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太阳能蓄热水箱的温度分层研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太阳能蓄热水箱中形成一定程度上的温度分层有助于提高集热效率,降低传热损失。本文建立了水箱温度分层的理论分析模型,并利用cFD软件模拟了水箱中的流动、换热、温度分层过程,分析了多个因素对温度分层效果的影响,并与实验结果进行了分析和比较,两者较吻合。本文研究方法和结果为进一步优化设计太阳能蓄热水箱提供了依据。  相似文献   

蓄热水箱能够存储和调配能量。将蓄热水箱应用到太阳能热水系统中,可以弥补太阳能的不稳定性和不连续性,有效地提高太阳能热水系统的热利用率。文章基于小型太阳能热水系统,建立蓄热水箱物理模型,应用Fluent软件模拟分析了各个工况下蓄热水箱的温度分层情况,从而寻求较优的温度分层。分析结果表明:当热水入口质量流量小于2.8 kg/s时,蓄热水箱的温度分层比较明显;当热水入口质量流量大于2.8 kg/s时,随着热水入口质量流量逐渐增大,蓄热水箱温度分层越来越不明显;热水入口温度与水箱初始温度对于蓄热水箱温度分层影响不大;当热水入口质量流量为2.8 kg/s时,存在最佳热水入口直径(9 mm),此时蓄热水箱冷、热水不发生混合,蓄热水箱的热利用率较高。  相似文献   

在中国双碳目标的背景下,供热技术的应用备受关注.蓄热水箱作为其所在系统至关重要的组成部分,其蓄释热性能决定性地影响着整个系统的性能.通过模拟来分析进出水管布置方式对迷宫式蓄热水箱的影响,对提高水蓄热的利用率具有一定的价值.  相似文献   

该文设计了一个由顶部稳流器、底部稳流器、2个侧面稳流器以及上部挡水板和下部挡水板组成的蓄热水箱.为了研究蓄热水箱运行时的温度分层效果,用Gambit建立蓄热水箱模型,并且用Fluent分别模拟热泵机组蓄热水箱供暖模式和热泵机组蓄热水箱既蓄热又供暖模式.模拟结果表明,蓄热水箱供热模式可满足持续供热时间为360 min,并...  相似文献   

代兰花  俞天阳 《节能》2022,41(2):20-23
蓄热水箱是太阳能集热系统中的一个重要组成部分,蓄热水箱的蓄热能力直接影响整个太阳能供热系统的效用.本研究以上海地区为背景,以TRNSYS为平台搭建盘管浸没式蓄热水箱仿真系统,建立系统中的主要元件平板型集热器、蓄热水箱的数学模型,提出一种计算分层蓄热水箱所需要的辅助加热源功率的计算方法,从而更加精确量化蓄热水箱内部每层所...  相似文献   

利用相变材料蓄热是提高太阳能系统效率的重要途径之一。为对比分析含相变材料蓄热水箱的性能,选用三水合乙酸钠,搭建了一套蓄热水箱实验系统,在初始水温为80℃、进水温度为20℃的工况下,对比分析不同进口流量下(2、6和10 L/min)相变蓄热水箱的热特性。实验结果表明:相变蓄热水箱的蓄热量较普通水箱增加了1.4%;随着流量的增加,水箱的混合数先减小后增大,火用效率逐渐降低,相变蓄热水箱的填充效率先增大后减小,且在6 L/min时达到最大值0.905。  相似文献   

太阳能地面采暖系统蓄热水箱容积分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过分析太阳能采暖系统所需蓄热鼍与建筑热负荷、太阳能集热量日变化规律之间的关系,得出太阳能采暖系统所需蓄热水箱容积的理论算式.根据拉萨、银川、西宁、西安等地的太阳辐射强度及建筑热负荷的日变化规律,模拟得出系统所需蓄热量变化规律;并对各种蓄热温差下对应的蓄热水箱容积进行了模拟分析,结果表明:太阳能采暖系统所需蓄热量随太阳集热器的集热量与建筑热负荷之间的差值增大而增加;蓄热水箱容积随蓄热温差增大而减小,当蓄热水温达到80℃时,在各种地面采暖系统取水温度下,单位集热器面积所需蓄热水箱容积趋于相等.  相似文献   

相变蓄热水箱可有效调节集热器和负载端之间供求不匹配的矛盾,设计了环形布水器进水结构和蓄热水箱,并搭建相变蓄热水箱性能测试平台,对比直进型蓄热水箱和环形布水器蓄热水箱的温度分层,探究孔隙率、进水流速和变温进水等变量下相变蓄热水箱的热分层和相变球的释热性能。实验研究表明:环形布水器能有效抑制进水水流对温度场的扰动,保持良好的温度分层,使相变球逐层放热,增大相变球与传热流体(HTF)的温差,提高释热效率,保证高温水能够源源不断地提供给用户端;孔隙率越小分层效果越好;流速越大分层效果越差,但是释热效率有所提高;变温进水比恒温进水,释热时间延长约40%。  相似文献   

热水蓄热技术是解决我国热电耦合问题,提高热电系统和电网消纳可再生能源能力的重要手段。通过数值模拟方法研究水箱内置隔板的直径、高度和厚度对热分层特性的影响,基于理查森数、分层数和火用效率等性能指标,得到不同隔板设计尺寸对温度分层的影响规律,并提出隔板的结构优化设计方法。结果表明:内置隔板对水箱内冷热水掺混程度的抑制作用和对水箱内温度分层的改善效果与流体的流动参数及温度密切相关,当隔板高度为19.275 m,直径为10 m,厚度为0.3 m时具有最佳的热分层特性。  相似文献   

Thermal stratification in a mantled hot water storage tank is analysed numerically for different water inlet velocities. The aim is to obtain higher thermal stratification and supply hot water for usage as long as possible. Twelve different water inlet velocities to the hot water storage tank are considered. The numerical method is validated by comparing its results against experimental and numerical results from the literature. It turned out that the results obtained from the numerical analysis have shown very good agreements with the results from previous works. As a result, the water temperature in the tank increases with the increase of the water inlet velocities to the mantle but this increment is not proportional. After a period of operation of 7.2 h, which corresponds to the average sunshine duration in Turkey, temperature increments of 6.5 and 35 K have been estimated for the hot water inlet velocities of 0.01 and 0.3 m s?1, respectively, at a radial distance of 0.1 m and a height of 1 m inside the storage tank. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thermal stratification of cryogenic propellants under the condition of external heat leakage is a dominating factor pressurizing the storage tank, which hinders long-term on-orbit storage missions for future explorations. Whether a thermodynamic venting system or cryocooler is introduced to reduce the boil-off losses or even realize zero boil-off of the cryogens, an efficient mixing and heat-exchanging device is a prerequisite for eliminating thermal stratification. Usually, a subcooled stream is introduced, which is injected into the tank through the nozzles on a spray bar. Early research provided evidence that the cooling effect is related to the arrangement of the nozzles. In contrast to adopting a heavy plate spray bar to realize the temperature profile symmetry along the tank axis, this study proposes an assembly with a rotatable nozzle head to diminish the temperature non-uniformity in the tank. In this manner, over 70% of the spray bar payload can be saved compared to the plate configuration. A three-dimensional model was established to investigate the temperature distribution of liquid hydrogen at zero gravity in a tank containing such a rotatable sprayer, which was passively driven by the counterforce of the injection flow, and therefore excluded an extra power drive demand. The injection inlet velocity, as well as the length and quantity of the nozzle arms, were analyzed parametrically to optimize the destratification performance. By employing the self-spinning sprayer, the standard deviation of the temperature in the tank could be lowered, along with the benefits of a significant payload reduction and elimination of direct power input.  相似文献   

N.M. Brown 《Solar Energy》2011,85(7):1409-1417
Experiments were conducted to investigate the effectiveness of a porous manifold in the formation and maintenance of thermal stratification in a liquid storage tank. A thermal storage tank with a capacity of 315 L and a height-to-radius ratio of 4 was used for the experiment. The porous manifold used was made from rolling up a nylon screen into the shape of a tube. Stratification was observed at a Richardson number as low as 0.615. Flow visualization was also performed to confirm the effectiveness of the porous manifold in the promotion and maintenance of stable thermal stratification. From the results of flow visualization, one can conclude that a porous manifold is able to reduce the shear-induced mixing between fluids of different temperature, and thus is able to promote and maintain a stable stratification.  相似文献   

To the safe space operation of cryogenic storage tank, it is significant to study fluid thermal stratification under external heat leaks. In the present paper, a numerical model is established to investigate the thermal performance in a cryogenic liquid hydrogen tank under sloshing excitation. The interface phase change and the external convection heat transfer are considered. To realize fluid sloshing, the dynamic mesh coupled the volume of fluid (VOF) method is used to predict the interface fluctuations. A sinusoidal excitation is implemented via customized user-defined function (UDF) and applied on tank wall. The grid sensitivity study and the experimental validation of the numerical mode are made. It turns out that the present numerical model can be used to simulate the unsteady process in a non-isothermal sloshing tank. Variations of tank pressure, liquid and vapor mass, fluid temperature and thermal stratification are numerically investigated respectively. The results show that the sinusoidal excitation has caused large influence on thermal performance in liquid hydrogen tank. Some valuable conclusions are arrived, which is important to the depth understanding of the non-isothermal performance in a sloshing liquid hydrogen tank and may supply some technique reference for the methods of sloshing suppression.  相似文献   

在Mudan模型的基础上,建立了着火油罐稳定燃烧时的热辐射模型,并计算了油罐周围辐射热流的水平和垂直分布,得出了其相应条件下的变化趋势。为验证其准确性,与汽油和柴油罐的火灾实验结果对比,吻合程度良好。对于油罐消防安全的工程设计以及火灾中灭火战术的制定都具有指导意义。  相似文献   

To sufficiently store and use high-quality heat energy, thermal stratification is gradually applied in many kinds of energy storage fields such as solar thermal utilization system. Because of the unsteady characteristics of solar radiation, thermal storage becomes very essential in long-term operation of heating load. The wide application of thermal stratification lies in the minimization of the mixing effect by use of the thermal stratification, which is caused by the thermal buoyancy because of the difference of temperature between cold and hot water. According to the review, the conception of thermal stratification allows a wide variety of different design embodiments, which essentially extends the fields of practical application of these devices. In this paper a survey of the various types of thermal stratification tanks and research methods is presented, and reasons of energy storage with efficiency problems related to the applications are introduced and benefits offered by thermal stratification are outlined. The structure designs based on theoretical prediction of thermal-stratified water tank performed at many organizations are introduced and are compared with their experimental results. Finally, the development of the tank with thermal stratification in the future application is predicted.  相似文献   

In this brief note, we have experimentally measured the temperature stratification in a solar hot water storage tank resulting from a simulated solar heating load. Various modifications using a double chimney device that acts as a thermal diode were examined with the intent of maximizing temperature stratification. The greatest stratification was seen with a unique thermal diode arrangement named the express-elevator design, so-called for the direct hot water path from the bottom third of the tank to the top third.  相似文献   

为研究具有内置隔板的太阳能蓄热水箱隔板开孔尺寸及位置对其内部热分层效果的影响,对9种隔板开孔位置的太阳能蓄热水箱内温度场进行了数值分析,结果显示:在相同的流动参数及开孔面积条件下,隔板中心开1个圆孔的水箱热分层效果最好。对于多开孔的水箱,开孔位置对水箱内热分层影响不大,但对蓄热量影响显著。对于隔板中心开1个圆孔的水箱,在不同流动参数条件下,冷、热水出口温差随着冷水入口流速的增大呈先增后减的趋势,当冷水入口流速大于0.9 m/s时,减弱了热分层的稳定性。  相似文献   

In the present study, one CFD model is selected to research the effect of gravity scale on the thermal performance in liquid hydrogen tank. Four gravity levels (1g0, 10?1g0, 10?2g0 and 10?3g0) are compared to recognize the influence of the reduced gravity on fluid thermal stratification. The results show that with the increasing of the gravity level, the vapor temperature distribution becomes more uniform, and the liquid stratum layer develops faster. Compared the CFD results with the results of two stratification theoretical models, the stratum thickness calculated by CFD model is close to the values of Tellep model. While the stratum temperature of CFD model is much closer to that of Reynolds model. With vortex occurring among two slosh baffles, the streamline in the liquid stratum likes a plume. Influenced by the surface tension in reduced gravity, liquid close to the tank wall moves up with the interface becoming curved. The interface area rises with the decrease of gravity. The gravity of 10?1g0 still plays the dominant role with the interface area of 10?1g0 being almost the same as that of 1g0. While for others, the effect of the surface tension shows up gradually.  相似文献   

Ulrike Jordan  Simon Furbo   《Solar Energy》2005,78(2):291-300
Storage tanks with different cold water inlet devices for small Solar Domestic Hot Water (SDHW) systems are compared. The objective of the investigation is to reveal the impact of the cold water inlet device on the thermal stratification in two marketed tanks and to evaluate the possible enhancement in the annual system performance of small solar heating systems. Two different marketed inlet designs are compared, one connected to a small curved plate placed above the inlet tube, the other one connected to a much larger flat plate. The cold domestic water enters the stores in vertical direction from the bottom of the tanks. Temperature measurements were carried out for different operating conditions. It was shown that the thermal stratification inside the two tanks depends differently on the flow rate, the draw-off volume, as well as the initial temperature in the storage tank. To carry out system simulations, a multi-node storage model was used and expanded by an additional input variable to model the mixing behaviour depending on the operating conditions. The inlet device with a comparatively large plate compared to the less favourable design results in an increase of the solar fraction of about 1–3%-points in annual system simulations with a solar fraction of about 60% and fairly large domestic hot water flow rates. This corresponds to a reduction of the auxiliary energy supply of the solar heating system of about 3–7% (58–155 MJ/year) for the investigated solar domestic hot water system.  相似文献   

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