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This paper presents some tentative experiments in using a special case of rewriting rules in Mizar (Mizar homepage: http://www.mizar.org/): rewriting a term as its subterm. A similar technique, but based on another Mizar mechanism called functor identification (Korni?owicz 2009) was used by Caminati, in his paper on basic first-order model theory in Mizar (Caminati, J Form Reason 3(1):49–77, 2010, Form Math 19(3):157–169, 2011). However for this purpose he was obligated to introduce some artificial functors. The mechanism presented in the present paper looks promising and fits the Mizar paradigm.  相似文献   

We propose a formal approach for the definition and analysis of domain-specific modelling languages (dsml). The approach uses standard model-driven engineering artifacts for defining a language’s syntax (using metamodels) and its operational semantics (using model transformations). We give formal meanings to these artifacts by translating them to the Maude language: metamodels and models are mapped to equational specifications, and model transformations are mapped to rewrite rules between such specifications, which are also expressible in Maude due to Maude’s reflective capabilities. These mappings provide us, on the one hand, with abstract definitions of the mde concepts used for defining dsml, which naturally capture their intended meanings; and, on the other hand, with equivalent executable definitions, which can be directly used by Maude for formal verification. We also study a notion of operational semantics-preserving model transformations, which are model transformations between two dsml that ensure that each execution of a transformed instance is matched by an execution of the original instance. We propose a semi-decision procedure, implemented in Maude, for checking the semantics-preserving property. We also show how the procedure can be adapted for tracing finite executions of the transformed instance back to matching executions of the original one. The approach is illustrated on xspem, a language for describing the execution of activities constrained by time, precedence, and resource availability.  相似文献   

The theory of hybrid systems is well-established as a model for real-world systems consisting of continuous behaviour and discrete control. In practice, the behaviour of such systems is also subject to uncertainties, such as measurement errors, or is controlled by randomised algorithms. These aspects can be modelled and analysed using stochastic hybrid systems. In this paper, we present HModest, an extension to the Modest modelling language—which is originally designed for stochastic timed systems without complex continuous aspects—that adds differential equations and inclusions as an expressive way to describe the continuous system evolution. Modest is a high-level language inspired by classical process algebras, thus compositional modelling is an integral feature. We define the syntax and semantics of HModest and show that it is a conservative extension of Modest that retains the compositional modelling approach. To allow the analysis of HModest models, we report on the implementation of a connection to recently developed tools for the safety verification of stochastic hybrid systems, and illustrate the language and the tool support with a set of small, but instructive case studies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the relation among Answer Set Programming (ASP) systems from a computational point of view. We consider smodels, dlv, and cmodels ASP systems based on stable model semantics, the first two being native ASP systems and the last being a SAT-based system. We first show that smodels, dlv, and cmodels explore search trees with the same branching nodes (assuming, of course, a same branching heuristic) on the class of tight logic programs. Leveraging on the fact that SAT-based systems rely on the deeply studied Davis–Logemann–Loveland (dll) algorithm, we derive new complexity results for the ASP procedures. We also show that on nontight programs the SAT-based systems are computationally different from native procedures, and the latter have computational advantages. Moreover, we show that native procedures can guarantee the “correctness” of a reported solution when reaching the leaves of the search trees (i.e., no stability check is needed), while this is not the case for SAT-based procedures on nontight programs. A similar advantage holds for dlv in comparison with smodels if the “well-founded” operator is disabled and only Fitting’s operator is used for negative inferences. We finally study the “cost” of achieving such advantages and comment on to what extent the results presented extend to other systems.  相似文献   

A DIN Kernel LISP Draft (DKLisp) has been developed by DIN as Reaction to Action D1 (N79), short term goal, of ISO WG16. It defines a subset language, as compatible as possible with the ANSICommon-Lisp draft, but also with theEuLisp draft. It combines the most important LISP main stream features in a single, compact, but nevertheless complete language definition, which thereby could be well suited as basis for a short term InternationalLisp Standard. Besides the functional and knowledge processing features, the expressive power of the language is well comparable with contemporary procedural languages, as e.g. C++ (of course without libraries). Important features ofDKLisp are:
  • to be a “Lisp-1,” but allowing an easy “Lisp-2” transformation;
  • to be a simple, powerful and standardized educationalLisp;
  • to omit all features, which are unclean or in heavy discussion;
  • DKLisp programs run nearly unchanged inCommon-Lisp;
  • DKLisp contains a simple object and package system;
  • DKLisp contains those data classes and control structures also common to most modernLisp and non-Lisp languages;
  • DKLisp offers a simple stream I/O;
  • DKLisp contains a clean unified hierarchical class/type system;
  • DKLisp contains the typical “Lisp-features” in an orthogonal way;
  • DKLisp allows and encourages really small but powerful implementations;
  • DKLisp comes in levels, so allowing ANSICommon-Lisp to be an extension ofDKLisp level-1.
  • The present is the second version of the proposal, namely version 1.2, with slight differences with respect to the one sent to ISO. Sources of such changes were the remarks generously sent by many readers of the previous attempt.  相似文献   

    A circle graph is the intersection graph of a set of chords in a circle. Keil [Discrete Appl. Math., 42(1):51–63, 1993] proved that Dominating Set, Connected Dominating Set, and Total Dominating Set are NP-complete in circle graphs. To the best of our knowledge, nothing was known about the parameterized complexity of these problems in circle graphs. In this paper we prove the following results, which contribute in this direction:
    • Dominating Set, Independent Dominating Set, Connected Dominating Set, Total Dominating Set, and Acyclic Dominating Set are W[1]-hard in circle graphs, parameterized by the size of the solution.
    • Whereas both Connected Dominating Set and Acyclic Dominating Set are W[1]-hard in circle graphs, it turns out that Connected Acyclic Dominating Set is polynomial-time solvable in circle graphs.
    • If T is a given tree, deciding whether a circle graph G has a dominating set inducing a graph isomorphic to T is NP-complete when T is in the input, and FPT when parameterized by t=|V(T)|. We prove that the FPT algorithm runs in subexponential time, namely $2^{\mathcal{O}(t \cdot\frac{\log\log t}{\log t})} \cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}$ , where n=|V(G)|.

    The uml Profile for Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded (RTE) systems has recently been adopted by the OMG. Its Time Model extends the informal and simplistic Simple Time package proposed by Unified Modeling Language (UML2) and offers a broad range of capabilities required to model RTE systems including discrete/dense and chronometric/logical time. The Marte specification introduces a Time Structure inspired from several time models of the concurrency theory and proposes a new clock constraint specification language (ccsl) to specify, within the context of the uml, logical and chronometric time constraints. A semantic model in ccsl is attached to a (uml) model to give its timed causality semantics. In that sense, ccsl is comparable to the Ptolemy environment, in which directors give the semantics to models according to predefined models of computation and communication. This paper focuses on one historical model of computation of Ptolemy [Synchronous Data Flow (SDF)] and shows how to build SDF graphs by combining uml models and ccsl.  相似文献   

    Kermeta is a meta-language for specifying the structure and behavior of graphs of interconnected objects called models. In this paper, we show that Kermeta is relatively suitable for solving three graph-based problems. First, Kermeta allows the specification of generic model transformations such as refactorings that we apply to different metamodels including Ecore, Java, and Uml. Second, we demonstrate the extensibility of Kermeta to the formal language Alloy using an inter-language model transformation. Kermeta uses Alloy to generate recommendations for completing partially specified models. Third, we show that the Kermeta compiler achieves better execution time and memory performance compared to similar graph-based approaches using a common case study. The three solutions proposed for those graph-based problems and their evaluation with Kermeta according to the criteria of genericity, extensibility, and performance are the main contribution of the paper. Another contribution is the comparison of these solutions with those proposed by other graph-based tools.  相似文献   

    The TreeRank algorithm was recently proposed in [1] and [2] as a scoring-based method based on recursive partitioning of the input space. This tree induction algorithm builds orderings by recursively optimizing the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve through a one-step optimization procedure called LeafRank. One of the aim of this paper is the in-depth analysis of the empirical performance of the variants of TreeRank/LeafRank method. Numerical experiments based on both artificial and real data sets are provided. Further experiments using resampling and randomization, in the spirit of bagging and random forests are developed [3, 4] and we show how they increase both stability and accuracy in bipartite ranking. Moreover, an empirical comparison with other efficient scoring algorithms such as RankBoost and RankSVM is presented on UCI benchmark data sets.  相似文献   

    We introduce two hierarchies of unknown ordinal height. The hierarchies are induced by natural fragments of a calculus based on finite types and Gödel’s T, and all the classes in the hierarchies are uniformly defined without referring to explicit bounds. Deterministic complexity classes like logspace, p, pspace, linspace and exp are captured by the hierarchies. Typical subrecursive classes are also captured, e.g. the small relational Grzegorczyk classes ? * 0 , ? * 1 and ? * 2 .  相似文献   

    Due to significant advances in SAT technology in the last years, its use for solving constraint satisfaction problems has been gaining wide acceptance. Solvers for satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) generalize SAT solving by adding the ability to handle arithmetic and other theories. Although there are results pointing out the adequacy of SMT solvers for solving CSPs, there are no available tools to extensively explore such adequacy. For this reason, in this paper we introduce a tool for translating FLATZINC (MINIZINC intermediate code) instances of CSPs to the standard SMT-LIB language. We provide extensive performance comparisons between state-of-the-art SMT solvers and most of the available FLATZINC solvers on standard FLATZINC problems. The obtained results suggest that state-of-the-art SMT solvers can be effectively used to solve CSPs.  相似文献   

    In this article, we formulate and study quantum analogues of randomized search heuristics, which make use of Grover search (in Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pp. 212–219. ACM, New York, 1996) to accelerate the search for improved offsprings. We then specialize the above formulation to two specific search heuristics: Random Local Search and the (1+1) Evolutionary Algorithm. We call the resulting quantum versions of these search heuristics Quantum Local Search and the (1+1) Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm. We conduct a rigorous runtime analysis of these quantum search heuristics in the computation model of quantum algorithms, which, besides classical computation steps, also permits those unique to quantum computing devices. To this end, we study the six elementary pseudo-Boolean optimization problems OneMax, LeadingOnes, Discrepancy, Needle, Jump, and TinyTrap. It turns out that the advantage of the respective quantum search heuristic over its classical counterpart varies with the problem structure and ranges from no speedup at all for the problem Discrepancy to exponential speedup for the problem TinyTrap. We show that these runtime behaviors are closely linked to the probabilities of performing successful mutations in the classical algorithms.  相似文献   

    This article proposes a case study to evaluate the suitability of graph transformation tools for program refactoring. To qualify for this purpose, a graph transformation system must be able to (1) import a graph-based representation of models of Java programs, (2) allow these models to be transformed interactively with well-known program refactorings and (3) export the resulting models in the same graph-based format used as input. The case study aims to enable comparison of various features of graph transformation tools, such as their expressiveness and their ability to interact with the user. The model of Java programs is presented and some examples for translating Java source code into the model are provided. The refactorings selected for the case study are specified in detail.  相似文献   

    The NP-complete Power Dominating Set problem is an “electric power networks variant” of the classical domination problem in graphs: Given an undirected graph G=(V,E), find a minimum-size set P?V such that all vertices in V are “observed” by the vertices in P. Herein, a vertex observes itself and all its neighbors, and if an observed vertex has all but one of its neighbors observed, then the remaining neighbor becomes observed as well. We show that Power Dominating Set can be solved by “bounded-treewidth dynamic programs.” For treewidth being upper-bounded by a constant, we achieve a linear-time algorithm. In particular, we present a simplified linear-time algorithm for Power Dominating Set in trees. Moreover, we simplify and extend several NP-completeness results, particularly showing that Power Dominating Set remains NP-complete for planar graphs, for circle graphs, and for split graphs. Specifically, our improved reductions imply that Power Dominating Set parameterized by |P| is W[2]-hard and it cannot be better approximated than Dominating Set.  相似文献   

    The evolution of the web has outpaced itself: A growing wealth of information and increasingly sophisticated interfaces necessitate automated processing, yet existing automation and data extraction technologies have been overwhelmed by this very growth. To address this trend, we identify four key requirements for web data extraction, automation, and (focused) web crawling: (1) interact with sophisticated web application interfaces, (2) precisely capture the relevant data to be extracted, (3) scale with the number of visited pages, and (4) readily embed into existing web technologies. We introduce OXPath as an extension of XPath for interacting with web applications and extracting data thus revealed—matching all the above requirements. OXPath’s page-at-a-time evaluation guarantees memory use independent of the number of visited pages, yet remains polynomial in time. We experimentally validate the theoretical complexity and demonstrate that OXPath’s resource consumption is dominated by page rendering in the underlying browser. With an extensive study of sublanguages and properties of OXPath, we pinpoint the effect of specific features on evaluation performance. Our experiments show that OXPath outperforms existing commercial and academic data extraction tools by a wide margin.  相似文献   

    The adoption of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in safety-related applications is often avoided because it is difficult to rule out possible misbehaviors with traditional analytical or probabilistic techniques. In this paper we present NeVer, our tool for checking safety of ANNs. NeVer encodes the problem of verifying safety of ANNs into the problem of satisfying corresponding Boolean combinations of linear arithmetic constraints. We describe the main verification algorithm and the structure of NeVer. We present also empirical results confirming the effectiveness of NeVer on realistic case studies.  相似文献   

    S-Net is a declarative coordination language and component technology aimed at radically facilitating software engineering for modern parallel compute systems by near-complete separation of concerns between application (component) engineering and concurrency orchestration. S-Net builds on the concept of stream processing to structure networks of communicating asynchronous components implemented in a conventional (sequential) language. In this paper we present the design, implementation and evaluation of a new and innovative runtime system for S-Net streaming networks. The Front runtime system outperforms the existing implementations of S-Net by orders of magnitude for stress-test benchmarks, significantly reduces runtimes of fully-fledged parallel applications with compute-intensive components and achieves good scalability on our 48-core test system.  相似文献   

    Given a graph with n vertices, k terminals and positive integer weights not larger than c, we compute a minimum Steiner Tree in $\mathcal{O}^{\star}(2^{k}c)$ time and $\mathcal{O}^{\star}(c)$ space, where the $\mathcal{O}^{\star}$ notation omits terms bounded by a polynomial in the input-size. We obtain the result by defining a generalization of walks, called branching walks, and combining it with the Inclusion-Exclusion technique. Using this combination we also give $\mathcal{O}^{\star}(2^{n})$ -time polynomial space algorithms for Degree Constrained Spanning Tree, Maximum Internal Spanning Tree and #Spanning Forest with a given number of components. Furthermore, using related techniques, we also present new polynomial space algorithms for computing the Cover Polynomial of a graph, Convex Tree Coloring and counting the number of perfect matchings of a graph.  相似文献   

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