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A nearest neighbor (NN) query, which returns the most similar object to a user-specified query object, plays an important role in a wide range of applications and hence has received considerable attention. In many such applications, e.g., sensor data collection and location-based services, objects are inherently uncertain. Furthermore, due to the ever increasing generation of massive datasets, the importance of distributed databases, which deal with such data objects, has been growing. One emerging challenge is to efficiently process probabilistic NN queries over distributed uncertain databases. The straightforward approach, that each local site forwards its own database to the central server, is communication-expensive, so we have to minimize communication cost for the NN object retrieval. In this paper, we focus on two important queries, namely top-k probable NN queries and probabilistic star queries, and propose efficient algorithms to process them over distributed uncertain databases. Extensive experiments on both real and synthetic data have demonstrated that our algorithms significantly reduce communication cost.  相似文献   

Preference query processing is important for a wide range of applications involving distributed databases, such as network monitoring, web-based systems, and market analysis. In such applications, data objects are generated frequently and massively, which presents an important and challenging problem of continuous query processing over distributed data stream environments. A top-k dominating query, which has been receiving much research attention recently, returns the k data objects that dominate the highest number of data objects in a given dataset, and due to its dominance-based ranking function, we can easily obtain superior data objects. An emerging requirement in distributed stream environments is an efficient technique for continuously monitoring top-k dominating data objects. Despite of this fact, no study has addressed this problem. In this paper, therefore, we address the problem of continuous top-k dominating query processing over distributed data stream environments. We present two algorithms that monitor the exact top-k dominating data and efficiently eliminate unqualified data objects for the result, which reduces both communication and computation costs. In addition to these algorithms, we present an approximate algorithm that further reduces both communication and computation costs. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real data have demonstrated the efficiency and scalability of our algorithms.  相似文献   

As the Internet technology evolves, there is growing need for Internet queries involving multiple information sources. Efficient processing of such queries necessitates the integrated summary data that compactly represents the data distribution of the entire database scattered over many information sources. We propose a new method based on wavelet transform that creates and maintains the integrated summary data by merging multiple instances of summary data, each of which is maintained in an information source. A wavelet-based summary data is easily converted to satisfy conditions for merging. Moreover, the merging process is very simple owing to the shifting and linearity properties of wavelet transform. We formally derive the upper bound of the absolute, square-root, and maximum errors in the integrated wavelet-based summary data. We also show that the integrated summary data can be used for optimizing Internet queries effectively.  相似文献   

The authors discuss various performance issues in distributed query processing. They validate and evaluate the performance of the local reduction (LR) the fragment and replicate strategy (FRS) and the partition and replicate strategy (PRS) optimization algorithms. The experimental results reveal that the choices made by these algorithms concerning which local operations should be performed, which relation should remain fragmented or which relation should be partitioned are valid. It is shown using experimental results that various parameters, such as the number of processing sites, partitioning speed relative to join speed, and sizes of the join relations, affect the performance of PRS significantly. It is also shown that the response times of query execution are affected significantly by the degree of site autonomy, interferences among processes, interface with the local database management systems (DBMSs) and communications facilities. Pipeline strategies for processing queries in an environment where relations are fragmented are studied  相似文献   

Traditionally, distributed query optimization techniques generate static query plans at compile time. However, the optimality of these plans depends on many parameters (such as the selectivities of operations, the transmission speeds and workloads of servers) that are not only difficult to estimate but are also often unpredictable and fluctuant at runtime. As the query processor cannot dynamically adjust the plans at runtime, the system performance is often less than satisfactory. In this paper, we introduce a new highly adaptive distributed query processing architecture. Our architecture can quickly detect fluctuations in selectivities of operations, as well as transmission speeds and workloads of servers, and accordingly change the operation order of a distributed query plan during execution. We have implemented a prototype based on the Telegraph system [Telegragraph project. Available from >]. Our experimental study shows that our mechanism can adapt itself to the changes in the environment and hence approach to an optimal plan during execution.  相似文献   

Most algorithms for determining query processing strategies in distributed databases are static in nature; that is, the strategy is completely determined on the basis of a priori estimates of the size of intermediate results, and it remains unchanged throughout its execution. The static approach may be far from optimal because it denies the opportunity to reschedule operations if size estimates are found to be inaccurate. Adaptive query execution may be used to alleviate this problem. A low overhead delay method is proposed to decide when to correct a strategy. Sampling is used to estimate the size of relations, and alternative heuristic strategies prepared in a background mode are used to decide when to correct. Evaluation using a model of a distributed database indicates that the heuristic strategies are near optimal. Moreover, it also suggests that it is usually correct to abort creation of an intermediate relation which is much larger than predicted  相似文献   

The skyline-join operator, as an important variant of skylines, plays an important role in multi-criteria decision making problems. However, as the data scale increases, previous methods of skyline-join queries cannot be applied to new applications. Therefore, in this paper, it is the first attempt to propose a scalable method to process skyline-join queries in distributed databases. First, a tailored distributed framework is presented to facilitate the computation of skyline-join queries. Second, the distributed skyline-join query algorithm (DSJQ) is designed to process skyline-join queries. DSJQ contains two phases. In the first phase, two filtering strategies are used to filter out unpromising tuples from the original tables. The remaining tuples are transmitted to the corresponding data nodes according a partition function, which can guarantee that the tuples with the same join value are transferred to the same node. In the second phase, we design a scheduling plan based on rotations to calculate the final skyline-join result. The scheduling plan can ensure that calculations are equally assigned to all the data nodes, and the calculations on each data node can be processed in parallel without creating a bottleneck node. Finally, the effectiveness of DSJQ is evaluated through a series of experiments.  相似文献   

在分布式数据库系统中,由于数据的分布和冗余,使得分布式查询处理增加了许多新的内容和复杂性,通过分析现有分布式数据库查询处理技术,根据应用实际提出一种新的查询处理方法,该方法通过将常用查询结果存储在本地来减少查询时的数据传输量,从而缩短了响应时间.实验证明了该方法是有效的.  相似文献   

基于数据仓库的OLAP系统是当前海量多维数据分析的主要工具。随着信息技术的发展,海量多维数据的规模急剧增长,结构日益复杂,OLAP系统的性能严重下降,已经无法满足人们的数据分析需求。基于分布式计算系统Hadoop给出了新的海量多维数据的存储方法和查询方法。设计了HDFS上的列存储文件格式HCFile,基于HCFile给出了海量多维数据存储方案,该方案能够提高聚集计算效率,并有很好的可扩展性。同时,利用多维数据的层次性语义特征,设计了维层次索引,并给出了利用维层次索引和MapReduce进行聚集计算的方法。通过和Hive的对比实验,表明了数据存储方案和查询方法能够有效提高海量多维数据分析的性能。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an intelligent distributed query processing method considering the characteristics of a distributed ontology environment. We suggest more general models of the distributed ontology query and the semantic mapping among distributed ontologies compared with the previous works. Our approach rewrites a distributed ontology query into multiple distributed ontology queries using the semantic mapping, and we can obtain the integrated answer through the execution of these queries. Furthermore, we propose a distributed ontology query processing algorithm with several query optimization techniques: pruning rules to remove unnecessary queries, a cost model considering site load balancing and caching, and a heuristic strategy for scheduling plans to be executed at a local site. Finally, experimental results show that our optimization techniques are effective to reduce the response time.  相似文献   

Recently, in the area of big data, some popular applications such as web search engines and recommendation systems, face the problem to diversify results during query processing. In this sense, it is both significant and essential to propose methods to deal with big data in order to increase the diversity of the result set. In this paper, we firstly define the diversity of a set and the ability of an element to improve the overall diversity. Based on these definitions, we propose a diversification framework which has good performance in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Also, this framework has theoretical guarantee on probability of success. Secondly, we design implementation algorithms based on this framework for both numerical and string data. Thirdly, for numerical and string data respectively, we carry out extensive experiments on real data to verify the performance of our proposed framework, and also perform scalability experiments on synthetic data.  相似文献   

提出了一种新颖的分布环境中的序敏感轮廓查询算法(即找出不被别的对象所“支配”的且聚集值较高的对象)。现有的算法在节点数m较大时会消耗大量的网络带宽。提出了一种新的分布式序敏感轮廓查询处理算法(Distributed Rank-aware Skylining,DRS)。DRS算法在任意数据集上只需要4次交互就能完成,并且通过剪除不必要的对象来减少通讯代价。通过模拟数据验证了DRS算法的效率。实验表明,当节点数m大于4时,DRS算法性能优于现有算法的性能。  相似文献   

根据空间数据源的特点给出一种表示空间数据源能力信息的方法,包括导出模式、查询能力和转换能力.在此基础上查询计算引擎针对用户查询集成多个分布式空间数据源的能力,通过构造模式图和函数图为用户查询构造相应的查询转换步骤,使用户能够仅给出单一查询,系统可以完全自动地访问多个空间数据源从而返回最终查询结果.该系统可作为空间信息集成的一个重要模块,并具有很强的可扩展性.  相似文献   

基于不确定数据的查询处理综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
崔斌  卢阳 《计算机应用》2008,28(11):2729-2731
不确定数据在一些重要应用领域中是固有存在的,如传感器网络和移动物体追踪。在不确定数据上使用传统的查询方法会使查询结果出现偏差,不能满足用户的需求。因此,基于不确定数据的查询处理受到了越来越多的关注。与在确定数据上查询不同,不确定数据上的研究工作将概率引入到数据模型中来衡量不确定对象成为结果集中元素的可能性。由于问题定义和数据模型的不同,不确定数据上的查询类型也多种多样。从问题定义、数据模型、剪枝策略和算法等角度,对基于不确定数据的范围查询、top-k查询以及skyline查询进行了介绍。  相似文献   

Although top-k queries over uncertain data in centralized databases have been studied widely in recent years, it is still a challenging issue in distributed environments. In distributed environments, such as Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems and sensor networks, there exists an inherent uncertainty on the data objects due to imprecise measurements and network delays. Therefore, it is necessary to study the problem of how to efficiently retrieve top-k uncertain data objects over distributed environments with minimum network overhead. In this paper, we propose a novel approach of processing uncertain top-k queries in large-scale P2P networks, where datasets are horizontally partitioned over peers. In our approach, each peer constructs an Uncertain Quad-Tree (UQ-Tree) index for its local uncertain data, while the P2P network constructs a global index by summarizing the local indexes. Based on the global index, we propose a spatial-pruning algorithm to reduce communication costs and a distributed-pruning algorithm to reduce computation costs. Extensive experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methods in terms of communication costs and response time.  相似文献   

A partition-and-replicate strategy for processing distributed queries referencing no fragmented relation is sketched. An algorithm is given to determine which relation and which copy of the relation is to be partitioned into fragments, how the relation is to be partitioned, and where the fragments are to be sent for processing. Simulation results show that the partition strategy is useful for processing queries in fast local network environments. The results also show that the number of partitions does not need to be large. The use of semijoins in the partition strategy is discussed. A necessary and sufficient condition for a semijoin to yield an improvement is provided  相似文献   

连接操作是影响分布式查询性能的关键因素,数据存储是影响连接操作的重要因素.为了提高分布式系统的查询性能,通过研究数据之间的关系,提出一个关联数据分布树.利用该关联数据分布树来构造一系列的关联元组集合,然后按照各个站点的负载能力,把这些关联数据集合分配给相关站点.实验结果表明,当多个关系频繁的进行连接操作时,关联数据分布树能有效地提高整个分布式系统的查询性能.  相似文献   

Distributed query-processing algorithms for broadcast local-area networks are described which provide execution strategies and estimates of response time. Four semijoin-specific techniques, five transmission-specific techniques, and three size estimation update functions are incorporated into a baseline algorithm. These variants of the baseline algorithm are simulated and their response times compared using randomly generated data. The technique found to be most beneficial, on the average, for general queries involving multiple joining attributes is the composite semijoining technique. When used in combination with composite semijoining, relation transmission and bit-matrix transmission further reduce response time. Bit-matrix transmission is a data compression technique in which single attributes and a bit matrix of the value pairings are sent in place of a composite attribute. The authors examine these techniques in detail and compare their expected response times  相似文献   

提出了一种基于查询树匹配的查询重用算法.首先,系统中原有查询树与新生成的查询树进行匹配并计算对新查询树的重用收益;然后根据重用收益来实现重叠的查询操作的重用.实验结果表明,该算法能够有效地减少连续查询的执行代价总量.  相似文献   

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