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A uni-traveling-carrier photodiode (UTC-PD) is monolithically integrated with a wideband log-periodic toothed antenna for generating millimeter and submillimeter waves at frequencies of up to terahertz range. A module with a quasi-optical output port fabricated for practical use operates up to 1.5 THz and generates an output power of 2.3 /spl mu/W at 1.04 THz with good linearity. The output power level and the operation frequency are records for wideband PD modules operating at 1.55 /spl mu/m. An investigation of the operational characteristics of the UTC-PD reveals that the effective use of the electron-velocity overshoot in the junction depletion layer is important for maximizing the output power in the terahertz range.  相似文献   

本文中,通过引入了流体动力学模型对单载流子光探测器的特性进行了模拟,并对模拟结果做了分析和研究。在此基础上,提出了改进器件的方法,进而得到了一个优化的器件,优化后的器件将带宽提高到了原器件的两倍。  相似文献   

Li Guoyu  Zhang Yejin  Li Xiaojian  Tian Lilin 《半导体学报》2010,31(10):104005-104005-5
Characteristies of a uni-traveling-carrier photodiode(UTC-PD)are investigated.A hydro-dynamic model is introduced which takes into account the electrons'velocity overshoot in the depletion region.which is a more accurate high speed device than using the nodal drift-diffuse model.Based on previOUS results,two modified UTC-PDs are presented,and an optimized device is obtained,the bandwidth of which is more than twice that of the original.  相似文献   

Amann  M.-C. 《Electronics letters》1987,23(17):895-897
The absorption coefficient of an InGaAs PIN photodiode integrated with an InGaAsP-InP waveguide is analysed by means of the mode-matching technique. The results compare excellently to published data for ? = 1.3 ?m. It is shown that by an optimised device structure the absorption coefficient can be increased to about 0.15 dB/?m, enabling reduced detector length and smaller capacitance.  相似文献   

We have successfully fabricated InGaAs edge-coupled photodiodes (EC-PDs) with a light funnel integrated (LIFI) in front of the coupling aperture, called LIFI EC-PD, based on the self-terminated oxide polish (STOP), the crystallographic slope etching of InP, and the self-aligned diffusion (SAD) techniques. The LIFI EC-PD presents not only a lower dark current density (/spl sim/ 4.4 mA/cm/sup 2/) but also a higher responsivity (/spl sim/ 0.4 A/W) than that of the mesa EC-PD (27 mA/cm/sup 2/ and 0.26 A/W, respectively). Furthermore, the thick oxide film serves as the funnel in front of active-region aperture to enhance the coupling efficiency and to lower the bonding pad capacitance down to 50 fF. The lowered bonding pad capacitance can be beneficial in designing a device with a higher transit-time-limited frequency response of beyond 30 GHz. The LIFI EC-PD with a 1-/spl mu/m thick absorption layer exhibits a 3-dB bandwidth of 20 GHz and a responsivity of /spl sim/ 0.4 A/W.  相似文献   

This paper describes an 80-Gb/s optoelectronic delayed flip-flop (D-FF) IC that uses resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) and a uni-traveling-carrier photodiode (UTC-PD). A circuit design that considers the AC currents passing through RTDs and UTC-PD is key to boosting circuit operation speed. A monolithically fabricated IC operated at 80 Gb/s with a low power dissipation of 7.68 mW. The operation speed of 80 Gb/s is the highest among all reported flip-flops. To clarify the maximum operation speed, we analyze the factors limiting circuit speed. Although the bandwidth of UTC-PD limits the maximum speed of operation to 80 Gb/s at present, the circuit has the potential to offer 100-Gb/s-class operation  相似文献   

严琳 《电子设计工程》2012,20(20):115-118
介绍了一种反对称渐变波导微带探针过渡结构,采用高频仿真软件HFSS仿真分析了这个波导微带过渡结构在W频段的特性,并对影响过渡性能的几个因素进行了敏感性分析,得出了可供工程应用参考的设计曲线。在全波导带宽内,实现了插入损耗小于0.088 dB,回波损耗大于27 dB。该结构具有宽频带、结构简单和易加工等优点,可广泛用于毫米波固态电路系统中。  相似文献   

Miyamoto  Y. Hagimoto  K. Kato  K. 《Electronics letters》1994,30(19):1622-1623
The authors report the first optical receiver to use a waveguide pin photodiode as a high-power and high-speed photodiode. Its measured receiver sensitivity of 15 Gbit/s confirms that waveguide pin photodiodes have high-speed potential and flat frequency response under high input powers beyond +10 dBm  相似文献   

In this letter, we developed an analytical equivalent circuit model, which includes the resistance-capacitance-delay time and carrier transport time, to investigate the distinct dynamic performance of the near-ballistic uni-traveling-carrier photodiode (NBUTC-PD). This device, in which the structure of the collector of the UTC-PD is modified, can achieve excellent performance at a 1.55-/spl mu/m wavelength. According to the measured frequency responses of the scattering (S) parameters of NBUTC-PD and detailed device-modeling, the observed significant reduction of the device capacitance and the enhancement of the net optical-to-electrical bandwidth under high-power operation can be attributed to the unique near-ballistic-transport property of the photogenerated electron, which has never been observed in the traditional high-speed high-power photodiode.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on the development of W-band monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) power amplifiers using 0.1-μm AlInAs/GaInAs/InP high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) technology and finite-ground coplanar waveguide (FGCPW) designs. In the device modeling, the Angelov nonlinear HEMT model was employed to predict the large signal performance of the device, and the results were validated by using state-of-the-art vector load-pull measurements. A two-stage single-ended W-band FGCPW MMIC using a 150-μm-wide HEMT as the driver and a 250-μm-wide HEMT for the output stage was designed, fabricated, and tested. The MMIC amplifier demonstrates a maximum output power of 18.6 dBm with 18.2% power-added efficiency and 10.6 dB associated gain at 94 GHz. This result is the best output power to date reported from an InP-based MMIC using FGCPW design at this frequency  相似文献   

A planar waveguide photodiode having a selectively diffused p-n-junction with a simple pseudowindow region has been developed for access network applications. By forming the p-n-junction away from the input facet of the diode, the input facet is kept in neutral under the reverse-bias condition. We expect the facet degradation to be significantly suppressed in this structure. An extremely low dark current of less than 3 pA and sufficient bandwidth of over 4 GHz were confirmed  相似文献   

W-band quartz based high output power fix-tuned doublers are analyzed and designed with planar Schot- tky diodes. Full-wave analysis is carried out to find diode embedding impedances with a lumped port to model the nonlinear junction. Passive networks of the circuit, such as the low pass filter, the E-plane waveguide to strip transitions, input and output matching networks, and passive diode parts are analyzed by using electromagnetic simulators, and the different parts are then combined and optimized together. The exported S-parameters of the doubler circuit are used for multiply efficiency analysis. The highest measured output power is 29.5 mW at 80 GHz and higher than 15 mW in 76-94 GHz. The highest measured efficiency is 11.5% at 92.5 GHz, and the typical value is 6.0% in 70-100 GHz.  相似文献   

黄士法 《激光杂志》1986,7(4):205-208
通过实验,证明了高功率CO2波导激光器输出镜使用砷化镓是必须的,而锗只适用于低功率波导CO2激光器。讨论了透过率与输出功率的关系和谐振腔材料对输出  相似文献   

我们报道了一个三级W波段GaN MMIC功率放大器。考虑到W波段MMIC的耦合效应,所有的匹配电路和偏置电路都是先进行电路仿真以后,再用3D电磁场仿真软件进行系统的仿真。此MMIC功率放大器在频率为86.5GHz下输出功率能达到257mW,相应的功率附加效率(PAE)为5.4%,相应的功率增益为6.1dB。功率密度为459 mW/mm。另外,此MMIC功率放大器在83 GHz到90 GHz带宽下有100mW以上的输出功率。以上特性都是在漏极电压为12V时测试得到。  相似文献   

We have developed a passively mode-locked optically-pumped vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting semiconductor laser (VECSEL) which delivers up to 100 mW of average output power at a repetition rate of 50 GHz in nearly transform-limited 3.3-ps pulses at a wavelength around 960 nm. The high-repetition-rate passive mode locking was achieved with a low-saturation-fluence semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) incorporating a single layer of quantum-dots. The output power within a nearly diffraction-limited beam was maximized using a gain structure with a low thermal impedance soldered to a diamond heat spreader. In addition, we systematically optimized the laser resonator to accommodate for the strong thermal lens caused by the optical pumping. We measured the thermal lens dioptric power and present a numerical model which is in good agreement with the measurements and is useful for optimizing resonator designs. The experimental setup is very versatile and its design and construction are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Single-mode operation beyond 2.05-μm wavelength has been achieved in InGaAs-InGaAs distributed-feedback (DFB) laser with four quantum wells. The continuous-wave output power is 10.5 mW at a drive current of 200 mA and 25°C, The tuning range of the wavelength is between 2.051-2.056 μm with a temperature tuning rate of +0.125 nm/°C  相似文献   

A one-bit digital-to-analog converter architecture is presented that reduces distortion through the use of feedback. The only critical circuit in this architecture is identical to the first integrator of a ΔΣ analog-to-digital converter. All other circuits in the system are embedded in the feedback loop, which reduces the effects of their nonidealities. Special attention was given to the distortion arising from the discrete-time to continuous-time interface. The feedback loop is a conditionally stable system using multipath feedforward compensation. A total harmonic distortion of -110 dB is achieved. The signal-to-noise ratio is 114 dB in 400 Hz, and out-of-band noise is below -50 dB using only one external component. The power consumption is 18 mW from a 5-V supply. Die area is 3.6 mm2 in 0.6-μm DPTM-CMOS technology  相似文献   

The 94-GHz power performance of a 0.25×75-μm doped-channel pseudomorphic heterostructure FET (HFET) is reported. A maximum output power of 32 mW, corresponding to a power density of 0.43 W/mm, was obtained with 15% power-added efficiency and 3.0 dB gain  相似文献   

The bias current tuning of W-band IMPATTs in reduced-height waveguide circuits have been discussed in details. The measured tuning response can be increasing, decreasing or practically insensitive with bias current depending on the device and circuit parameters. The observed results are explaine with a simple device-circuit interaction model.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一款具有较高输出功率和宽调谐频率范围的基波压控振荡器单片集成电路。其制作工艺为fT =170GHz,fmax =250GHz的0.8um InP DHBT工艺。电路核心部分采用了平衡式考毕兹振荡器拓扑,并在后面添加了一级缓冲放大器来抑制负载牵引效应,并提升了输出功率。DHBT的反偏CB结作为变容二极管来实现频率调谐。芯片测量结果表明,VCO的频率调谐范围为81- 97.3GHz,相对带宽为18.3 %。在调谐频率范围内最大输出功率为10.5 dBm,输出功率起伏在3.5 dB以内。在该VCO的最大调谐频率97.3 GHz处相位噪声为-88 dBc/Hz @1MHz。在目前所报道的InP HBT基VCO MMIC中,本文在如此宽的频率调谐范围内实现了最高的输出功率。  相似文献   

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