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为解决实际测试中轧机传动系统关键点处动态扭矩不易同时测量的难题,提出一种扭振信号拓扑网络的轧机动态扭矩测量方法。通过把扭振计算的力矩和转角位移看作系统的输入输出信号,依据拓扑思想,建立信号之间的扭振信号拓扑网络模型。把有限实测点的测试数据代入扭振信号拓扑网络模型,可获得传动系统中其它关键点处的扭振参数值。轧机实际现场扭矩测试和数据分析处理结果验证了理论推导的正确性。这为轧机现场监测中不易同时布置传感器且非同轴的关键测点的振动参量获取提供了有效方法。通过编制程序可以实现轧机扭振在线监测和故障分析,从而保证轧机正常平稳运行。  相似文献   

轧机减速机振动测试与故障分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对轧机减速机出现振动大、运行状况异常现象,采取振动测试的方法,对减速机进行了全面的测试。并对振动故障进行了准确的诊断。  相似文献   

本文给出了AR模型MEM法的基本理论,通过实例证明这种方法得到的功率谱出较光滑,并且不需要预先知道信号的频率幅值等信息,适合于不以信号处理为研究方向的科研人员和现场操作人员用来分析轧机信号。  相似文献   

孔令强  彭善忠  左发 《硅谷》2012,(4):152-152
对型钢轧机中,国产SWC620十字万向接轴运行中存在的故障进行诊断分析,通过对其进行优化改进,有效地提高国产SWC620接轴使用寿命。  相似文献   

考虑轧机万向接轴倾角产生附加动态弯矩影响,建立了万向接轴倾角影响下板带轧机垂扭耦合振动模型。采用多尺度法得到该轧机耦合系统的主共振幅频方程;并采用奇异性理论分析了该耦合振动系统的分岔特性,得到了系统的转迁集及不同分岔形态的条件。采用1780轧机实际参数,分析了接轴倾角、轧制力参数、接轴扭转刚度以及外扰力等对轧机垂直和扭转方向主共振幅频特性的影响,为进一步抑制轧机振动提供理论参考。  相似文献   

通过对轧制不同规格钢板的轧制力、轧制扭矩、转速、压下量、轧制电流及轧机刚度等动态参数的测试,获取了轧制过程的完整信息.本文融合轧制力、轧制扭矩和轧制电流信息,研究该机主传动系统在冲击载荷下的响应特性;研究结果表明该机现行轧制工艺及设备状况存在诸多问题;研究结论对开展轧机多源信息状态监测和故障诊断方法研究有指导意义.  相似文献   

针对南钢2800mm中厚板轧机精轧机主传动系统存在的振动现象,对主传动轴、轴承座和轧辊平衡油缸的振动信号进行测试、小波消噪和处理分析,寻找板形和设备安全的影响因素。结果表明,主传动轴上存在较高能量的频率值,应通过合理控制轧机的转速来防止共振和设备损坏;在0.1~1.5的中频段,轧辊平衡油缸动态刚度减小、动态柔度增加,油缸压力产生剧烈振动,影响板形和设备安全,可通过增加液压缸刚度来解决。  相似文献   

设计了一套拉伸冲击加载装置,配合测试系统,可以对动态拉伸加载下的材料的力学性能进行研究。实测的结果表明该装置是有效的。  相似文献   

考虑轧机万向接轴倾角产生附加动态弯矩影响,建立了万向接轴倾角影响下板带轧机垂扭耦合振动模型。采用多尺度法得到该轧机耦合系统的主共振幅频方程;并采用奇异性理论分析了该耦合振动系统的分岔特性,得到了系统的转迁集及不同分岔形态的条件。采用1780轧机实际参数,分析了接轴倾角、轧制力参数、接轴扭转刚度以及外扰力等对轧机垂直和扭转方向主共振幅频特性的影响,为进一步抑制轧机振动提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Chatter marks on the surface of a rolled steel strip may seriously affect the final product quality. It is still difficult to discover the generation mechanism of chatter marks and develop an effective method to identify chatter marks. In this paper a rolling force fluctuation model is proposed based on the variation of the rolling force between the forward and backward skid area. A dynamic model coupling vertical and horizontal vibrations is also established to analyze the vibration characteristics of a Sendzimir twenty-high cold roll mill based on the rolling force fluctuation model. Good agreement between the simulated results and the experimental results verifies the effectiveness of the established models. Furthermore, various rolling forces and rolling speeds are taken into consideration in analyzing the vibration characteristics. The proposed models provide clear theoretical support for better comprehension of the mechanism of chatter mark generation.  相似文献   

Reliability centred maintenance (RCM) is a new strategic framework for ensuring that any asset continues to perform, as its users want it to perform. RCM is a process used to determine the maintenance requirement of any physical asset in its operating context. RCM process entails asking seven questions about each of the selected assets. It makes use of two documents namely, RCM information worksheet and RCM decision worksheet. RCM decision diagram integrates all the decision processes into a single strategic framework. RCM concept developed by US commercial airlines industry has been successfully implemented by Military, Navy, Nuclear power plants, electric power generation and distribution undertakings and several other sectors. These projects have been carried out in the United Kingdom, The Republic of Ireland, the United States, Hong Kong, Australia, Spain and Singapore. The fact that people has enthusiastically received RCM at all levels and has enabled users to achieve some remarkable successes in all of these countries, suggests that it can be universally employed. Literature review indicates that RCM approach is not conventionally applied in process industries in India. Presently, predictive maintenance (PDM) approach along with conventional preventive maintenance is used in continuous/process industries. This approach if implemented in totality will increase the production cost to a large degree and make the production uneconomical. Similarly breakdown maintenance (BDM) approach cannot be applied in such industries as each breakdown involves huge costs. RCM approach is a compromise between PDM and BDM approach for optimising the cost and ensuring the availability of machine.The RCM approach has been applied to the tilting table system of rolling mill for the research work reported in this paper. In the present study, preventive maintenance tasks suggested for power transmission subsystem, guiding and transportation subsystem and hydraulic subsystem in tilting tables are 14 scheduled on-condition tasks, 10 scheduled on-restoration tasks, seven scheduled discard task. Whereas for 14 failure modes no scheduled maintenance has been proposed. Existing maintenance schedule for tilting tables indicates the maintenance action as and when required. Hence RCM based schedule specifies that additional preventive maintenance tasks need to be executed as compared to none initially. Cost incurred for this can be offset from the savings accrued from reduction in loss of production due to repetitive breakdowns. The methodology of RCM adopted in western industries cannot be applied as it is to Indian industries because of labour oriented nature, partially computerised information systems, non-availability of the information about cost of loss of production due to breakdown and age-reliability pattern of equipment, insufficient maintenance database. These problems can be overcome by development of sound MMIS, formulation of RCM review group and imparting suitable training to acquire the relevant skills in RCM. Thus RCM methodology can be applied to Indian industry for reduction of breakdowns as well as optimisation of preventive maintenance cost. This can further boost up the prospects of Indian industry to offer the products at globally competitive prices.  相似文献   

 愈来愈多的轧机使用厂家提出了对轧机专用清洗设备的需求,受一大型钢铁公司的委托,设计研制了轧机清洗机设备--往复式轧机清洗机。介绍了往复式轧钢机清洗机的研制了开发意义和应用场合,轧钢机清洗机的总体布局和结构特点,及其工作原理和工作过程  相似文献   

《Advanced Powder Technology》2020,31(5):2079-2091
The production capacity of the large-scale ball mill in the concentrator is a crucial factor affecting the subsequent separation and the economic benefits of the operation. The main aim of this study is to improve the processing capacity of the large-scale ball mill. Taking a Φ5.49 × 8.83 m ball mill as the research object, the reason for the low processing capacity of the ball mill was explored via process mineralogy, physicochemical analysis, workshop process investigation, and the power consumption method. Based on this framework, a series of laboratory grinding optimization tests were conducted and verified via industrial tests. The results show that the ore primarily contained hematite and magnetite, the disseminated particle size of magnetite was primarily a coarse-grained inlay that was easy to separate from gangue, while the disseminated particle size of hematite was primarily an uneven and medium-sized inlay, which increased the grinding difficulty. Under optimum conditions of +6.0 mm material suitable for a 100 mm ball diameter, −6.0 + 2.0 mm material suitable for an 80 mm ball diameter, −2.0 mm material suitable for a 70 mm ball diameter; medium ratio of Φ90 mm 34.62%, Φ70 mm 26.92%, Φ60 mm 23.08%, Φ40 mm 15.38%; filling ratio of 32%; material ball ratio of 1.0; rotation speed rate of 80%; and grinding concentration of 78%, the −0.074 mm content in the grinding product increased from 55.10% to 58.86% and the processing capacity of the ball mill increased from 310 to 320 t/h to 350 t/h. Scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDS) micrograph analysis shows that the fineness of the ore and dissociation degree of useful minerals were apparently improved by optimizing the process and equipment.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the experimental determination and statistical analysis of dynamic fracture toughness values of ductile cast iron. KId data from 140 mm thick single edge bend specimens of two dynamic fracture toughness test series on ductile cast iron from heavy-walled castings were analysed.At first, the statistical analysis of data at −40 °C was done based on ASME Code Case N-670 using a two-parameter Weibull distribution function. Weibull analyses of three samples covering different pearlite contents (?4%, ?9%, ?20%) were performed and characteristics of the distribution functions as well as two-sided confidence intervals were calculated. The calculated characteristics show that KId of ductile cast iron decreases with increasing pearlite content.In a second step, the applicability of the Master curve procedure according to ASTM E 1921 to ductile cast iron materials was investigated and it was formally used for statistical analysis of ductile cast iron dynamic fracture toughness data. Although the Master curve method was originally introduced for static fracture toughness data of ferritic steels, the successful individual analyses performed here support the engineering way taken to apply the method to ductile cast iron materials too. The results of both methods, the Master curve procedure and the ASME Code Case N-670, show acceptable congruity. At the same time, it is concluded from the present study that further investigations and experiments are required to improve precision and for verification before the results could be applied within component safety analyses.  相似文献   

针对传统动态测试用时较长的问题,提出基于伪随机信号相关辨识的动态测试方法.对比传统仪器设备的动态测试方法,阐述基于伪随机信号(m序列)相关辨识的动态测试方法的整体结构,推导出离散系统脉冲响应估计的递推公式;基于估计的脉冲响应序列,应用Hankel矩阵法获得被测对象的传递函数以及幅频与相频特性.通过将估计的传递函数与实际标准化仪器设备的传递函数进行对比,验证该方法的正确性与精确性,且该方法具有用时少的优点.  相似文献   

对于滚动轴承寿命及可靠性试验,在不进行国家规定的寿命试验时,为节约样品成本与试验成本,一般所选的样本量较小.然而使用方或生产方希望能在样本数量与失效数量均较少的情况下,在一定精度下能定量客观地给出被试轴承的形状参数及可靠度、平均寿命等可靠性指标.为此,利用Bayes方法,依据滚动轴承寿命服从二参数Weibull分布的特点,选用无信息先验分布,根据试验数据,给出被试轴承形状参数与可靠度的点估计及形状参数、可靠度、可靠寿命与平均寿命的区间估计.为小样本少失效条件下滚动轴承可靠性的定量评价提供了有效方法.  相似文献   

通过ANSYS对3T精密轧钢机用不同直径轧辊在轧制同截面轧件轧制过程的有限元分析,揭示了在轧制过程中应力及轧制力随轧辊直径变化的分布规律,对轧辊的改进设计具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Matlab在机车车辆动力学试验数据处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机车车辆动力学试验是对铁路机车车辆的动力学性能进行检验的一项重要试验.试验方案多、信号通道多、数据量大是这种试验的特点.依据采集到的试验数据进行动力学性能指标——平稳性指标的计算和求取各信号的最大值和最大平均值是试验数据处理的主要工作之一.在试验数据处理中将涉及到数据分段、分段FFT、多段频谱求平均以及信号滤波等的处理.运用Matlab语言的矩阵运算功能和强大的数据处理函数包进行试验数据处理,其程序简洁、调试方便,大大提高了工作效率.  相似文献   

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