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Today's business enterprises must deal with global competition, reduce the cost of doing business, and rapidly develop new services and products. To address these requirements enterprises must constantly reconsider and optimize the way they do business and change their information systems and applications to support evolving business processes. Workflow technology facilitates these by providing methodologies and software to support (i) business process modeling to capture business processes as workflow specifications, (ii) business process reengineering to optimize specified processes, and (iii) workflow automation to generate workflow implementations from workflow specifications. This paper provides a high-level overview of the current workflow management methodologies and software products. In addition, we discuss the infrastructure technologies that can address the limitations of current commercial workflow technology and extend the scope and mission of workflow management systems to support increased workflow automation in complex real-world environments involving heterogeneous, autonomous, and distributed information systems. In particular, we discuss how distributed object management and customized transaction management can support further advances in the commercial state of the art in this area. Recomended by: Omran Bukhres and e. Kühn  相似文献   

In keeping with the proliferation of free software development initiatives and the increased interest in the business process management domain, many open source workflow and business process management systems have appeared during the last few years and are now under active development. This upsurge gives rise to two important questions: What are the capabilities of these systems? and How do they compare to each other and to their closed source counterparts? In other words: What is the state-of-the-art in the area?. To gain an insight into these questions, we have conducted an in-depth analysis of three of the major open source workflow management systems – jBPM, OpenWFE, and Enhydra Shark, the results of which are reported here. This analysis is based on the workflow patterns framework and provides a continuation of the series of evaluations performed using the same framework on closed source systems, business process modelling languages, and web-service composition standards. The results from evaluations of the three open source systems are compared with each other and also with the results from evaluations of three representative closed source systems: Staffware, WebSphere MQ, and Oracle BPEL PM. The overall conclusion is that open source systems are targeted more toward developers rather than business analysts. They generally provide less support for the patterns than closed source systems, particularly with respect to the resource perspective, i.e. the various ways in which work is distributed amongst business users and managed through to completion.  相似文献   

Workflow management systems are becoming a relevant support for a large class of business applications, and many workflow models as well as commercial products are currently available. While the large availability of tools facilitates the development and the fulfilment of customer requirements, workflow application development still requires methodological guidelines that drive the developers in the complex task of rapidly producing effective applications. In fact, it is necessary to identify and model the business processes, to design the interfaces towards existing cooperating systems, and to manage implementation aspects in an integrated way. This paper presents the WIRES methodology for developing workflow applications under a uniform modelling paradigm – UML modelling tools with some extensions – that covers all the life cycle of these applications: from conceptual analysis to implementation. High-level analysis is performed under different perspectives, including a business and an organisational perspective. Distribution, interoperability and cooperation with external information systems are considered in this early stage. A set of “workflowability” criteria is provided in order to identify which candidate processes are suited to be implemented as workflows. Non-functional requirements receive particular emphasis in that they are among the most important criteria for deciding whether workflow technology can be actually useful for implementing the business process at hand. The design phase tackles aspects of concurrency and cooperation, distributed transactions and exception handling. Reuse of component workflows, available in a repository as workflow fragments, is a distinguishing feature of the method. Implementation aspects are presented in terms of rules that guide in the selection of a commercial workflow management system suitable for supporting the designed processes, coupled with guidelines for mapping the designed workflows onto the model offered by the selected system.  相似文献   

《Information Systems》2005,30(4):245-275
Based on a rigorous analysis of existing workflow management systems and workflow languages, a new workflow language is proposed: yet another workflow language (YAWL). To identify the differences between the various languages, we have collected a fairly complete set of workflow patterns. Based on these patterns we have evaluated several workflow products and detected considerable differences in their ability to capture control flows for non-trivial workflow processes. Languages based on Petri nets perform better when it comes to state-based workflow patterns. However, some patterns (e.g. involving multiple instances, complex synchronisations or non-local withdrawals) are not easy to map onto (high-level) Petri nets. This inspired us to develop a new language by taking Petri nets as a starting point and adding mechanisms to allow for a more direct and intuitive support of the workflow patterns identified. This paper motivates the need for such a language, specifies the semantics of the language, and shows that soundness can be verified in a compositional way. Although YAWL is intended as a complete workflow language, the focus of this paper is limited to the control-flow perspective.  相似文献   

Fundamentals of control flow in workflows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Although workflow management emerged as a research area well over a decade ago, little consensus has been reached as to what should be essential ingredients of a workflow specification language. As a result, the market is flooded with workflow management systems, based on different paradigms and using a large variety of concepts. The goal of this paper is to establish a formal foundation for control-flow aspects of workflow specification languages, that assists in understanding fundamental properties of such languages, in particular their expressive power. Workflow languages can be fully characterized in terms of the evaluation strategy they use, the concepts they support, and the syntactic restrictions they impose. A number of results pertaining to this classification will be proven. This should not only aid those developing workflow specifications in practice, but also those developing new workflow engines. Received 16 January 2001 / 13 November 2002 This research is supported by an ARC SPIRT grant “Component System Architecture for an Open Distributed Enterprise Management System with Configurable Workflow Support” between QUT and Mincom.  相似文献   

The computing environment in most medium-sized and large enterprises involves old main-frame based (legacy) applications and systems as well as new workstation-based distributed computing systems. The objective of the METEOR project is to support multi-system workflow applications that automate enterprise operations. This paper deals with the modeling and specification of workflows in such applications. Tasks in our heterogeneous environment can be submitted through different types of interfaces on different processing entities. We first present a computational model for workflows that captures the behavior of both transactional and non-transactional tasks of different types. We then develop two languages for specifying a workflow at different levels of abstraction: the Workflow Specification Language (WFSL) is a declarative rule-based language used to express the application-level interactions between multiple tasks, while the Task Specification Language (TSL) focuses on the issues related to individual tasks. These languages are designed to address the important issues of inter-task dependencies, data formatting, data exchange, error handling, and recovery. The paper also presents an architecture for the workflow management system that supports the model and the languages. Recommended by: Omran Bukhres and e. Kühn  相似文献   

Automation of the execution of computational tasks is at the heart of improving scientific productivity. Over the last years, scientific workflows have been established as an important abstraction that captures data processing and computation of large and complex scientific applications. By allowing scientists to model and express entire data processing steps and their dependencies, workflow management systems relieve scientists from the details of an application and manage its execution on a computational infrastructure. As the resource requirements of today’s computational and data science applications that process vast amounts of data keep increasing, there is a compelling case for a new generation of advances in high-performance computing, commonly termed as extreme-scale computing, which will bring forth multiple challenges for the design of workflow applications and management systems. This paper presents a novel characterization of workflow management systems using features commonly associated with extreme-scale computing applications. We classify 15 popular workflow management systems in terms of workflow execution models, heterogeneous computing environments, and data access methods. The paper also surveys workflow applications and identifies gaps for future research on the road to extreme-scale workflows and management systems.  相似文献   

In his paper ??Approaches to Modeling Business Processes. A Critical Analysis of BPMN, Workflow Patterns and YAWL??, Egon B?rger criticizes the work of the Workflow Patterns Initiative in a rather provocative manner. Although the workflow patterns and YAWL are well established and frequently used, B?rger seems to misunderstand the goals and contributions of the Workflow Patterns Initiative. Therefore, we put the workflow patterns and YAWL in their historic context. Moreover, we address some of the criticism of B?rger by pointing out the real purpose of the workflow patterns and their relationship to formal languages (Petri nets) and real-life WFM/BPM systems.  相似文献   

The OCoN Approach to Workflow Modeling in Object-Oriented Systems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Workflow management aims at modeling and executing application processes in complex technical and organizational environments. Modern information systems are often based on object-oriented design techniques, for instance, the Unified Modeling Language (UML). These systems consist of application objects which collaborate to achieve a common goal. Although application objects collaborate in the context of business processes that can be supported by workflow technology, workflow modeling is typically done with proprietary workflow languages. Hence, two separate formalisms are present for modeling application objects and workflows. In this paper we try to remedy this situation by proposing the use of Object Coordination Nets (OCoN) for workflow modeling. OCoN nets provide a seamless integration with UML structure diagrams. The OCoN formalism also helps to deal with all relevant aspects of modeling complex workflow systems in a scalable and consistent manner.  相似文献   

Formal Semantics for Composite Temporal Events in Active Database Rules   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A major thrust of current research in active databases focuses on allowing complex patterns of temporal events to serve as preconditions for rule triggering. Currently, there is no common formalism for specifying the semantics of composite event languages. Different systems have used an assortment of different techniques, including Finite State Automata, Petri Nets and Event Graphs. In this paper, we propose a unifying approach, based on a syntax-directed translation of composite event expressions into Datalog 1S rules, whose formal semantics defines the meaning of the original expressions. We demonstrate our method by providing a formal specification of the Event Pattern Language (EPL) developed at UCLA. This method overcomes problems and limitations affecting previous approaches and is applicable to other languages such as ODE, SNOOP and SAMOS—thus, allowing a more direct comparison across different systems.  相似文献   

Workflow management systems support business processes and are driven by their models. These models cover different perspectives including the control-flow, resource, and data perspectives. This paper focuses on the resource perspective, i.e., the way the system distributes work based on the structure of the organization and capabilities/qualifications of people. Contemporary workflow management systems offer a wide variety of mechanisms to support the resource perspective. Because the resource perspective is essential for the applicability of such systems, it is important to better understand the mechanisms and their interactions. Our goal is not to evaluate and compare what different systems do, but to understand how they do it. We use Colored Petri Nets (CPNs) to model work distribution mechanisms. First, we provide a basic model that can be seen as a reference model of existing workflow management systems. This model is then extended for three specific systems (Staffware, FileNet, and FLOWer). Moreover, we show how more advanced work distribution mechanisms, referred to as resource patterns, can be modelled and analyzed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present OpenCOPI (Open COntext Platform Integration), a Service-Oriented Architecture-based middleware platform that supports the integration of services provided by distinct sources, ranging from services offered by simple systems to more complex services provided by context-provision middleware. OpenCOPI offers selection and composition mechanisms to, respectively, select and compose services provided by different sources, considering applications of both Quality of Service and Quality of Context requirements. It also offers an adaptation mechanism that enables to adapt the application execution due to service failures, service quality fluctuation and user mobility. OpenCOPI allows the definition of applications in a higher abstraction level by the specification of a semantic workflow that contains abstract activities. This paper illustrates the use of OpenCOPI in an application from the Gas & Oil Industry and it also shows the evaluation of the main mechanisms of OpenCOPI: the service selection, composition, adaptation and workflow execution.  相似文献   

As machines and programs have become more complex, the process of programming applications that can exploit the power of high-performance systems has become more difficult and correspondingly more labor-intensive. This has substantially widened the software gap—the discrepancy between the need for new software and the aggregate capacity of the workforce to produce it. This problem has been compounded by the slow growth of programming productivity, especially for high-performance programs, over the past two decades. One way to bridge this gap is to make it possible for end users to develop programs in high-level domain-specific programming systems. In the past, a major impediment to the acceptance of such systems has been the poor performance of the resulting applications. To address this problem, we are developing a new compiler-based infrastructure, called TeleGen, that will make it practical to construct efficient domain-specific high-level languages from annotated component libraries. We call these languages telescoping languages, because they can be nested within one another. For programs written in telescoping languages, high performance and reasonable compilation times can be achieved by exhaustively analyzing the component libraries in advance to produce a language processor that recognizes and optimizes library operations as primitives in the language. The key to making this strategy practical is to keep compile times low by generating a custom compiler with extensive built-in knowledge of the underlying libraries. The goal is to achieve compile times that are linearly proportional to the size of the program presented by the user, rather than to the aggregate size of that program plus the base libraries.  相似文献   

Workflows are a popular means of automating processes in many domains, ranging from high-level business process modeling to lower-level web service orchestration. However, state-of-the-art workflow languages offer a limited set of modularization mechanisms. This results in monolithic workflow specifications, in which different concerns are scattered across the workflow and tangled with one another. This hinders the design, evolution, and reusability of workflows expressed in these languages. We address this problem through the Unify framework. This framework enables uniform modularization of workflows by supporting the specification of all workflow concerns – including crosscutting ones – in isolation of each other. These independently specified workflow concerns are connected to each other using workflow-specific connectors. In order to further facilitate the development of workflows, we enable the definition of concern-specific languages (CSLs) on top of the Unify framework. A CSL facilitates the expression of a family of workflow concerns by offering abstractions that map well to the concerns' domain. Thus, domain experts can add concerns to a workflow using concern-specific language constructs. We exemplify the specification of a workflow in Unify, and show the definition and application of two concern-specific languages built on top of Unify.  相似文献   

Various technologies have been developed to try to realize the ideal of a fully integrated project support environment, including: centralized repositories, complex configuration management systems, process modelling and workflow, cooperating objects. The different approaches have led to a number of partial solutions and it has often proved difficult to integrate two or more of them to give more complete lifecycle coverage or a more complete view. This paper sets out some requirements for support environments for the management of software engineering projects by considering the major elements that constitute such a project and the necessary interactions between those elements.  相似文献   

Academic research has produced many model-based specification and analysis techniques, however, most organisations continue to document requirements as textual statements. To help bridge this gap between academic research and requirements practice, this paper reports an extension to the RESCUE process in which patterns for generating requirements statements from i* system models were manually applied to i* models developed for a complex air traffic control system. The paper reports the results of this application and describes them with examples, the benefits of the approach to the project, and ongoing research to implement these patterns in the REDEPEND modelling tool to make requirements engineers more productive. We review similar work on requirements modelling and expression, and compare our work to it to demonstrate the proposed advance in the state of the art. Finally the paper discusses future uses of requirements generation from model patterns in RESCUE.  相似文献   

The design and implementation of a workflow management system is typically a large and complex task. Decisions need to be made about the hardware and software platforms, the data structures, the algorithms, and network interconnection of various modules utilized by various users and administrators. These decisions are further complicated by requirements such as flexibility, robustness, modifiability, availability, performance, and usability. As the size of workflow systems increases, organizations are finding that the standard server/client architectures, and off-the-shelf solutions are not adequate. We can further see that in the future, very large-scale workflow systems (VLSW) will become more complex, and more prevalent. Thus, one further requirement is an emphasis of this document: scalability. For the purposes of our scalable workflow investigations, we describe a framework, a taxonomy, a model, and a methodology to investigate the performance of various workflow architectures as the size of the system (number of workcases) grows very large.First, this paper presents a novel workflow architectural framework and taxonomy. We survey some example current workflow products and research prototype systems, illustrating some of the taxonomical categories. In fact, most current workflow architectures fall into only one of the many categories of this taxonomy: the centralized server/client category. The paper next explains a performance analysis methodology useful for exploring this taxonomy. The methodology deploys a layered queuing model, and performs mathematical analysis on this model using a modified MOL (method of layers) combined with a linearization algorithm. Finally, the paper utilizes this methodology to compare and contrast the various architectural categories, providing interesting results about performance as the number of workcases increases. Our analytic results suggest that (a) for VLSW performance determination, software architecture is as important as hardware architecture, and (b) alternatives to the client server architecture provide significantly better scalability.  相似文献   

This paper describes a knowledge-based Web Service composition system, called SWIM, which is based on the Service Domain model. Service Domains are communities of related Web Services that are mediated by a single Web Service, called the Mediator Service, which functions as a proxy for them. When a requestor sends a message to the Mediator Service one or more of the related Web Services are selected to dispatch the message and the results returned are aggregated to a single answer to the requestor. Mediator Services can be further composed to more complex Mediator Services that combine several selection and aggregation algorithms among many heterogeneous web services. The system utilizes the X-DEVICE deductive XML rule language for defining complex algorithms for selecting registered web services, combining the results, and synchronizing the workflow of information among the combined web services in a declarative way. In the paper, we demonstrate the flexibility and expressibility of our approach for composing Web Services using several e-business examples, covering most of the workflow patterns found in a comprehensive workflow management system (van der Aalst et al., Distributed and Parallel Databases, vol. 14, no, 1, pp. 5–15, 2003).  相似文献   

Nowadays, one of the major challenges for enterprises is to stay competitive in today's changing market environment. This can be supported by business process models which on one hand are consistent and adequate (requirement #1), and on the other hand can be enacted and operated in an easy, fast, straightforward and integrated way (requirement #2). The CIMOSA architecture provides the basis for business process modelling to fulfil both of the above requirements. It supports the creation of consistent process models and allows to identify almost all the information required for the development of a workflow model. These models can be implemented using one of the commercial workflow management systems. In this paper we present the methodology based on the CIMOSA architecture that we have developed to build a workflow model in ©Lotus Notes for the forecasting and production planning processes in a tiles manufacturing enterprise. The CIMOSA approach has also been used to design the necessary software applications for processing the information of the resulting workflow system.  相似文献   

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