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我们知道,Word 2003可以依次选择"文件/发送/Microsoft Office PowerPoint"命令,将当前已完成格式和样式设置的Word文档转换为演示文稿,不过在Word 2010版本中并没有找到这一功能,难道这个非常  相似文献   

林丽华 《电脑迷》2012,(2):62-62
我们知道,Word 2003可以依次选择“文件/发送/Microsoft Office PowerPoint”命令,将当前已完成格式和样式设置的Word文档转换为演示文稿,不过在Word2010版本中并没有找到这一功能,难道这个非常实用的功能被取消了吗?  相似文献   

Microsoft Word文件转换器的设计与实现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李秀芹  朱跃龙 《计算机应用》2002,22(1):37-38,41
介绍了Word文件的磁盘存储格式,分析了Word文件转换器的实现结构层次:格式分析层和内容转换层,以及这两个层次采用的算法和数据结构。  相似文献   

在办公软件领域,MS Office是无可争议的强者,它的Word、Excel和PowerPoint等文件已经成为事实上的办公文件标准格式。而WPS Office一直是与MS Office竞争的国产办公软件,此次金山公司针对国内实际的办公现状,推出《WPS Office飓风版》(英文名称WPS Office Storm)。它由文字处理、表格处理,演示文件制作和图像绘制等组件构成,是跨平台(Windows和Linux)的办公软件,具有较好的文件兼容性。  相似文献   

所谓国货当自强,WPS Office就是国产办公软件中的一面旗帜。不过,WPS Office本身使用了一种特殊的格式,所以一般存为了WPS Office格式的文件不通过WPS Office是读不出来的。相信很多人使用WPS 2000和Word 2000/XP读取WPS Office时都有过读不出来,或虽然读出来但看不到任何内容的经历。其实,针对这种情况,笔者有几种方法来解决。  相似文献   

让Word转换成Flash——FlashPaper   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花无缺 《电脑》2004,(11):121-121
由于工作的关系,笔者经常需要将一些Word文件转换成网页文件放到网络上去,但是转换后的网页文件会改变原来Word文件的排版格式,还得手工进行修改,很麻烦。现在Macromedia公司推出了一款名为“FlashPaper”的软件,用它可以很轻松的把Word文件转换为Flash文件,  相似文献   

有时我们需要一次转换多篇文档,比如将HTML文件转为Word文件,或是将Word文件转为txt格式的文件等,这一问题WPS中得到解决,将多篇WPS2000编辑的文件一次转换为 Word 2000格式的文件。将要转换的文件放在同一个文件夹中,然后单击“文件”菜单中的“新建”命令,单击“其他文档”选  相似文献   

Word 2007的文档格式由DOC变成了DOCX,虽然它有一些优点,但由于目前兼容性还比较差,所以平时最好还是不要用它,这样下面的两个设置就是必须的了,修改之后我们保存或新建的文件就为DOC格式了。更改默认保存格式:单击Word 2007左上角的"Office按钮",在展开的菜单中单击"Word选项"按钮打开"Word选项",接着打开"保存"标签页,设置"将文件保存为此格式"下拉列表为"Word 97-2003文档(.doc)",这样的话以后就会默认保存  相似文献   

随着技术的发展,文本编辑器越来越多。而要使一个文本在其他编辑器上使用,就必须进行文本格式的转换,否则,就会出现乱码或怪字符造成难以使用。Office97为大家提供了一个非常优秀的文本转换器,在文本转换器向导的指引下,你可以简便、快速、安全地将一个格式的文本转换为另一类格式的文本。下面以非Word文档转换为Word文档为例,说明转换的步骤。 1、建立一个新文件夹在Windows9x下,新建一个文件夹,把要转换的文档存放到文件夹中。 2、打开Word97之后,从“文件”菜单中选择“打开”,并打开Con-  相似文献   

众所周知,BMP格式的图片文件很大,既占用空间,又不便于交流。如果你得到了一幅BMP格式的图片,为减小文件大小便于网上传送,就要将图片转换为JPG格式或GIF格式。现在有很多工具能实现转换功能,但如果你手里一时没有这类软件的话,就不必费尽心思去找了,Word 2000就能帮助你出色地完成转换任务。具体操作方法如下:打开Word 2000,点击“文件”→“新建”,在“常用”选项中选择“Web页”,确定,在新建的Web页文档中点击“插入”→“图片”→“来自文件”,在打开的“插入图片”选项框中选定要转换的图片文件,单击“插入”,…  相似文献   

Remote sensing of soil salinity: potentials and constraints   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Soil salinity caused by natural or human-induced processes is a major environmental hazard. The global extent of primary salt-affected soils is about 955 M ha, while secondary salinization affects some 77 M ha, with 58% of these in irrigated areas. Nearly 20% of all irrigated land is salt-affected, and this proportion tends to increase in spite of considerable efforts dedicated to land reclamation. This requires careful monitoring of the soil salinity status and variation to curb degradation trends, and secure sustainable land use and management. Multitemporal optical and microwave remote sensing can significantly contribute to detecting temporal changes of salt-related surface features. Airborne geophysics and ground-based electromagnetic induction meters, combined with ground data, have shown potential for mapping depth of salinity occurrence. This paper reviews various sensors (e.g. aerial photographs, satellite- and airborne multispectral sensors, microwave sensors, video imagery, airborne geophysics, hyperspectral sensors, and electromagnetic induction meters) and approaches used for remote identification and mapping of salt-affected areas. Constraints on the use of remote sensing data for mapping salt-affected areas are shown related to the spectral behaviour of salt types, spatial distribution of salts on the terrain surface, temporal changes on salinity, interference of vegetation, and spectral confusions with other terrain surfaces.As raw remote sensing data need substantial transformation for proper feature recognition and mapping, techniques such as spectral unmixing, maximum likelihood classification, fuzzy classification, band ratioing, principal components analysis, and correlation equations are discussed. Lastly, the paper presents modelling of temporal and spatial changes of salinity using combined approaches that incorporate different data fusion and data integration techniques.  相似文献   

Complexity, complication, contradiction, consumption, confusion, delusion, depression. Opportunity, inspiration, ingenuity, compassion, wisdom. Our world is perplexing, our times are fast moving, and our choices are many. To find an appropriate path is a daunting yet vital challenge that confronts us as individuals, as communities, and as a civilization. How sustainable is our world? How reasonable are our behaviors? The present article is a collection of thoughts on a series of intertwined issues related to the contemporary world, its environmental dimensions, and their present-day problems. The goal is to survey the landscape through a lens of Environmental Design, to provide some perspectives, to raise some questions, and to explore systems, beliefs, and values informing and influencing actions. It is important to consider how people's belief systems influence, inform, and shape actions. This holds true in realms political, spiritual, and cultural. It also proves relevant in the ways in which we imagine, design, develop, and construct our buildings, cities, spaces, and places.

Appropriate solutions to some of our most daunting problems will arise through the concerted efforts, open dialogue, and collective wisdom of the wide array of stakeholders, professionals, politicians, decision makers, and citizens (both engaged and disenfranchised) who have the will and wherewithal to make a difference and to make the world safer, healthier, and better. It seems vital for us to critically examine, and question, our belief systems and their connections to the ways we define, refine, and realize progress. Architecture and Environmental Design, in both a philosophical and a practical sense, reflect as well as form greater aspirations, directions, and events of our times.  相似文献   

近年来,农产品安全问题日益严峻,传统的农产品追溯体系面临公信力缺失、监管困境和扩展性问题,农产品质量安全追溯迫在眉睫。随着区块链技术不断发展,其具有的分布式、去中心化、不可篡改、可追溯等特性在改善农产品溯源系统数据安全性、透明性等方面发挥着重要作用,并受到了各个行业的广泛关注。在简述可追溯性和追溯系统概念的基础上,介绍物联网和区块链技术,并探讨了当前国内外学者将区块链和物联网框架融合应用到农产品溯源中的一些相关研究,同时阐述了溯源系统在物联网与区块链结合下带来的安全、可靠、透明等好处及面临可扩展性、效率问题、资源浪费等挑战,最后对当前农产品溯源体系建设提出建议以及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Expert system verification and validation: a survey and tutorial   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Assuring the quality of an expert system is critical. A poor quality system may make costly errors resulting in considerable damage to the user or owner of the system, such as financial loss or human suffering. Hence verification and validation, methods and techniques aimed at ensuring quality, are fundamentally important. This paper surveys the issues, methods and techniques for verifying and validating expert systems. Approaches to defining the quality of a system are discussed, drawing upon work in both computing and the model building disciplines, which leads to definitions of verification and validation and the associated concepts of credibility, assessment and evaluation. An approach to verification based upon the detection of anomalies is presented, and related to the concepts of consistency, completeness, correctness and redundancy. Automated tools for expert system verification are reviewed. Considerable attention is then given to the issues in structuring the validation process, particularly the establishment of the criteria by which the system is judged, the need to maintain objectivity, and the concept of reliability. This is followed by a review of validation methods for validating both the components of a system and the system as a whole, and includes examples of some useful statistical methods. Management of the verification and validation process is then considered, and it is seen that the location of methods for verification and validation in the development life-cycle is of prime importance.  相似文献   

Calibration of the SLEUTH urban growth model for Lisbon and Porto, Portugal   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The SLEUTH model (slope, landuse, exclusion, urban extent, transportation and hillshade), formerly called the Clarke Cellular Automaton Urban Growth Model, was developed for and tested on various cities in North America, including Washington, DC, and San Francisco. In contrast, this research calibrated the SLEUTH model for two European cities, the Portuguese metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto. The SLEUTH model is a cellular automaton model, developed with predefined growth rules applied spatially to gridded maps of the cities in a set of nested loops, and was designed to be both scaleable and universally applicable. Urban expansion is modeled in a modified two-dimensional regular grid. Maps of topographic slope, land use, exclusions, urban extents, road transportation, and a graphic hillshade layer form the model input. This paper examines differences in the model's behavior when the obviously different environment of a European city is captured in the data and modeled. Calibration results are included and interpreted in the context of the two cities, and an evaluation of the model's portability and universality of application is made. Questions such as scalability, sequential multistage optimization by automated exploration of model parameter space, the problem of equifinality, and parameter sensitivity to local conditions are explored. The metropolitan areas present very different spatial and developmental characteristics. The Lisbon Metropolitan Area (the capital of Portugal) has a mix of north Atlantic and south Mediterranean influences. Property is organized in large patches of extensive farmland comprised of olive and cork orchards. The urban pattern of Lisbon and its environs is characterized by rapid urban sprawl, focused in the urban centers of Lisbon, Oeiras, Cascais Setúbal, and Almada, and by intense urbanization along the main road and train lines radiating from the major urban centers. The Porto Metropolitan Area is characterized by a coastal Atlantic landscape. The urban pattern is concentrated among the main nuclei (Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia) and scattered among many small rural towns and villages. There are very small isolated patches of intensive agriculture and pine forests in a topography of steep slopes. These endogenous territorial characteristics go back in time to the formation of Portugal — with a “Roman-Visigod North” and an “Arabic South” [Firmino, 1999 (Firmino, A., 1999. Agriculture and landscape in portugal. Landscape and Urban planning, 46, 83–91); Ribeiro, Lautensach, & Daveau, 1991 (Ribeiro, O., Lautensach, H., & Daveau, S., 1991. Geografia de portugal (4 Vols., published between 1986 and 1991). Lisbon, Portugal: João Sá de Costa)]. The SLEUTH model calibration captured these city characteristics, and using the standard documented calibration procedures, seems to have adapted itself well to the European context. Useful predictions of growth to 2025, and investigation of the impact of planning and transportation construction can be investigated as a consequence of the successful calibration. Further application and testing of the SLEUTH model in non-Western environments may prove it to be the elusive universal model of urban growth, the antithesis of the special case urban models of the 1960s and 1970s.  相似文献   

We present results of an analysis of deforestation at a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, the Parque National Yasuní, located in the rainforests of eastern Ecuador using multitemporal Landsat TM and ETM+ satellite imagery. Using survival analysis, we assessed both current and future trends in deforestation rates, and investigated the impact of spatial, cultural, and economic factors on deforestation. These factors included the distance from roads, rivers, research facilities, oil facilities, markets and towns, and land ownership by colonists, native inhabitants, and an oil company. We found the annual rate of deforestation is currently only 0.11%, but that this rate is increasing with time and, assuming that the trend of increasing rate of forest loss continues, we would predict that by 2063, 50% of the forest within 2 km of an oil access road will be lost to unhindered colonization and anthropogenic conversion. The Quechua colonists are associated with areas of the highest rate of deforestation, followed by the native Huaorani and the lowest region of deforestation was in areas occupied by a local oil company. By far, the strongest predictor of where deforestation is predicted to occur was proximity to the road. Proximity to research sites, oil facilities, market, and rivers significantly decreases deforestation rates, and proximity to towns significantly increases deforestation rates.  相似文献   

陈鹤  吴庆祥    孙宁    杨桐    方勇纯   《智能系统学报》2022,17(4):824-838
随着现代化工业和基础设施建设的飞速发展,面向大尺寸货物运送的吊车系统以其高负载能力、低成本的显著优势广泛应用于集装箱搬运、风机安装、飞机机翼机身移动、水轮发电机转子安装、海上钻井平台搭建等诸多重要领域。然而,相对于传统的点质量单摆吊车系统,面向大尺寸货物运送的吊车系统具有更高的欠驱动程度、更强的状态耦合性和更加复杂的非线性,给大尺寸货物高效、安全的运送控制带来严峻挑战。本文首先简单阐述了面向大尺寸货物运送吊车系统不同吊装形式的建模、优势和缺点;然后,详细介绍了点质量双摆吊车系统、分布式质量双摆吊车系统和多吊车协同运送系统控制的研究现状;最后,对面向大尺寸货物运送吊车系统控制的研究现状进行概括,并对可能存在的关键问题和未来的研究方向进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

区块链作为分布式账本的关键技术之一,其去中心化、可匿名、不可篡改的特性受到学术界和工业界的青睐,被广泛应用于金融、数字货币、公共服务等领域。分片技术作为区块链扩容的主流方式之一,能够在不降低区块链去中心化程度的同时实现高性能的链上扩容,从而解决区块链可拓展性不足以及吞吐量较低的问题。介绍近年来出现的分片技术以及相关协议,总结分片技术的关键理论与方法,从分片配置、重配置、片内共识协议、跨片共识协议、状态存储等方面对分片技术方案进行对比,归纳不同分片方案在网络分片、交易分片、状态分片等设计中存在的优势和不足。同时,阐述一些经典分片技术在性能和实现方式上的特点,对许可区块链和无许可区块链、片内共识协议、跨片共识协议、准入性方案、状态分片方式等进行分析和概述。在此基础上,从分片内、分片间以及系统层级的角度总结分片技术当前所面临的困境和挑战,并对该领域的发展前景及未来研究方向加以展望。  相似文献   

分布式地学虚拟环境研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
讨论了分布式地学虚拟环境的概念,特征以及与GIS的相互关系,从系统结构,数据模型,交互界面和开发工具方面,对分布式地学虚拟环境的系统框架进行了研讨。最后,从理论,技术和应用层面介绍了关于分布式地学虚拟环境的研究热点和难点,并讨论了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

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