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随着人们生活水平的提高,消费观念的转变,由追求刺激,醇厚,返朴归真,转而追求啤酒自然,纯净,清爽,淡雅,而冰啤酒正适合了这一消费趋势,1993年加拿大莱伯特(Labatt)公司首先取得冰啤酒发明权和专利权,很快形成规模生产,冰啤酒一经投放市场,立即引进消费者和啤酒爱好者的极大兴趣。随后,欧美,日本,澳大利亚等相继推出自己的冰啤酒,做法上各有特点,冰啤酒上市对唤醒疲软的世界啤酒市场起了积极推动作用。近几年,我国许多多啤酒厂家也开发出具有民族特色的冰啤酒,使啤酒家族中增添一颗耀眼的新星。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,消费观念的转变,由追求刺激、醇厚、返朴归真,转而追求啤酒自然、纯净、清爽、淡雅。而冰啤酒正适合这一消费趋势。1993年加拿大莱伯特(Labatt)公司首先取得冰啤酒发明权和专利权,很快形成规模生产。冰啤酒一经投放市场,立即引起消费者和啤酒爱好者的极大兴趣。随后,欧美、日本、澳大利亚等国相继推出自己的冰啤酒。做法上各有千秋。冰啤酒问世对唤醒疲软的世界啤酒市场起了积极的推动作用。近几年,我国许多啤酒厂也开发出具有民族特色的冰啤酒。使啤酒家族中增添了一颗耀眼的新星。1.冰啤酒的…  相似文献   

易先勇 《中国食品》2010,(15):42-43
炎炎夏日,吃根冰棍、来杯冰激凌,喝杯冰啤酒该是多么惬意,除此外,你还尝过青棉花糖冰激淋、番茄柠檬冰沙、牛奶冰啤酒吗?  相似文献   

夏季天气闷热,朋友们一起小聚难免要喝几杯冰啤酒,爽口又爽心。可是你知道吗,畅饮冰啤酒对身体并不好,在饮用冰啤酒的时候,一定要注意酒的温度不能过低。  相似文献   

“冰啤酒”是一种口味柔和,色泽清亮的啤酒新品种。介绍了“冰啤酒”的糖化、发酵、冷冻结晶工艺过程及技术要点和酿造原理。  相似文献   

冰啤酒是以优质麦芽八米为主要原料,经酵母发酵,含有二氧化碳,起泡,酒精度较高的,经冷冻结晶处理而制成的淡色啤酒。冰啤酒酒体更清亮透明,口味更纯正、柔和,淡雅而清爽,无异味、异香,酒精含量较高,保质期长。1冰啤酒酒基质量要求1.1发酵度高啤酒基本分浓醇型、淡爽型、干爽型三大类。冰啤酒基本属于淡爽型高发酵度啤酒。1.2口味纯正啤酒达到口感纯正、清爽,要求啤酒酒基没有异杂味,如双乙酸味、酵母味、氧化味清皮味及其它异味。苦味爽快而柔和,没有后普及苦涩味,没有甜味。1.3原麦汁浓度适宜一般原麦汁浓度以11~12“P…  相似文献   

康传红  吴国峰  韩晓云  李震 《酿酒》2002,29(4):65-66
对超干啤酒、超鲜啤酒、冰啤酒及普通啤酒的风味成分双乙酰、苦味质及总酸含量进行了对比分析,普通型啤酒双乙酰含量最低,超干型啤酒总酸含量最低,而冰啤酒的苦味质含量最低。这些成分的差别导致了不同类型啤酒具有不同的风味。  相似文献   

介绍冰啤酒酿造工艺,质量控制指标和技术要点。  相似文献   

“汉德”冰啤酒工艺路线的确定冰啤酒自九十年代问世以来,已成为啤酒精品,成为各啤酒厂家求生存、争发展,以新产品来夺市场的重要手段。哈尔滨汉德啤酒设备技术开发有限责任公司(汉德公司),为满足啤酒厂的需要,在无锡轻工业大学的指导下,消化、吸收了国内外经验,...  相似文献   

在当今激烈的啤酒市场竞争中,各种品种的啤酒层出不穷,占据着不同的市场份额.冰啤酒是这些年西方发达国家市场上兴起的一种全新的啤酒品种,由于其口味柔和、纯正、色泽明亮,迅速风靡于欧.洲、美国、加拿大等发达国家与地区.近年来.冰啤酒做为新型啤酒,正逐渐走进  相似文献   

在成品啤酒中含有微量含硫化舍物,包括非挥发性的硫化物和挥发性的硫化物。硫化物是影响啤酒风味的一类重要化合物,在啤酒中适量存在,能使酒体丰满圆润,香气协调;过量硫化物的存在,当啤酒受到光照或氧化时,硫化物不仅使啤酒的口味变差,而且使啤酒发生雾浊。对啤酒硫化物分析中的常规分析法、色谱法和专用性分析方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

啤酒花的化学研究及其和啤酒酿造的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
啤酒花用于啤酒酿造,在增加啤酒苦味的同时可改善啤酒的风味和提高啤酒的泡沫稳定性。随着化学分离和鉴定技术的不断完善,使得可以通过调整使用啤酒花的不同种类和数量来改进啤酒质量。啤酒花中主要化合物对啤酒质量可产生重要的影响,其中,树脂类化舍物,主要是α-酸和β-酸类,可赋予啤酒独特的苦味特征;精油类成分使啤酒具有明显的香味特征;而啤酒花中的多酚可对啤酒的风味及其风味稳定性产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的提高和营养需求的增长,传统工艺生产啤酒已经不能满足人民日益增长的对啤酒品质的需求。现在市场上也出现了将现代技术与传统工艺相结合的功能性植物啤酒,可满足人们对于高品质啤酒的需求。该文综述了苦瓜啤酒、芦荟啤酒、枸杞啤酒几种新型功能性植物啤酒工艺的最新研究进展,以期为其他同类植物啤酒的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the emerging craft beer industry from a consumer preference perspective. The craft beer industry is one of the growing segments in the beverage industry and its increasing popularity also affects individuals’ commercial beer preferences and consumption trends, although no empirical study has yet been carried out in Europe on this topic. Our exploratory study is aimed at comparing the “purely” commercial beer consumer profile with that of commercial beer consumers who have already tasted craft beers. It was observed that aroma and perceived quality, as well as the preference for draft beer, drinking beer frequently or by oneself are all factors that explain the propensity of “purely” commercial beer drinkers to taste craft beer. It was also found that beer consumers’ evaluations of characteristics and brands differed depending on whether they had previously tasted craft beer or not. Moreover, craft beer is chosen according to different flavor preferences compared to commercial beer, it is mainly drunk by frequent beer drinkers in pubs and with family members and it is perceived to be of higher quality than commercial beer due to the raw materials used for brewing and its overall quality. These results can help both new entrepreneurs in the craft beer segment as well as big manufacturing firms in trying to better understand this new consumption trend in order to meet the new needs and preferences of beer consumers.  相似文献   

随着啤酒工业的发展,印度浅色爱尔啤酒(IPA)越来越受消费者的欢迎。酒花赋予啤酒丰富的风味,IPA啤酒的突出特点是酒花香味丰富。该文对IPA中酒花香味物质及其对IPA啤酒香味的影响和其在发酵过程中的变化的最新研究做了全面综述,同时探讨了酒花干投和湿投对IPA口味的影响,并介绍了目前酒花香味物质的分析方法,为今后酒花香气研究者提供参考,以推动啤酒行业发展。  相似文献   

Addition of low molecular weight nitrogenous components, nucleoside (adenosine), nucleotide (AMP), amino acids (glutamic acid, glycine, proline and asparagine) and a tripeptide (glycylglycylglycine) had no effect on the head retention value of beer. Under such conditions of artificial manipulation of the content of low molecular weight beer nitrogenous components no correlation between the nitrogen molecular weight ratio of beer and beer head retention value was observed. Collapsed beer foam was collected and separated into soluble and precipitated fractions. Analysis of collapsed beer foam demonstrated that high molecular weight polypeptide material and isomerised α acids are concentrated in beer foam and are constituents of beer foam precipitate material. Beer foam precipitate material may be stabilised by ionic interactions between polypeptide material and isomerised α acids. Further analysis of beer and collapsed beer foam demonstrated that purine nucleosides are not concentrated in beer foam. Similarly, under conditions simulating beer dispense, amino acids are not concentrated in beer foam. Under strongly selective foaming conditions, such as those encountered in a foam tower, the hydrophobic amino acids, valine, isoleucine, leucine and phenylalanine are concentrated in beer foam.  相似文献   

面对品种单一、低端微利、产量巨大、原料依赖进口的中国啤酒,本文从中国啤酒工业形势、中国水果产业形势、果汁啤酒的发展状况、果汁啤酒发展的必要性、果汁啤酒发展中存在的问题和果汁啤酒技术研发等方面阐述了拥有花色繁多、营养丰富的果汁啤酒的未来市场潜力。啤酒和果汁富含多种营养物质,果汁啤酒的生产一般是以添加果汁或果味香精而酿造的,该产品不仅保持啤酒的风味特征,同时又赋予其水果的风味特征。中国是世界第一大啤酒生产国和最大的水果生产国,但国内果汁啤酒市场状况不如人意,果啤生产还存在许多问题,果汁啤酒的研究正是顺应这一市场要求。本文旨在探讨解决啤酒工业和水果产业的难题,提升我国啤酒行业,丰富啤酒市场,增加果农收入和产品的附加值。  相似文献   

在啤酒的生产过程中添加高纯食品鞣酸可除去啤酒中的敏感蛋白、金属离子和多酚物质,可降低啤酒的浊度,提高啤酒的胶体稳定性,延长啤酒的保质期。实验表明。在过滤时加入鞣酸最好。最佳添加量为20mg/L。鞣酸为提高啤酒非生物和风味稳定性最好的稳定剂。(孙悟)  相似文献   

To investigate differences in protein content, all barley malt beer, wheat/barley malt beer and all wheat malt beer were brewed, and the protein during mashing, wort, fermentation and beer determined. It was shown that protein was mainly extracted during mashing and the protein rest phase, decreased in the early stages of fermentation and remained almost steady during wort boiling and cooling, in the middle and late stages of fermentation. By separating beer foam from beer, similar protein bands of 51.7, 40.0, 27.3, 14.8, 6.5 and < 6.5 kDa appeared in the three beers, defoamed beers and beer foams using the sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Quantitatively, protein bands of 6.5–14.8 and <6.5 kDa had the highest contents in the three beers. Unique bands at 34, 29.2, 23.0, 19.7 and 17.7 kDa were found in beer, defoamed beer and beer foam from wheat beer and all‐wheat malt beer, respectively. Wheat beer foam showed the best foam stability and the protein in all barley malt beer showed the best migration to the foam. The beer foam properties were influenced by not only protein content but also protein characteristics and/or origin. It is suggested that the barley malt contributed the beer foam ‘skeleton protein’ while protein components from wheat malt kept the foam stable. © 2018 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

Major, minor and trace metals are important in beer fermentation since they supply the appropriate environment for yeast growth and influence yeast metabolism. A real concern is the content of copper (Cu) and iron (Fe), which are involved in beer conditioning and ageing through reactions resulting in formation of reactive oxygen species. The reactive oxygen species readily oxidize organic compounds present in beer, changing the quality of foaming and the flavour stability of beer. In view of brewing technology and beer processing, knowledge regarding functions of metals and their speciation in brewing liquors and beer is of special significance. Metals in beer also have a certain nutritional importance, but their actual effect related to beer consumption depends on the type of species they form with low and high molecular mass organic ligands which naturally occur in beer. This review covers the determination and fractionation of metals in beer using atomic spectrometry methods. Special attention is drawn to the role of metals in beer and brewing, possible metal associations, methods of beer preparation before analysis on the total metal content, and approaches to metal partitioning in beer.  相似文献   

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