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Epimerase-deficiency galactosemia results from impairment of the human enzyme UDP-galactose-4-epimerase (hGALE). We and others have identified substitution mutations in the hGALE alleles of patients with the clinically mild, peripheral form of epimerase deficiency. We report here the first identification of an hGALE mutation in a patient with the clinically severe, generalized form of epimerase deficiency. The mutation, V94M, was found on both GALE alleles of this patient. This same mutation also was found in the homozygous state in two additional patients with generalized epimerase deficiency. The specific activity of the V94M-hGALE protein expressed in yeast was severely reduced with regard to UDP-galactose and partially reduced with regard to UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine. In contrast, two GALE-variant proteins associated with peripheral epimerase deficiency, L313M-hGALE and D103G-hGALE, demonstrated near-normal levels of activity with regard to both substrates, but a third allele, G90E-hGALE, demonstrated little, if any, detectable activity, despite near-normal abundance. G90E originally was identified in a heterozygous patient whose other allele remains uncharacterized. Thermal lability and protease-sensitivity studies demonstrated compromised stability in all of the partially active mutant enzymes.  相似文献   

Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by bilateral vestibular schwannomas and other nonmalignant tumors of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. Although the average age of onset of NF2 is 20 years, some individuals may become symptomatic in childhood. We studied 5 unrelated NF2 patients who became symptomatic before age 13. All 5 had multiple tumors in addition to vestibular schwannoma, and none had a positive family history. Sequence analysis of the NF2 gene revealed identical nonsense mutation of exon 6 in 3 patients. Because this mutation destroys a restriction enzyme recognition site, genomic DNA from the 2 other children was directly tested for this change and identical alterations were detected. Although the work of our laboratory and others has not, in general, detected identical mutations in unrelated patients, this mutation seems to occur particularly frequently in the pediatric population and thus may be associated with an especially severe phenotype. Restriction analysis in children with NF2 may be a cost effective way of identifying their mutation. Further work is needed to characterize the effects of this change on the NF2 protein product and its relationship to this severe phenotype.  相似文献   

We investigated a Japanese patient with protein 4.2 deficiency. SDS-PAGE showed a complete deficiency of protein 4.2, while Western blot analysis revealed a marked decrease in the amount of protein 4.2, and the existence of a doublet of 74 and 72 kDa bands. Direct sequencing and dot-blot hybridization with allele-specific oligonucleotide probes indicated that the proband was compound heterozygous for a missense mutation in codon 142 with Ala-->Thr (GCT-->ACT) and a single nucleotide substitution (G-->A) of the first base of intron 6 (G-->A) of the protein 4.2 gene. The former is the commonest mutation observed in cases of protein 4.2 deficiency, whereas the latter is a novel mutation, located within the consensus sequence of the 5' splicing site (AGGU) (Protein 4.2Notame). RT-PCR analysis using total RNA isolated from reticulocytes of the proband revealed that the intron 6 donor site mutation causes an abnormal splicing; exon 6 is spliced out with intron 6. The abnormal mRNA has a premature termination codon, as the result of a frameshift, and this instability may lead to degradation. Thus, there is a close relation between this mutation and the molecular pathogenesis of protein 4.2 deficiency.  相似文献   

Apc-associated intestinal tumor formation appears to require functional loss of both Apc alleles. Apc has, therefore, been classified as a tumor suppressor gene. Loss of APC protein function results in increased intracellular beta-catenin, a molecule important to both cell-cell adhesion and regulation of cellular growth. In mice bearing a germ-line Apc mutation, we found that enterocyte beta-catenin expression was also increased in histologically normal intestinal mucosa. Enterocyte crypt-villus migration was decreased by 25%, and treatment of Min/+ animals with sulindac sulfide normalized both beta-catenin expression and enterocyte migration. Our data suggest that alterations in enterocyte migration occur in cells bearing a single mutant Apc allele, and that sulindac sulfide may normalize enterocyte growth in these cells.  相似文献   

Despite increasing importance of molecular genetics, electromyography has preserved its place as a valuable tool in the diagnostic procedure of myopathies. Conventional electromyography allows the assessment of spontaneous activity, motor unit action potentials and interference patterns. In myopathies, fibrillations and positive sharp waves can be found in the majority of the cases. Motor unit action potentials are of short duration, low amplitude and may show increased polyphasia and number of satellite potentials. The interference pattern may be of low amplitude and compact already at submaximal contraction. Compared to conventional electromyography, automatic interference pattern analysis provides quantitative results and has the higher sensitivity and specificity. Normal conventional or automatic electromyography does not exclude a myopathy. For diagnostic purposes, electromyography will be followed by muscle biopsy and DNA analysis in most of the cases.  相似文献   

Protein 4.1 is a major protein of the red blood cell skeleton. It binds to the membrane through its 30-kD N-terminal domain and to the spectrin-actin lattice through its 10-kD domain. We describe here the molecular basis of a heterozygous hereditary elliptocytosis (HE) associated with protein 4.1 partial deficiency. The responsible allele displayed a greater than 70-kb genomic deletion, beginning within intron 1 and ending within a 1.3-kb region upstream from exon 13. This deletion encompassed both erythroid and nonerythroid translation initiation sites. It accounts for the largest deletion known in genes encoding proteins of the red blood cell membrane. The corresponding mRNA was shortened by 1727 bases, due to the absence of exons 2 to 12. Nevertheless, this mRNA was stable. It showed a similar pattern in lymphoblastoid cells as in reticulocytes. Differential splicing of exons within the undeleted region remained regulated in a tissue-specific manner. Exons 14, 15, and 17a were absent from both reticulocyte and lymphocyte mRNAs, whereas exon 16 was present in reticulocytes but absent from lymphocytes. Thus, differential splicing on a local scale was not dependent on the overall structure of protein 4.1 mRNA in this particular instance.  相似文献   

Recently, a spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) determining gene, termed survival motor neuron (SMN) gene, has been isolated from the 5q13 region and found deleted in most patients. A highly homologous copy of this gene has also been isolated and located in a centromeric position. We have analyzed 158 patients (SMA types I-IV) and found deletions of SMN exon 7 in 96.8%. Mutations other than gross deletions seem to be extremely rare. In one of the undeleted SMA type I patients, a newborn who survived for only 42 days, we detected a maternally inherited 5 bp microdeletion in exon 3, resulting in a premature stop codon. By RT-PCR and long range PCR amplification we were able to show that the deletion belongs to the SMN gene, rather than to the centromeric copy, and that the proposita had no paternal SMN gene. Analysis of the neuronal apoptosis inhibitor protein (NAIP) gene, which maps close to SMN and has been proposed as a SMA modifying gene, suggests the presence of at least one full-length copy. Haplotype analysis of closely linked polymorphic markers suggests that the proposita also lacks the maternally derived copy of the centromeric homologue of SMN supporting the hypothesis that the severity of the phenotype might depend on the reduced number of centromeric genes in addition to the frameshift mutation.  相似文献   

One of the features expected of the gene trap approach is the functional mutation of a gene, allowing its loss-of-function phenotype analysis. We have mutated the murine microtubule-associated protein 4 (MAP-4) locus by inserting a splice-acceptor gene trap construct. Because the MAP-4 gene has been cloned, sufficient information is available to investigate the efficiency of the gene trap insertion in disrupting the protein-coding region. The fusion mRNA contains the first 905 bases of the MAP-4 mRNA and is expected to code for a truncated, nonfunctional MAP-4 protein missing, among others, the microtubule-binding domain. Activity of the lacZ marker gene of the gene trap construct was observed in all tissues throughout development and in all cells examined in adult animals. However, some cells and tissues showed higher levels of activity than others: for example, blood vessel endothelium, heart, aspects of the developing nervous system, surface ectoderm of embryonic day 11.5 embryos, and the ependymal layer and blood vessel endothelium in adult brain. MAP-4 binds to microtubules and is thought to modulate their stability. It is expressed differentially in different tissues as 5.5-kb, 6.5-kb, 8-kb, 9-kb, and 10-kb mRNA species from a single copy gene in mice. Northern hybridization with a 5', MAP-4-specific probe revealed a 3.3-kb splice variant, which has not been described previously, that was expressed as the most abundant MAP-4 mRNA species in the brain but not in other tissues. Mice homozygous for the reported gene trap insertion in the MAP-4 locus (MAP-4gt/gt) are viable and appear to be phenotypically normal. They exhibited normal levels of all MAP-4 mRNA species in brain and kidney, showing that the simian virus 40-polyadenylation signal of the gene trap construct was ignored and also showing compensation for the gene trap insertion by splicing around the gene trap construct.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Jasplakinolide is a novel natural product anticancer agent which acts by inducing overpolymerization of actin. The aim of the current study was to explore the activity of jasplakinolide with hyperthermia and radiation. METHODS: The response of human PC-3 and DU-145 prostate carcinoma cells and DU-145 xenografts and the response of the Lewis lung carcinoma to jasplakinolide were studied. RESULTS: Jasplakinolide was cytotoxic toward human prostate carcinoma cells, DU-145, PC-3 and LNCaP in culture, killing 1 log of cells with 0.8, 0.3 and 0.07 microM of drug in 24 h, respectively. The combination of jasplakinolide and hyperthermia resulted in primarily additive cell killing by the two modalities in the three prostate carcinoma lines. In combination with radiation, jasplakinolide produced some diminution in the shoulder of the survival curve of normally oxygenated PC-3 cells and was a radiation sensitizer of hypoxic DU-145 cells and hypoxic PC-3 cells. In vivo, jasplakinolide was an active antitumor agent against the Lewis lung carcinoma and the DU-145 prostate carcinoma xenograft. Jasplakinolide was a radiation sensitizer in the Lewis lung carcinoma. Jasplakinolide was also effective against the systemic Lewis lung carcinoma, decreasing lung metastases. Lung metastases were further decreased when jasplakinolide was administered along with radiation to the subcutaneous primary tumor. In the DU-145 tumor, the effects of jasplakinolide and fractionated radiation for 1 or 2 weeks appeared to be primarily additive. CONCLUSION: Jasplakinolide is an interesting new anticancer agent for which further study both as an anticancer agent and in combined modality regimens is warranted.  相似文献   

Sulfite ion (HSO3-) is one of the products when elemental sulfur is oxidized by the hydrogen sulfide:ferric ion oxidoreductase of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans AP19-3. Under the conditions in which HSO3- is accumulated in the cells, the iron oxidase of this bacterium was strongly inhibited by HSO3-. Since cytochrome c oxidase is one of the most important components of the iron oxidase enzyme system in T. ferrooxidans, effects of HSO3- on cytochrome c oxidase activity were studied with the plasma membranes of HSO3(-)-resistant and -sensitive strains of T. ferrooxidans, OK1-50 and AP19-3. The enzyme activity of AP19-3 compared with OK1-50 was strongly inhibited by HSO3-. To investigate the inhibition mechanism of HSO3- in T. ferrooxidans, cytochrome c oxidases were purified from both strains to an electrophoretically homogeneous state. Cytochrome c oxidase activity of a purified OK1-50 enzyme was not inhibited by 5 mM HSO3-. In contrast, the same concentration of HSO3- inhibited the enzyme activity of AP19-3 50%, indicating that the cytochrome c oxidase of OK1-50 was more resistant to HSO3- than that of AP19-3. Cytochrome c oxidases purified from both strains were composed of three subunits. However, the molecular weight of the largest subunit differed between OK1-50 and AP19-3. Apparent molecular weights of the three subunits of cytochrome c oxidases were 53,000, 24,000, and 19,000 for strain AP19-3 and 55,000, 24,000, and 19,000 for strain OK1-50, respectively.  相似文献   

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