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[目的]储能是发展新能源、实现碳达峰碳中和目标的基础条件,其中抽水蓄能是最主要的储能方式,但是抽水蓄能依赖地理条件,需要占用大量自然资源,优良的厂址资源十分有限。为了缓解抽水蓄能厂址资源需求与自然资源稀缺的矛盾,提出了一种耦合抽水蓄能的压缩空气储能系统,并从研究思路、概念方案和工程可行性进行分析,从而为抽水蓄能产业发展提供创新解决方案。[方法]围绕提高能量密度,以减小水库容量、降低水库高度差为突破点,运用压缩空气排水的方法,将水泵水轮机替换为压缩机和膨胀机,下库改为封闭结构的承压容器。储能时,压缩机将空气压缩至高压充入下库,并推挤下库内的水至上库。释能时,水从上库返回下库,下库内的压缩空气被推挤出,并经膨胀机释放。这可使相同条件下抽水蓄能的能量转换量提高数倍。为了论证耦合抽水蓄能的压缩空气储能电站的储能效果,设置上、下库高度差300 m,按照低性能和高性能两套设备参数,对40 MW/200 MWh的概念方案进行热力学分析和储能效率计算。[结果]结果表明:在低性能参数条件下,储能效率65.68%,在高性能参数条件下,储能效率70.81%;能量密度1.67 kWh/m3  相似文献   

抽水蓄能技术是目前广泛应用的大规模储能技术之一,传统抽水蓄能技术需要特殊的地理条件建造两个水库,投资成本高、破坏生态环境,并且对淡水资源依赖严重。海水抽水蓄能技术利用海洋作为上水库或下水库,水位变幅小,减少了水库建设及其投资成本,解决了传统抽水蓄能电站对淡水资源的利用问题以及环境破坏问题,对于临海和淡水资源缺乏的岛国和城市具有非常广阔的发展前景。本文介绍了海水抽水蓄能系统的工作原理,全面分析了海水抽水蓄能系统的研究进展和应用情况,总结了开发海水抽水蓄能系统存在的技术与应用问题,并对其应用前景与发展潜力进行了展望,提出海水抽水蓄能系统与可再生能源的耦合将是其近期主要的发展方向。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和电力市场的变化,东北电网峰谷差不断加大,供需矛盾日益尖锐,规划水电开发项目,开发建设抽水蓄能、扩建混合抽水蓄能、扩建机组、实施老旧机组改造,以增加水电装机容量,提高系统调峰能力,满足电力市场需求。  相似文献   

本文结合抽水蓄能中长期发展规划目标要求,对抽水蓄能行业数字化现状及存在问题进行了分析,结合新一代信息技术、现代工业互联网技术和工程数字化技术,提出了抽水蓄能数字化智能电站建设理念,研究出抽水蓄能数字化智能电站总体技术方案,可为抽水蓄能电站全生命周期数字化建设提供参考.  相似文献   

针对我国抽水蓄能电站的运营模式及经营现状,基于南方区域辅助服务补偿实施工作运行情况,提出了基于容量电价、峰谷电价和区域辅助服务补偿机制的抽水蓄能电站市场化运营模式,并进行了可行性计算分析.结果表明,市场化运营模式可实现抽水蓄能电站综合效能的最大化,可确保抽水蓄能的持续发展.  相似文献   

抽水蓄能机组运行过程中,碳刷磨损产生的碳粉会引起污闪、转子一点接地、转子两点接地等故障,也会造成定子绝缘老化等问题.因此需要对抽水蓄能机组开展经常性的碳刷滑环清扫工作.过去由于缺少状态清扫技术,机组启停受优先权控制、季节、系统负荷等影响,因而出现机组过清扫带来的问题和清扫不足带来的运行问题.本文提出抽水蓄能机组碳刷滑环...  相似文献   

提出一种具有更高经济性能的电力生产方式--火力抽水--蓄能发电。火力抽水--蓄能发电是由汽轮机直接带动水泵抽水蓄能,减少了两次能量转换环节,发电效率可提高11%以上。锅炉、汽轮机、水泵都可以按额定容量满负荷运行,得到最高的效率。火力抽水--蓄能发电系统还具有更高的安全性,深度的调峰能力,可以节约冷凝器循环不,建设投资小等优点。  相似文献   

抽水蓄能是当前技术最成熟、经济性最优、最具大规模开发条件的电力系统绿色低碳清洁灵活调节电源,是构建以新能源为主体的新型电力系统的迫切需要,是保障电力系统安全稳定运行的重要支撑,是可再生能源大规模发展的重要保障.开展抽水蓄能在新型电力系统中功能作用的研究分析,对于更好地促进行业政策完善,提升规划建设水平,推动抽水蓄能高质量发展具有重要意义.本文结合新型电力系统的特征和面临的挑战,分析了抽水蓄能在新型电力系统中的基础性调节作用、综合性保障作用和公共性服务作用,认为抽水蓄能本质上是新型电力系统的基本组成部分,并就抽水蓄能高质量发展提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

基于国家提出的"碳达峰""碳中和"的能源转型战略目标,以新能源为主体的新型电力系统加快构建,抽水蓄能在新型电力系统中发挥越来越重要的调节和保障作用.国家发展改革委高度重视抽水蓄能发展,陆续出台了一系列促进抽水蓄能健康有序发展的重要政策,为抽水蓄能健康有序发展创造了有利条件,但关于抽水蓄能电量电价仍有待商榷的问题.本文通过梳理电价相关政策,解读新机制重要作用,重点分析新机制下抽水蓄能电量电价,建议综合考虑新能源消纳、抽水蓄能标杆价、电力市场规则等因素,进一步完善新型电力系统下抽水蓄能电价机制.  相似文献   

采用热经济学分析方法对超临界压缩空气蓄能系统与压缩空气蓄能系统(CAES)的经济性进行分析.系统输入电能以大工业110 kV低谷电价0.309 9元/(kW·h)和燃气价格为2元/m3为例进行计算,利用EES软件进行模拟.结果表明:超临界压缩空气蓄能系统较CAES更为经济有效,可以达到调节电网负荷的目的,且可以提高可再...  相似文献   

The interest in energy storage systems is increasing, since it provides an excellent solution to store the low-cost excess energy from the energy sources, which are available at peak demand hours. This paper presents a new compressed-air storage system that combines ambient air and hydraulic oil, in order to store energy in compressed-air form and benefit from the advantages of both pneumatic and hydraulic systems. The process consists of charging and discharging cycles, however, this paper investigates the discharging cycle, where a new technique of Small-Scale Compressed Air Energy Storage (SS-CAES) system is realised. The new idea in RC-CAHES is to obtain higher efficiency in energy conversion machines during charging and discharging processes with numerous advantages over conventional types of energy storage systems. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of this technique by proving that it has higher efficiency than a similar Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) systems.  相似文献   

论述了国际通信电源及新型分布式电源设备的发展概况,介绍了美国Kahua农场可再生能源储存及试验设备场中的风力提水蓄能电站和水力蓄能UPS电源,并建立了资源分散型水力蓄能UPS/UBS集成电源的简单化设计概念。其运行经验表明:水力蓄能UPS/UBS电源对提高可再生能源供电系统的通信电源的可靠性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper gives a broad overview of a plethora of energy storage technologies available on the large‐scale complimented with their capabilities conducted by a thorough literature survey. According to the capability graphs generated, thermal energy storage, flow batteries, lithium ion, sodium sulphur, compressed air energy storage, and pumped hydro storage are suitable for large‐scale storage in the order of 10's to 100's of MWh; metal air batteries have a high theoretical energy density equivalent to that of gasoline along with being cost efficient; compressed air energy storage has the lowest capital energy cost in comparison to other energy storage technologies; flywheels, super conducting magnetic storage, super capacitors, capacitors, and pumped hydro storage have very low energy density; compressed air energy storage, cryogenic energy storage, thermal energy storage, and batteries have relatively high energy density; high efficiencyin tandem with high energy density results in a cost efficient storage system; and power density pitted against energy density provides a clear demarcation between power and energy applications. This paper also provides a mathematical model for thermal energy storage as a battery. Furthermore, a comprehensive techno‐economic evaluation of the various energy storage technologies would assist in the development of an energy storage technology roadmap. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

抽水蓄能电站过渡过程调节控制计算模型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用阀调节原理,提出了抽水蓄能电站分叉管和并联管道系统过渡过程调节控制计算模型;针对有压瞬变“不可控”系统,首次提出了上游带调压室系统过渡过程限时调节控制和限压调节控制方法,经实例计算验证所提计算模型实用可行。  相似文献   

进/出水口是抽水蓄能电站输水系统的重要组成部分,其水力性能直接关系到抽水蓄能电站的运行和经济效益。利用CFD软件,对某抽水蓄能电站上库四孔侧式进/出水口进行数值模拟计算,模拟其在不同库水位、不同运行工况下的水力特性,包括水头损失、通道中流量分配及流速分布情况。结果表明,该方法得到的数值模拟结果均符合客观规律,与物理模型试验结果具有较好的一致性和精度,可实现对抽水蓄能电站上库侧式进/出水口水力特性的预测,对指导实际工程建设具有一定意义。  相似文献   

作为可再生能源并网的关键技术,可再生能源的高速发展也带动了储能产业的发展和成熟。物理储能技术,发展历史长,技术较为成熟,部分已实现商业化运作;以抽水蓄能为代表,是电网调峰的主力,也在储能市场容量中占据着绝对份额。但无论是传统抽水蓄能,还是压缩空气储能都对环境、地理地质条件有较高的要求,极大地制约了这些技术的普遍推广和应用。因此物理储能也经历着应用模式的变革、传统技术向新兴技术转化的过程。虽然抽水蓄能、压缩空气储能和飞轮储能三种物理储能技术在原理、应用领域、安装容量以及未来发展趋势上各不相同, 但作为战略新兴技术,都需要技术的突破、政策和资金的支持以及更多的市场应用机会。  相似文献   

Y.M. Kim  D.G. Shin  D. Favrat 《Energy》2011,36(10):6220-6233
Energy storage systems are becoming more important for load leveling, especially because of the widespread use of intermittent renewable energy. Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is a very promising method for energy storage because CAES relies on existing technologies, is less expensive, and easier to site and permit, as compared to pumped hydro storage. But, in the case of CAES employing hard rock caverns or man-made air vessels, although the smallest possible cavern volume is desirable in order to minimize the construction cost and optimize utilization of the given space, the operating pressure range in the cavern must be limited in order to reduce the deterioration in efficiency of the CAES system at off-design conditions. In this paper, a new constant-pressure CAES system combined with pumped hydro storage was studied to address the current problem associated with the conventional CAES systems. An energy and exergy analysis of the novel CAES system was performed in order to understand the operation characteristics of the system according to several different compression and expansion processes; we then examined the effects of the height of the storage cavern and heat transfer between two media (air, water) and the cavern on the performance of the novel CAES system.  相似文献   

Simultaneous operation of different energy generation and transmission infrastructures is a subject that has been considered under the concept of energy hub. This subject is highly regarded in the field of microgrids. One of the basic issues for investors is to properly utilize the energy hub for optimally managing energy carriers, especially in the energy price prediction. In the present paper, a new strategy is introduced for the energy hub in order to achieve the optimal performance of a microgrid (MG) that includes different energy carriers for each day. The objective of this strategy is to minimize the operation cost and consider the environmental issues. The proposed energy hub consists of a combined cooling-heating-power (CCHP) system along with a wind turbine and photovoltaic cells. The studied energy hub system is composed of an ice storage conditioner (ISC) system and an energy storage system (ESS) as the energy storage resource (ESR). One of the goals of the present work is to investigate the effect of solar-powered compressed-air energy storage (SPCAES) on the performance of the energy hub. The proposed strategy takes into account the uncertainty of the energy resources such as the wind and sun for meeting the electric, thermal, and cooling needs in different scenarios. In the present paper, to produce various scenarios, the Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) method is used. Also, the k-means method is used to reduce the number of scenarios. The objective function is solved using the modified grasshopper optimization algorithm (MGOA). According to the modeling results, the ESS can exhibit successful performance in the energy management strategy.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to analyze the techno‐economic performance of hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) using batteries, pumped hydro‐based, and hydrogen‐based storage units at Sharurah, Saudi Arabia. The simulations and optimization process are carried out for nine HRES scenarios to determine the optimum sizes of components for each scenario. The optimal sizing of components for each HRES scenario is determined based on the net present cost (NPC) optimization criterion. All of the nine optimized HRES scenarios are then evaluated based on NPC, levelized cost of energy, payback period, CO2 emissions, excess electricity, and renewable energy fraction. The simulation results show that the photovoltaic (PV)‐diesel‐battery scenario is economically the most viable system with the NPC of US$2.70 million and levelized cost of energy of US$0.178/kWh. Conversely, PV‐diesel‐fuel cell system is proved to be economically the least feasible system. Moreover, the wind‐diesel‐fuel cell is the most economical scenario in the hydrogen‐based storage category. PV‐wind‐diesel‐pumped hydro scenario has the highest renewable energy fraction of 89.8%. PV‐wind‐diesel‐pumped hydro scenario is the most environment‐friendly system, with an 89% reduction in CO2 emissions compared with the base‐case diesel only scenario. Overall, the systems with battery and pumped hydro storage options have shown better techno‐economic performance compared with the systems with hydrogen‐based storage.  相似文献   

The electric energy which is generated by wind power plants depends on the wind speed and exceeds with strong permissible wind speed the electric energy requirements of the country. In order not to reduce this electrical energy, it must be stored. The sensible energy storage is currently the pumped storage power plants. As the mountain ranges for conventional pumped storage power plants with drop heights of H 〉 600 m are strictly limited, the development of low potential pumped storage power plants has begun. Increasing the capacity of pumped storage power plants with regard to the wind power plants is urgently needed. In this paper, it is shown using the example of an unneeded port facility, how a port facility can be used after low conversion as a test facility for low potential pumped storage power plants and at the same time for the testing of hydro-kinetic turbines. This type of pump storage power plants does not save the energy due to large drop heights, but primarily due to the large volume flow of water.  相似文献   

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