 and D* of ≈1.5 × 1013 Jones at λ = 980 nm, superior to previously reported 2D material-based IR photodetectors operating without an applied gate bias. Surface doping using AuCl3 renders a band bending at the junction between the InSe surface and the top FLG contact, which facilitates electron-hole pair separation and immediate photodetection. Multiple doped or undoped InSe photodetectors with different device structures are investigated, providing insight into the photodetection mechanism and optimizing performance. Encapsulation with hexagonal boron nitride dielectric also allows for 3-month stability.  相似文献   

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