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BACKGROUND: Acidic beverages may be involved in regulating the cell proliferation of the gastric mucosa. We therefore analyzed the interaction of Coca-Cola consumption and gastric mucosal proliferation by means of flow cytometry. METHODS: Sixteen healthy students agreed to participate in this study. All volunteers underwent an oesophagogastroduodenoscopy after a 12-h overnight fast. Endoscopic changes in the gastric mucosa were determined quantitatively. One day later, after a 12-h overnight fast, all volunteers received standard Coca-Cola (200 ml, pH 2.6, 4 degrees C). One hour later all volunteers again underwent oesophagogastroduodenoscopy, to measure gastric mucosal damage. During both the first and the second endoscopy at least four biopsy specimens were taken from the antrum for flow cytometric analysis. RESULTS: The endoscopic analysis showed that there was no difference before and after Coca-Cola consumption. However, the flow cytometric analysis showed that Coca-Cola inhibited the proliferation index and the S phase. Before Coca-Cola consumption G0/G1: 60 (57-62), G2/M: 0.6 (0.2-1), S: 40 (37-42), and PI: 0.40 (0.38-0.43) and after Coca-Cola consumption G0/G1: 70 (60-73), G2/M: 1.9 (1.2-2.5), S: 28 (26-32), and PI: 0.30 (0.27-0.34) the cell population G0/G1 and G2/M phases were significantly increased (P < 0.0001, 0.0003), and the cell population S and PI phases were significantly low compared with the pre-consumption data (P < 0.0002, 0.0001). CONCLUSION: The cell cycle analysis reflects that Coca-Cola inhibits a crucial event in the cell cycle occurring at the G1/S border.  相似文献   

The methodological issues for measuring colorectal epithelial cell proliferation, an intermediate end point for studies of colon neoplasia, in epidemiological studies are deceptively numerous and complex, with few methodological data available. Accordingly, during our experience with measuring colorectal epithelial cell proliferation from nearly 500 participants attending over 1300 study visits over a 6-year period, we recorded data on a variety of measurement variations. Methods investigated included rectal biopsy technique, general histological and labeling procedures [including the tritiated thymidine, 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd), and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunohistochemical techniques used to label S-phase cells in colonic crypts in rectal biopsy specimens], biopsy scoring procedures, and summary scoring methods. Findings include that the PCNA technique was the simplest, most economical, and least time-consuming. The BrdUrd labeling failure rate was 15% versus < 1% for PCNA. The percentage of labeled cells (labeling index) was highest using PCNA in biopsies processed without prior incubation, intermediate using PCNA in biopsies processed with prior incubation as for BrdUrd, and lowest using BrdUrd. The percentage of labeled cells that were in the upper 40% of the crypt (phi h) was higher using BrdUrd than PCNA; visit-to-visit correlations were higher using PCNA (r = 0.51 versus 0.35), and visit-to-visit variability was lower and between-person variability was higher using PCNA. Intra- and inter-rater reliabilities for the techniques were comparable (PCNA intra-rater r = 0.93, inter-rater r = 0.92). The PCNA technique, compared to the BrdUrd technique, is more feasible and reliable, provides a more accurate estimate of the labeling index, and cell proliferation measures determined with PCNA have statistical properties that are generally more favorable for detecting differences in clinical trials. Thus, the PCNA technique may be preferable to techniques requiring incubation of biopsies. Other methodological findings lead us to recommend that, for larger studies measuring colorectal epithelial cell proliferation on outpatient rectal biopsies, biopsies should be taken 10 cm above the anus using a flexible, preferably jumbo cup, endoscopic forceps through a rigid sigmoidoscope, and histological sections should be 3 microns thick taken 50 microns apart.  相似文献   

Defecography (DG) is a useful method to detect many morpho-functional deformities of anus and rectum and pelvic floor. We report on a clinical and radiologic study of 165 patients (36 men and 129 women) suffering from defecation disorders and rectal muscosal prolapse (RMP). All the patients had been submitted to clinical examination, endoscopy and double contrast enema to rule out organic colorectal conditions. DG was performed with a dedicated conmode and high-density barium and videorecorded on VHS cassettes to assess the dynamics of evacuation phases and to reduce exposure doses. DG showed single RMP in 28% of cases and multiple RMP in 72% of cases; the condition was isolated in 22% of cases, while in 88% of cases it was associated with other anorectal dysfunctions, such as rectocele (65%), perineal descent syndrome (PDS) (15%), puborectal muscle syndrome (14%) and intussusception (8%). RMP appeared at DG as a wall defect bulging into rectal lumen, which was more evident under straining and during barium evacuation. In 12 patients with multiple RMP, dynamic CT of the pelvis was carried out to study the whole pelvic floor and in 5 cases it showed levator ani diastasis. Fifty-eight patients were submitted to surgery by elastic binding of RMP; DG follow-up showed RMP remission in 47 patients, single RMP relapse in 3 patients and multiple RMP relapse in 3 patients. One patient with PDS and intussusception was submitted to rectopexy and mucosectom.  相似文献   

We examined whether troglitazone and pioglitazone, antidiabetic thiazolidinediones, would directly induce endothelial cell proliferation or influence cytokine-driven proliferation in vitro. Monolayers of Balb/c mouse aortic endothelial cells were treated with troglitazone or pioglitazone in the absence of fetal bovine serum. Endothelial cells also were exposed to varying concentrations of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) or insulin with or without either thiazolidinedione. After 48 h, 3-[4,5-dimethylthiozol-2-yl]-2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assays were performed to quantitate endothelial cell proliferation by using the various treatment regimens. The data demonstrate that the antidiabetic thiazolidinediones troglitazone and pioglitazone negligibly affect direct endothelial cell proliferation in vitro. Furthermore, troglitazone and pioglitazone significantly inhibit bFGF-induced endothelial cell mitogenesis, whereas only high concentrations of troglitazone affect insulin-mediated proliferation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The study was designed to investigate the clinical presentation and laboratory findings of anterior rectal mucosal prolapse (ARMP) and to assess the results of two therapeutic modalities. METHODS: Some 162 women with ARMP were assessed clinically and by defaecography and rectoanal manometry before and 1 year after one or two sessions of submucosal sclerotherapy or, in the case of recurrence, after transanal excision of the prolapsing mucosa. RESULTS: Almost all patients reported a combination of symptoms suggesting obstructive defaecation. At defaecography anterior rectocele and excessive perineal descent at straining were present in 78 and 72 per cent respectively. The size of coexisting anterior rectocele and the extent of perineal descent were significantly related to the duration of the disease (P< 0.001). One or, in the event of recurrence, two sessions of sclerotherapy led to an overall success rate of 51 per cent. Improvement after sclerotherapy was associated with partial recovery of anal tone and improvement of anal sampling and rectal sensation. Failure of sclerotherapy was related to rectocele of larger size (P< 0.001) and a longer perineal descent at straining (P< 0.001) than in patients with a successful outcome. Excision of the prolapsing mucosa resulted in symptomatic improvement in 42 of 47 patients and was associated with significant improvement of the defaecographic and manometric findings. CONCLUSION: ARMP is usually associated with anterior rectocele and excessive perineal descent. Submucosal sclerotherapy is successful in half of the cases, but only in the presence of a rather small anterior rectocele and short perineal descent. Failures after sclerotherapy can be treated by transanal excision of the prolapsing mucosa.  相似文献   

Public awareness and misunderstandings of lactose intolerance are at an all-time high. Many people erroneously believe they are lactose intolerant or develop gastrointestinal symptoms after intake of lactose. Consequently, lactose-containing foods such as milk and other dairy foods may be eliminated unnecessarily from the diet. Because these foods are a major source of calcium, low intake of them can compromise calcium nutriture. This, in turn, can increase the risk of major chronic diseases such as osteoporosis (porous bones) and hypertension. This review is intended to help dietetics professionals alleviate clients' fears about lactose intolerance and recommend dietary strategies to improve tolerance to lactose. Scientific findings indicate that the prevalence of lactose intolerance is grossly overestimated. Other physiologic and psychologic factors can contribute to gastrointestinal symptoms that mimic lactose intolerance. Scientific findings also indicate that people with laboratory-confirmed low levels of the enzyme lactase can consume 1 serving of milk with a meal or 2 servings of milk per day in divided doses at breakfast and dinner without experiencing symptoms. Several dietary strategies are available to help lactose maldigesters include milk and other dairy foods in their diet without experiencing symptoms.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 tegument protein VP22 is known to be highly phosphorylated during infection. Here we show that two electrophoretic forms of VP22 can be identified in infected cell extracts and that this heterogeneity is accounted for by phosphorylation. Furthermore, the nonphosphorylated form of VP22 appears to be specifically incorporated into virions. We also show that the phosphorylated form of VP22 is the only form detected during transient transfection and as such that VP22 can act as a substrate for a cellular kinase. Phospho-amino acid and phospho-peptide analyses of in vivo labeled VP22 were utilized to demonstrate that the phosphorylation profiles of VP22 synthesized during transfection and infection are the same. In both cases VP22 was modified solely on serine residues located in the N-terminal 120 residues of the protein. Moreover, in vitro phosphorylation was utilized to show that the constitutive cellular kinase, casein kinase II, which has four serine consensus recognition sites at the N-terminus of VP22, phosphorylates VP22 in the same manner as observed in vivo. This kinase also phosphorylates VP22 at the N-terminus in intact capsid-tegument structures. Casein kinase II is therefore likely to be the major kinase of VP22 during infection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: CD3 and gamma delta cells in the rectal mucosa increase after local instillation of gluten in children with coeliac disease and in half of their siblings. Aim- To establish an in vitro system for assessing immunological changes induced by gluten in the rectum. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Rectal biopsy specimens obtained from 13 treated coeliac children, nine of their siblings, and nine controls were cultured in vitro with a peptic-tryptic digest of gliadin or ovalbumin. CD3 and CD25 cells were counted, and the expression of adhesion molecules evaluated. RESULTS: In the lamina propria of coeliac biopsy samples cultured with gliadin, but not in those from controls, the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) was enhanced, and the number of CD25 cells was significantly higher than in those cultured in medium alone; the density of intraepithelial CD3 cells was also significantly higher. No differences were noted in coeliac biopsy specimens cultured with ovalbumin. A discriminant analysis allowed correct classification of all controls and all coeliacs but one, but three of nine siblings were allocated to the coeliac group. CONCLUSIONS: Our data confirm that gliadin is able to activate cell mediated immunity in the rectal mucosa in coeliac patients and in a subset of their first degree relatives.  相似文献   

To enable a better characterization of pathophysiologic processes in colon and rectum, we have developed a perfusion technique for collection of soluble substances and cells from standardized intestinal segments. A tube with balloons attached to its outer wall was endoscopically introduced into the rectum and sigmoid colon, and its position ascertained fluoroscopically. The balloons delimited two segments, one in the sigmoid colon and one in the rectum. The segments were simultaneously perfused by a buffer at 37 degrees C. After a 30-min rinsing period, perfusate and cells were collected at 20-min intervals. Of 51 attempted perfusions, 45 were successfully completed. Recovered volumes equaled those infused. Leakage from the proximal intestine to the segments was negligible. In 18 healthy volunteers, the mean perfusate concentration from the rectal segment was 57.5 (27.5-120.2) mg/L for albumin, 1.3 (1.0-1.7) micrograms/L for eosinophil cationic protein, 5.1 (2.8-9.5) ng/L for prostaglandin E2, and 61.7 (41.7-89.1) micrograms/L for hyaluronan, and all values were lower in the sigmoid segment. Steady state conditions were achieved from the second perfusion period. The perfusate contained 4-80 x 10(4) cells, more than 95% of which were epithelial cells. The technique is safe, has a good subject compliance, and seems to be a valuable tool in investigations on quantitative release of soluble substances and cells in, e.g., colorectal inflammation.  相似文献   

Milk and dairy products harbour a natural microbial flora and/or other micro-organisms, which vary within the wide range of products available on the French market. The origin of contamination by pathogenic bacteria varies with the type of product and the mode of production and processing. Contamination of milk and dairy products by pathogenic micro-organisms can be of endogenous origin, following excretion from the udder of an infected animal. Contamination may also be of exogenous origin, through direct contact with infected herds or through the environment (e.g. water, personnel). Treatment and processing of milk can inhibit or encourage the multiplication of micro-organisms. The authors describe the relevant aspects of bacterial physiology and ecology, the occurrence of bacteria in dairy products, and the public health significance for each of the principal micro-organisms found in such products. Bacteria most frequently involved are mycobacteria, Brucella sp., Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and enterobacteria (including toxigenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella). At present, systems of testing and surveillance are required for the control of pathogenic bacteria in milk and dairy products, as specified by regulations currently being developed for all countries in the European Union. Preventive measures should take into account the well-established facts concerning the potential microbiological impact of pathogenic bacteria on milk and dairy products. There should be increased recourse to risk analysis methods to assess the threat to the consumer with regard to the presence of pathogenic bacteria in food.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Gastric mucosal blood flow estimation in humans is obtained through an endoscope and the time of measurement lasts only a few minutes. Thinking that long-term monitoring of mucosal perfusion would be a significant contribution to the study of gastric physiology, we registered gastric mucosal blood flow continuously for 24 hours, using single fiber laser-Doppler technology. METHODOLOGY: The study was undertaken in 16 healthy subjects (8 of them had their gastric acidity inhibited with a proton pump inhibitor) and in 8 patients with an endoscopically proven, active duodenal ulcer. A 140 cm-long single fiber laser-Doppler microprobe was positioned through a gastrointestinal tube in the middle of the gastric corpus and the mucosal microcirculation was monitored from 14.00 h until 13.59 h the following day. Data were stored and processed to evaluate the probable circadian rhythms, using maximum entropy spectrum analysis. RESULTS: We found that the daily variations of gastric mucosal perfusion follow a circadian rhythm. The respective patterns with maximum and minimum values were: healthy controls, maximum at 02.00, 10.00, 18.00 h and minimum at 5.30, 14.00 and 22.00 h. Healthy controls treated by a proton pump inhibitor, maximum at 02.00, 07.00, 18.00 h and minimum at 04.00, 12.00 and 22.00 h. Ulcer patients, maximum 07.00 and 21.00 h and minimum at 17.00 and 24.00 h. CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that long-term measurement of gastric mucosal blood flow in conscious humans is feasible and that this factor of gastric physiology follows a concrete circadian rhythm, which is not particularly influenced by acid inhibition, but is completely distorted in ulcer patients.  相似文献   

Spontaneous and experimental changes in arterial blood flow rates affect tissue accumulation in developing arteries. To examine whether cell proliferation and/or cell death are affected by alterations in blood flow, we ligated the left external carotid artery of 3-week-old rabbits, which reduces left common carotid blood flow by 71%. In control arteries and after 2 days of flow reduction, agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA extracted from all carotid arteries resolved multiple low molecular weight bands characteristic of apoptosis; however, DNA fragmentation in arteries carrying reduced blood flow was 2.5-fold higher than that of control arteries. The effect of reduced blood flow on cell death subsequently waned but remained significant at 7 days. Cell death in carotid arteries was also detected by in vivo uptake of propidium iodide, a DNA-binding fluorescent dye that labels the nuclei of nonviable cells. Both smooth muscle and endothelial cells exhibited large and statistically significant increases in labeling index in the flow-reduced artery. Propidium iodide-labeled cells were cleared from the vessel wall within 1 to 4 hours of labeling, and nuclear staining displayed condensation (clumping) of chromatin in all labeled cells at later time points. This time course and nuclear morphology and the rapid clearance of labeled cells are consistent with death via apoptosis. Many propidium iodide-positive cells did not display chromatin condensation immediately after labeling; however, this was also true of cultured endothelial cells that were driven into apoptosis with sphingomyelinase treatment and then double-labeled with propidium iodide and the apoptosis marker annexin V. We infer that propidium iodide can label apoptotic vascular cells before these cells display chromatin condensation that is detectable with fluorescence labeling of DNA. Replication rates of smooth muscle and endothelial cells, determined by 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine uptake, were inhibited by >75% with decreased blood flow. The inhibition of proliferation was unabated after 7 days of reduced flow. These findings indicate that the coordinated regulation of cell death and cell proliferation, in response to changes in arterial blood flow rates, contributes to arterial remodeling during development.  相似文献   

It is known that n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) suppress immunity as compared with n-6 PUFA such as linoleic acid (LA), but the mechanism involved in this phenomenon is still unclear. The present study was designed to assess the effect of dietary DHA on the surface molecules involved in T cell proliferation. Weanling male C57BL/6 mice were divided into four dietary groups that were fed a 10% fat diet for 4 weeks varying in amounts of DHA and LA. As the dietary DHA concentration increased, the surface expression of CD4 and CD8 on splenic T cells decreased, while that of CD28 increased. The surface expression of CD3, however, was invariable in all dietary groups. DNA synthesis of splenic T cells, induced by CD3 crosslinkage with anti-CD3 epsilon monoclonal antibody in the presence of CD28-mediated costimulation, increased as the DHA concentration was elevated. These observations suggest that diets rich in DHA exert some of their immunomodulatory effects by a downregulation of surface expression of CD4 and CD8 and by an upregulation of CD28-mediated costimulatory signal.  相似文献   

The role of mast cells, potential mediators of mucosal immunity and inflammation, was studied morphologically in the rectal mucosa in two acute diarrheal diseases, cholera and shigellosis. Quantitation of mucosal mast cells showed that they were significantly higher in the deeper lamina propria where blood vessels and nerves were more abundant. There was no difference in mast cell counts or degranulation in the mucosa in both groups of patients and controls. Intraepithelial mast cells were decreased in the patients. The prevalence of lipid bodies was significantly higher in mast cells from patients with cholera and shigellosis (P < 0.01). These findings suggest that mast cell populations are more dense around blood vessels and nerves and that inflammatory mediators derived from arachidonic acid metabolites, as indicated by the lipid bodies, are the response of mast cells to the alterations in diarrhea, despite differences in the etiology of diarrhea.  相似文献   

Introduced several decades ago, the dogma persists that cardiac myocytes are terminally differentiated cells and that division of muscle cells is impossible in the adult heart. More recently, nuclear mitotic divisions in myocytes occasionally were seen, but those observations were challenged on the assumption that the rate of cell proliferation was inconsequential for actual tissue regeneration. Moreover, mitoses were never detected in normal myocardium. However, the analysis of routine histologic preparations constituted the basis for the belief that myocytes were unable to reenter the cell cycle and divide, ignoring the limitations of these techniques. We report here by confocal microscopy that 14 myocytes per million were in mitosis in control human hearts. A nearly 10-fold increase in this parameter was measured in end-stage ischemic heart disease (152 myocytes per million) and in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (131 myocytes per million). Because the left ventricle contains 5.8 x 10(9) myocytes, these mitotic indices imply that 81.2 x 10(3), 882 x 10(3), and 760 x 10(3) myocytes were in mitosis in the entire ventricular myocardium of control hearts and hearts affected by ischemic and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, respectively. Additionally, mitosis lasts less than 1 hr, suggesting that large numbers of myocytes can be formed in the nonpathologic and pathologic heart with time. Evidence of cytokinesis in myocytes was obtained, providing unequivocal proof of myocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

Mucosal pH abnormalities are associated with anastomotic dehiscence, ischemia, and malignancy. We postulated that intraluminal pH influences intestinal epithelial motility, proliferation, and differentiation and studied extracellular pHo (7.0-8.5) effects on human (Caco-2) intestinal epithelial motility, proliferation, and differentiation. Mucosal healing was modeled by sheet migration and differentiation by alkaline phosphatase and dipeptidyl dipeptidase specific activity. In parallel differentiation and motility studies, we inhibited proliferation with mitomycin to dissociate indirect mitogenic effects. Intracellular pHi was quantitated using BCECF/AM at varying extracellular pHo and in migrating cells. Motility was maximal at pHo 7.6 and proliferation at 7.2. Each decreased with acidity and alkalinity. By contrast, brush border enzyme activity was lowest at pHo 7.0 and highest at pHo 8.5. pHi was highest at pHo 8.5. Migrating cell pHi was higher than static cell pHi. Thus, extracellular pHo deviations perturb Caco-2 pHi homeostasis and motility. Alkalinity promotes differentiation while acidity induces proliferation and limits differentiation.  相似文献   

The level and nature of the albendazole residues in milk of treated cows were determined as a function of the time of milking (12-h intervals), and the fate of those residues during cheesemaking, ripening, and storage was examined when the obtained milk was used for making Teleme cheese. Ion-pair liquid chromatographic analysis with fluorescence detection showed that the albendazole sulfoxide metabolite reached its maximum (523 +/- 199 micrograms/kg) at the 1st milking and declined below the detection limit by the 4th milking. The sulfone metabolite attained its highest level (812 +/- 99 micrograms/kg) more slowly (at the 2nd milking) and declined below detection limit by the 13th milking. The 2-aminosulfone metabolite, which was present in the milk obtained at the 1st milking, reached its maximum (128 +/- 36 micrograms/kg) at the 3rd milking, and slowly declined to a level below detection limit by the 15th milking. Whey and cheese analysis revealed that about 70% of each major metabolite initially present in milk could be distributed in the whey. The remaining 30% occurred in the cheese at residue levels higher than those initially present in the milk of the 1st or 2nd milking (688 versus 445 or 450 versus 230 micrograms/kg for albendazole sulfoxide; 890 versus 608 or 1502 versus 783 micrograms/kg for albendazole sulfone; 19 versus 15 or 161 versus 105 micrograms/kg for albendazole 2-aminosulfone). Ripening and storage of the cheeses made from milks from the 1st or 2nd milkings results in a decrease of the sulfoxide metabolite (to 225 or 206 micrograms/kg), an increase of the sulfone metabolite (to 1,181 or 1,893 micrograms/kg), and no effect on the 2-aminosulfone metabolite.  相似文献   

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