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To examine the diffusion of remote collaboration technologies within the media production industries, a series of case studies was recently conducted with early adopters of advanced electronic networks in Sydney, Los Angeles and London. The studies assessed: 1) user reactions to these collaboration technologies and types of activities being supported and 2) factors influencing their adoption decisions. Interviews conducted also provided early indications of the conditions likely to facilitate remote collaboration and the likely impacts on work practices in media production organizations. It was established that electronic delivery, remote access to resources and materials, and remote creative collaboration were all being carried out, even internationally. Although most network applications were routine substitutions for non-electronic equivalents (e.g. couriers or catalogue browsing), some did involve shared creative activities, thus confirming that remote creative collaboration is a viable option. Key factors influencing network adoption were cost considerations and regulatory issues, time savings and productivity, and security concerns. Certain industry segments -- animation, post-production, and advertising -- were more likely to be early adopters, as were companies who found innovative ways to achieve greater benefits. Conditions likely to facilitate remote collaboration include more sophisticated change-agent strategies, increasing the perceived control of creative outputs, developing and maintaining trust, providing more auxiliary support for coordination needs, and making more effective use of timing and time-zone differences. Likely impacts of remote collaboration in media production are: more overlap between pre-production, production, and post-production activities; faster work pace; enhanced creativity; and improved quality of work life.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an exploratory study ofthe evolving use of communication tools by sixglobally distributed teams. The analysissuggest that although teams have similarstart-up conditions they evolve in differentways. We describe these differences as being aresult of the different routine patterns ofmedia use that the team members mutuallyenacted. Based on an analysis of six US-Dutchvirtual teams, we propose the notion of `mediastickiness', a phenomenon the teamsexperienced during the process of structuringmedia-use patterns. We will argue that in thecase of virtual teams, the evolution of mediausage seems to be path dependent. Steps takenby a team in the early stages of its life cycleconstrain later flexibility in terms of mediausage. Media stickiness has severalimplications both for the way to manage virtualteams as well as for the way teams deal withinformation problems that seem to be endemicfor global virtual teams.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the interrelationship between e-Science and CSCW in terms of key substantive, methodological and conceptual innovations made in both fields. In so doing, we hope to draw out the existing relationship between CSCW and e-Science research, and to map out some key future challenges where the two areas of research may become more closely aligned. In considering what may be required to draw the two more closely together, the paper focuses primarily on investigations that have been undertaken in two dedicated initiatives into e-Science, along with the key issues emerging from these studies.  相似文献   

Mining social networks from software repositories is becoming a popular research area. Mining approaches often use technical artifacts, such as source code, or communication artifacts, such as emails, to create social networks. The authors describe a repository-independent approach of mining task-based communication in social networks. In their approach, collaborative tasks that tools record in software engineering repositories provide the constructed networks' context that link developers' task-based social networks if they've communicated about a collaborative task. These social networks demonstrate the applicability of their approach through two research studies that mined the IBM Rational Jazz development repository. They then propose practical applications that utilize their approach to directly support development projects.  相似文献   

随着我国信息化程度的逐步加深,大量的信息需要通过计算机通信网络进行交换,信息交换成为了人们日常工作中必不可少的要求,但是限于我国的计算机网络状况并不是非常的良好,应用计算机通信网络进行通信还存在着一些需要解决的问题,本文将对日常计算机通信网络中常见的一些问题提出一些解决的建议。  相似文献   

In order to support co-located collaboration, many researchers are now investigating how to effectively augment tabletops with electronic displays. As far back as 1988, orientation was recognized as a significant human factors issue that must be addressed by electronic tabletop designers. As with traditional tables, when people stand or sit at different positions around a horizontal display they will be viewing the contents from different angles. One common solution to this problem is to have the software reorient objects so that a given individual can view them ‘right way up.’ Yet is this the best approach? If not, how do people actually use orientation on tables? To answer these questions, we conducted an observational study of collaborative activity on a traditional table. Our results show that the strategy of reorienting objects to a person’s view is overly simplistic: while important, it is an incomplete view of how people exploit their ability to reorient objects. Orientation proves critical in how individuals comprehend information, how collaborators coordinate their actions, and how they mediate communication. The coordinating role of orientation is evident in how people establish personal and group spaces and how they signal ownership of objects. In terms of communication, orientation is useful in initiating communicative exchanges and in continuing to speak to individuals about particular objects and work patterns as collaboration progresses. The three roles of orientation have significant implications for the design of tabletop software and the assessment of existing tabletop systems.  相似文献   

针对海云协同媒体服务系统中节点的内容副本放置问题,基于相邻节点协作分发机制,以优化节点之间的传输代价为目标,提出一种基于时间匹配度的副本放置算法(Replica Placement based on Time Matching algorithm, RPTM),通过在启发式贪婪算法引入表征节点动态特性的时间匹配度因子,降低节点动态特性带来的影响。仿真结果表明,与现有算法相比,邻域分组海端节点间传输代价降低10%~31%。  相似文献   

This research explores the communication process variables that potentially determine trust and performance quality in ad hoc virtual teams to better inform the choice of communication media for virtual groups engaged in decision‐making tasks. Results of a survey indicate that virtual copresence is significantly correlated with intrateam trust and the performance quality that teams achieve. Results also accentuate the prominent role of trust in the virtual collaborative decision‐making process; they indicate that trust mediates the relationship between virtual copresence and performance. It is therefore recommended that the efforts related to the design and adoption of communication systems for decision making teams strongly consider that virtual copresence potentially promotes both high levels of trust and high quality performance in virtual teams.  相似文献   

Creativity is essential to successful new product development efforts. Teams constitute the organizing principle in most modern innovation activities. Although creativity research has revealed many factors influencing individual creativity, little is known about how team‐level creativity is determined. Since the creative innovation task requires teams to combine and integrate input from multiple team members, the team's communication pattern is an important determinant of team creativity. Based on a sample of 44 NPD teams in eleven companies, this study examines the effects of team‐member communication on team creativity. It is found that both interaction frequency and subgroup‐formation of communication have a negative relationship to team creativity. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed, and further research is indicated.  相似文献   

本文介绍了Word 2007协作办公的原理,并通过Word 2007中的实例给出了具体的使用方法。  相似文献   

本文介绍了Word 2007协作办公的原理,并通过Word 2007中的实例给出了具体的使用方法。  相似文献   

一种用于科研协同的电子白板系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着大规模网络协同技术的发展.科研协同日益成为重要和普遍关注的问题。它能够为科学工作者构建基于网络的科学研究与科研管理的虚拟环境,电子白板是科研协同环境中的重要的支撑应用之一。文中从系统结构、冲突消除、一致性维护、并发控制等科研协同的关键问题进行讨论,然后提出一种混合模式的系统结构、半乐观的加锁策略和基于接收者因果保证机制解决并发性控制和一致性维护的问题,同时提出了一种基于分页的转发策略,并将其运用在原型系统的实现中,取得了良好一致性和实时性。  相似文献   

司慧勇 《微机发展》2006,16(10):219-222
随着大规模网络协同技术的发展,科研协同日益成为重要和普遍关注的问题。它能够为科学工作者构建基于网络的科学研究与科研管理的虚拟环境,电子白板是科研协同环境中的重要的支撑应用之一。文中从系统结构、冲突消除、一致性维护、并发控制等科研协同的关键问题进行讨论,然后提出一种混合模式的系统结构、半乐观的加锁策略和基于接收者因果保证机制解决并发性控制和一致性维护的问题,同时提出了一种基于分页的转发策略,并将其运用在原型系统的实现中,取得了良好一致性和实时性。  相似文献   

基于XWiki的科研协作管理支撑平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对传统科研活动环境中信息资源相对孤立、项目成员间协作性差、项目管理和协作过程复杂以及整体效率低下等问题,提出一种基于XWiki的科研协作管理支撑平台架构设计方案,并对其进行具体实现。该平台便于科研项目管理,实现了科研团体内部知识的高效共享,并提高了科研协作管理效率,有效推动了科研协作管理信息化进程。  相似文献   

在科学技术的迅速发展的今天,新的传播媒介的产生和普及的周期也大大的缩短了,至今,传播媒体已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,报业、电台、电视,到现代互联网的普及,一次次的显示了新兴媒体革命的威力。在当今这个传播媒介发生巨大变化的时代,我们的视频媒体设计如何迎接时代的挑战?如何与观众产生共鸣?如何使中华文化的精髓得到大众化的传播,从而弘扬民族的优良文化?本文所要探讨的视频媒体设计是针对于电视、网络这样的视听载体而言,在广泛运用新兴媒介的时代,在视觉传达设计的范畴中,我们应该如何应对当代视频媒体设计的大众化传播。  相似文献   

科研合作关系分析和预测针对网络的结构信息预测未来哪些学者间会产生合作关系进行研究,对于理解网络信息传播和动态变化具有重要的意义。在主流的基于拓扑属性的关系预测算法基础上提出了一种基于社区结构信息的合作关系预测模型。首先分析社区发现算法下科研网络的链接分布规律及给出模型构建的理论依据,然后构造引入社区拓扑结构信息的改进算法,最后采用不同社区发现算法进行实验。该方法在实验效果和性能上要优于一些经典的算法,说明该算法能够有效地引入社区结构信息对真实的科研合作网络关系预测问题建模,并为科研合作关系分析预测这一问题提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

数字媒体是数字计算技术和现代通讯技术发展的产物,数字媒体的出现使信息的传输有了全新的方式和途径,给人们带来了全新的信息体验。同时,针对这一崭新媒体而进行的信息设计也发展成为一个令人兴奋而又富于挑战的新兴设计领域,体现出了不同于传统媒体设计的新特性。本文结合数字媒体的新特性,就基于数字新媒体的信息设计与传播谈了自己的一些初步认识。  相似文献   

H.323视频会议系统组网结构及关键问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于H.323标准及IP网的多媒体视频会议已是未来多媒体通信发展的方向,该文阐述了H.323协议栈、H.323多媒体通信网络的组成结构以及在实际中遇到的关键问题及其解决方法,主要包括支持动态IP地址,穿越防火墙及NAT等。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to unify results from three separate and, at least superficially, unrelated subject matters, namely, team decision theory, market signaling in economics, and the classical Shannon information theory.  相似文献   

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