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A neural network approach is applied to the problem of integrating design and manufacturing engineering. The self organising map (SOM) neural network recognizes products and parts which are modeled as boundary representation (B-rep) solids using a modified face complexity code scheme adopted, and forms the necessary feature families. Based on the part features, machines, tools and fixtures are selected. These information are then fed into a four layer feed-forward neural network that provides a designer with the desired features that meet the current manufacturing constraints for design of a new product or part. The proposed methodology does not involve training of the neural networks used and is seen to be a significant potential for application in concurrent engineering where design and manufacturing are integrated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new architecture of a fuzzy decision tree based on fuzzy rules – fuzzy rule based decision tree (FRDT) and provides a learning algorithm. In contrast with “traditional” axis-parallel decision trees in which only a single feature (variable) is taken into account at each node, the node of the proposed decision trees involves a fuzzy rule which involves multiple features. Fuzzy rules are employed to produce leaves of high purity. Using multiple features for a node helps us minimize the size of the trees. The growth of the FRDT is realized by expanding an additional node composed of a mixture of data coming from different classes, which is the only non-leaf node of each layer. This gives rise to a new geometric structure endowed with linguistic terms which are quite different from the “traditional” oblique decision trees endowed with hyperplanes as decision functions. A series of numeric studies are reported using data coming from UCI machine learning data sets. The comparison is carried out with regard to “traditional” decision trees such as C4.5, LADtree, BFTree, SimpleCart, and NBTree. The results of statistical tests have shown that the proposed FRDT exhibits the best performance in terms of both accuracy and the size of the produced trees.  相似文献   

Defect detection is a critical measurement process for intelligent manufacturing systems to provide insights for product quality improvement. For complex products such as integrated circuit wafers, several types of defects are usually coupled in a piece of wafer to form a mixed-type defect, which poses a challenge to current defect detection methods. This paper proposed a knowledge augmented broad learning system with a knowledge module and broad selective sampling module, which provides a multichannel selective sampling network to decouple the mixed-type defects. In this model, each channel is equipped with a pre-trained deformable convolution model to extract the feature of a fixed single-type defect. The knowledge module is designed to activate the candidate network channel by pre-detection of wafer maps. The experiment results indicated that the proposed model outperforms conventional models and other deep learning models, which demonstrated that the knowledge augmented broad selective sampling mechanism is effective for mixed-type defect detection.  相似文献   

本文研究了网络化神经网络的稳定性问题.首先,为了利用网络系统的采样特征,定义了一个新的Lyapunov泛函;通过分析网络诱导时延和执行周期之间的关系,采用一个迭代凸组合技术,得到了一个包含较少保守性的稳定性判据.然后,给出一个基于采样数据的神经网络稳定性判据,减少了计算复杂性.最后,通过一个数例,验证了本文方法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

预测模型是预测控制的基础。半导体生产过程的复杂性和随机性,使之难以建立确定性模型。提出一种新方法,利用径向基(RBF)神经网络对该过程建立预测模型。使用simul8软件对之在各种投料策略和调度策略下进行仿真并定时采样,将采样得到的数据对模型进行训练测试,结果表明该模型的预测输出与实测样本基本吻合,网络模型具有很好的泛化能力。训练后的网络可以对半导体生产线进行快速准确的预测,为预测控制和实时调度打下基础。  相似文献   

Fuzzy neural network (FNN) architectures, in which fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks are integrated, have been proposed by many researchers. In addition to developing the architecture for the FNN models, evolution of the learning algorithms for the connection weights is also a very important. Researchers have proposed gradient descent methods such as the back propagation algorithm and evolution methods such as genetic algorithms (GA) for training FNN connection weights. In this paper, we integrate a new meta-heuristic algorithm, the electromagnetism-like mechanism (EM), into the FNN training process. The EM algorithm utilizes an attraction–repulsion mechanism to move the sample points towards the optimum. However, due to the characteristics of the repulsion mechanism, the EM algorithm does not settle easily into the local optimum. We use EM to develop an EM-based FNN (the EM-initialized FNN) model with fuzzy connection weights. Further, the EM-initialized FNN model is used to train fuzzy if–then rules for learning expert knowledge. The results of comparisons done of the performance of our EM-initialized FNN model to conventional FNN models and GA-initialized FNN models proposed by other researchers indicate that the performance of our EM-initialized FNN model is better than that of the other FNN models. In addition, our use of a fuzzy ranking method to eliminate redundant fuzzy connection weights in our FNN architecture results in improved performance over other FNN models.  相似文献   

Reducing fuel consumption of ships against volatile fuel prices and greenhouse gas emissions resulted from international shipping are the challenges that the industry faces today. The potential for fuel savings is possible for new builds, as well as for existing ships through increased energy efficiency measures; technical and operational respectively. The limitations of implementing technical measures increase the potential of operational measures for energy efficient ship operations. Ship owners and operators need to rationalise their energy use and produce energy efficient solutions. Reducing the speed of the ship is the most efficient method in terms of fuel economy and environmental impact. The aim of this paper is twofold: (i) predict ship fuel consumption for various operational conditions through an inexact method, Artificial Neural Network ANN; (ii) develop a decision support system (DSS) employing ANN-based fuel prediction model to be used on-board ships on a real time basis for energy efficient ship operations. The fuel prediction model uses operating data – ‘Noon Data’ – which provides information on a ship’s daily fuel consumption. The parameters considered for fuel prediction are ship speed, revolutions per minute (RPM), mean draft, trim, cargo quantity on board, wind and sea effects, in which output data of ANN is fuel consumption. The performance of the ANN is compared with multiple regression analysis (MR), a widely used surface fitting method, and its superiority is confirmed. The developed DSS is exemplified with two scenarios, and it can be concluded that it has a promising potential to provide strategic approach when ship operators have to make their decisions at an operational level considering both the economic and environmental aspects.  相似文献   

In the conceptual design stage, designers usually initiate a design concept through an association activity. The activity helps designers collect and retrieve reference information regarding a current design subject instead of starting from scratch. By modifying previous designs, designers can create a new design in a much shorter time. To computerize this process, this paper proposes an intelligent design retrieval system involving soft computing techniques for both feature and object association functions. A feature association method that utilizes fuzzy relation and fuzzy composition is developed to increase the searching spectrum. In the mean time, object association functions composed by a fuzzy neural network allow designers to control the similarity of retrieved designs. Our implementation result shows that the intelligent design retrieval system with two soft computing based association functions can retrieve target reference designs as expected.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to approximate the links between user satisfaction and its determinants without having the restrictions of common statistical procedures such as linearity, symmetry and normality. For this reason, artificial neural networks are utilised and trained with the observations of an extensive survey on user satisfaction with respect to website attributes. Each observation includes evaluations about the performance of 18 specific and 9 general website attributes as well as an evaluation about overall user satisfaction. The analysis results indicate that website attributes present different impacts on satisfaction whereas the relationships found feature both asymmetry and nonlinearity. Finally, function approximation using neural networks is found to be appropriate for estimating such kind of relationships providing valuable information about satisfaction's formation.  相似文献   

We introduce a fuzzy rough granular neural network (FRGNN) model based on the multilayer perceptron using a back-propagation algorithm for the fuzzy classification of patterns. We provide the development strategy of the network mainly based upon the input vector, initial connection weights determined by fuzzy rough set theoretic concepts, and the target vector. While the input vector is described in terms of fuzzy granules, the target vector is defined in terms of fuzzy class membership values and zeros. Crude domain knowledge about the initial data is represented in the form of a decision table, which is divided into subtables corresponding to different classes. The data in each decision table is converted into granular form. The syntax of these decision tables automatically determines the appropriate number of hidden nodes, while the dependency factors from all the decision tables are used as initial weights. The dependency factor of each attribute and the average degree of the dependency factor of all the attributes with respect to decision classes are considered as initial connection weights between the nodes of the input layer and the hidden layer, and the hidden layer and the output layer, respectively. The effectiveness of the proposed FRGNN is demonstrated on several real-life data sets.  相似文献   

This paper presents research into the application of the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network model to the diagnosis of cancer from fine-needle aspirates of the breast. Trained fuzzy ARTMAP networks are differently pruned so as to maximise accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. The differently pruned networks are then employed in a cascade of networks intended to separate cases into certain and suspicious classes. This mimics the predictive behaviour of a human pathologist. The fuzzy ARTMAP model also provides symbolic rule extraction facilities and the validity of the derived rules for this domain is discussed. Additionally, results are provided showing the effects upon network performance of different input features and different observers. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Neural network-based design of cellular manufacturing systems   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A neural network based on a competitive learning rule, when trained with the part machine incidence matrix of a large number of parts, classifies the parts and machines into part families and machine cells, respectively. This classification compares well with the classical clustering techniques. The steady state values of the activations and interconnecting strengths enable easier identification of the part families, machine cells, overlapping parts and bottleneck machines. Neural networks are mostly applied by treating them as a blackbox, i.e. the interaction with the environment and the information acquisition and retrieval occurs at the input and the output level of the network. This paper presents an approach where knowledge is extracted from the external and internal structure of the neural network.  相似文献   

The problems of detection and pattern recognition of obstacles are the most important concerns for fish robots’ path planning to make natural and smooth movements as well as to avoid collision. We can get better control results of fish robot trajectories if we obtain more information in detail about obstacle shapes. The method employing only simple distance measuring IR sensors without cameras and image processing is proposed. The capability of a fish robot to recognize the features of an obstacle to avoid collision is improved using neuro-fuzzy inferences. Approaching angles of the fish robot to an obstacle as well as the evident features such as obstacles’ sizes and shape angles are obtained through neural network training algorithms based on the scanned data. Experimental results show the successful path control of the fish robot without hitting on obstacles.  相似文献   

Backpropagation neural networks have been applied to prediction and classification problems in many real world situations. However, a drawback of this type of neural network is that it requires a full set of input data, and real world data is seldom complete. We have investigated two ways of dealing with incomplete data — network reduction using multiple neural network classifiers, and value substitution using estimated values from predictor networks — and compared their performance with an induction method. On a thyroid disease database collected in a clinical situation, we found that the network reduction method was superior. We conclude that network reduction can be a useful method for dealing with missing values in diagnostic systems based on backpropagation neural networks.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare the ability of a fuzzy neural network and a common back-propagation network to classify odour samples that were obtained by an electronic nose employing semiconducting oxide conductometric gas sensors. Two different sample sets have been analysed: first, the aroma of three blends of commercial coffee, and secondly, the headspace of six different tainted-water samples. The two experimental data sets provide an excellent opportunity to test the ability of a fuzzy neural network due to the high level of sensor variability often experienced with this type of sensor. Results are presented on the application of three-layer fuzzy neural networks to electronic nose data. They demonstrate a considerable improvement in performance compared to a common back-propagation network.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to create universal methodology of artificial neural networks (ANNs) application in construction of decision support systems designed for various dosage forms. Two different dosage forms (solid dispersions and microemulsions) were modeled with use of the same methodology, software and hardware environments. Completely different models prepared confirmed their generalization ability both for solid dosage forms (solid dispersions) and liquid dosage forms (microemulsions). ME_expert and SD_expert systems basing on the neural expert committees were created. In the pilot study their application allowed for appropriate choice of qualitative and quantitative composition of particular pharmaceutical formulation. It was also proposed that ME_expert and SD_expert might provide in silico formulation procedures. Unified methodology of neural modeling in pharmaceutical technology was confirmed to be effective in providing valuable tools for pharmaceutical product development.  相似文献   

A common decision problem faced by managers in organizations is that of decision alternative prioritization. There have been many proposed approaches to the problem where the decision maker constructs a pairwise comparison matrix of the alternatives under study. All existing ranking methods possess major shortcomings for the general problem. This paper illustrates the usefulness of a neural network model in such prioritization problems, which considers these shortcomings of previous methods. Use of the model is shown through the use of example ranking scenarios.  相似文献   

During the winding process of stranded wire helical springs (SWHSs), uneven wire tension always results in high rejection rate and non-compliance service life of SWHSs. Combining the proportion integral neural network (PINN) with a simplified actuator model, this paper presents a new control scheme for the SWHS CNC machine to keep the wire tension uniform. The PINN is improved by introducing an error variance ratio, accounting for the interaction between wires, as a modifying factor in the second hidden layer. The actuator model is simplified based on the analysis of the dynamic characteristics of the actuator. The output value of the improved PINN is transferred into control voltage value by the simplified model. The tension of each wire is controlled by an improved PINN. In order to enhance the control performance, the network parameters are updated using the gradient-based back-propagation method. The validity and consistency of the improved PINN are verified by experiments. The results indicate that (1) the computation load is slight; (2) the rising time of the step response is within 1 s; (3) 89%-96% of tension deviation values of the wire 1 and wire 3 under different process parameters are within 10% of the reference tension value; (4) the standard deviation of the wire 2 with large disturbance is 8.24 N. Compared with other algorithms (incremental PI, multiple PIDNN, PI based particle swarm optimization), the control scheme based on the improved PINN has less computation load, faster response speed and better performance in the time-varying and nonlinear system with larger disturbance.  相似文献   

The current research attempts to offer a novel method for solving fuzzy differential equations with initial conditions based on the use of feed-forward neural networks. First, the fuzzy differential equation is replaced by a system of ordinary differential equations. A trial solution of this system is written as a sum of two parts. The first part satisfies the initial condition and contains no adjustable parameters. The second part involves a feed-forward neural network containing adjustable parameters (the weights). Hence by construction, the initial condition is satisfied and the network is trained to satisfy the differential equations. This method, in comparison with existing numerical methods, shows that the use of neural networks provides solutions with good generalization and high accuracy. The proposed method is illustrated by several examples.  相似文献   

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